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5 Tips for Your Breast Lift Recovery Time

After breast lift surgery, patients are so eager to see their results that it can be difficult to endure the breast lift recovery time. Still, the recovery period after mastopexy (breast lift surgery) is critical for achieving optimal results.

Below are some tips to keep in your back pocket as you approach your surgery date and plan for your breast lift recovery. But first, let’s take a look at what you can expect during the days and weeks following your mastopexy.

What to Expect During Breast Lift Recovery

Breast Lift Surgery Recovery TimeAny breast surgery will require some downtime after the procedure — whether it’s a breast lift, breast augmentation with breast implants, breast augmentation fat transfer, breast reduction, or breast reconstruction. This is why it’s important to take an appropriate amount of time off from work or school. That way, you can get plenty of rest, give your body time to relax, and focus fully on your recovery.

Moderate pain is to be expected after your breast lift procedure. We can provide you with a pain medication prescription to ease the discomfort. The areolae and breast skin may be sensitive to the touch, and you may also experience some numbness. Most patients can stop their medications a few days after their breast lift procedure.

Other symptoms after breast lift surgery include swelling and bruising. You will be put into a surgical bra directly following your procedure, which you should wear as directed to optimize your breast lift results, encourage the drainage of fluid, and minimize swelling.

Sometimes, drainage tubes are initially used to reduce fluid buildup. Ultimately, swelling may linger for about six weeks or longer.

It is important to refrain from exerting yourself physically for about two weeks after breast lift surgery. Do not lift anything heavy, run, or perform any type of rigorous activity. Do try to reduce your stress load, and get extra sleep. Cosmetic surgery, like any other surgery, requires your immune system to be in good shape during the recovery period — and that means more sleep and less stress.

Top Tips During Recovery Time for Breast Lift Surgery

During your breast lift, your surgeon will remove excess skin and breast tissue and move your sagging breasts higher up on your chest wall. The nipples and areolae are often repositioned as well, and fat from elsewhere on your body may be transferred to the breasts for a modest augmentation.

Breast lift surgery is typically a very safe and highly effective surgical procedure. If your breasts sag after multiple pregnancies, significant weight loss, or for genetic reasons, this procedure may be for you.

Throughout your breast lift recovery timeline, the following tips can help make you more comfortable and will also aid in optimizing your results.

1 – Prepare for recovery ahead of time. 

The best breast lift patients take steps to improve their recovery time before they have surgery. 

This means setting up a meal delivery service or freezing meals at home, stocking up on bottles or cans of water and healthy snacks, and arranging for help with children and pets. Waiting until the last minute to do these things can add undue stress to your recovery experience.

2 – Wear your surgical bra.

The surgical bra that you are put in after your surgery will need to be worn to protect your incision areas and reduce swelling and fluid buildup. It will also help your breast tissue adhere in the new position during the healing process. After wearing a surgical bra for a while, most patients can transition to a snug, non underwire bra, ideally with a front closure. 

3 – Keep your incision sites clean and dry. 

Recovery Time For Breast LiftKeeping your incisions clean and dry and not straining or putting tension on them will help you recover faster and better. At first, you will not be able to get your incisions wet at all. Once you are cleared to shower, you should be sure to gently get them wet, then pat them dry and protect them with the appropriate coverings for optimal healing. 

4 – Know the signs of complications. 

It is very rare to experience complications after breast lift surgery. However, it’s also good to know what to look for should you experience any of the telltale symptoms. 

Basically, you should be on the lookout for incisions opening up or becoming extremely red and irritated. You should also watch yourself for signs of fever, uncontrolled bleeding, ongoing pain that does not subside, shortness of breath, or any other signs of infection or blood clot.

Again, these signs are very rare, but being prepared is wise.

5 – Be patient.

At the end of the day, full recovery from breast lift is a long game. While much of your results will be seen in just a few weeks, it can take up to a year to completely heal and see scars fade.

For this reason, it’s important to be able to wait and have faith that your full results will come with time. Every day, you’ll get a little stronger, and your new breasts will look and feel more and more comfortable and attractive.

Contact Us Today to Set Up a Consultation

Have more questions about breast lift surgery? We’re here to help — whether it’s related to recovery or surgery prep, or perhaps deciding between a breast lift vs breast augmentation or a breast lift vs breast reduction

We’ll be with you every step of the way. It all starts with your consultation visit.

At your visit, you’ll get a chance to outline your goals for surgery, go over your medical history and candidacy for the procedure, and learn more about your options. We’ll also discuss more about how to prepare for surgery and what to expect during your breast lift surgery recovery time.

Contact us today to schedule a private consultation visit with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



Body Contouring Following Massive Weight Loss

Shedding a substantial amount of weight represents a significant accomplishment, deserving congratulations for your dedicated efforts.

Yet, for numerous individuals who have reached this milestone, the journey doesn’t conclude once the fat is shed.

Notably, a common and vexing aftermath of significant weight loss is the surplus skin that remains. This tends to manifest predominantly in regions such as the lower abdomen, breasts, arms, thighs, and buttocks. The presence of excess skin following substantial weight loss primarily stems from the skin’s expansion during initial weight gain.

Whether an individual will have a large amount of excess skin after weight loss depends on a number of factors — from what their peak weight was and how quickly they lost the weight, to what they did to achieve the lost weight and their overall genetic makeup.

Sometimes, it can feel up to chance. For example, someone who may have 150 or more pounds to lose may not end up with any excess skin of note, while someone else who lost 50 to 75 pounds may unfortunately end up with extra skin on the arms, abdomen, hips, and legs.

Excess skin after massive weight loss is something that many people experience, but the good news is, there are cosmetic body contouring procedures that can help alleviate some of the symptoms of this common challenge.

“Weight loss surgery” as a general term generally refers to body contouring procedures that trim excess skin and, in some cases, use liposuction to reduce stubborn fact that is difficult to lose through diet and exercise.

Up ahead, we’ll go over what a body contouring procedure entails, how to know if you’re a good candidate for a body contouring after weight loss procedure, and how to move forward if you’re ready to learn more and possibly schedule a body contouring surgical procedure yourself.


Body contouring surgery refers to a range of surgical procedures, all of which are the goal of reducing excess skin and tightening and smoothing the overall appearance of the body.


The tummy tuck procedure (abdominoplasty) reduces excess skin and some excess fat on the abdomen and abdominal muscles as well as tightens the muscles of the stomach.

Body Contouring after weightlossTHIGH Lift AND ARM LIFTS

Thigh and arm lifts also remove excess skin and tissue to give the upper legs and upper arms a smoother, tighter appearance. These body contouring procedures use liposuction and skin tightening techniques.


Many women who have gone through significant weight loss are unhappy that their breasts have lost fat and volume and appear to sag and droop. The nipples may point downward instead of directly out or even upward as they once did.


In the case of sagging, drooping breasts, a breast lift is the best option. Body contouring after weight loss helps bring the nipple line up and gets rid of excess skin. For other women, breast augmentation may be a good option. This is generally the case when the patient is interested in going up a few cup sizes. Breast augmentation (breast implants or fat transfer augmentation) can be combined with a breast lift as well. This is all a part of what is commonly referred to as body contouring.


In the end, most body contouring patients choose several of the procedures listed above.

For example, a patient may opt for a breast lift and a tummy tuck if they want to remove excess skin located on their abdomen, and they are struggling with drooping breasts. Another patient may be more interested in reducing excess skin on their upper arms and some of their abdomen and as a result, will go with an arm lift and a mini tummy tuck. Each body contouring after weight loss surgery is unique.


It can be difficult to know if you are a good candidate for any major body contouring procedures after weight loss without booking a consultation appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon. On the other hand, there are a few signs that may help you know if body contouring is right for you.

Most notably, have you recently lost a significant amount of weight? If so, have you reached a healthy weight range — in other words, a dramatic weight loss, healthy BMI (body mass index) or a healthy target weight? If you answered yes to these questions, do you have a lot of excess skin that is causing you problems?

Excess skin can be extremely frustrating for individuals who have endured months and sometimes years of blood, sweat, and tears to achieve their healthier, happier lifestyles. Sagging or loose skin also can make it difficult to feel confident in intimate situations and when wearing certain clothing like tight jeans or bathing suits.


It can also be problematic when exercising as excess skin can rub in an uncomfortable way and make specific movements more of a challenge. Reducing excess skin can give individuals more self-esteem as they will be able to achieve the shape and silhouette they worked so hard for.

Another prerequisite for body contouring surgery is living a healthy lifestyle now. It’s important to continue eating a proper diet and exercising regularly. Overall good physical health is mandatory before any kind of plastic surgery or major cosmetic surgery, and especially when it comes to weight loss surgery as any future weight gain could hamper your results.

Lastly, it’s important that candidates for body contouring surgery are non-smokers and have realistic expectations when it comes to their body contouring surgeries and results.

The best way to know for sure if you are a good candidate for a lower body lift or contouring after weight loss surgery is to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.

Questions and Answers

Can you lose weight after body contouring?

Although your weight might experience minor fluctuations after undergoing treatment, the most noticeable transformation will manifest in the overall shape of your body. A significant number of patients tend to reduce an inch or more in their desired area, a result typically achieved over a course of 4 to 6 treatment sessions.

How do I tone my saggy body after weight loss?

  • Employing Resistance Training.
  • Prioritizing Nutrition and Hydration.
  • Incorporating Collagen Supplements.
  • Utilizing Firming Creams.
  • Considering Body Contouring Surgery.

Body contouring after major weight lossShould I lose weight before body contouring?

The weight you shed prior to undergoing body contouring plays a crucial role, not only in terms of safety but also in optimizing your aesthetic outcomes. Maintaining a BMI below 30 reduces the chances of encountering blood clotting and wound healing complications.

Additionally, this approach will contribute to a visually smaller abdomen and waist due to the reduction in mass within those specific regions.

Is weight loss surgery the same as bariatric surgery?

Gastric bypass and similar massive weight-loss surgical procedures, collectively referred to as bariatric surgery, entail modifying your digestive system to facilitate weight loss.

Bariatric surgery becomes a consideration when conventional methods such as diet and exercise have proven ineffective, or when your weight poses significant health complications. Massive weight loss patients tend to do bariatric surgery vs body contouring after weight loss.


Achieving major weight loss is an amazing feat that not everyone can do. It requires diligence, a tremendous amount of hard work, and seemingly endless resolve to stay the course. A huge congratulations to you if you’ve achieved your weight loss goal.

Now, here’s something else to ponder: You’ve come this far. Why stop now?

If excess weight on you are abdomen, arms, thighs, breasts, or elsewhere is holding you back from feeling confident in your new body, body contouring plastic surgeons can help. Dr. Sieber a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon has helped numerous patients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area achieve the body of their dreams and boost their self-esteem and self-confidence as a result. He can help you too.

If you have been considering weight loss surgery and body countering after major weight loss, contact us today to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.


After Breast Implant Removal Side Effects

If you have been considering breast implant removal surgery or have recently undergone this procedure, it is essential to be aware of the potential side effects that may occur during your recovery. Fortunately, most after breast implant removal side effects are normal. 

However, while breast implant removal is generally safe and well-tolerated, rare patients may experience certain complications as their bodies adjust to the changes, and it’s important to know about these as well. 

In this blog post, we will explore the common side effects after breast implant removal and discuss potential complications that may arise during the recovery process. We understand that this can be a concerning time, and we want to provide you with the most useful information so that you can navigate it with confidence.

Common Side Effects After Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Side Effects After Breast Implant Removal SalineHere’s what to expect in terms of sensations, symptoms, and breast appearance during your recovery from breast implant removal surgery. While the symptoms may be similar to those you experienced after your breast augmentation surgery, there are some unique differences to note.

1. Swelling and Bruising

Swelling and bruising are typical side effects after breast implant removal saline and silicone patients may experience. Your body’s natural response to the procedure may lead to temporary inflammation and discoloration around the surgical site. Applying cold compresses (with your surgeon’s okay) and following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions can help minimize these effects.

2. Discomfort and Pain

Some level of discomfort and pain can be expected after getting your breast implants removed. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medications or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to manage this. Most patients find that the discomfort improves significantly within a few days.

3. Changes in Breast Sensation

Altering the breast tissue during surgery can lead to changes in breast sensation. Some patients may experience increased or decreased sensitivity in the nipples or overall breast area. These changes are often temporary and tend to improve over time.

4. Scarring

As with any surgical procedure, breast implant removal will leave scar tissue and scars. This is the case with even the best plastic surgeon removing your breast implants. 

Still, your surgeon will strategically place incisions to minimize their visibility. Over time, the scars should fade and become less noticeable.

5. Emotional Effects

Undergoing breast implant removal can have emotional effects, especially if you’ve had your breast implants for an extended period. It’s normal to experience a range of emotions during the recovery process. Seeking support from loved ones and joining online communities of individuals who have gone through similar experiences can be beneficial.

Side Effects of Anesthesia After Breast Implant Removal

Side Effects After Breast Implant RemovalAfter any surgery that requires general anesthesia, including breast augmentation, breast lift surgery, and breast implant removal surgery, you may experience certain side effects that are caused by the anesthesia itself. These side effects usually include drowsiness, slight nausea, itchiness, irritability, a sore throat, dry mouth, or blurred vision. These effects should clear up within a day or two.

What Complications Can Occur After Breast Implant Removal?

While complications are rare, it’s essential to be aware of potential issues that may arise during the recovery period. Some potential complications include:

1. Hematoma

A hematoma is a collection of blood outside the blood vessels, which can lead to swelling and discomfort. If you notice increased pain and swelling in an isolated spot, contact your surgeon.

2. Infection

Infections can occur at the surgical site, leading to redness, warmth, and drainage from the incision area. If you suspect an infection, seek medical attention promptly.

3. Seroma

A seroma is a buildup of fluid around the surgical site, causing swelling and discomfort. Your surgeon may need to drain the fluid to alleviate the symptoms.

4. Capsular Contracture

In some cases, the scar tissue around the previous implant site may tighten and contract, leading to pain and changes in breast shape. Additional treatment may be necessary to address this complication.

5. Delayed Wound Healing

Some patients may experience delayed wound healing, which could prolong the recovery process. It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s wound care instructions diligently to help avoid this.

When to Seek Help

If you experience severe pain, excessive swelling, signs of infection, or any other concerning symptoms during your breast implant removal recovery, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon. Timely communication with your healthcare provider can help identify and address potential complications early on, which will ensure a smoother recovery.

FAQ: Breast Implant Removal 

I’ve had my breast implants for 20 years. Should I have them removed?

Most plastic surgeons recommend having breast implants removed after 15 years or more. Everyone is different, of course, so always speak with a board certified plastic surgeon to know for sure if implant removal is right for you.

Can you get breast implants after explant surgery?

Side Effects Of Anesthesia After Breast Implant RemovalIn many cases, patients will be eligible to get new breast implants after their breast implant removal surgery. However, in some situations, it may be better to simply remove breast implants and not get new ones (if someone were to be diagnosed with breast cancer, breast implant illness, or similar, for example). Some patients may also opt for a breast lift instead.

How painful is breast explant surgery?

Soreness and slight pain is normal for around a week after breast implant removal surgery. However, during the procedure itself, you will not feel pain as anesthesia will be used.

Call and Schedule a Consultation Appointment

At Sieber Plastic Surgery, we understand the importance of a safe and comfortable recovery after breast implant removal surgery. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process and provide personalized care to address any concerns you may have. 

If you are experiencing side effects or complications after breast implant removal, or if you are considering the procedure and have questions, please do not hesitate to call and schedule an appointment.

At your initial consultation appointment, you and Dr. Sieber will look at breast implant removal before and after photos to help you decide what approach to surgery you want to take. You will also discuss things like cost, eligibility for surgery, and possible additional surgeries.

We are dedicated to helping you feel better about yourself and achieve your desired results. Contact us today to take the first step toward a more confident and healthier you.



Are There Negative Effects of Plastic Surgery on Mental Health?

Plastic surgery in the Bay Area has long been associated with physical appearance and beauty, but bad plastic surgery impact on mental health is often overlooked. While some may view cosmetic surgery as a frivolous pursuit of vanity, the truth is that many individuals seek it to address underlying psychological issues.

For those with disfigurements or injuries, cosmetic surgery can provide much-needed relief and help restore self-confidence.

Additionally, for individuals struggling with body dysmorphia or other body image or appearance-related mental health concerns, cosmetic surgery can serve as a tool for achieving a sense of self-acceptance and improving overall well-being.

The question remains: can the possible negative impacts of plastic surgery on mental health alleviate or counteract the psychological burdens associated with dissatisfaction with one’s appearance?

Table of Contents


First, we have to address the complexity of the problem. There are many variables to consider here, including:

  • Our lack of understanding of mental health. It’s incredibly difficult to pin down what constitutes a mentally “healthy” individual. There are dozens of variables to consider, including depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, social phobias, and overall happiness—so how should you measure these?
  • And what if a person, after recovering from plastic surgery, experiences gains in one area while suffering even more in a different area? Is it fair to say they saw an improvement in mental health?
  • The reality is, even our best experts still don’t have a firm grasp on the nuances of mental wellbeing.
  • The relationship between attractiveness and happiness. It’s easy to assume that physically attractive people tend to be happier and mentally healthier, but the research seems to indicate otherwise.
  • Merely being more attractive isn’t enough to give someone a mental health boost. Of course, what we see in many plastic surgery procedures isn’t necessarily about making someone more attractive; it’s making them feel more attractive. More on that later.
  • The quality of the surgery. We’ve all seen examples of “botched” plastic surgeries that end up making someone appear unnatural, or worse than they did before. Certainly, the quality of the cosmetic procedure plays a role in whether plastic surgery has the power to improve your mental health.


Effects Of Plastic Surgery On Mental HealthLet’s take a look at the high-level perspectives on whether plastic plastic and reconstructive surgery can improve mental health. One study of 544 participants who underwent plastic surgery and 264 participants who considered plastic surgery but didn’t go through with it found that yes, plastic surgery can improve mental wellbeing.

Those who underwent cosmetic surgery showed improvement in many different areas, including reduced social phobias, reduced anxiety, lower levels of depression, less body dysmorphia, higher feelings of attractiveness, higher self-efficacy, higher self-esteem, better life satisfaction, and self-reported feelings of quality of life.

It’s important to note that most of these participants were dissatisfied with a particular feature of their body, and underwent reconstructive surgery, to correct that feature.

In fact, multiple studies seem to confirm that people undergoing surgery tend to be “happier” after the procedure. One follow-up attempted to dig deeper into the issue, finding that other variables can play a role in whether or not a patient shows improvement.

For example, patients with unrealistic expectations tend to show fewer positive outcomes than those with appropriate expectations. It is important for cosmetic surgery patients who are undergoing cosmetic surgery to discuss with their surgeon the expected outcomes and have a realistic approach to what they can expect for life after surgery.

Plastic surgeons know that when a patient seeking a cosmetic surgery approaches surgery with a clear mind a a realistic set of expectations for recovery, they are on a good track toward a successful outcome.

Additionally, patients with extreme body dysmorphia may never feel truly satisfied with their bodies, no matter how many surgeries they undergo. This is important to note because those of poorer mental health find that surgery does not fill the role of other forms of treatment that may be available to them.


Postoperative depression entails numerous aftereffects following surgical interventions and extends beyond just cosmetic procedures. Individuals who undergo surgeries such as appendix or heart removal might encounter distressing emotional responses. There is little to suggest that plastic surgery results in postoperative depression more than other surgeries.


Of course, it would be irresponsible to suggest that plastic surgery is a suitable treatment for things like anxiety, eating disorders, or body dysmorphia.

In the vast majority of cases, the appropriate course of action is to speak with a mental health professional. Plastic surgeons always refer the appropriate patients, whether they be suffering from eating disorders, mental health problems, or other mental disorders, to the appropriate doctors in this scenario.

In many cases, cognitive behavioral therapy can help patients better cope with their feelings and think in a healthier way. In other cases, a prescription medication may be better suited to alleviate symptoms of mental disorders.


If you’re interested in improving your own mental wellbeing with plastic surgery procedures like breast implants, there are a few things you need in order to be successful:

  • Mental health issues tied to physical dissatisfaction. Just getting a facelift or a breast augmentation is not going to make you happier and reduce your anxiety. Instead, your mental health issues have to be rooted in some kind of physical dissatisfaction.
  • For example, you may feel lower life satisfaction or lower self-esteem because you hate the way your nose looks; in these cases, plastic surgery is addressing a root cause. If the root cause is something that cosmetic surgery can’t reach, cosmetic surgery isn’t going to help.
  • Realistic expectations. It’s also important to have realistic expectations about what surgery can do for you. While cosmetic procedures can sometimes provide extreme results, in most cases, they’re better suited for subtle alterations.
  • If your expectations are too high or aren’t grounded, you could end up disappointed.
  • Successful surgical procedures. If your surgery is done poorly, you may end up feeling worse than you did before you got the procedure.
  • It’s important to do your research and work with a plastic surgeon trained and experienced enough to almost guarantee you a successful procedure like nose job, cheek implants, nose job revision, neck liposuction or chin reduction.
  • Additional support. In most cases, people see better mental health results after plastic surgeries if they’re also benefitting from additional modes of support.
  • They’re going to therapy. They’re taking medication (if recommended by a professional). They’re talking to friends and family members openly. The combination of these factors can have a much more powerful effect than just one.


Positive Effects Of Plastic Surgery On Mental HealthYes, there is such a thing as too much plastic surgery. While cosmetic procedures can provide benefits such as improving self-confidence and correcting physical deformities or injuries, it is important to approach it with caution and make informed decisions.

If someone undergoes too many cosmetic procedures or becomes obsessed with achieving an unrealistic standard of beauty, they may develop body dysmorphia, a mental health disorder where an individual becomes preoccupied with perceived flaws in their appearance.

This can lead to a cycle of repeatedly seeking out more procedures, which can have negative physical and mental health consequences.

Additionally, excessive cosmetic surgery procedures can result in physical complications such as scarring, infection, and nerve damage.

It is crucial to have realistic expectations and to work with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who can provide guidance and help ensure the safety of the procedures.

In summary, while plastic surgeries procedures can offer benefits, it is important that cosmetic surgery patients approach it with moderation and a focus on improving overall well-being rather than seeking perfection at any cost.


While plastic surgeries can improve an individual’s physical appearance, it is important to be aware that it can also have negative effects on mental health.

One of the potential negative effects of cosmetic procedures on mental health is the development of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition characterized by a preoccupation with perceived flaws in appearance.

Individuals with BDD may become obsessive about perceived flaws, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. This can lead to a vicious cycle of surgery patients undergoing more procedures to fix perceived flaws, which can worsen the BDD symptoms.

Plastic surgeries can also contribute to unrealistic expectations of beauty, leading to feelings of disappointment and dissatisfaction with the outcome of the cosmetic procedure itself. This can lead to negative impacts on self-esteem, depression, and anxiety.

Another negative impact of cosmetic surgeries on mental health can be experienced by those who have undergone multiple procedures in a short period of time, leading to physical discomfort and prolonged recovery time.

The stress of cosmetic surgery and recovery can lead to anxiety and depression, and prolonged physical discomfort can have a negative impact on an individual’s overall well-being.

It is important to approach cosmetic surgeries with realistic expectations and to work with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who can provide guidance and help ensure the safety of the procedures.

Additionally, it is crucial to have a strong support system and to prioritize mental health and self-care before and after undergoing surgeries.


The mental illness most commonly associated with plastic surgeries is body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition that involves a preoccupation with perceived flaws or defects in one’s appearance.

People with body dysmorphic disorder may focus excessively on one or more perceived flaws, often spending significant time checking or grooming themselves, and may experience significant distress or anxiety as a result.

Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder may seek out plastic surgeries as a way to address their perceived flaws, but may also be dissatisfied with the results and may continue to seek additional procedures in an attempt to correct the perceived imperfections.

This cycle of patients seeking cosmetic surgery and more procedures can lead to excessive plastic surgeries, and can exacerbate the symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder.

It is important for plastic surgeons to screen for body dysmorphic disorder prior to performing any cosmetic procedures, and to refer patients with suspected BDD to a mental health professional for evaluation and treatment.

People with body dysmorphic disorder may benefit from psychological interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication, which can help them manage their symptoms and reduce the likelihood of excessive surgery.

Plastic surgeons are aware of the signs to look out for when consulting a patient. At the top of mind for all surgeons is the pursuit of positive psychological and psychosocial outcomes.


So what are the effects of plastic surgery on mental health? The key takeaway here is that, while cosmetic surgery research shouldn’t be considered as a total substitute for other modes of mental health treatment, most people who undergo plastic surgery procedures like breast augmentation tend to feel happier and exhibit fewer signs of negative mental health after their procedures.

In other words, cosmetic surgery can improve your mental health under the right conditions. There are positive effects of plastic surgery on mental health.

If you’d like to speak with a surgeon directly about what kind of procedure may be right for you, or if you’re not sure what your options are, contact us to schedule a free consultation today!

We’ll discuss the surgical options like breast implants, chin reduction, lip injection or other procedures available to you, and set expectations for how you might move forward.

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Rid of Man Boobs

It’s not uncommon for men to struggle with excess breast fat, a condition known as gynecomastia — or, more commonly, “man boobs.” Keep reading to learn about removing man boobs.

Gynecomastia can make men feel extremely self-conscious. Many feel embarrassed taking their shirts off, dodge going to the beach, and generally avoid wearing anything other than thick sweaters and sweatshirts because thinner shirts can accentuate the condition.

Fortunately, there are several cosmetic procedures for men that can help. Below, we’ll outline how you can tackle this condition with male breast reduction surgery. First, however, let’s talk a bit more about gynecomastia.


Many men who go through puberty develop a nominal amount of breast gland tissue. This is very common. What’s different in some men is that it doesn’t always go away, and this can cause the persistence of excess tissue that makes the breasts appear larger.

This isn’t the only reason for excess tissue in male breasts. Certain medications and even some tumors can also cause gynecomastia.

Finally, if a man loses a significant amount of weight, sometimes it can appear as if they have larger breasts because the skin has stretched and did not bounce back after the weight gain or loss.


There are two main ways that excess breast tissue can be removed:


If the excess breast tissue is relatively small, all that is generally needed to slim the chest area is liposuction. In fact, for most patients who struggle with gynecomastia, liposuction is the most effective treatment method.

In a liposuction procedure for gynecomastia, your surgeon will make a single incision beneath each breast. Using a liposuction cannula, your surgeon will then agitate and remove any excess fat in the breast area, ultimately contouring a smoother, flatter, and more masculine chest.

The incisions will then be stitched up, and you’ll be released to go home for recovery.


In some cases, a more involved surgery may be required to fully remove the excess tissue around the enlarged breast tissue and to contour the chest. This is generally the case when the breast gland is what is actually making the breasts appear larger.

As stated above, nearly every male, when they go through puberty, will get a small amount of breast gland. This is completely natural and normal because of the surge of hormones that appear during puberty. For most men, this breast gland will disappear over time. However, in some men, it stays. Furthermore, the size of the glands can vary. For example, some men may have a breast gland that is the size of a grape — or even the size of an egg.

Either way, having this excess body fat tissue can cause the individual to lose weight and appear to have larger breasts and this can be quite embarrassing.

A plastic surgeon can help, but to ameliorate this problem, liposuction alone won’t be enough. This type of tissue is simply too fibrous to be removed with a liposuction cannula. Instead, the glandular tissue will need to be taken out surgically. Small incisions will be made beneath each areola, and the glandular tissue will be removed this way. Incisions can be easily closed up using absorbable sutures.

If there is even more tissue that needs to be removed, it is possible that additional incisions will need to be made as well. This is a topic that you’ll be able to discuss in detail with your plastic surgeon during your consultation appointment.


Every gynecomastia patient is different. Some men have chest fat as well as excess skin on the chest area. This is common, for example, when someone significant weight loss and the skin around the chest has been stretched and is now loose and causing problems with chest muscles.

In this situation, one or both of the above procedures would be used to remove the breast tissue and/or glandular tissue from breast cancer, and other incisions may be made as well to remove the excess skin and tighten the remaining skin.

Your surgeon will do his utmost to ensure discrete incisions, and you will also be put through a scar therapy program following your surgery to help reduce the appearance of any scars later on.

How to get rid man boobs


Good candidates for male breast reduction surgery are past puberty and at a stable weight. It’s important that you attain and maintain a healthy weight before and after your surgery. Post-op, you are losing weight and should aim to stay within 10 to 15 pounds of your target healthy weight.

It’s also important that you have reasonable expectations when it comes to your surgery. Breast reduction surgery can greatly boost your confidence and help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. With that being said, it’s always important to have a healthy and reasonable mindset when it comes to cosmetic procedures.

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery is to speak directly with Dr. Sieber. This can be done at your initial consultation appointment. Dr. Sieber will evaluate your anatomy and decide what the best treatment option will be for you and your personal goals.


Recovery from male breast reduction surgery is relatively straightforward. First, make sure you have a responsible friend or relative who can take you home from your procedure. You may need some at-home assistance for the first few days as well.

As with any major procedure, it’s important to follow the directions of your doctor. They will give you a number of care steps to follow through with after your surgery. This includes wearing compression garments and chest exercises that can help promote healthy healing, reduce fluid accumulation, and better contour the chest.

It’s not uncommon to have some mild discomfort and swelling after your surgery. This swelling can last for several weeks up to several months. You’ll need to refrain from doing any strenuous exercise during the first two weeks after surgery. After four weeks, you’ll be able to do some more intense exercise. Finally, after six weeks of recovery, you can return to your full range of activities and resume a normal life.

The best news about recovery is you’ll be able to see the positive results from your surgery right after the procedure if finished! Furthermore, as the swelling reduces, the results will become even more visible.

As far as the longevity of your results, expect them to last indefinitely as long as you maintain a healthy weight (within about 10-15 lbs). Your breast tissue will have been physically removed, so there’s no reason for the results to wear off otherwise.

Rid man boobs before and afterQuestions and Answers

Can male breasts be reduced without surgery?

There exist numerous non-surgical strategies for reducing male breast size. A few of these techniques encompass: Engaging in diet and exercise routines. Adopting a suitable diet and regular exercise can assist in harmonizing hormone levels and eliminating fatty tissue.

Do push ups get rid of moobs?

Engaging in exercises that target your chest muscles such as pushups, bench presses, or dumbbell butterflies is ineffective in eliminating gynecomastia. The underlying gynecomastia tissue remains unaffected by these activities.

In reality, developing larger chest muscles can accentuate the visibility of gynecomastia as the muscle mass “pushes” the tissue outward, making its concealment more challenging.

If i lose weight will my gyno go away?

Relying solely on weight loss is unlikely to make gynecomastia disappear. Therefore, if you desire to address enlarged breasts and have already passed puberty, surgical intervention becomes necessary.


There’s no reason to have body fat to avoid living your life to the fullest. If chest fat is what’s been holding you back from going to the beach, wearing certain clothes, dating, or doing other normal and enjoyable activities, consider gynecomastia surgery.

Male breast reduction surgery is a safe, effective approach to slimming your chest and achieving a more masculine profile that you can feel good about. See some of Dr. Sieber’s before and after photos for examples of his past gynecomastia patients.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Sieber San Francisco Bay Area Plastic Surgeon today!



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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