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What to Expect During Chin Lipo Recovery

What to Expect During Chin Lipo Recovery

Most patients handle San Francisco chin liposuction recovery very well. This simple procedure involves very little risk and typically goes smoothly with a gentle healing process and just a few days of actual downtime.

Although patients may experience slight discomfort and will need to wear a compression garment head wrap on their chin over the following weeks, after a few days, they can decide when to put this time in and are otherwise free to go about their lives normally.

In this article, we’ll discuss what to expect throughout the typical chin lipo recovery timeline as well as when most patients can expect to see their chin lipo results.

What Is Chin Liposuction?

A chin liposuction procedure (also called double chin liposuction, submental lipectomy, or submental liposuction) is a plastic surgery procedure that removes fat from beneath the chin and around the neck area. The procedure effectively removes the appearance of a “double chin”.Double Chin Lipo Recovery

Chin liposuction patients typically develop excess fat in these areas due to genetics, past weight gain and weight fluctuations, or aging. Chin lipo surgery is the only proven way to achieve significant improvement of submental fat.

Chin Lipo Procedure

This procedure is typically performed under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Small incisions will be made beneath the chin and sometimes behind the ears.

A cannula (thin metal tube) will be inserted into each incision and will gently suction out the unwanted fat. Finally, all incisions will be neatly closed.

What to Expect During Your Chin Lipo Recovery Time

Recovery from your submental liposuction ultimately depends on the patient and their unique surgery. Every surgery is different, and every patient is different. All patients need different approaches to their procedures.

Patients typically want to know, “How long is chin lipo recovery?” For most patients, the initial period of recovery from chin lipo takes around one to two weeks. During this time, you will be swollen in the treatment area, and you may have bruising, which can isolate around the chin and neck and/or travel down to the chest and up the face.

Bruising should begin to disappear within a few days, but swelling will linger. During your initial chin lipo recovery time, you will need to wear compression garments around your head that keeps the chin area tightened. This helps your skin to adjust to its new position and helps hold the shape of your new neckline.

As far as chin lipo recovery day by day, after the initial period, you should see gradual improvements with each passing day. Recovery is generally easy, but you may feel tired and worn out from surgery.

If this is the case, feel free to take naps and rest, but avoid sleeping and/or laying down all day. As soon as you are cleared to do so, we encourage patients to take short walks around their house and return to their normal (non-physical) activities.

After several weeks, patients can reintroduce exercise and gradually fill their lives back in as they lessen the amount of time they wear the compression garment and see more of their results.

When Will I See My Chin Lipo Results?

Some chin liposuction results are visible right away after surgery. However, you will have some swelling, which will naturally obfuscate your complete results. Ultimately, the improvements to your chin area will only become more visible over time.

With that said, swelling is the last symptom to go during your recovery period. In fact, swelling can sometimes stick around for quite a long time — up to six months. For this reason, we tell patients that it may take up to six months to see full results.

FAQ: Chin Liposuction Recovery Time

Recovery Time For Chin LipoHow long does it take to recovery from chin liposuction?

The initial recovery period following submental lipectomy surgery typically takes a few weeks. However, you may not see your complete results from surgery for up to six months due to residual swelling in the treatment area.

What not to do after chin liposuction surgery?

During double chin lipo recovery, it’s important not to lift anything heavy or partake in strenuous physical activity.

This means no running, swimming, or participating in sports. You should not weight lift or do any type of serious physical exercise.

Likewise, be sure not to submerge your chin area in water, and stay out of the sun. Excess sun exposure can cause your chin liposuction scars to be exacerbated over time.

How long do I wear compression after chin liposuction?

The vast majority of patients need to wear a compression garment for around one week following surgery. After that, you’ll still need to wear your compression garment, but you can usually pare it down to a few hours a day for just a few more weeks.

Is chin liposuction recovery painful?

Pain levels vary among individuals, but discomfort after liposuction is usually manageable with prescribed medication.

Book Your Consultation Today!

Patients seeking chin lipo should schedule a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.

At your appointment, learn more about the procedure itself, the chin lipo recovery process, costs, and look at chin lipo before and after photos while learning if you are ultimately a good candidate for the procedure.

Chin liposuction can be greatly beneficial to the way you feel about how you look. Boost your self-confidence and love the way you see yourself in the mirror every day with chin liposuction.

Call today to book your consultation.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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