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What Is Body Contouring for Men?

Body contouring for men is only slightly different than body contouring for women. Overall, the goal is the same: improve one’s physical appearance by eliminating excess fat and loose skin and lifting areas that have sagged with time or because of drastic weight loss.

But where women may want to integrate breast augmentation or a breast lift, men may want to address gynecomastia or create more muscular definition. Of course, every patient will have their own unique challenges to address and their own unique surgical experience.

Body Contouring Challenges for Men

The majority of men feel confident when they look confident. But for various reasons, a man’s physical presentation may hold them back from feeling and looking their best.

Body contouring is a plastic surgery strategy that looks at the entire body. It is most often used with patients who have gone through a drastic weight loss.

Whether through lifestyle changes or surgery, when a man loses a significant amount of weight, some parts of their body may not “keep up” or evolve with the loss of fat. Most notably, loose skin can become a problem. Stubborn unwanted fat and sagging breast tissue can complicate things.

Depending on where the excess skin, fat cells, and tissue is located, body contouring procedures can tighten things up and improve a man’s physique.

Common Body Contouring Procedures for Men

Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)

For male patients who have successfully lost a substantial amount of weight, excess skin can be a persistent issue, especially in the abdominal area. Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is likely the best solution.

A tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin and the tightening of underlying muscles. The results not only provide a more sculpted and toned appearance, but many patients may notice improved functionality of their abdominal region.


Liposuction can be particularly beneficial for men who have lost significant weight but still struggle with fat deposits. The procedure targets specific areas where stubborn fat lingers and can be easily incorporated with a tummy tuck and other procedures.

Lipo can be performed most anywhere on the body, but it is ideal for refining body contours on the stomach, upper arms, chest, thighs, and buttocks. When HD lipo is performed, individual muscles can be isolated to create a more defined, athletic appearance.

Fat grafting can also be performed with liposuction. Harvested fat can be relocated to different areas of the body to help emphasize the muscles or change the overall figure.

Body Lifts

Body lifts are body contouring procedures designed to tighten and lift excess skin, fat, and tissue on the upper and lower body. These procedures typically include a combination of techniques to address sagging on the back, flanks, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Arm lifts can also be performed.

Body lifts offer a holistic approach to body contouring, resulting in a tighter and more youthful appearance. Each lift procedure will be catered to the individual.

Gynecomastia Surgery

If you’re interested in body contouring chest for men, gynecomastia surgery is likely what you’re looking for. Liposuction can be performed on the male chest for excess fat. But if you have actual gynecomastia, you may have excess fat and/or excess glandular tissue that must be excised. This will create a more masculine chest you can feel confident about.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Body Contouring?

Body Contouring For MenIf you’ve lost a substantial amount of weight and achieved at or close to a healthy body mass index, this is a good sign you are a candidate for body contouring. Ideal candidates must lead an overall healthy lifestyle, have realistic expectations, and a positive mindset. It’s important to be in good health, and keep in mind that non-smokers are often preferred.

Of course, to know for sure if you are a good candidate for body sculpting, it’s important to meet one-on-one with a board certified plastic surgeon. They will evaluate your unique situation, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable procedures for your specific goals. Some patients may need to have additional testing to ensure they are in good enough health to undergo extensive body contouring surgery.

FAQ: Male Body Contouring

Where can I find body contouring for men near me?

Many plastic surgeons offer male body contouring procedures for men. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. David Sieber performs body contouring procedures for male and female patients.

Do guys do body sculpting?

Yes, men can undergo body sculpting and body contouring just as women do.

What are the benefits of male body contouring?

Men who undergo body contouring after weight loss will see an improved physique with a smoother flatter stomach, a more defined musculature, and less unwanted fat. For extreme sagging skin, body lifts can create a tighter, more youthful appearance.

Is body contouring painful?

The cosmetic procedures required for body contouring do come with more risks and may cause increased pain and a longer recovery. Pain, swelling, and bruising are the body’s natural response to invasive surgery. Fortunately, you should be prescribed pain medication and other techniques to ease your discomfort.

Contact Us to Schedule a Consultation Appointment

Body Contouring Chest For MenWhen you’ve worked hard to lose weight and keep it off, you want your efforts to match your results. But loose skin and stubborn fat can be cumbersome, embarrassing, and even painful. For many men, it’s a sense of discomfort that’s hard to get past. You want to feel proud of your male physique.

If you think male body sculpting may benefit you, we invite you to call and schedule a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.




How Long Does Body Contouring Last?

How long does body contouring last? After significant weight loss and often extensive procedures, patients frequently want to know about the longevity of their body contouring results.

Unfortunately, this can be a difficult subject to address — simply because the nature of body contouring is so individualistic. That is, each body contouring surgical plan is catered to the individual and will inevitably be unique.

What we can discuss is the longevity of most body contouring procedures. And we can also talk about tips and advice on how to maintain your results for as long as possible. But first, let’s take a look at what body contouring is.

What Is Body Contouring?

Enhancing your physique through body contouring, also known as body sculpting, can effectively target stubborn fat, reshape various body areas, and promote skin tightening. Surgical options include procedures such as tummy tucks, lifts, and liposuction.

Who’s an Ideal Candidate?

How Long Does Non Surgical Body Contouring LastIndividuals seeking body contouring procedures should be in good overall health and have maintained a healthy stable weight for a minimum of six months. This is crucial since weight fluctuations can potentially compromise the success of the surgical process.

A consultation with Dr. David Sieber is important in determining your suitability for body contouring. Together, you and Dr. Sieber can create a personalized strategy for addressing any excess skin or unwanted body fat. For safety, those with multiple areas of loose skin should not undergo simultaneous skin removal surgeries.

Dr. Sieber will guide you in creating the safest and most effective surgical plan — one that is tailored to your unique physique, lifestyle, and goals. The ultimate goal is to prioritize the areas of concern that are most significant to you and to strategically combine surgeries that are compatible.

How Long Does Body Contouring Last?

As stated above, this truly depends on multiple factors, including:

  • Your age
  • How much weight you lost
  • Your skin elasticity
  • Your muscle mass to fat ratio
  • How much loose skin you have
  • How much excess fat you’d like to get rid of
  • Your natural body shape and the body shape you want to achieve
  • Your overall health
  • Your unique goals for surgery
  • Your budget

Ultimately, if you choose a qualified, board certified plastic surgeon, create a robust body contouring plan, and, once recovered, maintain a healthy lifestyle and an ideal body weight, your results should be long-lasting.

With that said, it’s also important to remember that the effects of time, gravity, and aging cannot be stopped. As you get older, you will still experience natural skin laxity (loose skin and wrinkles) and, often, a loss of muscle tone and definition.

How Do You Maintain Body Contouring Results?

In order to achieve your body contouring procedure results, it’s important to lead a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet and exercise.

Overall, here are 4 goals to keep in mind in order to enjoy the benefits of body contouring for as long as possible:

1. Complete your family prior to surgery.

Most plastic surgeons recommend that women be finished having children prior to undergoing a body sculpting treatment. This is generally because pregnancy after surgery may diminish your surgery results — not because a pregnancy would be unsafe.

2. Exercise regularly.

Regular cardio and strength training exercise can help to maintain lasting results after your surgical treatments. Experts recommend getting at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise at least three times per week. Exercise is particularly good for maintaining good muscle tone and keeping the development of excess skin at bay.

3. Eat a healthy diet.

The target fat cells you have removed via liposuction will be permanently gone, but the cells that remain can still grow if you consume an unhealthy diet for a long period of time. Eat a balanced diet full of plenty of protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. Avoid or limit alcohol, saturated fats, and sugar-laden foods.

4. Take care of your mental health.

Finally, don’t forget about your mental health after undergoing cosmetic surgery. It’s also important to ensure you reduce your overall life stress and maintain good mental health. Get plenty of sleep, and do not engage in dangerous vices such as smoking, drugs, or excess alcohol use.

FAQ: Body Contouring Longevity

Is body contouring long term if you’re a weight loss patient?

It can be. It depends mostly on what body sculpting treatments you undergo and how well you maintain your results.

If you undergo a body lift, tummy tuck, and/or liposuction to reduce loose skin and stubborn fat pockets, you’ll need to lead a healthy lifestyle and stay at a stable body weight to maintain your results.

How often should you do body contouring?

For most patients who would benefit from a body contouring procedure, your plastic surgeon will develop a surgical plan for your unique needs and goals. If you decide to move forward with this plan, depending on your situation, you may require one or more surgeries (with each surgery including one or more individual procedures) in order to achieve your results.

At this point, some patients may wish to have additional body sculpting treatments performed in the future. But the initial goal should be to address most or all of your issues with one robust plan.

How long does non surgical body contouring last?

This depends on the non surgical body contouring treatment being used. There are numerous non invasive body contouring treatments available, from CoolSculpting to Kybella, and all will have different prospective outcomes when it comes to longevity. Speak with your surgeon to learn more about maintaining your results.

How long does laser body contouring last?

Most laser body contouring treatments can achieve lasting results as long as you maintain a healthy body weight. Extreme weight fluctuations can cause the tightening and slimming effects of these treatments to disappear.

Call Today to Set Up Your Consultation

How Long Does Laser Body Contouring LastAre you ready to take your weight loss journey to the next level with body contouring? Surgical body contouring procedures can change the entire way your body looks and feels. Body contouring after weight loss can help you keep moving toward your ultimate goal of confidence and self-assurance, building on all of the hard work you’ve put in to lose weight and get fit.

Feel proud of the body you’re in. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber. Dr. Sieber has helped thousands of patients in the San Francisco Bay Area achieve their aesthetic goals with body contouring. Call today to set up your appointment.




What Is the Most Common Breast Lift Incision Type?

The breast lift incision type you choose is basically the location where your plastic surgeon places cuts to excise excess skin, fat, and tissue from the breast. Wherever these incisions are, scars will form. Fortunately, scars from each breast lift incision opening should not be too noticeable after several months — and especially after several years — because they will fade and flatten with time.

So, what’s the most common breast lift incision type?

Before we can answer this question, we must first provide a brief overview of the four main breast lift incision options available to you.

Basic Overview of Breast Lift Incision Types

#1 – Crescent Breast Lift Incision

The crescent breast lift incision is a subtle yet effective technique used in breast lift procedures. It involves making a small incision along the upper half of the areola.

This method is ideal for patients with minor sagging issues as it provides only a slight lift. But even though it may not provide dramatic results, it’s a suitable choice for those looking for a slight enhancement — and with minimal scarring.

#2 – Donut Breast Lift Incision

The donut breast lift incision — also known as the periareolar incision when performed with breast augmentation — encircles the outside of each areola. This approach is popular for patients who have moderate breast sagging and who are seeking an improved overall breast shape.

In addition to getting rid of excess breast skin and breast tissue, this type of breast lift procedure also allows your surgeon to reposition the nipple and reduce the size of the areola if needed. Each incision encircles the areola, but they typically heal well so that the breast lift scars are not highly noticeable.

#3 – Lollipop Breast Lift Incision

The lollipop breast lift incision combines two incisions: one around each areola and a vertical incision extending from each areola to the breast crease. The result appears in the shape of a lollipop.

This surgical procedure is effective for breast lift patients who have moderate to severe sagging breasts. While there is more scarring compared to the previous two techniques, this method does provide better reshaping and lifting results than the crescent and donut methods.

#4 – Anchor Breast Lift Incision

Breast Lift Incision Not HealingLastly, the anchor breast lift incision — also called the Wise pattern incision — is the most comprehensive approach to sagging breasts. It involves three incisions on each breast: one around the areola, one made vertically from the areola to the breast crease, and one made horizontally along the breast crease (inframammary fold).

This method is suitable for patients with severe breast sagging. It provides the most dramatic lift and reshaping results. And while the scarring is more noticeable, it typically becomes less noticeable as time passes. Incidentally, the anchor incision pattern can also be used with a breast reduction to remove excess fat, tissue, and skin, effectively reducing the overall size of the breasts.

What’s the Most Common Breast Lift Incision?

The most common breast lift incision technique is likely the lollipop incision, though it always depends on the individual patient.

The truth is that for most patients, the lollipop incision strikes a good balance between effectiveness and minimal scarring. So, patients can achieve a substantial lift of the underlying breast tissue while removing excess skin and emphasizing the patient’s own natural breast contours.

What Does a Breast Lift Incision Look Like?

The appearance of a given breast lift incision will vary depending on the technique and incision pattern that is used.

The crescent incision results in a small scar along the upper areola. The donut incision encircles the areola. The lollipop incision involves a circular incision around the areola and a vertical line to the breast crease. The anchor incision is the most extensive, with three incisions around the areola, vertically to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease.

As far as scarring goes, most incisions will appear bright red or pink as they initially heal. Then, they will fade to a lighter pink, and then a soft white, over time. Patients will darker skin may notice their scars fade to a darker shade than their natural skin tone.

But in order for proper healing to occur, patients must attend to their incisions carefully, care for their scars by applying the required compression garments and or silicone gels or sheets, avoid the sun, and have patience. With proper care and attention, most scars from plastic surgery procedures like breast lifts will fade and flatten out nicely.

FAQ: Breast Lifts & Breast Lift Incisions

How long do breast lift incisions take to heal?

The average breast lift incision healing time is around two to four weeks initially. It’s essential to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions closely during this time.

Is the incision painful after breast lift surgery?

Amidst the breast lift recovery time, some discomfort and pain should be expected, especially over the first few days. Your surgeon can prescribe pain medication to manage this, and it should improve as time goes on.

What if my breast lift incision is not healing?

A breast lift incision not healing is a sign that something is wrong. If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as excessive redness, swelling, discharge, or signs of infection, it’s crucial to contact your surgeon immediately to address the issue and prevent complications.

How much does a breast lift cost?

The cost of a breast lift will ultimately vary depending on where you have surgery, who performs it, and whether you add additional procedures. You must consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon for an accurate cost estimate that is tailored to your specific needs.

Call Today to Set Up an Appointment

Breast Lift Incision OpeningInterested in scheduling a breast lift consultation to learn more?

When deciding on the best incision type for your breast lift surgery, it’s best to work directly with your plastic surgeon. Ensure you choose a board certified surgeon with long-term experience performing breast lifts.

Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber has extensive breast lift experience and can help you make the ideal breast lift incision choice for your goals and anatomy. Call today to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.



Liposuction for Men is on the Rise

Men are not traditionally viewed as people who “need” cosmetic surgery. For many years, the common refrain was that if men could not slim down and tone up by routine approaches like diet and exercise, then that was that. Despite the myth that it is acceptable for men to “let themselves go” while only women are expected to keep it together, more and more men have spoken out that they, too, would like to look their best.

The issue is more than skin-deep, too. In recent years, “male body-image dissatisfaction has tripled in the last 25 years, from 15% of the population to 45%.” This can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as restrictive diets, anorexia, bulimia and more. Many men, while they don’t turn to harmful behaviors, simply feel a lack of confidence or serenity that disrupts their everyday functioning.

It doesn’t have to be like that. The upside is that as men increasingly recognize this problem, more and more see no reason why they shouldn’t turn to the same methods that women do. Especially, methods such as liposuction for men.

What Is Male Liposuction?

Male liposuction is the same body contouring procedure that is done on women. “Liposuction, also called lipoplasty, liposculpture suction, lipectomy, or lipo, is a type of cosmetic surgery that breaks up and ‘sucks’ excess fat from the body. It is often used on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper and backs of the arms, calves, and back.”

How does it work? “The fat is removed through a hollow instrument, known as a cannula. This is inserted under the skin. A powerful, high-pressure vacuum is applied to the cannula.” The fat flows through this vacuum, is collected and disposed of. Because fat cells do not reproduce in the body, the result is that you not only have less fat, but you have fewer storage sites for future fat collection.

Liposuction for MenWhat Do the Trends Say?

The trends might surprise you. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were almost 16 million cosmetic procedures performed in 2018. About 14 million of those are minimally invasive (e.g. Botox injections or microdermabrasion), while about 1.6 million of them are invasive surgical procedures – the heading under which male liposuction falls.

Of those totals, men received 214,000 surgical procedures and roughly 1.1 million minimally invasive ones. That’s a total of about 1.3 million procedures overall. That means that more than 8 percent of procedures are now performed on men. The statistics for invasive procedures (like liposuction) are even higher: nearly 13 percent. As for male liposuction itself, about 11.5 percent were men. Total men received nearly 30,000 liposuction procedures in 2013.

The takeaway: This is no longer an exception. Men now routinely turn to body countouring procedures like these to regain the bodies of their youth. In fact, these procedures even have cute names now: just like a Mommy Makeover, we now have the Daddy Do-Over!

What Is Involved in a Liposuction for Men Procedure?

Your board certified plastic surgeon will tell you that typically the plastic surgery is carried out under anesthesia. In pure male liposuction surgery, doctors make an incision, insert the cannula and remove the fat before suturing the spot back together. In some cases, they may need to make multiple incisions. Men can choose to get liposuction on bellies, love handles, breasts or thighs.

Many men, however, choose to combine multiple procedures. For instance, a full abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” is often combined with male liposuction. This is when the physicians not only remove fat cells but also, by way of a tummy tuck, remove flaps of skin and muscle, pulling the remaining tissues together and suturing them in place. This creates a tighter appearance overall, makes muscles more apparent and returns the physique to a slim, streamlined form.

Because men have greater skin elasticity than women, it is often easier for them to maintain the integrity of muscles and other tissue even after they have gained lots of weight. So for you, it may not be necessary or desirable to combine with abdominoplasty. That’s something to ask your physician about.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Again, while historically women are viewed as the main – if not the only – targets of the cosmetic surgery market, liposuction for men is now a target as well. That means that anyone who is male and wants to see improvements in stubborn parts of their body is now a good candidate, provided they meet several other health measures as well. These include:

  • People who have reached the limits of their progress through a healthy diet and exercise, and are frustrated by stubborn fat deposits
  • People who are in good physical condition
  • Men who don’t smoke, or who can at least commit to quitting for a month before and after the procedure to allow the body to heal properly

Questions and answers

Is liposuction worth it for men?

Because men’s skin maintains elasticity for a longer period compared to women, the underlying fat is firmer, rendering male liposuction an exceptionally efficient technique for body contouring.

What does liposuction do for men?

Liposuction offers men an effective solution to eliminate persistent pockets of subcutaneous fat that impede their desired youthful and toned appearance. This procedure involves the insertion of a small tube into the body to suction out fat, resulting in a slimmer and sculpted physique.

How painful is liposuction for men?

During your liposuction procedure, you will be under general anesthesia, ensuring you won’t experience any pain. Any discomfort during the recovery phase can be effectively managed with either prescribed or over-the-counter medications.

How much weight can a man lose with liposuction?

If you have already reached your target weight, liposuction typically results in a fat loss ranging from one to three pounds. However, if you haven’t reached your goal weight yet, it might be safe to expect a loss of around 10 to 11 pounds through liposuction, depending on your body mass.

What is Vaser Liposuction for men?

Vaser Liposuction for men offers exceptional contouring possibilities. This advanced technique is a kind of ultrasound assisted liposuction that enables thorough fat removal, revealing underlying muscles.

How much does liposuction for men cost?

Male liposuction cost is comparable to other liposuction cost. The starting cost for a single area is consistent, while full-body liposuction and contouring can vary significantly

Book Your Consultation

If that sounds like you, there’s a good chance you’re a candidate for male liposuction. Before you commit to the procedure, however, it’s smart to set up a consultation with an expert such as San Francisco Plastic Surgeon Dr. Sieber. We’ll walk you through the procedure, offer a San Francisco liposuction consultation of your options and help you understand which is best for you. All you have to do is get in touch today!


*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Are You a Candidate for Male Liposuction?

In 2019, over 265,000 liposuction procedures were performed in America, and roughly 30,000 of those procedures were performed on men. While facial procedures like neck lifts and eyelid rejuvenations are still the most popular cosmetic surgeries for men, male liposuction consistently comes in at a close third and is slowly making its way toward the top.

With its near-instant ability to reshape the abdomen and other “problem areas” to its subtle, almost invisible scars, a liposuction procedure is an excellent procedure for men who just need one extra boost to top off their attractive physique.

If you’ve tried everything from a strict healthy diet to rigorous exercise regimens, and you still can’t seem to get rid of small pockets of stubborn fat, then liposuction for men may be just what you’re looking for. Use the following guide to find out if you might be a good candidate for male liposuction.

First, however, let’s define what the liposuction procedure is and what the procedure aims to do.

What Is Male Liposuction?

Liposuction surgery (also called “lipo”) is a cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted pockets of excess fat by using a cannula (thin hollow tube) to agitate the excess fat beneath the skin and suck it out. The procedure is safe, effective, and long-lasting as long as the patient maintains a healthy weight after their plastic surgery.

Male liposuction can be performed on many different areas of the body, including the:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Flanks (“love handles”)
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Calves
  • Ankles
  • Upper arms
  • Chin/neck area

If you are interested in male liposuction, you can expect an outpatient procedure and a recovery period that will last several months. While most patients are able to return to work within several days, it may take one to two weeks before you can return to a regular exercise routine and up to three months to see all of the swelling go down. The majority of patients achieve their final results within three to six months after plastic surgery.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Male Liposuction?

This is the first question most people ask, and it’s a good one.

Most of us, at one time or another, have struggled with excess fat on our bodies. But does that mean that anyone with a few pounds to lose should get liposuction?

Not necessarily.

In fact, it’s important to keep in mind that male liposuction is not a “weight loss solution.” The core purpose of liposuction for men is to get rid of stubborn fat deposits — that is, fat that doesn’t seem to budge despite your most concerted efforts to drop it with diet and exercise. Sometimes, our bodies simply retain fat cells in undesirable areas (usually, the abdomen, hips and thighs, upper arms, etc.). Liposuction for men is a body contouring procedure that targets subcutaneous fat resulting in a more pleasing figure.

A board certified plastic surgeon will tell you if you have this type of fat lurking around, lipo could be a good option for you. Generally speaking, we say that if you are within 10 lbs. of your goal weight, a liposuction procedure can help get rid of those last few pounds of stubborn fat deposits. Liposuction for men is an effective body contouring procedure that is growing in popularity year after year. Otherwise, if you have more to lose, we recommend continuing with your exercise and diet regimen in order to get to that 10-lbs.-to-goal-weight mark. At that point, we can book your consultation appointment and go from there.

Of course, there are additional requirements you’ll need to meet as well. In order to be a candidate for male liposuction, you also must:

  • Be in good overall physical health: No ongoing infections, serious medical conditions or treatments
  • Have realistic expectations: Be balanced — not a perfectionist — about what you expect from liposuction for men
  • Be a non-smoker: Smoking can exacerbate the potential risks of surgery and your recovery; if you do smoke, talk to Dr. Sieber about your options
  • Have relatively good muscle tone and elastic, firm skin

Know if You Qualify

Male LiposuctionUltimately, the best way to know if you qualify for male liposuction is to book a consultation.

During this appointment, you should be prepared to discuss a range of things, from your medical history to what your surgical goals are. Liposuction for men has been growing in popularity, your surgeon will be able to answer any of the questions you have.  Coming prepared for and knowledgeable about the procedure is always helpful. Dr. Sieber will ask you a range of questions, from what medications you are currently on to whether you take any supplements or vitamins and how often you exercise.

You should be ready to talk about any medical conditions you have or have had in the past, and be sure to mention any previous surgeries you’ve undergone. Don’t leave anything out, and be completely honest so that he can ensure that this procedure will be safe and effective for you.

At the same appointment, he will give you a short physical evaluation, assessing your overall health and physique. Most of the time, photographs will be taken so that you can see the effects of the procedure in a liposuction before and after side-by-side photos.

Lastly, Dr. David Sieber will explain your options and make a recommendation on the best course of action for you. He’ll also discuss the risks and rare, but potential complications of liposuction for men.

Questions and Answers

You started this journey by entering “what’s the best San Francisco liposuction near me?” into Google. But now you’ve got more questions to ask.

In fact, asking the right questions is the best thing you can do as a potential candidate for male liposuction. You should ask questions at your consultation appointment, before your surgery, after your surgery, and during your recovery.

Here are some to keep in mind as you prepare for your consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber. We recommend bringing a notepad with you, and writing these questions inside, following each one with some space where you can take notes when the doctor’s talking.

Where’s the best place for me to get liposuction?

Liposuction frequently targets the waist and flanks, commonly referred to as “love handles.” Many individuals find it exceptionally challenging to eliminate these areas and achieve their desired contours solely through diet and exercise.

Where will my surgery be performed?

Liposuction is a versatile procedure that can be performed on nearly any body part. The neck, arms, abdomen, love handles, and thighs are the most frequently requested areas. These regions often accumulate weight easily and harbor stubborn fat resistant to exercise.

What should I expect from recovery?

Following liposuction, the treated area will be wrapped to minimize swelling, bruising, and discomfort. This wrap could be a compression garment or elastic bandages. Typically, you might need to wear it for 3 to 4 weeks. In cases where fat was removed from your calves or ankles, wearing support hose for approximately 6 weeks might be necessary.

For how long will I need to take off from work or school?

Most individuals can resume work after a two-week recovery period. However, if your job is physically demanding, it might be wise to take extra time off for a more complete recovery. It’s important to note that you’ll still need to wear your compression garments during this extended recovery period.

Will I have pain or discomfort after surgery?

After effects of the local anesthetic subside following surgery, you might experience moderate pain and soreness. Approximately 3 to 5 days after the surgical procedure, your garments will be taken off, and a physician will examine your incision. Following this, we encourage patients to gently massage the area as the swelling gradually reduces in the coming months.

What type of scarring should I expect?

Should you develop scarring after liposuction surgery, it will typically manifest as a tiny mark resembling a freckle. In the majority of instances, a scar of this size will gradually diminish over the next six months until it becomes barely perceptible. Occasionally, there might be hyperpigmentation at the site of the incision.

Are there things I can do to reduce the appearance of scars?

Once the incisions have completely healed, consider applying silicone gel sheets. Even after the skin has healed, liposuction scars might remain noticeable. Silicone gel sheets offer a highly effective solution to enhance the appearance of these scars. They work by optimizing skin hydration, significantly improving the overall outcome.

When will I start to see my results?

You can expect to see your final results results between 4 – 12 weeks after surgery.

Does liposuction for men cost the same as liposuction for women?

There is no comparative difference between male liposuction cost and the cost of lipo for women.

How is liposuction different than a tummy tuck?

Liposuction for men is a cosmetic surgery that targets fat deposits while a tummy tuck is a surgery that focuses on excess skin around the abdomen.

 Book Your Appointment Today

Dr. Sieber is one of the only double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to his many degrees, honors, and accolades, he is an extremely skilled board certified plastic surgeon with vast experience and a wonderful bedside manner.

By performing thousands of procedures for his many patients, Dr. Sieber has helped countless individuals improve their appearance and feel better about themselves.

Are you ready to find out if you’re a good candidate for male liposuction in San Francisco? Contact us today to book your consultation appointment.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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