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Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco

Chin liposuction San Francisco


Chin Liposuction San Francisco Bay Area

For many people, excess fullness beneath the chin and along the neckline can lead to self-consciousness and a negative self-image. Often, the underlying issue is genetic, and even regular exercise and a clean diet won’t reverse it. For others, under-chin fullness may be caused by aging or weight fluctuations.

Fortunately, no matter the cause, there’s a minimally-invasive procedure that can correct it. Double chin liposuction (also known as submental liposuction) can remove excess fat from below the chin and jaw, ultimately revealing a slimmer neckline and a more attractive profile.

Meet Dr. David Sieber – Plastic Surgeon San Fransico

David Sieber, M.D. Chin Liposuction in San FranciscoDr. Sieber, who is double board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery, graduated from Loyola University-Stritch School of Medicine and completed a five-year residency in general surgery at Loyola University Medical Center before pursuing further training.

Dr. Sieber went on to become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has done thousands of Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgeries over the last 6 years of practice.

ABPS San Francisco Bay Area
ASAPS San Francisco
ASPS San Francisco


What Is Chin Liposuction?

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how to get rid of a double chin or how to get rid of neck fat, you’re not alone. It’s hard to feel sexy and confident when there’s something prominent about your appearance that you don’t like.

Liposuction has been used for decades to remove unwanted fat and reshape the body. Now, it’s becoming a popular procedure for the face. Specifically, neck and jawline liposuction is designed to remove excess fat from beneath your chin, slimming and enhancing your facial profile.

The procedure can be performed on healthy adults of all ages, including both men and women. Recovery is relatively quick, and results can be extremely striking and long-lasting.

The Chin Liposuction Procedure

While being prepped for surgery, you’ll have a chance to talk with Dr. Sieber and ask any additional questions you may have before the operation. Dr. Sieber may mark your chin at this time. These markings will help guide him while in the operating room.

Submental liposuction can be performed with general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Once the area is numb and the anesthesia has been administered, Dr. Sieber will make several small incisions along the target area. These incisions will only be a few millimeters long and hardly noticeable once they heal.

Dr. Sieber will then insert a thin tube called a cannula, which will use gentle suction to remove unwanted fat from the submental area. The incisions will be closed, and you will be taken to a recovery room for monitoring before you can go home. This procedure is outpatient, so you can go home on the same day.

Ideal Candidates

You may be a good candidate for this procedure if you’re a healthy adult with submental fullness (fullness along the jawline and neck) that is affecting your daily life and causing you to feel self-conscious. Patients generally note the desire for a slimmer, more defined jawline and chin as their core motivation for surgery.

Many patients have tried to correct excess fullness beneath the skin through exercise, dieting, or facial treatments. Often, when these options don’t work, it becomes clear that the issue is simply genetic or caused by the normal effects of aging. In these cases, surgery may be the only viable solution.

To further assess your candidacy for this procedure, it’s important to be open with Dr. Sieber about any preexisting medical conditions you may have as some health problems may prohibit surgery. Those who smoke must quit for several weeks before and after the surgery as smoking can complicate surgery and the healing process.

Ideally, patients will be at or close to their ideal body weight and have good skin elasticity. Mature patients with loose skin may benefit from additional procedures that tighten and smooth the skin.

San Francisco Lipo

Recovery From Double Chin Removal

After double chin removal, it is crucial to follow your aftercare instructions. Patients will receive these instructions at their discharge. However, you will also have a chance to discuss recovery at some point leading up to your surgery so you can know what to expect and how to prepare.

During the first few days of your recovery, try to stay up as much as possible. When you are tired, feel free to rest and sleep. But avoid laying or sitting down all day.

Staying mobile and taking frequent short walks (if only around the house or down the driveway) is good for circulation. When you do sleep, use a few pillows or a wedge to keep your upper body slightly elevated.

With that said, avoid all strenuous activity for several weeks after surgery. This means not lifting anything heavy, exercising, playing sports, or running, etc. Do not swim for several weeks either as it is important to keep your wounds clean and dry.

You’ll need to protect your chin and neck area during your initial recovery. Keep it from being jarred or bumped, and avoid turning your neck or straining it (turn your entire body instead).

Ultimately, if you want to know what to expect after chin liposuction, booking a consultation appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs this surgery is the best action to take.

Chin Liposuction Cost San Francisco

The cost of double chin removal with liposuction varies from patient to patient.

Likewise, some patients may decide to undergo additional liposuction or have other procedures performed at the same time as their chin lipo. In this case, the overall cost will naturally be affected.

Ultimately, the price you pay for this procedure will be most influenced by your surgeon’s fee. The surgeon’s fee makes up the majority of the cost of surgery because it encompasses everything from pre- and post-operative appointments to the work of the surgery itself. It also includes all of the baseline costs that any surgeon must pay, including the cost of their staff, supplies, equipment, insurance, IT, and more.

In addition to the surgeon’s fee, the patient’s overall cost of surgery will also include the anesthesiologist’s fee; fees charged by the surgical facility or hospital; and any out-of-pocket expenses such as those required for pre-op medical tests, labs, surgical garments, medications, etc.

Because chin lipo is a cosmetic procedure and not medically necessary, this surgery is not covered by health insurance.

San Francisco Chin Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions

Barring any serious weight fluctuations or other unprecedented circumstances, the effects of chin lipo should be very long-lasting. Once the fat is removed, it should not return as long as you do not gain a significant amount of weight, which would end up affecting your chin area in addition to other areas of the body.

Your surgeon will give you proper sleeping positions after chin and neck liposuction. Most patients are advised to sleep on their back with their head and neck slightly elevated.

Most patients will need to wear a chin strap or compression garment full-time for about one week. After that, you’ll need to wear it at night for several more weeks.

Ultimately, however, if you want to know how long to wear chin strap after liposuction, ask your surgeon. All patients and all surgeries are different, so follow the instructions of the medical professionals you are personally working with.

Chin and neck liposuction is an individualized procedure, so estimating the cost can be difficult if we haven’t seen you for a consultation yet.

If you reside in the San Francisco area, Dr. David Sieber is well-trained and experienced at performing submental liposuction for patients with excess submental fullness. Call today to schedule a consultation!

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Brow Lift


Brow Lift San Francisco

Undergoing a brow lift, scowling, frowning, or spending excessive time squinting in the sun can all contribute to the wear and tear experienced by the skin and muscles of your brow. This can result in sagging, which in turn gives your eyes a fatigued appearance.

Additionally, there are individuals who have a genetic inclination for brows to naturally descend over the course of time.


David Sieber, M.D. Brow Lift Surgeon in San FranciscoA graduate of Loyola University-Stritch School of Medicine and a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Sieber completed a five-year residency in general surgery at Loyola University Medical Center before going on to complete an additional three-year residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Minnesota.

Dr. Sieber went on to become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has done thousands of Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgeries over the last 6 years of practice.

ASAPS San Francisco
ABPS San Francisco Bay Area
ASPS San Francisco


What is a Brow Lift?

Heavy looking brows can make you appear tired, angry and older than you are. A brow lift is not only able to improve the excess skin on the outside of your eyes, but it also positions your brows into a more aesthetically pleasing position.

Dr. David Sieber Plastic Surgeon San Francisco Bay Area not only has extensive training in all of the latest facial rejuvenation techniques, but he also has a deep understanding of anatomy and how each element of the face interacts with one another. His goal with any brow lift surgery is to deliver a natural-looking, lifted brow that will restore a rested, youthful, and brighter look to your face.*

Brow lift surgery is commonly performed in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation surgeries such as a facelift, neck lift, and upper and/or lower blepharoplasty.

Brow Lift Technique

Brow lift san franciscoDuring your initial consultation, Dr. Sieber will evaluate the skin and muscles of your forehead in order to determine which brow lift technique best fits your facial anatomy as well as your desired outcome. Choosing the right brow lift technique for you will depend largely on the height and shape of your forehead. There are 3 main types of brow lift surgery:

• Endoscopic Brow Lift:

In this technique, minimally invasive incisions are made within and behind your hair line. A camera is then inserted and used to guide Dr. Sieber as he releases and repositions your brow to a more optimal position.* Because there are only a few small incisions, this type of brow lift is best in patients with thinning hair and/or normal height foreheads.

• Hairline Brow Lift:

In this technique, an incision is made along your hair line through which your brow is repositioned. This type of brow lift is best for patients with a long forehead.

• Coronal Brow Lift:

In this technique, an incision is made behind the hairline. This technique is best for patients with normal or low hairlines as there will be a slight lengthening of your forehead with this technique. Coronal brow lifts are able to offer the greatest degree of improvement in brow position.*

Brow lift surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure unless it’s included as part of facial rejuvenation surgery, in which case, Dr. Sieber may recommend an overnight stay. All of this will be discussed in detail during your initial consultation.

Preparing for Brow Lift Surgery

As with any major surgery, all medications and supplements which cause an increased risk of bleeding should be stopped 2 weeks prior to surgery. Please see our list of medications and supplements to avoid. As always, make sure to check with your doctor before stopping any medications.

Recovery From Brow Lift

After brow lift recovery, you will notice some swelling in and around your eyes. This typically resolves within 48-72 hours. Dr. Sieber recommends that his brow lift patients sleep in an upright or semi-recumbent position for the first 1-2 days following surgery to help reduce post-operative swelling.

Your skin incisions will be closed with staples that are hidden within your hairline. These will remain in place for 2 weeks before being removed at your post-operative visit. If you are only having a brow lift then you can return to work within a week. You may notice some loss of sensation in your hairline and forehead.

This is normal and typically resolves within the first couple of weeks to months following surgery.*

San Francisco Brow Lift Frequently Asked Questions

What does a brow lift cost in San Francisco?

Brow lift cost differ based on the extent of intervention needed to accomplish your aesthetic objectives. Additionally, the overall cost can be influenced by the inclusion of supplementary procedures like blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or facelift, which complement the brow enhancement.

How do I know which type of brow lift is best for me?

During your initial consultation with Dr. Sieber, he will advise you on the best type of brow lift for your face and your goals. There are many factors to consider such as your gender, height of hairline, and whether the brow lift is occurring alone or as a part of facial rejuvenation surgery.

I have extra skin on the outside of my brows which makes me look tired. Does a brow lift help remove that?

If you have excess skin on the outside of your brow, a brow lift can help lift that skin.* You may need an upper eyelid lift as well. When Dr. Sieber sees you during your initial consultation, he will be able to advise you on the best treatment plan to address your needs.

My hair is thinning in some areas. Will my brow lift incisions be visible?

Dr. Sieber takes a patient’s hairline into consideration when planning a brow lift surgery. He also takes great care to close your incisions as best as possible so that you heal with a fine brow lift scar.*

Contact Sieber Plastic Surgery to Book your Brow lift Consultation

A Brow lift consultation is an essential step for individuals considering this cosmetic procedure. During the consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals and concerns with Dr. Sieber. He will carefully assess your facial anatomy and the current condition of your brow area. This assessment will help determine the most suitable approach for your brow lift, whether it involves a traditional procedure or a minimally invasive technique like an endoscopic brow lift.

The consultation is also a valuable time to ask questions about the procedure, its potential outcomes, and the recovery process. Dr. Sieber will provide you with personalized recommendations and insights, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of what to expect and can make an informed decision regarding your brow lift procedure.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Blepharoplasty San Francisco


Blepharoplasty San Francisco | Eyelid Surgery

Dr. David Sieber, a leading San Francisco Plastic Surgeon, specializes in blepharoplasty in San Francisco

Aging often manifests first around the eyes, with concerns like dark circles, sagging skin, or eyelid bags, imparting a tired or sad appearance. Yet, upper eyelid aesthetic issues aren’t solely age-related; they can be hereditary in certain patients.

Meet Dr. David Sieber – Eyelid Surgeon San Francisco

David Sieber, M.D. Eyelid Lift in San FranciscoDr. Sieber, who is double board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery, graduated from Loyola University-Stritch School of Medicine and completed a five-year residency in general surgery at Loyola University Medical Center before pursuing further training.

Dr. Sieber went on to become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has done thousands of Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgeries over the last 6 years of practice.

ABPS San Francisco Bay Area

ASAPS San Francisco
ASPS San Francisco


What is Blepharoplasty?

An eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the eyelids. It involves removing excess skin, fat, and muscle from the eyelids to create a more youthful and refreshed look. The procedure can be performed on the upper eyelid skin, lower eyelid skin, or both, depending on the patient’s needs and goals.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Sieber will listen to your goals and evaluate your upper eyelid and lower eyelid, pointing out any differences he notices and together, you will decide on the treatment plan that best delivers your desired outcome.*

An upper eyelid surgery and/or lower eyelid blepharoplasty is often performed in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a facelift, brow lift, or neck lift.

Upper Eyelid Video

Eyelid Surgery Technique

An eyelid surgery targeting your upper eyelids can be performed either in the office under local anesthesia or in the operating room under general anesthesia if it’s performed as part of another cosmetic procedure such as a facelift or chin liposuction. Dr. Sieber will discuss all of these options with you in detail during your initial consultation. During your upper blepharoplasty procedure, he will remove a section of skin from your upper eyelids as well as any excess fat.

The incision line will be placed within the crease of your eye so that any scar will be hidden.* Your incisions will be closed with sutures that will need to be removed in the office about 5-7 days following surgery.

For your lower blepharoplasty, Dr. Sieber will make an incision underneath your lower eyelash line through which he will remove and reposition the fat in your lower eye to create a smooth transition from your eye to your cheek.* Any excess skin is then excised and the incisions are closed using a dissolvable suture.

Preparing for Eyelid Surgery

As with any major surgery, all medications and supplements which cause an increased risk of bleeding should be stopped 2 weeks prior to your cosmetic eyelid surgery.

Please see our list of medications and supplements to avoid. As always, make sure to check with your doctor before stopping any medications.

Blepharoplasty Results

After blepharoplasty, individuals often report increased self-confidence and a rejuvenated appearance. While results may be long-lasting for some, others may experience recurrence of droopy eyelids.

Blepharoplasty Recovery

Immediately after your upper blepharoplasty surgery, you can expect some swelling and mild bruising, but this will resolve in a couple of days. The sutures will be removed in Dr. Sieber’s office 5-7 days after your procedure although it may take up to 6 months for your final results.

Recovering from a lower blepharoplasty aimed at targeting the lower eyelid is slightly more involved. With the lower eyelid there is typically more bruising and swelling which may last for up to a week. If performed as part of facial rejuvenation surgery, this is usually the procedure which requires the most care and downtime. It is very important to follow Dr. Sieber’s post-operative instructions to ensure that you heal in a safe, expeditious manner.

Blepharoplasty Cost San Francisco

The cost of blepharoplasty depends largely on the extent of the procedure required. Your anatomy, condition, and goals influence this. Surgeons may suggest three variations of the surgery based on these factors. Eyelid surgery procedures start at $10,000.

Eyelid Surgery FAQ

Can you fix botched upper eyelid surgery?

Correcting botched eyelid surgery varies based on the issue. Revision surgery may be needed for full correction, while alternatives like dermal fillers or Botox injections are considered in certain cases.

Is eyelid surgery covered by insurance?

Eyelid surgery may be covered by medical insurance if deemed medically necessary, typically due to impaired vision caused by excess upper eyelid skin. This condition can pose risks during activities like driving, reading, and using electronic devices.

How to qualify for eyelid surgery?

Consider eyelid lift surgery if you have drooping or sagging eyelid skin affecting vision, puffiness, lower eyelid bags, or dark circles, or signs of aging in the eyes. Drooping of the upper eyelid or lower eyelid can occur at any age.

Can I achieve the same results as a lower blepharoplasty with fillers and lasers?

Fillers are only temporary. There are also limitations as to what’s achievable with fillers alone. Dr. Sieber does perform filler injections for hallows in the tear trough area. During your initial consultation, he will discuss whether or not this would be the right option to treat your issues.

I see some people who have hollow looking eyes after surgery. Will I look like this too?

Removing large amounts of fat around the eyes was something which was performed many years ago. That is not how Dr. Sieber works. His goal with any blepharoplasty is to only remove excess fat around the eyes and preserve any other fat deposits so that you retain youthful, but natural-looking eyes.*

How common is Asian eyelid surgery?

While Asian Americans represent 6% of cosmetic surgery patients, double eyelid surgery is highly sought-after in Asia, ranking third after rhinoplasty and breast augmentation.

What is the best procedure for droopy eyelids?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, enhances the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both eyelids to enhance appearance and vision obscured by drooping.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Book Your Blepharoplasty Consultation

To learn more about eyelid surgery, book a consultation. Dr. Sieber will attentively assess your concerns and devise a tailored treatment plan.

Contact our San Francisco office at 415-915-9000 or request an appointment online.


  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/blepharoplasty/about/pac-20385174
  2. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/blepharoplasty-eyelid-surgery



Facelift in San Francisco

Dr. David Sieber believes that a successful facelift is one that delivers the kind of natural looking results that will get you attention without getting noticed.* This is not the facelift of your mother’s generation where the facial skin has been pulled, leaving a tight and gaunt appearance. With all of the surgical advances available today, there is no need for anyone to look overly pulled and unnatural. In fact, a well executed facelift should simply leave you looking like a younger version of yourself.*

Meet Dr. David Sieber – Plastic Surgeon San Francisco

David Sieber, M.D. Face Lift in San FranciscoAfter completing a five-year residency in general surgery at Loyola University Medical Center, Dr. Sieber, a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, went on to complete an additional three-year residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Minnesota and a one-year aesthetic surgery fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern program in Dallas.

Dr. Sieber went on to become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has done thousands of Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgeries over the last 6 years of practice.

ABPS San Francisco Bay Area
ASAPS San Francisco
ASPS San Francisco


What is a Face Lift

As we age, our skin loses elasticity as well as volume. This results in a tired, aged appearance. And while non-surgical options can work wonders for a while, there comes a point where our skin laxity can no longer be addressed with fillers and Botox alone.

Furthermore, the neck is often one of the first areas to show the signs of age and is notoriously difficult to treat non-surgically. A facelift will both lift and tighten excess skin and soft tissue, restoring a more youthful contour to the face.*

Facelift Surgery Video

Facelift Improvements

A facelift can literally turn back the clock. Facelifts are often performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a blepharoplasty or eye lid surgery, brow lift, and skin resurfacing to provide you with a completely refreshed look.

Facelift Technique

Dr. Sieber not only has advanced training in facelift surgery, but he understands that no two patients are exactly alike. His job is to individually tailor each facelift surgery to fit your goals and desires. Depending on your needs, incisions are made around your ears, back along your hairline and sometimes under your chin. Then, your facial tissue is moved through these incision, and suspended in a more youthful position, giving definition to your jaw and neckline while also creating more volume in your cheeks.* All excess skin is then excised and your incisions are sutured closed.*

Because Dr. Sieber has advanced training specifically in facelift surgery, he is able to evaluate your anatomy in conjunction with your goals for surgery to deliver a natural, yet dramatic result.* Dr. Sieber uses either a high SMAS or SMAS plication and was taught these facelift techniques by some of the plastic surgeons who invented them. Through his meticulous attention to detail, your facelift incisions will blend in with your natural anatomy and should be barely perceptible once healed.*

Preparing for Facelift Surgery

One of the best ways to enhance your facelift outcome is to optimize your skin quality prior to surgery. The better the “canvas”, the better the finished painting. Dr. Sieber will discuss your skincare needs in detail with you during your initial consultation. Depending on the state of your skin, this process may take 2-3 months, but will greatly enhance your results.*

As with any major surgery, all medications and supplements which cause an increased risk of bleeding should be stopped 2 weeks prior to surgery. Please see our list of medications and supplements to avoid. As always, make sure to check with your doctor before stopping any medications.

Recovery from Facelift Surgery

facelift san franciscoMost patients will typically take 1-2 weeks off work in order to recover. For the first 48-72 hours after your facelift surgery, someone will need to stay with you to provide help and assistance. You will wake up with a head wrap which will remain in place for the first 2 hours. You will also have two drains behind your ears which will need to be emptied and monitored. These are usually removed the day after surgery. Your incisions will be closed with sutures. These are normally removed about 5-7 days after surgery depending on how you heal. You can expect to be very swollen for the first week after surgery, but this will subside with time.* It may take anywhere from 3-6 months for the swelling to fully resolve, and your scars may take up to a year.*

You should begin gentle walking multiple times throughout the day immediately after surgery, but should not perform any activities which raise your heart rate or blood pressure. Starting 2 weeks after surgery, you may begin more moderate cardio exercises, but should refrain from straining or heavy lifting for at least 4 weeks after surgery. You will be released back to full activities 6 weeks after your facelift surgery.

San Francisco Facelift Frequently Asked Questions

View our before-and-after photo galleries to see the results our facelift patients have achieved.

The best way to answer this question is to imagine that you have an identical twin. After your facelift surgery, you will look 5-10 years younger than your twin.* Although your face will continue to age with time, it should look 5-10 years younger than your actual age.*

Facelift patients are typically home bound for the first 1-2 weeks following surgery. Once your sutures are removed at your 1 week post-operative visit, you’ll be able to apply light make up to conceal any bruising.

There is no substitute for a facelift. There are simply limitations to what can be accomplished with fillers alone. Because Dr. Sieber specializes in both non-surgical and surgical procedures, he is able to give you an honest assessment of when fillers are no longer able to achieve a natural looking result.*

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Neck Lift


Neck Lift in San Francisco

Thanks to the proliferation of cell phones and tablets, the neck has suddenly taken center stage  our necks on constant display, but the action of looking down at our devices can cause the skin and muscles in our necks to atrophy. Couple this with father time, and the result is an aged, sagging looking neck.

As the elasticity of the skin and the soft tissue grows weaker, it leads to excess skin and those visible, ropey looking muscle bands that are an instant ager. Some people may also have excess fatty tissue in the neck which can contribute to the appearance of a double chin.

During your initial consultation, he will examine your individual anatomy and skin tone and then advise you on the best treatment plan for your desired outcome. A neck lift is commonly performed in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a brow lift, facelift, and upper and/or lower blepharoplasty.

Meet David Sieber, M.D. – Plastic Surgeon San Francisco

David Sieber, M.D. Neck Lift in San FranciscoA graduate of Loyola University-Stritch School of Medicine and a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Sieber completed a five-year residency in general surgery at Loyola University Medical Center before going on to complete an additional three-year residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Minnesota.

Dr. Sieber went on to become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has done thousands of Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgeries over the last 6 years of practice.

ASPS San Francisco

ABPS San Francisco Bay Area
ASAPS San Francisco


What is a neck lift

A neck lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the neck by reducing signs of aging and restoring a more youthful contour. It primarily targets sagging skin, excess fat deposits, and muscle banding in the neck area.

Patient Testimonials

Dr. Sieber is definitely on the who to watch list and is quickly making a name for himself because his work is amazing! I feel that that so may of the surgeons “in the know” have lost their touch with what their patients really want and do not really look at the person as an individual and what would make them attractive based on their features. Dr. Seiber really listened to what I wanted and made sure we were on the same page before making any suggestions.

Linda K

5 Star Reviews San Francisco Bay Area

AMAZING bedside manner, does nut push for procedures. Amazing staff Only want to hear from patients needs first and has to be encourage to give his opinion on what he thinks you might need. This mainly because, I think the when people come in they already know what they want done. The perfect surgeon. Have been to many who just babbling on as to what they would do to change my face . All I wanted was a less tired looking face. and a few other upgrades and made magic. I still look like me refreshed.Im a patient for life!!!!

Linda P.

5 Star Reviews San Francisco Bay Area

‘m so glad I found Dr. Sieber! He is so professional and made me feel very comfortable. He took the time to answer all of my questions and he never made me feel rushed during our consultation. I had a Halo laser, fillers and Botox done to refresh my face before my daughter’s wedding and I am constantly being mistaken for much younger than 62 which makes me so happy! I’m very pleased with my results and I highly recommend the Halo treatment. I don’t trust anyone but Dr. Sieber and will be going to him for my future treatments.

Martha C.
5 Star Reviews San Francisco Bay Area

Neck Lift Technique

Dr. Sieber performs his neck lift surgeries under general anesthesia in an accredited surgery center. He places a small incision underneath your chin and around your ears through which he tightens and re-suspends the deep tissues of the neck, creating a more youthful, lifted contour.* Any excess skin and fat is then removed and the incisions are closed with sutures which will need to be removed in the office one week after surgery.

Preparing for Neck Lift Surgery

As with any major surgery, all medications and supplements which cause an increased risk of bleeding should be stopped 2 weeks prior to surgery. Please see our list of medications and supplements to avoid. As always, make sure to check with your doctor before stopping any medications.

One of the best ways to prepare your face for facial enhancement surgery is with great skin care.

Recovery from Neck Lift Surgery

neck lift san franciscoAfter surgery, you’ll have two drains in place, located behind your ears. These are to help remove excess fluid, and to ensure that your neck skin is able to conform to the new contours. Drains are typically removed within 24 hours after surgery. All external sutures will be removed 1 week after surgery. Swelling after surgery is normal and will begin to subside within 2-3 days. You may feel a tightness in your neck, but this will gradually improve in the weeks to months after surgery.*

Immediately after surgery, you should begin gentle walking multiple times throughout the day, but should not perform any activities which raise your heart rate or blood pressure. Starting 2 weeks after surgery, you may begin more moderate cardio exercises, but should refrain from straining or heavy lifting for at least 4 weeks following surgery. You will be released back to full activities 6 weeks after your neck lift surgery.

You will notice the results from your neck lift immediately, but will experience some bruising and swelling for the first 1-2 weeks after surgery. All of the swelling should be gone at 3-6 months post op.*

San Francisco Neck Lift Frequently Asked Questions

View our before-and-after photo galleries to see the results our neck lift patients have achieved.

While a neck lift will improve the bands in your neck, remove any excess skin and fat, and re-contour your neck, if your primary concern is your jowls, you may require a facelift to achieve your desired results.* Dr. Sieber will discuss these options with you during your initial consultation.

It depends. In most people, reducing the fatty layer of the neck and tightening the muscles will produce a certain degree of skin contraction. However, if there is a large amount of skin laxity, the excess skin will need to be excised through incisions behind your ears.* Dr. Sieber will be able to give you more information on what types of results to expect during your initial consultation.

The longevity of your results depends on a multitude of factors including skin quality and genetics. In general, though, neck lift results typically last about 5-10 years.* As you age, your neck will gradually continue to age, but will always look 5-10 years younger than the rest of your face.* That is unless you also had a facelift.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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