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Smart Lipo vs Lipo Which is Best?

The surge in medical and cosmetic procedure technology has led to a market that’s flooded with new devices, products, and procedures, such as Smart Lipo — which all claim to be the “greatest and latest” best thing. But not all new technologies are better than the tried-and-true procedures that have stood the test of time.

Therefore, it’s important you do your due diligence in researching and sorting out all this new technology being marketed simultaneously to ensure they’re really as “great” as they claim.

As an example, what’s the difference between traditional liposuction and Smart Lipo, and is one better than the other?


Traditional liposuction (or lipo for short) is one of the most common surgical procedures performed each year in the U.S. Many individuals have areas of their bodies that they wish would be smaller or a different contour. But regardless of how much they exercise or how healthy they eat, they can’t seem to make any substantial improvements.

And, for a lot of these people, the small pockets of fat can negatively impact their body satisfaction and confidence. If this is something you’re struggling with, traditional liposuction could be the answer.

While liposuction has seen advances and innovations over the past 40 or so years, the modern liposuction procedure dates back to 1974, with roots going back to the 1920’s.

Lipo is a minimally invasive treatment that helps remove unwanted fat from just about any area of your body, including your:

  • Chin
  • Abdomen
  • Knees
  • Flanks
  • Chest
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs

It helps to improve your overall body contours. Doctors can perform liposuction by itself or in combination with other cosmetic procedures such as a:

It’s important to know, traditional liposuction isn’t a substitute for proper exercise and diet or a treatment for obesity. It’s also not an effective cellulite treatment.


Smart Lipo, sometimes written as smartlipo, uses a type of medical device made exclusively for performing laser-assisted lipolysis. It also often called laser liposuction or laser lipolysis. The doctor makes a small incision and inserts a thin tube that contains the Smart Lipo laser fiber in targeted fatty areas.

The laser fiber passes on the thermal energy directly to your fat cells, disrupting the fatty tissue for simple removal. It melts the unwanted fat cells, which the doctor then removes with gentle suction. Along with this, tissue around the area starts tightening through coagulation and contributes to a smoother shape overall.


There are some similarities between the two procedures with respect to their:

  1. Body areas: Both procedures can be used for flabby upper arms, love handles and double chin, but they both can also be used for all body areas.
  2. Weight loss: Neither traditional lipo or Smart Lipo is considered a weight loss procedure.
  3. Look and fit: Both procedures can help you look more defined and fit by removing the fat that covers your muscles.
  4. The number of treatments: Both procedures can be done in less than a couple of hours and require only one treatment.
  5. Type of procedure: While Smart Lipo is a little less invasive than traditional lipo, it’s still surgery.
  6. Anesthesia used: They both require anesthesia (although traditional lipo requires general anesthesia and Smart Lipo uses local anesthesia).


While both Smartlipo and traditional liposuction are effective for unwanted fat removal, there are some differences between them. These include in their:

  1. Technique: Traditional lipo uses physical manipulation and a cannula to suction your fat from under your sagging skin. Smart Lipo uses laser heat for liquefying or softening the fat/
  2. Type of procedure: Smart Lipo is considered less invasive than traditional liposuction.
  3. Candidacy: Smart Lipo is more geared to individuals within 20 percent of their ideal body weight and is only struggling with a stubborn exercise- and diet-resistant pocket of excess fat, while traditional liposuction can help people who have more volume they’d like to reduce.
  4. Recovery: Traditional liposuction can have a little longer liposuction recovery time with some swelling, bruising and soreness that could last several weeks. You may also need to use compression garments for up to six weeks. Smart Lipo usually provides a quicker recovery, but you still need to usually wait for a few weeks for strenuous activities and still need compression garments for four to six weeks.

Smart Lipo vs LipoWHICH IS BEST?

Keep in mind, what really makes the difference is your surgeon’s hand, qualifications, and experience, not the device. Lipo, whether it’s laser-assisted or traditional, is a surgical procedure. Beyond having to meet “general surgeon” requirements, your San Francisco Bay Area liposuction doctor should be an expert in aesthetics (balance, proportion, symmetry) and beauty. Their favorite tool for fat removal and creating pleasing contours isn’t as important as their experience and qualifications.

If you’re looking for minimal downtime, don’t have much volume to remove, or would rather be awake during your procedure, Smart Lipo may be for you. However, if you require a good deal of volume removed and are comforted by a procedure that has been performed for nearly 40-plus years, traditional lipo is likely the better choice.

Everyone can benefit from liposuction, whether it’s traditional or Smart Lipo. Traditional lipo, however, has been around longer and is more well-established. Many patients prefer going with the time-tested procedure of traditional lipo.

But, no matter what, tumescent liposuction liposuction can be what leads you into a more balanced, healthier life. And, once it’s helped remove those fat cells that exercise and diet wasn’t able to if could boost your confidence and motivation.

Questions and Answers

Is Smart lipo better than traditional lipo?

Smart lipo is a newer technique that uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells before it is removed, while traditional liposuction physically sucks out fat cells. Both procedures have their benefits and drawbacks, and the “better” option ultimately depends on the individual’s specific needs and preferences.

Smart lipo may result in less bleeding, swelling, and discomfort, and it can also promote skin tightening. However, it may not be as effective for larger areas of fat cells removal. Traditional liposuction may be more appropriate for those who require significant fat reduction.

It is important to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon to determine the best option for your individual situation.

Which Lipo has the best results?

The effectiveness of liposuction depends on various factors, including the amount of fat cells to be removed, the location of the fat, and the patient’s skin elasticity. Both traditional and Smart lipo can produce excellent skin tightening results when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon.

However, it is important to note that liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, and it is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. The best results are typically achieved when liposuction is used to contour specific areas of the body and enhance the overall appearance.

It is essential to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with a good track record of achieving natural-looking results.

Is Smart lipo worth it?

Whether Smart lipo is worth it depends on an individual’s specific situation, goals, and preferences. Smart lipo is a minimally invasive procedure that may result in less bleeding, swelling, and discomfort than traditional liposuction procedures.

It can also promote skin tightening and may be a good option for individuals with smaller areas of fat to be removed.

However, it may not be as effective for larger areas of fat removal. Additionally, Smart lipo may be more expensive than traditional liposuction.

Smart lipo vs tumescent liposuction?

SmartLipo is conducted with local anesthesia, allowing you to stay awake. Laser assisted liposuction energy melts and liquefies fat, facilitating gentler removal via a cannula, usually resulting in reduced bruising compared to the conventional tumescent liposuction method.

Book your Consultation Liposuction Procedures

If you’re interested in learning more about a liposuction procedures, contact San Francisco Plastic Surgery expert Dr. Sieber would love to help you. Dr. David A. Sieber is only one of the few in the San Francisco Bay area who is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

Our friendly staff is here to assist you in setting up your appointment for your initial cosmetic surgery consultation and talk to you about your tummy tuck and liposuction procedures options. We may even be able to combine the two. Therefore, if you’re ready to start loving the image you see in the mirror and gain more confidence, contact us today by completing our online form or calling us at (415) 915-9000.



How Much Does Body Contouring Cost?

After all of the money you’ve likely put into your weight loss achievements so far, it can be difficult to start thinking about the body contouring cost that will come with the second stage of your journey.

Weight loss is such hard work. Whether you went the surgical route or made lifestyle changes, it requires relentless persistence, dedication, and time. If you’ve come this far, first and foremost: Congratulations! Your achievement is truly something to be proud of.

But don’t stop there. So many men and women who have achieved their weight loss goals are suddenly faced with the challenge of loose skin, separated abdominal muscles, and pockets of stubborn fat that just won’t budge no matter how hard they exercise or how consistently they exercise.

Body contouring procedures are often the only reliable solution to these issues. With body contouring, we can lift, smooth, flatten, and spot reduce — basically whatever part of the body you want.

Where on the Body Is Body Contouring Performed?

Body Contouring Surgery CostMost commonly, body contouring procedures focus on the abdomen, flanks, back, buttocks, and hips, giving these areas a more balanced and toned appearance. But you may choose to tighten loose skin elsewhere as well.

For example, we can perform an arm lift to reduce excess skin and excess fat on the upper arms. Body sculpting can also be performed on the thighs, inner knees, or other areas. Ultimately, the body contouring work you undergo depends on your desires and goals — and to some extent, your anatomy and health limitations, where applicable.

How Much Does Body Contouring Cost?

We cannot give you an exact cost estimate for this surgery. However, we can tell you that more than any other factor, the cost of your body contouring procedure will rest on which procedures you decide on. And this will largely depend on what body areas you are most concerned with and your overall budget.

Body contouring can include a lot of different procedures — from a tummy tuck or liposuction to breast lift or breast reduction surgery. Typically, body lifts (upper body lifts, lower body lifts, upper arm lifts, etc.) will be utilized to lift, smooth, and tighten the midsection and surrounding areas. Excess skin will be excised, and we can use liposuction to remove excess fat cells.

The surgery is catered to you, so we’ll work with you to find what procedures will combine best to help you achieve your goals. Other factors that will influence the cost of your surgery include:

  • Surgeon’s fees: Your surgeon will charge his or her own unique fees for their services. Some surgeons include all fees and costs for everything from the consultation appointment to hospital fees and compression garments in this cost, but others will itemize everything, so be sure to ask about this. Most surgeons will base their fees on their own unique skills and training, specialties, overall reputation and demand for care, geographic location, and similar factors.
  • Hospital fees: Every surgical facility or hospital will charge a unique amount to use their operating rooms, staff, equipment, and supplies.
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia, which is typically required for body contouring surgery, tends to cost more than local anesthesia. Your anesthesiologist will charge their own fees based on the amount of time you are in surgery and what overall treatment they must provide as well.
  • After surgery costs: Once surgery is complete, you may have additional expenses for pain and other medications, speciality beds or chairs, support pillows, compression garments and abdominal binders, food service or delivery services, in-home care, pet care or childcare, and more. You may also need to factor in wage losses for time taken off from work.

FAQ: Body Contouring Surgery Cost & More

How much does non surgical body contouring cost?

Those who do not need to remove excess fat or skin in significant amounts may benefit from skin tightening and toning procedures that are non surgical or non invasive.

Although these procedures are not as impactful as surgical procedures such as tummy tuck surgery or body lifts, they can be effective for select patients. Book a consultation to get an accurate price quote on surgical and operating room fees etc.

How much does it cost to sculpt your body with liposuction?

This depends. If you have only small pockets of excess fat that are troubling you, only liposuction may be required. For more extreme body contouring that requires loose skin removal, you may need body lifts, tummy tucks, or other more invasive procedures alongside liposuction.

Liposuction only will cost less than these procedures. But you must book a consultation appointment to know for sure the final cost of your surgery.

How painful is body contouring?

The procedure itself will not be painful because you will be under general anesthesia. However, patients should expect to experience some pain and discomfort during the body contouring recovery period. Pain medication can be prescribed to hep reduce soreness and keep you more comfortable as you heal.

How long do body contouring results last?

Results from the most commonly performed body contouring procedures can last for many years. However, this ultimately depends upon the patient maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle. Drastic changes in weight can often set back a patient’s results.

Will I have body contouring scars?

Yes, unfortunately. The price of your new body shape after body contouring will be some scarring. Fortunately, your surgeon will certainly do their best to hide incisions (and the resulting scars) in the natural creases and folds of the body, when possible.

Also, remember that over time, your scars should fade to match your natural skin tone. With the proper care and use of specialized scar treatments like silicone gel sheets, scars can fade and flatten significantly after several years.

Request a Consultation with Dr. David Sieber

Body Contouring CostFor many patients, the idea of moving forward with body sculpting can be quite daunting. Undergoing any serious surgical procedure can make one nervous, and undergoing multiple procedures is bound increase nerves even more.

The good news is, you can always start slowly. The first step is to book a consultation appointment with a reputable board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in body contouring.

Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber has helped many patients achieve the body they’ve dreamed of having after significant weight loss. He performs body contouring procedures at his San Francisco practice.

At your consultation appointment, you can discuss your goals with Dr. Sieber in a safe and welcoming environment. The two of you can go over the details of the major surgeries involved and look at body contouring before and after photos to get an idea of how you want to plan the next steps. Call today to set up your consultation — we look forward to hearing from you.



Types of Neuromodulators vs. Fillers

If you’re new to the world of cosmetic treatments, it might seem like there are tons of injectable options. It can become a little overwhelming, but it’s important to know that there are two major types of injectables and that they accomplish different things. Here’s a guide to consider while you look at your treatment options with Dr. Sieber.

What are the types of neuromodulators?

What are the types of neuromodulatorsThere are various types of neuromodulators. These injectable options commonly go by their brand names like Botox®, Dysport®, or Xeomin®. While there are slight differences that might make one a better option for you, they all function in virtually the same way. They’re called neuromodulators because they block the receptors in muscles that receive signals from the brain for movement.

That might sound strange, considering we are talking about cosmetic procedures not brain disorders. But it isn’t actually strange at all. These neuromodulators have many uses when it comes to noradrenergic neurons, cholinergic systems and the noradrenaline system. When you look up words like neuromodulators, terms like deep brain stimulation, spinal cord stimulation and the dopamine system might come up.

Deep brain stimulation sounds very different than facial rejuvenation, but the way they work is not so dissimilar. Neuromodulators serve many different functions from treatment related to the central nervous system, movement disorders and the serotonin system.

These injectables are derived from the bacteria that causes botulism, but they have gone through many clinical trials, have been used for years, and are fda approved. They are perfectly safe in the hands of a professional. One of their medical uses is that they are highly effective at preventing unwanted movement. This applies to cosmetic treatment because it can relax muscles that cause frown lines or crow’s feet over a lifetime, smoothing out the areas prone to frequent movement or contraction.

Neuromodulators also have many medical uses, like treatment for migraines, muscle spasms, chronic pain, and overactive sweat glands. These neuromodulators can impact the nervous system, dopaminergic neurons, dopaminergic cells and the dopaminergic system as a whole. Hopefully the connection between the brain, our nervous system and cosmetic surgery should be more clear now.

What are dermal fillers?

These injectables are a little more varied in their technique and composition, but they generally fall under a handful of popular families like Restylane® or Juvéderm®. These brands and others have many different injectable options that are formulated for different areas of the face, hands, or other areas, and can be made of substances like hyaluronic acid, poly-L-lactic acid, or calcium hydroxylapatite.

Dermal fillers use these substances to target cells and create volume underneath the skin,  which can effectively smooth out wrinkles and sagging that is usually caused by a loss of volume over the course of aging. Dermal fillers can have just as many creative, off-label uses as neuromodulators, including “liquid” rhinoplasties or chin augmentation.

Which is best for me?

As a very general rule, neuromodulators most benefit the upper face (forehead, glabelal, crow’s feet) while dermal fillers most benefit the lower face (cheeks, tear troughs, lips, etc), but each can be tailored to your unique needs.

The best way to determine which injectable will benefit you best is through a consultation with Dr. Sieber, who can examine your treatment area and aesthetic goals to recommend the right product for you. There are many that exist, but Dr. Sieber can ensure you’re educated about your options and treatment plan.

Book Your Consultation

To consult with Dr. Sieber and see which options are best for you, contact Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco  and schedule your appointment at our state-of-the-art aesthetic facilities.

Facial Rejuvenation Options

Every impression we make on the world begins with the face. Loved ones look into our eyes to better understand who we are. They grow to treasure each expression, the familiar curve of our smile, the eyebrow raised. Even strangers can often catch a glimpse of our personality with a passing glance.

At Sieber Plastic Surgery, we believe that the health and beauty of your face is always worth preserving. From seasonal-specific skin care to treatments and surgical operations, there are a variety of ways to care for your most defining characteristic.

Minimally-Invasive Treatments

Fortunately, intensive skincare does not have to mean invasive or harsh procedures. At Sieber Plastic Surgery, we have several minimally-invasive ways to rejuvenate your facial canvas. The facial rejuvenation treatment that is right for you will depend on your specific aesthetic concerns.


If premature facial aging has caused your facial skin and facial muscles to droop, you may begin to lose self-confidence. Lost volume, skin laxity (sagging skin) as well as lines and wrinkles, is common with age, but thankfully there’s a non-surgical solution with injectables. Dermal fillers are a popular choice. The injectables options we offer range from soft, medium to firm—depending on the areas you wish to treat.

Soft tissue fillers like hyaluronic acid are very popular and always growing in demand. Hyaluronic acid and other filler injections are able to treat superficial lines around the mouth, lips and forehead, helping to create beautiful facial contours and a youthful appearance. Hyal If your concerns are with nasolabial folds or deeper forehead lines, medium fillers may be the better option. Firm fillers, like Voluma and Radiesse, are reserved for those who need extra support and volume to the chin, cheeks, jawline or temples.

With quick sessions that generally only take an hour, many patients come in over their lunch break to receive cosmetic treatment. Results from injectables typically last anywhere from 6 to 18 months, depending on the type you receive. While the results aren’t permanent, many patients appreciate the subtle transformation—as friends and family usually cannot tell that your rejuvenated appearance is due to a cosmetic procedure.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Another non-surgical facial rejuvenation option is laser resurfacing. This treatment is most beneficial for those who have sun-damaged skin. Fine lines, wrinkles and sun spots can create an appearance you’re just not proud to wear, but with laser skin treatments by Dr. Sieber you can effectively improve the tone and texture of your face.

This facial rejuvenation procedure itself is fairly quick and can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour to complete. Recovery from this will depend on the level of treatment you received. If your skin only required light facial rejuvenation treatments, you may only experience slight reddening of the skin for the first 24 hours. Deeper treatments, however, may leave you with red, peeling skin that lasts anywhere from one to seven days.

Facial rejuvenation treatmentWhen to Consider Surgery

If you are seeking more long-term results than the facial rejuvenation treatments mentioned earlier can provide, we offer many cosmetic surgical procedures which can make a significant and positive difference in your appearance. Whether your concerns are with your eye area, chin, entire face or neck, Sieber Plastic Surgery can effectively turn back the clock on your skin.

Eyelid Surgery

If you’re unhappy with the look of your droopy eyelids or the bags beneath your eyes, an eyelid surgery may be a great option. Also referred to as blepharoplasty, this procedure works by removing the excess skin and fat from your upper or lower lids to provide you with a more refreshed and rested appearance.

Eyelid surgery may leave you with some mild to moderate swelling and bruising, but this should subside within the first couple of days. While you will likely notice an improvement as soon as the initial swelling goes down, it may take up to six months for your final results.


A facelift by Dr. Sieber can drastically reduce signs of aging by increasing elasticity and tightening loose or tired skin. The procedure itself takes about four to five hours to complete, but the results can last anywhere from five to ten years. As with any surgical operation, you will require some downtime to allow your face to heal. You can expect some pretty severe swelling for the first week after facial plastic surgery, but as it subsides you will begin to notice your younger, natural-looking appearance.

Neck lift

Sometimes patients are more concerned about skin laxity and the area below the face, such as the jawline and the skin around the neck. This can be treated through a neck lift, which removes the excess wrinkles and fat deposits that can form around the chin. Although the neck is often overlooked, its appearance makes a significant impact on your overall appearance and most patients will be fully recovered after just a couple of weeks.

Questions and Answers

What does facial rejuvenation do?

Laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation represent cutting-edge developments in the field of plastic surgery, aimed at enhancing skin color, texture, and tone, while also minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

How long does facial rejuvenation last?

Skin resurfacing treatments may have a lasting effect over several years, yet achieving optimal results often necessitates multiple treatment sessions.

Is facial rejuvenation the same as facelift?

The key distinction between a facelift and pan-facial rejuvenation (PFR) lies in their nature. While a facelift is a singular surgical procedure, pan-facial rejuvenation encompasses a series of procedures. The specific interventions undertaken will be tailored to your desired outcomes, skin condition, and facial characteristics.

Book Your Facial Rejuvenation Consultation

With so many options, we understand that it might be hard to know how to proceed. That is why we are here to help. Give Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco a call at 415-915-9000. We would be more than happy to schedule you a consultation and get you on your way to healthy, vibrant-looking skin.

Top Cosmetic Procedures for Hand Rejuvenation

Hands say a lot about a person. We greet each other with a handshake. We gesture to make a point. We wave to old friends or raise our hands to get noticed. We work with our hands, we cook with our hands, we build with our hands — we use our hands constantly. With such nonstop use, hands are one of the first areas of our body to show signs of aging.

The skin on our hands loses volume over time, revealing visible veins and tendons and creating a ropey appearance on the back of the hand. Unlike most of our skin, hand skin is almost always exposed. In warm weather, that often means damage from harmful UV rays, while in cold weather, going without gloves exposes hands to the drying effects of low temperatures.

Using a moisturizer, ensuring hands are protected by sunscreen while outdoors, and wearing gloves during the winter or while doing other tasks that can damage the skin all are ways to help keep your hands from showing signs of aging. But even those who use good hand-care practices at some point likely will find their hands are adding unwanted years to their appearance.

That’s why hand rejuvenation is the perfect option for many individuals who want to restore the youthful beauty their hands once had. Here are three of the best cosmetic hand rejuvenation procedures.

Dermal Filler Procedure

Dermal fillers are natural or synthetic substances injected into the skin to help add volume to areas that have become wrinkled or thin. While there are different kinds of fillers, a commonly found filler is made of hyaluronic acid. And while hyaluronic acid is a common ingredient, it isn’t the only filler available. Injectable dermal fillers can be used in many places throughout the body but are most commonly used to improve the appearance of the face and hands.

For aging hands, the most commonly used among the injectable fillers is Radiesse. This filler uses calcium hydroxylapatite, which is a compound found naturally in bones and teeth. The compound is suspended in a water-based gel-form solution that’s injected in the appropriate spots using a very thin needle.

Radiesse creates a very natural looking and subtle volumizing effect that fills and plumps the skin of the hand, giving it a more youthful appearance. After about a year, it’s naturally absorbed back into the body.

A dermal filler procedure should take only about 30 minutes at most, and recovery is quick. Most patients are recovered in about a day, though many will have brief swelling and bruising. Gently applying an ice pack for 15-20 minutes at a time can help reduce swelling, but patients should use caution to avoid freezing the skin.

Studies conducted by the manufacturer of Radiesse showed that after three months, almost all patients (97.6%) rated their hands’ appearance as improved. For individuals who prefer a non-invasive cosmetic option, dermal fillers may be an ideal form of hand rejuvenation.

Hand RejuvenationSurgical Fat Transfer Procedure

For those who want a longer-lasting result and/or those who are considering fat removal in other parts of their body, structural fat grafting is a good option. In a structural fat grafting, a quantity of fat is taken from one part of the body and injected into the hands, under the skin.

Using a Liposuction procedure, a small amount of fat is removed from a fatty area of the body, often the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs. The fat is then processed by being separated from any excess fluid or tissue still remaining within the fat.  It’s then that the fat grafting portion comes in, the fat is carefully injected into the hand, corresponding with the spots where volume has been lost. Gentle pressure is then applied for a successful fat transfer and a smooth, natural contour along with the hand.

The transferred fat will remain in the hand long-term, and the fat cells will change with weight gain or loss. Because a structural fat grafting necessarily involves a San Francisco liposuction procedure, this option is ideal for patients seeking other fat removal procedures that can be done at the same time. Since Liposuction is part of the transfer, the procedure is more in-depth and will take significantly longer than other, less-invasive treatments.

One study of surgical fat grafting procedures on hands indicated more than 80 percent of patients who underwent the procedure were satisfied with their results after 12 months.

Laser Skin Treatment Procedure

In addition to volume restoration that makes skin appear thicker and fuller, surface skin treatments and hand rejuvenation can give hands new life by removing the aesthetic signs of aging. Laser resurfacing treatments using BBL (Broadband Light) are effective at helping turn back the clock on the appearance of the hands.

Laser skin resurfacing treatments with BBL target the pigment in the skin, removing age spots, sun damage, and other cosmetic blemishes, helping return the natural, youthful luster of the skin, which, for all their benefits, injectable fillers and fat transfers can’t do because they don’t address the skin from the outside.

With laser skin resurfacing treatments, multiple sessions may be necessary to begin showing the best results at removing the damaged, aged-looking skin, but the individual sessions themselves are quick and easy and require no downtime.

Skin may appear red for the first day after the procedure. Additionally, pigment on the skin will appear darker immediately after the procedure but will gradually fall off within a month of treatment, revealing younger-looking skin.

Book Your Hand Rejuvenation Consultation

Hands take a beating over the course of a lifetime. The aging process is unavoidable. From work to play and everything in between, our hands do it all for us, so be good to them! While regular skincare habits, such as moisturizing, using sunscreen, and keeping hands covered in cold weather, should be part of your routine throughout your life, hand rejuvenation may be right for you.

Whether you’re interested in a minimally or non-invasive procedure or something longer-lasting, there’s no shortage of options for you.

Contact Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco our office today if you’re interested in scheduling a consultation with San Francisco cosmetic surgeon Dr. Sieber to discuss rejuvenating your hands and restoring their youthful glow.


Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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