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Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips for Smooth Healing

For many patients, tummy tuck recovery is a hot topic because they know those first few weeks can be especially challenging.

The good news is, however, that it’s doable. And if you’ve been struggling with loose skin, separated abdominal muscles, and stubborn tummy fat, the tummy tuck recovery time will be worth it. Here are some tips to get through this period with as little pain and discomfort as possible.

Top Tips for a Smooth Healing Process After Tummy Tuck Procedures

1. Wear your compression garments as directed.

After surgery, most patients will have a surgical dressing and an abdominal support garment to wear home. You’ll need to wear this consistently for at least four to six weeks. Over time, you can switch to just wearing the garment part-time.

An abdominal pressure garment is designed to reduce swelling, support the new contours of your abdomen, keep your incision sites closed, and deter the healing tissues from stretching.

2. Use pain medication to improve your comfort.

Most tummy tuck patients will benefit from pain medication to improve discomfort over the first few weeks. Pain is usually worst over the first few days.

Usually, after a week or more, patients can switch from a prescribed pain medication to an over-the-counter option. On top of taking pain medication, wearing an abdominal binder can help with discomfort as well.

3. Drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy diet.

Just as at any time in your life, eating a nutritious diet will add benefits to your health. Because you will be restricted physically, it may be a good idea to plan ahead and create some freezer meals before surgery. Some patients will ask a friend or family to cook for them, or you might even sign up for a meal delivery service.

During your recovery, you must avoid alcohol, foods high in sodium, and too much caffeine. Drink plenty of water and clear fluids. Believe it or not, staying hydrated can help flush excess fluid out of your body. Reducing fluid buildup can help get rid of swelling faster.

4. Care for your incision site properly.

All plastic surgeons have different instructions for proper wound care, so be sure to follow your surgeon’s unique directives.

Patients can usually shower after surgery, but some surgeons will have you wait a few days. If you have drains, you may need to take sponge baths only until the drainage tubes are removed.

If you are allowed to get your incision sites wet, be sure not to rub or agitate them. Naturally, you’ll need to remove your compression garment prior to bathing. Always pat (don’t rub) your incision sites dry.

5. Ease back into physical activity.

One of the major risks after surgery is the risk of blood clots. To prevent blood clots from forming, make sure you are getting up periodically to take short, easy walks. This will ensure good blood circulation.

As time goes on and your surgeon allows it, ease back into more movement. Take longer walks, and when you are cleared, start exercising again.

Just remember that reintegrating exercise into your routine will not happen for at least four to six weeks, and even then, you’ll need to take it slow at first. It may take up to three months or longer to return to more vigorous exercise.

FAQ: Recovery Time for Tummy Tuck Surgery

How long is recovery from tummy tuck surgery?

On average, patients need to take around two weeks off from work after a tummy tuck. But it may take several additional weeks to return to all your normal activities and six months to a year or more to see your complete tummy tuck results. To see a visual representation of the recovery time tummy tuck requires, take a look at some tummy tuck recovery week by week pictures.

Keep in mind that if you are undergoing additional procedures along with a tummy tuck or if your tummy tuck is part of a mommy makeover, the recovery period may be longer.

What are the don’ts after a tummy tuck?

Among the “don’ts” after tummy tuck surgery, you should not perform strenuous exercise, do any heavy lifting, submerge yourself in water (bath, pool, etc.), expose your incisions to sunlight, or drink alcohol or smoke.

How long before I can stand straight after tummy tuck surgery?

For at least two weeks, it may be advisable to walk with a slight bend at your waist. Usually after two to three weeks, you can stand with your regular posture again. It may take several more weeks to get your energy back and return to your normal activities.

How painful is a tummy tuck?

The tummy tuck procedure itself will not be painful as you’ll be under general anesthesia, which will keep you comfortable. Do expect some discomfort in the days and weeks following surgery, however. Your surgeon can prescribe pain medications to mitigate this.

Is the tummy tuck cost worth it?

Tummy tuck costs vary. We recommend scheduling a one-on-one appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon to learn the prospective cost of your surgery. Factors like your anatomy, your goals, the geographic location of your surgery, and your surgeon’s own unique fees will all influence the cost.

Will I have tummy tuck scars?

Yes, tummy tucks result in scars. All tummy tucks require a hip to hip incision that typically sits below the underwear line. But you may also require a belly button incision (full tummy tuck) or a vertical incision below the belly button (fleur-de-lis tummy tuck). Or, your lower lateral incision may need to be extended (extended tummy tuck).

Contact Us to Set Up a Consultation Appointment

How Long Is Recovery From Tummy TuckIf the tummy tuck recovery process is daunting to you, one of the best ways to confront this concern is to schedule a consultation appointment with a reliable board certified plastic surgeon. Speaking with a surgeon about your procedure can help calm your fears. They will be able to tell you exactly what you can expect and how you can manage all of your symptoms for optimal comfort.

Also at your consultation appointment, you’ll get a chance to browse tummy tuck before and after photos and see what your results could look like. Together with your surgeon, you’ll go over other topics such as what tummy tuck type is best for you and what, if any, additional procedures may help you achieve your goals even better.

Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber has helped countless other patients realize their desired outcome with tummy tuck surgery and other body contouring procedures. Please call our office today to set up your consultation.



How to Prepare for a Mommy Makeover Before and After

Browsing through mommy makeover before and after photos can immediately make you realize how transformative this surgery can be. For moms who’ve been through multiple pregnancies (and seen the physical changes this experience can bring), a mommy makeover is often life-changing. It’s a chance to finally get your pre baby body back.

But how do you actually get ready for such an important surgery?

We’ve created a guide for those who are preparing for mommy makeover surgery. In this guide, you’ll find our best advice on how to approach your consultation appointment, how to choose the right procedures for your makeover, and how to prep yourself and your home for the recovery period.

Preparing for Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

All mommy makeovers start with a consultation appointment. You can schedule this appointment even if you’re not positive you want to move forward with surgery. Think of it as a fact-finding mission in this regard.

In addition to discussing your major concerns and desired outcomes, you’ll simply be getting a chance to become acquainted with your surgeon and ask any questions you may have. You will review your medical history and probably undergo a short physical exam as well.

Some of the other topics you may discuss at your consultation include patient candidacy, mommy makeover cost, potential risks and complications, and your anticipated mommy makeover recovery timeline.

Here are some recommendations when preparing for this appointment:

  • Review your surgeon’s before and after mommy makeover gallery prior to the appointment. Bookmark any mommy makeover before and after pictures that have outcomes similar to what you are looking for.
  • If you have pictures of yourself from the past, celebrity pictures, or similar, bring those as examples of your desired outcome.
  • Bring a pad of paper and pen to take notes. Pre-write your questions on your paper, and leave space for the answer beneath each question.
  • Bring any pertinent information on current medical conditions or ongoing treatments you may have.
  • Bring a list of medications and/or supplements you are currently taking.

How to Choose Your Mommy Makeover Procedures

Most women have a strong idea of what they want to change with their mommy makeover. But every mommy makeover case is unique, so it can take some dialogue with your surgeon to figure out for sure what procedures will work best for you.

Things like procedure compatibility (how well one procedure works with another being performed at the same time), patient budget, and patient health can all factor into the final decision. With that said, as long as a patient is a general candidate for this surgery, they should have the following procedures available to choose from:

Tummy Tuck

Also known as abdominoplasty, this procedure will remove excess skin on the abdomen. It usually includes liposuction to remove excess fat as well and muscle repair to bring together separated abdominal muscles (a frequent result of pregnancy).


Liposuction removes stubborn body fat from areas like the waist, thighs, and arms.

Breast Enhancement Surgery

This is typically either a breast lift or a breast augmentation. A breast lift does not increase breast size. Rather, it lifts the breasts, making them appear perkier. Breast augmentation does increase the breast size with either a fat transfer procedure or breast implants.

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)

The goal of a BBL is to remove unwanted fat (usually from the abdomen) and use it to fill areas on the thighs and buttocks that would benefit from more volume. Most BBLs help to facilitate more of an hourglass figure for women.

Other Procedures

Keep in mind that other procedures can be incorporated into a mommy makeover as well. If you are interested in improving other areas of your body, talk to your surgeon about your options.

Prepping for Mommy Makeover Recovery

Preparing for your mommy makeover recovery may take most of your time and energy prior to surgery. This is largely because, while certainly manageable, the recovery period following this procedure tends to be longer and more challenging than with other surgeries.

Here are some tips to help you prepare yourself and your home for the recovery process:

#1 – Ask for time off work far ahead.

Don’t wait to get the time you need off from work or school. As soon as you know your surgery date and how much time you’ll need, book your sick leave or vacation days.

#2 – Prepare your space.

At home, you’ll want to prepare several rooms for your recovery. First, your bedroom may require special pillows or medical gear to assist you with getting in and out of bed. Next, you may need specialty topical products (silicone gel, for example) or wound care items for your bathroom. Talk to your surgeon about these things.

When you’re resting during the day, try to spend time in another space so that you can reserve your bedroom for nighttime sleeping only. A couch or comfortable recliner (that you can easily get out of) are great. Put things like your phone charger, books, magazines, tissues, water, and snacks within easy reach.

*Keep in mind that with certain procedures, you may need to sleep or rest in special positions (for example, after a BBL, you cannot put pressure on your buttocks). Therefore, also talk to your surgeon about whether you need to purchase special pillows or other assistive devices as well.

#3 – Plan your meals and snacks.

A little food prep can go a long way for your recovery. Whether you plan to eat freezer meals, get a food delivery plan, or ask a friend or family member to help with cooking, be sure to set this up ahead of time.

#4 – Plan to track your progress.

Lastly, before your recovery even begins, figure out how you are going to track your progress. This is a great way to stay motivated during your recovery.

You might plan to take a daily photo, write in a journal, or jot notes on your calendar. Whatever it is, stick to the plan as you heal so that you can see how far you’ve come as you get better!

FAQ: Mommy Makeover Surgery

Is a mommy makeover only for women?

No, it is a male female procedure and can be performed on men as well. “Mommy makeover” is really just a marketing term that is used for this type of combination surgery because many moms seek it out when they want to restore their pre baby body.

If you are looking for before and after mommy makeover photos of men, when looking through galleries of pictures filter cases or apply filters by gender.

How much is a mommy makeover before and after insurance?

Mommy makeover surgery is not a medically necessary procedure. Therefore, it is unlikely insurance will provide coverage. However, you can always call and ask what requirements and at what age provider companies may provide coverage.

Call to Schedule a Mommy Makeover Consultation

Before And After Mommy MakeoverWhat are you hoping to achieve with your mommy makeover?

To be sure, having children is one of life’s most beautiful experiences. But women can frequently lose themselves during the process, and the result can be a challenge for everyone in the family. If you would like to restore your pre baby body — and diet and exercise just aren’t getting it done — you may be an excellent candidate for a mommy makeover.

To schedule your consultation with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber, please contact our practice today.



Do You Need a Breast Lift After Weight Loss?

Losing a significant amount of weight is a huge achievement. Whether you’ve done it with diet and exercise or through plastic surgery, the journey is never easy.

Of course, as with many things, the journey doesn’t end as soon as you hit that goal weight. Many individuals who have lost a large amount of weight are left with several physical features that they like to tweak further. One such feature is the breasts.

Fortunately, a breast lift may be able to help you if you are in this situation. The following article will go over why weight loss often causes sagging, drooping breasts and what a breast lift can do to ameliorate this issue.

Dealing With Sagging Breasts After Weight Loss

For many women, sagging, drooping breasts are a common symptom of weight loss. When more fat was on the body prior to their weight loss, they may have had breasts they were happy with. Essentially, the added fat “filled up” the skin on the breasts, so to speak, and that made them appear fuller and rounder.

Unfortunately, when the body drops fat because of weight loss, it has a tendency to take weight from all parts of the body (not just those “trouble spots” that annoy you). This leaves the breast tissue devoid of the fat it used to have, which is just one of the reasons why your breasts may appear sagging and flat after weight loss.

The other reason is that the excess fat that was on the body prior to weight loss (in particular, that fat on the breasts) may have stretched the breast skin beyond its normal size. Later, when fat was reduced through weight loss, the skin may have retained the larger size, and again, this could make the breasts appear flat and lack volume.

Drooping Breasts After Weight Loss

Many women find that throughout weight loss, they are simply focused on living a healthy lifestyle, dropping fat, and ideally, toning up with exercise. Once they achieve their goal weight or clothing size, however, they may be looking for ways to refine their results and perhaps even give themselves a little confidence boost and gift for losing all that weight. Excess skin is often the result after working hard to lose weight. The excess skin on the breasts can be frustrating after working so hard to achieve significant weight loss results. A lift targets this excess skin.

A range of cosmetic procedures can help fix or improve some of the issues that arise after massive weight loss. For example, body contouring is a common procedure. Body contouring can refer to a host of procedures aimed at targeting problem areas resulting in a more pleasing physique. With body contouring, you are addressing problems of extra fat and excess skin. Alternatively, liposuction of those last, hard-to-lose 5 or 10 “vanity” pounds is popular. Tummy tucks are also frequent after massive weight loss as they can take care of excess skin on the abdomen.

As for the breasts, patients have several different options.

For starters, if the patient has always wanted bigger breasts and never felt that they had the breast size that fit their body shape, breast augmentation may be an option. Breast augmentation can be achieved through breast implants or through the fat transfer process. Many patients wonder about a breast lift vs breast reduction and what is right for them. Whether breast reduction is right or not all depends on the patient. Often, it tends to be patients with very full breasts who opt for a breast reduction.

However, breast augmentation is usually performed when the patient wants to go up one or several cup sizes and is not as concerned with how perky the breasts are or where they hang on the chest. In other words, breast augmentation is not generally the best option for sagging, drooping breasts. After weight loss breast lift surgery is an often ideal option.

Instead, most patients with these symptoms go for a lift to target and remove excess skin. When there has been massive weight loss and the breasts seem to be “deflated” with loose skin as a result, a lift is the best procedure to fix the problem. Of course, many women opt for a lift even when they haven’t lost a significant amount of weight as well. Sometimes, time, aging, and gravity simply make the breasts appear to lack volume and perkiness.

Likewise, after pregnancy and breast-feeding, many women feel the same about their breasts and want to raise their nipples and give their bosom more youth and vivacity without necessarily going up several bra cup sizes.

Breast Lift Procedure

A lift is a common cosmetic procedure that involves lifting the breast tissue and nipples in order to give the breasts a more youthful, perky appearance. The exact features that will be altered in a given plastic surgery will depend on the individual. In general, however, excess tissue will be removed, and the nipple line will be raised above the breast crease.

In some cases, breast lifts are also combined with breast augmentation surgery.

The Ideal Candidate

One way to know if you could benefit from a lift is to look in the mirror without a shirt or bra and specifically look at your nipple line (where your nipples are an association to your torso). If your nipple line is below your breast crease, a lift might be for you.

Secondly, look at the overall direction that your nipples are pointing in. If they tend to point downward, again, a lift may benefit you. Many patients also have questions about breast lift risks and safety.

Future Weight Fluctuations

One important final note to make when it comes to post-operative care is that future weight gain and/or weight loss (after breast lift surgery) may affect your breasts’ appearance. That is, achieving a certain healthy weight is critical before plastic surgery, and equally important is maintaining that weight after surgery.

Unfortunately, any future weight gain could alter the appearance of your breasts, or if you gain and then lose the weight a second time, this could further impact your breasts’ appearance in a negative way. Keeping a healthy diet and doing light to moderate, consistent exercise are the way to go to stay in a healthy BMI (body mass index) range.

Questions and Answers

What other surgeries are common after major weight loss?

Other common surgeries after major weight loss include tummy tuck and a body lift. A body lift is similar to any other lift in that it targets loose skin. With a body lift, the entire body is the subject. With a body lift (sometimes referred to as a lower body lift) the trunk and legs are the focus of surgery. There is also an upper body lift, but the general body lift is most common after major weight loss.

Will insurance cover a breast lift after weight loss surgery?

Typically, breast lift surgery is deemed cosmetic, making it unlikely for insurance coverage. Approval as a covered procedure requires demonstrating its medical necessity.

Is breast lift recovery painful?

During your breast lift recovery time you can expect discomfort and redness around incisions post-breast lift. Numbness in nipples, areolae, and breast skin may persist for about six weeks. Follow your healthcare provider’s pain medication advice in the initial days.

How long does a breast lift last?

Expect your mastopexy results to endure for about a decade, possibly 15 to 20 years if done at a younger age. Factors can impact longevity, though.

Schedule a Consultation Appointment

Weight Loss Breast LiftDr. Sieber is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who treats patients in the San Francisco Bay Area. His extensive experience and unique expertise with breast lift surgery has helped a range of patients improve their appearance and confidence.

If you have recently lost a significant amount of weight and are looking for ways to prove the perkiness and overall appearance of your breasts, contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment.


Millennial Plastic Surgery: 4 Cosmetic Procedures Most In Demand

Almost 40 percent of millennials are thinking about having plastic surgery done in the next 12 months or have already undergone one, according to a ZALEA study.

When this age group was asked which type of provider they preferred to perform their millennial plastic surgery, 75 percent of the respondents said a plastic surgeon.

Factors that influenced their decision to undergo a procedure were:

  • Doctor credentials (90 percent)
  • Ratings or reviews (84 percent)
  • Price (78 percent)

More than ever, this younger millennial generation seem to express a greater willingness to consider undergoing a plastic surgery than older generations. The survey shows the following types of plastic surgery are becoming significantly more socially acceptable. These days, millennials have distinct expectations and are more savvy particularly around non-invasive techniques, meaning providers of millennial plastic surgery and technology should all take notice.

Millennials Are Connected Today More Than Ever

From an endless source of commentary and internet news to unlimited social media channels, millennials are more connected to today’s world as a whole than past generations with limited technology and resources.

Younger individuals carry smartphones at all times and any concern over small breasts or flabby stomachs can easily become a full-blown obsession.

Years ago, plastic surgery was a thing only elites of Park Avenue and Hollywood had access to, today however, millennials are now tuned in enough to understand how mainstream non-surgical millennial plastic surgery has become. In many large cities, it’s rare to enjoy a venti latte without coming across a spa offering Botox. Financing for cosmetic surgery has made it simpler to undergo a desired procedure at a price that’s affordable.

Millennials want instant gratification. When you’re not happy with your thin lips and you jump on Instagram only to see Kylie Jenner’s plumped-up lips, you immediately go online and schedule an appointment with a local plastic surgeon for lip augmentation. Many procedures like dermal fillers and Botox require little to no downtime and are relatively affordable, this makes them all the more attractive to people in their 20s and 30s.

Cosmetic Surgery Has Shown an Increase

Since 2013, cosmetic surgery has shown a 47 percent increase. Of all surveyed surgeons, whether they be NYC plastic surgeons, LA cosmetic surgeons or from elsewhere, 72 percent reported they’ve seen an increase in patients who are under the age of 30.

According to the study, millennials between 23 and 38 years of age, have increased the plastic surgery procedures demanded because of their growing up with social media and their concern with self-care.

Millennials are now increasingly communicating through social media apps, like Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram, where appearance is very important. According to the Pew Research Center, in 2018, around 88 percent of 18 to 29 year old individuals said they actively used social media. Social media has made it less taboo to professionally tweak your body, it has motivated individuals to undergo both non-surgical cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

The study showed that four-fifths of the millennial plastic surgery procedures in 2018 were non-surgical like fillers, Botox, non-surgical rhinoplasty and microneedling. Doctors claim that among the biggest motivators for individuals to undergo a millennial plastic surgery procedure was because they wanted their “selfies” to look better.

Top Cosmetic Surgery in Demand

1. Botox

Botox is a neurotoxin that comes from an organism known as Clostridium botulinum, found in the natural environment where it’s largely non-toxic and inactive. Plastic surgeons use Botulinum toxin to reduce wrinkles and fine lines by paralyzing the underlying muscles.

In a time that’s ruled by image, non-invasive procedures like dermal fillers and injectables appeal to individuals across multiple demographics. The most popular non-surgical treatment, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, is Botulinum toxin neurotoxic injections such as Dysport, Xeomin and Botox with over 4.5 million procedures performed in 2016.

A premier plastic surgery clinic today is now seeing unheard numbers of millennials chasing treatments, and not because they’re “getting older.” There’s been an 87 percent increase of Botulinum toxin use within just five years by individuals aged 19 through 34.

2. Fillers

Dermal fillers are substances plastic surgeons inject under the skin’s surface to add fullness and volume. Dermal fillers use substances like:

  • Hyaluronic acid, found in some tissues and fluids in your body that plump up your skin
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite, a mineral-like compound in bones
  • Polylactic acid, which stimulates your skin into making more collagen
  • Polyalkylimide, a transparent gel that’s compatible with your body
  • Polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres (PMMA) which is a semi-permanent filler

Each one of these substances is made for treating different cosmetic problems and signs of aging.

3. Microneedling

Microneedling is a dermaroller technique that pricks the skin with small needles. It’s an all-natural treatment millennials are opting for an anti-aging solution and to treat acne scarring they developed during their teenage years.

The non invasive facial plastic surgery helps generate new skin tissue and collagen for firmer, smoother and more toned skin. It’s mainly used on the face and could help treat various wrinkles, scars, and large pores.

4. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

This is a medical technique where the doctor uses injectable fillers, typically hyaluronic acid ones like calcium hydroxyapatite, Juvederm or Restylane, to shape and alter your nose without invasive surgery.  It is a quick, and virtually painless way to see visible improvements in your nose.

Questions and Answers

What is the average age for cosmetic surgery?

The age range most frequently considered for plastic surgery is generally between 35 and 50. However, it’s important to note that we provide care for individuals both younger and older than this range.

Why are more people opting for plastic surgery?

Advancements in cosmetic surgery technology have enhanced safety, reduced invasiveness, hastened recovery times, and lowered procedure costs. Consequently, individuals are experiencing diminished apprehension and an increased openness to consider and embrace cosmetic surgery as a viable option for modifying their physical appearance.

What are some other cosmetic surgery procedures that are popular with millennials?

Breast augmentation with breast implants is a surgery that is always popular. Breast augmentation is consistently rated as one of he most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures from generation to generation. Other breast surgeries are always popular as well, whether they are a breast lift or a breast reduction. While a breast lift is concerned with placement on the chest, a breast reduction is focused on the opposite of a breast augmentation. A tummy tuck is also a popular procedure for millennials. It is important to note however that a tummy tuck is a much more involved procedure than the primary procedures addressed above.

What is the most affordable popular cosmetic procedure today?

Millennial plastic surgery rates are certainly on the rise and cost is always a concern. The most affordable cosmetic surgeries are microdermabrasion, laser hair removal, spider vein treatment and botox. The cost varies from surgeon to surgeon and from region to region as well. Many report that the cost in urban areas is higher. For example, proceeding with your procedure with nyc plastic surgeons could be more expensive than seeking treatment in a less populated area. This doesn’t only go for the best nyc plastic surgeons. This difference in cost applies across the board.

The Takeaway

Millennials Plastic Surgery RatesIn the social media age, beauty has turned into a lucrative tradable commodity. After launching her 2015 Selfish photo book, Kim Kardashian made “managing personal appearance” a contemporary art form. The cosmetics and plastic surgery spending in the U.S. alone had reached the $15 billion mark in 2016.

The cosmetic procedure industry in the last decade, has undergone its own makeover. What was once thought of as risky and radical has now become commonplace. Today, “getting work done” has become socially accepted, especially among millennials.  This shift is because of the ever-growing arsenal of non-invasive millennial plastic surgery that yields great results with very little to no downtime.

Preventative care has risen in popularity too as health tech advances help power accessible and safe treatments. This is particularly true among millennials thinking towards the future about negative effects of aging. Radio frequency treatments and light-based therapies to chemical peels and micro-needling offer long-term value.

Everybody wants to look great, but many individuals in the past were reluctant to “go under the knife.” Their choices were severely limited. That’s not the case today. Keep in mind, however, while millennial plastic surgery is a great way to fight the signs of aging and transform your appearance, preventative care occurs outside the office. Not smoking cigarettes, limiting sun exposure, not abusing your body and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are all things you can also do to keep your appearance looking younger.

Book Your Cosmetic Consultation Today

Consult with Bay Area double-board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sieber, to learn more about the millennial plastic surgery he performs.  Schedule a consultation here or call 415-915-9000 today.



What Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

Tummy tuck cost can be a confusing topic for many patients. Certain websites may throw out estimated amounts, but these are often misleading. Frequently, they either don’t include major elements of the overall price or they fail to consider variances based on who your surgeon is or where you undergo surgery.

Ultimately, the best way to know the cost of a tummy tuck surgery is to meet one-on-one for an in-person appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon. For the time being, however, we can provide a list of influencing cost factors that you should consider as you approach surgery.

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

The cost of a tummy tuck procedure ultimately rests on a variety of factors. Patients often feel they need to know the estimated cost before they attend a consultation appointment. However, this is putting the cart before the horse.

In the end, providing a cost estimate that is actually accurate for all potential patients is impossible. The following factors will all contribute to your estimated cost, and attending a consultation appointment — even if just to gather information — is critical to narrowing down these considerations.

Factors That Will Influence of the Cost of Your Tummy Tuck

Who Your Surgeon Is

Every plastic surgeon charges a different amount for his or her care and the use of their facilities, technologies, equipment, supplies, staff, and more. It is ultimately up to the surgeon how much they charge. Their education and training, number of years of experience, and schedule may influence costs too.

What Type of Tummy Tuck You Get

There are different types of tummy tucks — for example: full tummy tucks, which require lower abdomen and belly button incisions, and mini tummy tucks, which require only a lower abdomen incision. A mini tummy tuck cost may be lower than the cost of a full tummy tuck because it is a less invasive surgery.

There are also fleur-de-lis tummy tucks and extended tummy tucks. Of course, the cost of each of these can change with every patient. Every surgery is unique.

Whether You Have Additional Surgeries

Certain patients may decide to add additional surgeries to their tummy tuck procedure. Other body contouring procedures (thigh lift, arm lift, etc.) are common additions. Of course, you can also opt for a breast augmentation, breast lift, or any other compatible procedure if it helps you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Where You Undergo Surgery

This means both where, geographically, you get surgery and at what surgical facility or hospital. Geographically, tummy tuck costs may be higher in urban centers simply because the cost of living is higher.

Likewise, different surgical facilities and hospitals charge different fees. One facility may have better technologies, more staff, or a better reputation and may thus charge more. Similarly, various anesthesiologists charge different amounts, and the type of anesthesia you need will affect the cost too.

Extra Costs During Recovery

Finally, there are some additional recovery expenses that many patients may forget to consider after surgery. For example, you may be required to purchase your own compression garment (some surgeons include this in their surgeon fees).

There is also the cost of prescription medications, in-home care, childcare, pet care, and food delivery services to consider if you require these things. Finally, you may be encouraged to purchase special comfort pillows, a recovery chair, or other supplies to aid in the healing process.

FAQ: Tummy Tuck Surgery

Are tummy tucks worth the money?

Not everyone is a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery. But if you have excess skin on your stomach that is causing you embarrassment, discomfort, or pain, a tummy tuck may be the only viable solution.

No other diet, exercise, or noninvasive treatment can get rid of loose abdominal skin and the accompanying wrinkles and stretch marks. A Tummy tuck will even tighten the abdominal muscles for a smoother, flatter abdominal wall.

If you have been through multiple pregnancies, lost a significant amount of weight, or struggled with excess skin on your abdomen for other reasons, you will likely find tummy tuck surgery to be a worthwhile investment.

Does a tummy tuck come with a mommy makeover?

Most mommy makeovers include tummy tucks, but they don’t have to. Mommy makeover procedures are largely up to the patient. Your surgeon will talk to you about your desired goals, budget, and anatomy and help you come up with a set of procedures that will best meet your needs.

How much weight should I lose for a tummy tuck?

Sometimes, before tummy tuck surgery, a plastic surgeon may recommend that a potential candidate lose excess body fat. This is because tummy tuck surgery primarily gets rid of loose skin, not excess fat. Some fat can be removed via simultaneous liposuction, but this is not the primary goal of a tummy tuck.

After tummy tuck surgery, patients may drop a few pounds on the scale because of the skin, tissue, and fat that was removed. However, remember that a tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure.

How much does a tummy tuck cost near me?

To find the average cost of tummy tuck surgery in your geographic location, look up local board certified plastic surgeons and schedule one or more consultation appointments to discuss your goals and needs.

Dr. David Sieber is a highly sought-after double board certified plastic surgeon who performs tummy tuck surgeries in the San Francisco Bay Area. Dr. Sieber treats local patients from the Bay Area but also has patients from other parts of the nation and around the world.

Schedule Your Personal Consultation Appointment

How Much Does A Tummy Tuck CostInterested in tummy tuck surgery? Call today to schedule a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.

Consultation appointments are compulsory before undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery. They are also extremely helpful for patients — whether you are brand-new to plastic surgery or have undergone cosmetic procedures be. fore.

At your appointment, Dr. Sieber will go over your candidacy for tummy tuck surgery, the ideal tummy tuck incision for you, tummy tuck recovery time, and more. You will also get a chance to examine tummy tuck before and after photos from Dr. Sieber’s previous patients so that you have a strong understanding of the potential results that lie ahead.

Please connect with us today to schedule your appointment.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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