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MOXI Laser


MOXI Laser

San Francisco MOXI Laser

Often, patients want to achieve subtle skin rejuvenation as a part of their overall skincare regimen. MOXI is a “prejuvenation” laser treatment designed to do just that. A MOXI treatment is perfect for anyone who wishes to brighten and refresh their skin. If you are just starting your skin care journey, looking for a light touch up, or simply want something more without the downtime, MOXI is an ideal choice. It’s also a great option for anyone looking to maintain results after a more aggressive laser treatment. Through its use of a gentle, non-ablative fractionated wavelength laser, MOXI delivers tonal and textural improvements to your face with little to no downtime. MOXI is designed to treat wrinkles, poor skin texture, appearance of minor skin laxity, uneven complexion and the signs of sun damage.


Quick Facts

  • Length: 15-30 minutes
  • Anesthesia: none or light topical (15-30 minutes)
  • In Office Treatment
  • Side effects: minor redness, swelling Skin will be pink/red and feel tingly (similar to a mild sunburn) immediately after. Depending on your level of treatment, you may see the small micro dots called “mendz” where the laser was applied. As the micro zones heal, they will darken and feel rough. Between days 3 and 5, the mendz will slough off, revealing the renewed skin beneath.
  • Results: Improved radiance and glow after 1 week
  • Corrective results: 3-4 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart to see a more significant improvement in dark spots and sun damage.

To find out more about a MOXI Laser treatment at Sieber Plastic Surgery, call us today at: 415-915-9000 or schedule a consultation here.

Preparing For MOXI Laser Procedure

When coming in for a procedure, it’s best to have clean, well moisturized skin. Any makeup you have on will need to be removed prior to the procedure. Because the MOXI laser cannot tell the difference between normal pigment from a tan and abnormal pigment from too much sun, please refrain from extended sun exposure or sunless tanning creams/self-tanners for at least 3 weeks prior to your treatment. Do not use aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, ginkgo and alcohol for at least 1 week before and for 2 days after treatment.

Recovery From MOXI Laser Procedure

You may experience a little burning or redness for the first 24 hours post procedure. MOXI revitalizes skin without breaking the surface, keeping the post-care regimen simple. Wear moisturizing physical sunscreen and stay out of the sun. You may wear makeup 24 hours after your treatment. A gentle cleanser and moisturizer will be recommended to protect and comfort the treated area and should be used until the skin has naturally exfoliated.

MOXI Laser Frequently Asked Questions

This will depend on your treatment goals and the level of correction desired. Most patients receive 3 to 4 corrective MOXI treatments, then often elect for regular maintenance treatments. Talk to your practitioner about your goals and they can advise you on the best treatment regimen.

Results will vary depending on your treatment goals and the plan you set forth with your provider. You can expect improved skin texture and radiance after about a week.

Differing levels of treatment may affect the sensations you feel during treatment, but most patients find the MOXI treatment experience very tolerable. The numbing cream prior to the procedure minimizes discomfort, and your provider may also use a cooling air device to keep you comfortable during. Simply put, this is one of the most gentle, low-pain laser treatments on the market.

Absolutely! It can treat all skin types, year-round. Since the MOXI laser isn’t as invasive as its stronger laser counterparts, it lessens the risk of hyper or hypopigmentation after treatment. Of course, if you ever have specific questions or concerns based on your skin tone, your provider will have all the training and experience to answer your additional questions.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Emculpt Neo


Emculpt Neo

San Francisco Emculpt Neo

Emsculpt Neo is the only FDA approved device using simultaneous synchronized radiofrequency energy for fat reduction and high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM®) for muscle stimulation and growth. The radiofrequency energy produces heat resulting in non-invasive fat reduction while at the same time warming up the muscles by several degress, preparing them for a “workout”. This is similar to what we do at the gym normally, warming up the muscle before putting them under significant stress. Within 4 minutes of beginning the treatment, subcutaneous fat temperatures have reached a level which promotes fat cell apoptosis (cellular death in which fat cells are permanently destroyed and removed from the body). Clinical studies demonstrate an average of 30% reduction in fat, which is higher than any other device currently on the market.

During normal exercise the brain limits the number of muscle fibers recruited for exercise. Emsculpt Neo is able to bypass the brain’s limitations on muscle contractions and actually activates 100% of the muscle fibers during the treatment. These types of contractions just aren’t possible with traditional exercises. The stress on the muscle from these contractions causes cellular remodeling and muscular hypertrophy. Clinical studies demonstrated that participants had an average of a 25% volume increase in muscle mass after a series of treatments. This is all accomplished in a 30-minute session and has been approved for patients with a BMI of 35. Emscupt Neo has been studied in over 30 publications proving it’s efficacy!


Emsculpt Neo Technique

Once you have been determined to be a good candidate for Emsculpt Neo you will schedule and be seen for the treatment. During the treatment you will lay downand the applicators will be applied to the specific body parts being treated. Each treatment takes 30 minutes and is customizable to each patient’s level of comfort. During the treatment itself you may feel an intense yet tolerable muscle contraction similar to when exercising. Along with the muscle contractions there will also be a warm sensation comparable to a hot stone massage, this is the radiofrequency working to heat and destroy unwanted fat. After the treatment there is no down time and you’re able to immediately get back to your daily routine. Over the following hours to days you may feel some tightness and soreness in the areas treated as the muscles recover after the treatment.

Quick Facts

  • Treatment: Four 30-minute sessions 5-10 days apart
  • Side effects: Muscle soreness
  • Recovery: Zero, some soreness similar to that experienced after exercising

To find out more about the Emsculpt Neo at Sieber Plastic Surgery, call us today at: 415-915-9000 or schedule a consultation.

Emsculpt Neo Improvements

Patients who are good candidates for Emsculpt Neo are of a normal BMI and already have a healthy and active lifestyle. This procedure can be used to treat the following muscle groups and can be used to target fat loss, muscle growth or both simultaneously:

  • Abs
  • Butt (glutes)
  • Arms (biceps/triceps)
  • Legs (quads, hamstrings, inner/outer thighs)
  • Calves

Preparing for Emsculpt Neo

There are no special preparations which are required for treatment. It’s always a good idea to drink plenty of water and consume a high protein diet around the time of treatment to maximize results.

Recovery from Emsculpt Neo

There really isn’t any recovery or downtime after the treatment. Some mild muscle soreness is normal and will gradually improve over the days following treatment.

San Francisco Emsculpt Neo Frequently Asked Questions

We recommend that all patients receive 4 treatments spaced apart by 5-10 days. This will provide maximal fat loss and muscle growth. For additional benefits we recommend that this series of treatment is repeated every 6-12 months. Emsculpt Neo does not replace a healthy diet and exercise program.

Clinical studies demonstrate that on average patients see a 30% reduction in fat as well as a 25% increase in muscle mass. They even found that Emsculpt Neo is also able to help close diastasis recti from pregnancy by about 20%!

Yes, anyone who has implantable metal devices such as joints, pacemakers, etc should not undergo treatment. This is because the radiofrequency can cause the metal to heat up internally leading to possible injury. If you do have any metal inside, including IUDs please let Dr. Sieber’s office know.

Absolutely! Even in low BMI patients, you are still able to see a 25% increase in muscle mass after completion of a series of 4 treatments. Radiofrequency can always be added for additional fat reduction if necessary.

Emsculpt Neo treatments are totally customizable for each treatment area. In areas such as the buttocks, the HIFEM can be active while the radiofrequency is turned off. This way you’ll get all the muscle building benefits with none of the fat loss!

It sure will! Because liposuction is a fat reduction procedure, it does not do anything to the muscles underneath. Hi definition lipo and traditional liposuction patients are still great candidates for Emsculpt Neo as the treatments can both build muscle and add additional fat reduction if necessary.

Most of the buttocks projection is actually from the muscle underneath so if you had a BBL and don’t have a lot of projection it could be because the muscle underneath is underdeveloped (you’re not doing enough squats!). Emsculpt Neo is able to help build up the gluteal muscles without causing any loss to precious fat which was transferred there.

Based on your goals and your conversation with Dr. Sieber, he will be able to tell you which treatment option is best suited for you. Liposuction is strictly a fat reduction procedure. The benefit of liposuction is that multiple areas are able to be treated in a single surgery and the 80-100% of fat can be removed from each area at once (this is assuming that you’re of a normal BMI and have less than 5 liters of total fat to be removed). Emsculpt Neo does not remove as much fat as liposuction but is able to simultaneously build muscle. Emsculpt neo is also an in-office procedure without any downtime! Both treatments have their pros and cons.

No, it doesn’t. There is something called paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) which can occur after fat freezing treatments. When this occurs, the fat grows disproportionately instead of being destroyed like it’s supposed to. There have never been any reports of abnormal fat growth after Emsculpt Neo treatments.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

LATISSE Eyelash Treatment


Latisse® Eyelash Treatment in San Francisco

Latisse® is an extremely effective treatment for lashes that are shorter and/or thinner than you’d like. Within just 3 to 4 months of using Latisse®, your lashes will grow longer, fuller and darker.* It’s important to note that though there are other products on the market that claim to improve lash growth, Latisse® is the only FDA approved product to treat inadequate or sparse lashes.


What is Latisse®?

Latisse® is a prescription-only medication that has been approved by the FDA for the purpose of lengthening eyelashes. The medication contains 0.03% bimatoprost as its active ingredient. With its safe and effective formula, Latisse® has been proven to enhance the length, thickness, and darkness of eyelashes.

Latisse® Before and After

LATISSE Eyelash Treatment San Francisco

How does Latisse® work?

Bimatoprost is the active ingredient found in Latisse®, a medication that was initially used by ophthalmologists for the treatment of elevated eye pressure in patients with glaucoma. It was later discovered that the same patients who were treated with this medication experienced an increase in the length and thickness of their eyelashes. Although the exact mechanism of action is not yet fully understood, Latisse® is believed to work by extending the duration of the eyelash growth cycle.

What are common uses of  Latisse® ?

The use of Latisse® is approved exclusively for the treatment of eyelashes, and it should be applied solely to the upper eyelash using the applicator provided. Blinking during the application process can cause transfer of the medication to the lower eyelash.

Latisse® Frequently Asked Questions

No, Latisse® is not available over the counter. It is a prescription medication, which means that it can only be obtained with a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. This is because Latisse® contains an active ingredient that can have potential side effects, and a healthcare provider needs to assess whether it is safe and appropriate for an individual to use.

You can obtain Latisse® from a pharmacy, but you will need a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare provider in order to do so. Once you have a prescription, you can take it to a pharmacy to have it filled. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider and the manufacturer when using Latisse® to ensure safe and effective use.

The most frequently reported side effects associated with Latisse® use are itching of the eyes and/or redness of the eyes. Many individuals who experienced these side effects found that they resolved with continued use and proper application of the medication. Less commonly reported side effects include eyelid skin darkening or redness, eye irritation or dryness, and darkening of the iris.

Book A Consultation

To find out more about Latisse® at Sieber Plastic Surgery with either SALLY SHERRARD, PA-C or ARMEEN KARIA MSN, RN, FNP-BC, call us today at: 415-915-9000.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Laser Acne Treatment


Laser Acne Treatment

San Francisco Acne Treatment

One of the most frustrating parts of adolescence and even adulthood is acne. It’s painful, unsightly and often emotionally traumatizing. As the most common skin condition in the United States, acne can occur at any stage of life. Though several factors can affect your propensity for acne such as hormones, genetics, stress, and medications, acne forms when dead skin cells, overactive oil glands and sebum block your pores thus trapping bacteria. This results in follicle damage and inflammation. In severe cases, acne can even lead to permanent scarring.

For the many patients who have tried oral and topical medications without relief, Dr. David Sieber recommends the BroadBand Light (BBL™) photo facial which has been clinically proven to help in the treatment of acne.* BBL works by heating up the skin which kills the bacteria that are causing your acne in the first place.*

For further improvement in deep acne scarring, ask Dr. Sieber about options such as the Halo laser for the treatment of acne scars.

BBL photo facial treatments can help reduce the formation of acne, and may also work to suppress and prevent future acne breakouts.* Significant improvements will typically require 6 treatments, with 1-2 treatments performed each week until improvement is seen.* BBL photo facial acne treatments can not only be performed on the face, but also on the back, shoulders and chest.


Acne Treatment Technique

Numbing medication is usually not needed for this treatment. A thin film of ultrasound gel is first applied to your skin. Then, Dr. Sieber passes the BBL handheld device over the area to be treated. The device emits small pulses of light that heat the upper layers of the skin. Most patients have little to no discomfort. Each treatment session lasts about 20-30 minutes and can be easily scheduled during your lunch hour.

Quick Facts

  • Length: 15-30 minutes
  • Anesthesia: None
  • Inpt/Outpt: In office
  • Side effects: swelling, redness
  • Recovery: 24 hours

Acne Improvements:*

  • Improvement in chronic acne
  • Reduction of acne flares
  • Reduction of redness due to acne inflammation

To find out more about acne treatment with Dr. David Sieber at Sieber Plastic Surgery, call us today at: 415-915-9000 or schedule a consultation here.

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Preparing for Acne Treatment

  • Discontinue Accutane or its equivalent for at least one month prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 3 weeks prior to your first session as well as throughout the entire course of your BBL treatment.
  • Sunless tanning lotions must also be avoided for 2-3 weeks prior to treatment.

Recovery from Acne Treatment

You may experience some redness and swelling for the first 24 hours after your BBL photo facial treatment for acne, but makeup can be applied immediately after treatment. You may also experience some slight discomfort, similar to that from a mild to moderate sunburn, for the first 12-24 hours following treatment, but most clients are able to return to their regular activities immediately.

Laser Acne Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

It may take anywhere from a few days to a week before you’ll see an improvement in your acne. All of your acne won’t disappear after a single session. Most patients will require 4-6 treatments before seeing a dramatic improvement in their acne.*

Your results are dependent in part on your body. Some patients will get complete eradication of their acne after a series of treatments while others will need a “booster” treatment every 3-4 months to maintain their results.*

Although BBL photo facial can treat active acne, it may only make a marginal improvement in your acne scars. Dr. Sieber typically recommends the Halo laser treatment to deliver the most improvement in acne scars.*

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Laser Resurfacing


Laser Resurfacing

San Francisco Laser Skin Resurfacing

Years of sun exposure can leave your skin looking dull with fine lines, wrinkles and sun spots that just don’t seem to get better no matter what you try. Laser skin resurfacing treats the entire spectrum of sun damaged skin from a light touch up that will improve your skin’s natural texture to a deep total resurfacing that will leave you with a more youthful and brilliant glow.*

Dr. David Sieber has advanced training in the latest laser technologies and understands the unique improvements that each can deliver. During your initial consultation, Dr. Sieber will analyze your skin, and recommend a customized laser skin resurfacing treatment plan to best suit your individual needs.


Laser Skin Resurfacing Technique

Most laser skin resurfacing procedures can be performed in an office setting. However, if your skin requires deep resurfacing, Dr. Sieber may recommend that you do so under general anesthesia for improved comfort.

Quick Facts

  • Length: 15-90 minutes
  • Anesthesia: Topical, local, or general
  • Inpt/Outpt: In office or outpatient
  • Side effects: redness, burning sensation, peeling
  • Recovery: 1-14 days depending on type and depth of treatment

Contour TRL can improve:

  • Fine lines
  • Deep wrinkles, including those around the lips and eyes
  • Deep sun damage
  • Poor skin texture

To find out more about laser skin resurfacing with Dr. David Sieber at Sieber Plastic Surgery, call us today at: 415-915-9000 or schedule a consultation here.

Laser skin resurfacing can improve:*

  • Customizable treatments to precisely target skin damage
  • Improvement in the appearance of tone, texture, fine and coarse lines, and wrinkles
  • Reduces pore size and increase reflectivity and glow
  • Flexibility in treatment levels and downtime
  • Fine lines
  • Pigmentation
  • Tone & texture

Preparing for Laser Skin Resurfacing

If BBL laser is to be done then you will want to refrain from any excessive sun exposure or sunless tanning products for at least 7-10 days prior to your procedure. If you are on a topical vitamin A product such as Retin-A, Tretinoin, or Tazorac, these need be stopped 7 days prior to your laser procedure.

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Recovery from Laser Skin Resurfacing

skin resurfacing san franciscoFor lighter procedures such as a Nanopeel, your skin will be red for about 24 hours. For a deep treatment such as a Microlaser peel, the degree of redness and peeling will depend on the depth of the treatment, but can range from 1-7 days. A deep resurfacing procedure will yield the greatest possible improvement in skin quality, but may require 7-14 days of downtime.*

Laser Skin Resurfacing Frequently Asked Questions

The treatment area is cleaned and your eyes are protected with safety shields. Dr. Sieber then positions the laser over the skin while a computer-guided scanner moves the laser beam over the designated treatment areas. The procedure usually lasts 15 to 60 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated.

The level of comfort varies from patient to patient depending largely on the depth of the treatment. For shallow treatments, the procedure is well tolerated with the use of a topical anesthetic. For deeper treatments, Dr. Sieber may administer a local anesthetic or perform the procedure under general anesthesia.

Complete healing depends largely on the depth of the treatment. Healing times for shallow treatments are typically 2-4 days.* For deeper treatments, you should discuss realistic expectations for recovery with Dr. Sieber, but it will typically take 1-2 weeks for a complete recovery.* You may experience some degree of pinkness to your skin for up to 3-6 months after treatment.*

You may be given skin care products and instructions on how to use them. Your skin will be sensitive to ultra-violet light after the procedure so you will need to do the following:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed
  • Always use some level of sun protection to avoid sun damage and premature aging of your skin
  • For at least 2 months post-laser treatment or series, use skin protection containing a high percentage of zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. This acts as a physical barrier to the sun’s damaging rays. After this early healing period, wear a daily sunscreen with both UVA and UVB spectrum protection.
  • Give your skin protection from the sun using sunglasses, wide-brimmed sun hats, and cover-up clothing to protect shoulders and chest.
  • Adopt an effective daily anti-aging home skin care routine. Dr. Sieber or his staff can recommend which skin care products would best fit your needs.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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