What a Mommy Makeover includes
A San Francisco Mommy Makeover procedure is a highly personalized procedure designed to address each patient’s unique goals for their transformation. There are no fixed rules or limitations when it comes to creating a Mommy Makeover plan—it is entirely tailored to your specific needs and desires.
Interestingly, a Mommy Makeover is not limited to women who have undergone pregnancy. Other factors such as significant weight loss or the natural aging process can also lead to similar body changes that may benefit from these procedures.
While not all mothers experience significant body changes after pregnancy, it is common for most women to encounter various transformations. These changes often include deflated and sagging breasts, stretch marks on the abdomen, separation of the abdominal muscles causing abdominal bulging, and persistent fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise efforts.
It can be disheartening when these changes become permanent and resistant to traditional lifestyle measures.
However, the positive news is that a Mommy Makeover procedure offers a solution. This comprehensive approach can help address these concerns and restore your body to a more youthful and vibrant state, allowing you to regain your confidence and satisfaction.
Mommy Makeover Includes
During pregnancy, the body goes through many changes. The areas that are most commonly affected include the breasts and the abdominal region. A mommy makeover can include a number of plastic surgery procedures to help address your “problem” areas, and may include the following procedures:
- Breast Augmentation– can restore fullness and lost volume to the breasts using implants.
- Breast Lift– help to lift sagging skin and the breasts to a more youthful position.
- Breast Reduction– can create smaller breasts for those with disproportionately large, uncomfortable breasts.
- Tummy Tuck– removes excess abdominal skin and tightens abdominal muscles for a flat midsection.
- Liposuction– removes excess, stubborn fat deposits from anywhere on the body.
The mommy makeover is highly individualized, so no two mommy makeovers will be the same. During your consultation, you can discuss your personal aesthetic goals, and Dr. Sieber will create a customized mommy makeover surgery
Combining plastic surgery procedures in a strategic manner offers several advantages, including improved efficiency and minimized disruptions for patients. By consolidating multiple procedures into a single session, we can ensure that you undergo anesthesia only once, experience a streamlined recovery process, and have a single period of downtime.
Dr. Sieber prioritizes the safety and well-being of all his patients, which is why he exclusively operates at fully accredited San Francisco hospitals. These facilities adhere to rigorous standards, ensuring the highest level of safety and care throughout your surgical journey. Additionally, after a tummy tuck, He requires an overnight stay to provide thorough monitoring and dedicated nursing care, further enhancing your post-operative recovery experience treatment plan just for you.
Mommy Makeover Questions and Answers
Does a mommy makeover include BBL?
Yes, a mommy makeover can include a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), but it depends on the specific procedures chosen and the goals of the individual. A mommy makeover typically refers to a combination of surgical procedures aimed at addressing the physical changes that occur in a woman’s body after pregnancy and childbirth.
The specific procedures involved can vary based on the individual’s needs and desired outcome.
Does mommy makeover include thighs?
Yes, a mommy makeover can include procedures that address the thighs. The specific procedures chosen for a mommy makeover are based on an individual’s concerns and goals, so if a person is looking to improve the appearance of their thighs as part of their post-pregnancy body transformation, it can be included in their mommy makeover plan.
Are You a Candidate?
Women who are healthy and wish to restore their pre-baby figure can often benefit from a this surgical procedure. The best time to undergo this procedure is when you are done having children, and at least six months after you have finished breastfeeding.
This is because future pregnancies can undo the results of your mommy makeover. A consultation with Dr. Sieber can help to best determine if a mommy makeover is right for you.
Contact Our Office
If you are interested in learning more about the mommy makeover surgery for a boost in confidence, contact our San Francisco office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sieber to learn more about procedures included in a mommy makeover like tummy tuck, breast lift, breast augmentation and breast reduction.