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Tips for an Easy Renuvion Recovery

For most patients, Renuvion recovery is relatively short and straightforward. The majority of patients are able to return to work within the first week of their Renuvion recovery time.

Still, it is critical to be aware of common symptoms after a Renuvion skin tightening procedure and to be prepared at home for a smooth recuperation.

In this article, we’ll go over what you can expect in terms of a recovery experience post-Renuvion. We’ll also outline our favorite Renuvion skin tightening tips for a fast and easy healing process.

What Is Renuvion?

Renuvion skin tightening (also called J-Plasma or Renuvion J Plasma) is a minimally invasive plastic surgery procedure that uses helium plasma energy and radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin and improve its appearance. It typically requires only local anesthesia, but sometimes when combined with other cosmetic procedures, general anesthesia may be needed.

How Long Is Recovery?

For the majority of patients, Renuvion recovery times are usually around one to three weeks. During this time, you will definitely need to take it easy and refrain from certain activities.

But, in general, you will be able to return to work and your normal activities during this time. Moreover, most of your symptoms will completely disappear or significantly dissipate within this time.

With that said, all patients are different, and every Renuvion procedure is different as well. This means that, inevitably, recovery times and your particular experience will vary. For example, if you undergo liposuction with Renuvion, recovery is going to be different than if you undergo Renuvion only or a liposuction procedure only.

The amount of surface area that is included in the treatment area will also influence your recovery time. If you’re trying to take care of loose skin on your neck, for example, because this is a small area, your recovery time should be fairly fast.

Undergoing a Renuvion procedure on your abdomen or inner and outer thighs, however, is going to mean a longer and possibly more uncomfortable recovery because the surface area of the skin is greater.

Common Renuvion SymptomsRenuvion Skin Tightening Recovery

Bruising and swelling after surgery will persist for several days but should dissipate within the first week. You will need to wear a compression garment after your skin tightening procedure. You will also need to rest, take it easy, and avoid strenuous exercise.

Common symptoms after Renuvion treatment include:

  • Bruising
  • Mild swelling
  • Pain and mild discomfort
  • Itching
  • Temporary changes in sensation and skin texture
  • Light drainage

Renuvion Recommendations For Recovery

Compression Garment

Right after your surgical procedure, you’ll be wearing a compression garment, which you’ll need to continue wearing for at least the first few weeks. This garment helps to get rid of the bruising and swelling.

Constant wear of your garment is typically recommended for the first week. From then on, you can switch to wearing it only at night for about two more weeks.


Be sure you are not physically exerting yourself too much right after surgery as this can lead to excessive bleeding and other problems.

You’ll need to refrain from any activities such as running, biking, weight lifting, etc. for at least two weeks. Once two weeks is up, most patients are able to ease back into their exercise routines.


In addition, remember that eating a healthy diet will enhance your recovery time and help to improve everything from muscle tone and fat distribution to collagen production and skin quality.

Overall, Renuvion patients note that when they improve their health (through diet, for example), their skin elasticity improves, and they just look and feel better.

In addition to eating right, drinking plenty of water is also greatly beneficial. You should avoid excess salt, alcohol, and smoking.

Renuvion Recovery TimeWho Should Get Renuvion?

Many people desire skin tightening or to get rid of sagging skin altogether. However, the only surefire way to do this is with skin removal surgery. A tummy tuck, for example, removes excess skin from the abdomen.

Weight loss patients frequently undergo skin removal surgery after their weight loss to get rid of any folds or flaps of redundant skin. During this process, they are also able to improve skin laxity overall.

When someone needs or desires skin tightening and loose skin removal, body contouring procedures can certainly help. But many patients don’t want the numerous (often large) incisions, subsequent scars, and invasive surgery with general anesthesia.

Instead, they’re looking for a more minimally invasive procedure that will still improve their appearance and comfort by smoothing and tightening the skin. And this is where Renuvion comes in.

Patients are able to view renuvion before and after photos and compare the results between various procedures.

FAQ: Recovery From Renuvion

How painful is the Renuvion process for recovery?

You may experience some discomfort and pain over the first few days of your recovery from Renuvion J Plasma. Your plastic surgeon can prescribe a pain medication to keep you more comfortable during this time. Many patients are able to switch to an over the counter pain med within a few days.

What are the problems with Renuvion?

While every cosmetic procedure comes with risks, there are few with Renuvion. Typically, the Renuvion risks listed and discussed include the possibility of gas accumulation beneath the skin, excessive bleeding, infection, and burns.

These are rare, especially when you choose a highly skilled and board certified plastic surgeon.


Request a Consultation With Dr. Sieber

Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber performs the Renuvion J Plasma procedure at his San Francisco practice. To find out more about this procedure and how it can benefit you, please contact us at your earliest convenience to book a consultation appointment.



Understanding Potential Renuvion Complications

Although Renuvion complications can occur, they are rare. Furthermore, the risk of complications occurring is a reality for every type of plastic surgery. Especially when incisions are required for surgery — even if the incisions are small — there are risks.

In this article, we’ll explore Renuvion risks as well as what you can do to reduce your risks while gaining all the wonderful benefits of Renuvion J Plasma.

What Are Renuvion Skin Tightening Complications?

Renuvion skin tightening (also called Renuvion J Plasma or J Plasty) can help “shrink-wrap” the skin, creating a smoother surface with less noticeable sagging and fewer wrinkles.

In almost all cases, when Renuvion is performed by a board certified plastic surgeon with experience, the procedure goes well, and there are no complications. Still, it’s always important to be aware of the potential risks. These include the following:

1. Burning

Very few Renuvion procedures have resulted in burning; however, potential burns have been listed as an unintended risk by the Renuvion manufacturer. Moreover, the FDA has released some warnings mentioning the risk of burns and other adverse events.

It’s important to note again that these incidents are extremely rare. In addition, one of the most important things to do when undergoing Renuvion is to find a board certified plastic surgeon who is highly skilled and experienced with Renuvion skin contraction and tightening.

Doing this one thing can reduce your risks by a huge margin.

2. Significant Bleeding

Everyone’s neck area is very vascular, which means there are some large blood vessels there, and this may lead to bleeding after surgery. The truth is, all surgeries come with the risk of bleeding post-surgery. This can be especially true when more aggressive lipo is being performed.

Skilled plastic surgeons will often use a numbing medicine to shrink and contract the larger blood vessels in the neck area prior to performing Renuvion.

3. Trapped Gas Beneath the Skin

During and after the Renuvion process, we want the air or gas accumulation beneath the skin to have a place to escape. We do not want trapped gas beneath the skin after the procedure.

To help with this, skilled plastic surgeons often do a slight bit of liposuction prior to performing Renuvion (and sometimes after as well).

The in and out movements of the liposuction cannula creates channels where the gas can escape, and this can drastically lower the risk of gas accumulation.

How to Reduce Your Risks When Undergoing Cosmetic ProceduresRenuvion Skin Tightening

All surgical cosmetic or aesthetic procedures come with risks.

When local or general anesthesia; incisions; or the manipulation of skin, tissue, fat, or muscles are involved, it’s not possible to know 100 percent positively that no complications will occur.

Still, there are ways to ensure that your complication rate is very low when undergoing cosmetic surgery.

These tips should be followed whether you are addressing loose skin with a J Plasma device or increasing the size of your breasts with breast augmentation. They even apply to general surgical procedures such as gallbladder removal or heart surgery.

Tip #1 – Choose a board certified plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgeons must pass a two-day oral examination and a written examination in order to become board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

This is on top of roughly 16 years of post-high school education and extensive training in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. These long hours of work and skill-building mean they have put in the time, energy, and focus to meet the high demands of this field of medicine.

Do not choose any doctor who is not a board certified plastic surgeon to perform your skin resurfacing procedure or any other body contouring procedures.

Tip #2 – Make sure your surgeon has unique experience performing the surgery you desire.

You also want to know that your plastic surgeon has specific experience performing the surgeries you are considering.

So, if you are thinking about getting dermal resurfacing or skin tightening of the soft tissues (subdermal soft tissue contraction), make sure you find a surgeon who has performed the exact procedure you desire. You can look for Renuvion before and after photos as proof.

Tip #3 – Do not hold back important medical information from your surgeon.

It is possible that some patients may not be good candidates for cosmetic enhancement surgeries because of their medical history.

This may make some people decide to hold back important information about their health from their surgeon, including ongoing medical treatments or conditions.

Ensure that you do not do this. Be upfront about your entire medical history. Not doing so may cause severe pain, infection, excessive bleeding, nerve damage, and other serious life-threatening medical issues.

There are no aesthetic skin procedures or cosmetic surgeries that are worth this.

Tip #4 – Follow all directions given to you by your surgeon.

Lastly, make sure you are following all of the pre- and post-operative directions that your surgeon gives you. These guidelines and tips are not only in place to help improve your results, but they are also for your own safety.

Be prepared to ask your surgeon all the questions you may have regarding before and after a renuvion procedure.  There is comfort in clarity.

FAQ: Renuvion J Plasma

Renuvion CostHow long does it take to recover from Renuvion?

Renuvion recovery time varies, but if used by itself, most patients are back to their normal routines within a few days to a week.

How much is Renuvion?

Renuvion cost ranges will depend on whether the patient is having additional procedures performed, who is performing the procedures, the geographic location of the surgeon’s practice, the number of areas and extent of the skin tightening, and other factors. For an accurate quote, please book a consultation.

Where on the body can Renuvion be performed?

Common areas for Renuvion treatment are the abdomen, flanks, back, upper arms, neck, and thighs, effectively addressing loose, excess skin wherever present.

Book Your Consultation With Dr. Sieber

Are you interested in skin tightening with Renuvion? This procedure can be a great way to improve wrinkles and your overall skin elasticity without requiring large incisions as with tummy tuck surgery, neck lift surgery, arm lift surgery, etc.

For the vast majority of qualified patients who choose skilled surgeons to perform their procedure, the surgery is safe.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber performs Renuvion J Plasma at his San Francisco practice. Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sieber and learn more about this revolutionary skin tightening technique.



Renuvion Before and After: FAQs

Many people are surprised at the outstanding results they see in Renuvion before and after photos. Despite being a non-invasive procedure, Renuvion (also called J-Plasma) can noticeably tighten the skin and dramatically improve skin contours.

If you have excess skin you’d like to get rid of or are considering liposuction for fat removal, Renuvion may be the solution for you. Not only can Renuvion tighten skin alongside liposuction, but it can shrink loose skin on its own as well — without resulting in large scars.

In this article, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about the revolutionary skin tightening technology called Renuvion.

FAQ: Renuvion/J-Plasma Skin Tightening

What is Renuvion or J-Plasma?

Renuvion skin tightening/J Plasma is a combination of helium plasma energy and radio frequency (RF) energy. Use of these two energies heats and contracts the skin from the inside out.

There is no risk of tissue damage or burns — skin stays protected. Yet the increase in temperature will shrink the skin immediately, creating a tightening effect and reducing excess skin.

For examples of the outcomes this procedure can produce, we suggest looking over some Renuvion skin tightening before and after photo galleries.

Be sure to apply the necessary filters and read the descriptive text for each case. If you want to see how Renuvion can be used on the face and neck (submental region), look up Renuvion face before and after photos or Renuvion neck before and after photos.

If you want to see how Renuvion can be used on the stomach, look up Renuvion before and after stomach photos. (Note that if you click on these images, they often contain nudity.)

Who is a good candidate for Renuvion?

Renuvion Face Before And AfterIdeal patients for Renuvion are looking to tighten sagging skin. The procedure can be combined with liposuction (fat removal) or other procedures. But it can also be used on its own to improve modest amounts of loose skin.

Patients must be in good health without serious medical conditions. It’s wise to be at or near a healthy weight. Non-smokers are best.

If you have requested a consultation for Renuvion, you will learn more about your candidacy for the procedure (and more information about the surgery in general) at your consultation appointment.

Where on the body can Renuvion be performed?

The most common places on the body for Renuvion to be used include the abdomen, flanks, back, upper arms, neck, and thighs. But, really, anywhere where you have loose excess skin, Renuvion can typically be used.

Does Renuvion have to be used with liposuction all the time?

No, you can get Renuvion alone. This is commonly done when a patient only has a small to modest amount of loose skin they would like to tighten.

If you don’t have a lot of underlying fat (or any excess fat) in the area, liposuction (which is the most common procedure to use alongside Renuvion) simply may not be necessary.

How effective is Renuvion at tightening the skin?

While Renuvion cannot achieve the skin removal improvements that a procedure like tummy tuck surgery or a breast lift can, it can certainly tighten the skin significantly on many patients. As always, individual results will vary from patient to patient.

Ultimately, your outcome will depend on the extent of loose skin you currently have, your age and skin elasticity, and other factors such as how much excess fat you have and whether you plan to have liposuction performed as well.

Does Renuvion leave scars?

Typically no, Renuvion will not leave noticeable scars. Of course, results may vary.

If you have visible loose skin you would like to tighten but are concerned about scarring, Renuvion is certainly a preferable procedure compared to skin removal with tummy tuck surgery, breast lift surgery, or similar procedures.

Other potential complications with Renuvion are rare.

Is there anything special I need to do to prepare for Renuvion?

When a person is planning to undergo this procedure, it’s important to meet with their surgeon for a consultation appointment. Your surgeon will give you pre-surgery instructions specific to your situation.  They will also be able to prepare you for what to expect during your Renuvion recovery period.

How much is Renuvion?

Renuvion cost depends on whether you plan to get Renuvion alone or along with another surgery — liposuction, for example. Of course, other factors will influence your final cost as well. We invite you to request a consultation with Dr. David Sieber for a full price quote.

Call Today to Set Up a Consultation for Renuvion Skin Tightening

Renuvion Neck Before And AfterConsultation appointments are the first step when undergoing any type of plastic surgery procedure.

At your consultation for Renuvion/J-Plasma, you’ll have a chance to sit down with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber to discuss your best options for surgery. It’s a great time to look through Renuvion skin tightening before and after photos with Dr. Sieber and talk to him about what you’d like to see in terms of results.

You’ll also be asked about your medical history details and have a chance to ask questions yourself. In most cases, Dr. Sieber will need to perform a quick physical exam of the areas you’d like to improve with Renuvion. Be sure to bring your notes and any medical history or medication lists you may be asked about.

Ready to take the next step?

Call today to book your initial consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.



What Does Renuvion Cost?

Renuvion cost ranges are fairly standard where the standalone treatment and technology is concerned. However, factors such as your surgeon’s fee, the geographic location where your procedure is taking place, the extent of skin tightening needed, and the potential for other simultaneously-performed procedures will all influence the final cost as well.

We understand that patients want to know what their Renuvion skin tightening cost will be before they commit to surgery. And while we can’t provide this specific cost estimate here — because costs can vary so significantly as we mentioned above — we can provide overall financing guidance.

That is, we can provide a basic cost breakdown for Renuvion skin tightening and explain some of the financing options that most patients will have available to them.

How Much Does Renuvion Cost?

Below, we’ve outlined a cost breakdown for this surgery. This is a general description of common costs associated with Renuvion skin tightening. However, your cost breakdown will ultimately depend upon your unique situation and how your chosen plastic surgeon performs their own billing.

Renuvion Skin Tightening/J Plasma Cost Breakdown

Scope of Skin Tightening & Number of Treatment Areas

Renuvion technology is a minimally invasive procedure that requires cold plasma energy along with radiofrequency energy to target sagging skin. Exactly how much loose skin and skin laxity the patient has will impact the final cost of this procedure. Likewise, if you would like to tighten skin on multiple areas of the body, this will cost more as well.

Other Procedures

Renuvion is a common add-on procedure for liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, and other plastic surgery procedures. Of course, when used in combination with another surgery, this will increase the price.

Patients may desire chin liposuction along with Renuvion skin tightening, for example. But in this case, Renuvion neck cost alone (skin tightening of the neck only) will be different than the Renuvion with lipo cost on the neck and chin area.

Pre- and Post-Operative Visit Costs

Your surgeon will need to meet with you prior to surgery to determine how much excess skin you have in your target treatment area. They will discuss the Renuvion procedure with you in detail, including how skin is tightened and the tissue contraction process.

After surgery, your surgeon will also need to meet with you for followup appointments to monitor your healing. All of these appointments may be charged separately, depending on your surgeon’s billing procedure.

Surgeon’s Fee

A surgeon’s fee is paid directly to your plastic surgeon and includes all charges related to their treatment and care. These fees often vary depending on the amount of training, experience, and skill a given plastic surgeon has. When a surgeon is in higher demand, they may charge more.


How Much Does Renuvion CostDepending on where on the body you plan to get Renuvion (and whether you plan to undergo lipo, abdominoplasty, or other procedures in addition to Renuvion), either local anesthesia or general anesthesia may be used.

Each of these options comes with a different price tag, however. Additionally, anesthesia costs will vary based on the total length of your operation.

Surgical Facility Fees (Hospital Fees)

Like surgeons, hospitals and surgical facilities charge for their care and use of their supplies, equipment, technology, staff, and more. These fees will likely be charged separately.

Recovery Garments & Other Incidentals

Finally, after your surgery, other costs may be required as well. These can be easily forgotten about as they are often charged directly to the patient instead of in an all-encompassing final bill.

Costs such as these may include (but are not limited to) the price of recovery garments, medications, additional tests, and at-home recovery care.

Financing Options for Renuvion

There are several ways that patients can pay for Renuvion skin tightening.

#1 – Out-of-pocket

Of course, you may always choose to pay for your procedure out-of-pocket. For some patients, this may mean saving up over time.

#2 – Medical credit

Several medical credit companies exist to help plastic surgery patients finance their procedures, including Renuvion. CareCredit is a popular option, as is PatientFi. Patients must communicate directly with these companies for more information on the application process and credit options.

#3 – Personal credit card

The majority of plastic surgeons also accept payment by personal credit card, including MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.

FAQ: Renuvion Skin Tightening Treatment

Does Renuvion leave scars?

Renuvion before and after photos show that this procedure (when performed alone without any other procedures such as liposuction or tummy tuck surgery) leaves little to no visible scarring.

How long do Renuvion results last?

Results from Renuvion skin tightening/ J Plasma should last for several years — up to five or more. This is provided you continue leading a healthy lifestyle and maintain a stable weight. Proper skincare should also be used, in addition to sunscreen and protective clothing when going outside.

Book a Consultation Appointment with Dr. Sieber

Renuvion Skin Tightening CostBoard certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber performs Renuvion treatment in the San Francisco Bay Area to help patients with moderate skin laxity to severe skin laxity and loose skin.

Patients who also have excess fat can undergo liposuction in addition to Renuvion skin tightening. The procedure can also be combined with tummy tuck surgery, arm lift surgery, and other cosmetic procedures.

To learn more about this procedure, please contact our office today and schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. David Sieber.



How to Minimize Male Liposuction Scars

Male liposuction scars appear around the treatment area. So, if you opt to have liposuction on your abdomen, incisions will typically be made within the belly button, below the underwear line, and sometimes, in the breast crease on the chest. Naturally, these incision locations will later turn into scars.

If you are interested in liposuction for men and are concerned about visible scars after surgery, here’s what you need to know.

Does Liposuction Leave Scars?

Yes, a male liposuction procedure will leave scars.

But the good news about liposuction scars on stomach areas, the arms, thighs, and elsewhere is that they result from very tiny incisions. This means the resulting scars are small as well. They should heal flat and fade to a similar color as the surrounding skin over time.

Use the following tips and advice to help minimize the appearance of scars after undergoing liposuction for men.

What Do Male Liposuction Scars Look Like?

Again, scars after liposuction tend to be quite small — usually just a few millimeters long. They are typically swollen, slightly raised, and red or pink in appearance during the first few weeks after liposuction surgery.

Abdominal liposuction scars result from fat removal on the stomach. These tend to be located beneath the underwear line, within the belly button, or beneath the breasts. Arm liposuction incisions (and arm liposuction scars) are usually located in the underarm area and near the elbow.

If you would like to see photos of lipo scars after they’ve healed, search for liposuction scars before and after photos and see examples of scarring at different stages of recovery.

Tips to Minimize Scars After Male Liposuction

Choose a qualified surgeon.

To ensure that each incision site is located in the optimal place and carefully made and closed, choose a highly qualified surgeon who is also board certified.

Liposuction is an invasive surgery that requires a lot of skill and experience. Even if another surgeon charges less and makes “better” claims, remember that choosing an unqualified plastic surgeon can cause you serious harm and even ruin your results.

Poor incision placement alone can make scars very noticeable. And if the incisions aren’t made or closed carefully, as the skin heals, the scars can appear raised, jagged, and highly pigmented.

Follow your recovery instructions.

Liposuction Scars Before And AfterEvery plastic surgeon will provide you with specific recovery instructions after your liposuction procedure. It is absolutely imperative that you closely follow these instructions so that you can ensure your health and safety and optimize your results.

This means no stretching or straining your incision sites, no sun exposure, no intense exercise, no heavy lifting, no alcohol, no smoking, and no staying sedentary all day. As soon as you are cleared to do so, start getting out for short walks. Drink a lot of water, and consume nutritious meals.

Later, when you are completely healed, aim to continue with your healthy eating, smoking abstinence, and daily exercise. The effects of these habits alone can be enormous for your overall health and appearance.

Use silicone gel sheets.

Plastic surgeons love silicone gel sheets and other silicone-based scar treatments because when it comes to reducing the appearance of scars, silicone rules.

Gel sheets (or topical gel ointments) must be used regularly in order to be effective for scar reduction. Most plastic surgeons have a brand and regimen they prefer and recommend.

Contact your surgeon if you have scarring concerns.

Rarely during the healing process, a patient may develop keloid scars, which can be thick and raised. These scars occur most on patients with darker skin tones and will need to be specially treated.

If you notice your scars are getting bigger, not healing well, or changing considerably in their appearance, be sure to contact your surgeon. Getting help for keloid scars early on can reduce more significant scarring.

FAQ: Liposuction for Men

Can you combine male liposuction with other procedures?

Absolutely. Men often opt to undergo liposuction along with tummy tuck surgery, effectively reducing excess fat tissue and skin at the same time. Gynecomastia surgery (removal of excess glandular tissue in the breasts) can also be combined with removing fat deposits via liposuction, along with many other cosmetic procedures.

What is HD Vaser liposuction for men?

HD Vaser liposuction is a unique liposuction procedure for men who want to minimize stubborn fat and improve the appearance of the underlying muscles.

The goal of this procedure is to sculpt the patient’s musculature while reducing excess fat and minimizing male liposuction recovery time after surgery. Most male liposuction HD patients are fairly fit to begin with and don’t require much fat removal.

How much is liposuction for men?

Ultimately, male liposuction cost ranges vary from surgeon to surgeon. Your final price will also be influenced by the extent of liposuction you require and any additional procedures you are considering. Inquire with your surgeon at your consultation appointment to get an accurate male lipo price estimate.

Request a Consultation for Male Liposuction

Does Liposuction Leave ScarsBoard certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber specializes in plastic surgery for men. Just like women, men want to look and feel attractive and confident. Often, stubborn excess fat is what’s holding men back from this goal.

But don’t let unwanted fat hold you back. If you have excess fat that seems unwilling to budge, even with diet and exercise, contact our office today to learn more about male liposuction as an effective cosmetic surgery solution.

Dr. Sieber would be happy to explain more about lipo scars, including stomach liposuction scars, neck liposuction scars, and scar tissue in other areas. There is always a solution to minimize visible scarring and achieve your aesthetic goals.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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