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Should I Get Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is an increasingly common choice and an increasingly accessible option, prompting millions of people to consider how it could improve their own lives. Obviously, not everyone is a good candidate for a cosmetic procedure at Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco, and not everyone’s life can be improved with a plastic surgical procedure. So when is it appropriate or beneficial to consider plastic surgery, and how should you move forward?

The Most Common Motivations

These are some of the most common reasons why people choose to undergo plastic surgery:

  • Low confidence/low life satisfaction. By far, the most common motivation for cosmetic surgery is a feeling of low confidence, and/or low life satisfaction. Many people assume that people who get cosmetic surgery are looking for a quick way to become more attractive; while there’s a nugget of truth here, the reality is more complex. People with low self-esteem and poor body image can suffer from crippling anxiety and self-hatred, which can make it hard for them to feel happy on a regular basis. Plastic surgery can improve their confidence and give them a renewed sense of satisfaction with life.
  • Post-incident reconstruction. In some cases, people get plastic surgery (reconstructive surgery) to restore a part of their face or body that was injured, defaced, or deformed in an incident. Fires, car accidents, and other unfortunate circumstances can leave scarring or deformities that plastic surgery can correct.
  • Career opportunities. Some people get plastic surgery for better career opportunities. For example, they may desire becoming an actor or model, but believe their face and/or body are holding them back.

Important Questions to Ask Yourself

If you fall into one of the above categories, or if you’re otherwise interested in plastic surgery, there are a few vital questions you should ask yourself, that only you can answer:

  • Are you done growing? Plastic surgery is rarely, but occasionally, appropriate for teenagers. Noninvasive, minimal procedures are typically accepted, but surgical or high-risk procedures are generally not recommended. If a person is still growing, the procedure may be both unnecessarily risky and ineffective in the long-term. For example, in teenage girls, breasts may naturally grow asymmetrically; it doesn’t make sense to get breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery until they’re fully developed. In teenage boys, gynecomastia (associated with an enlargement of breast tissue in men) may disappear on its own throughout the course of bodily development—and may not require cosmetic surgery for correction. When to get plastic surgery is an important question to answer.
  • What are you hoping to fix? Plastic surgery can do a lot of things. Nose surgery can correct imperfections in your nose and face. It can reverse some of the effects of aging. It can give you a more symmetrical or more attractive body. But it isn’t necessarily going to make you like yourself. If you have a deep-seated self-esteem issue, plastic surgery may not be enough to completely eliminate it.
  • What are your expectations? Several plastic surgery procedures can get you instant results, making you look and feel more attractive, but even intense procedures can’t transform you into someone else entirely. If you’re hoping to look like your favorite celebrity, or if you’re hoping to radically transform your appearance, you may need to reset your expectations to make sure you have realistic expectations in mind.
  • What other options are there? For many people seeking cosmetic surgery, there are alternative options available that could be as helpful (if not more helpful). If you’re concerned about your appearance, you could start eating healthier, using better skincare products, and exercising more frequently; these habits can not only make you feel better about yourself, but also naturally extend your lifespan. If you’re struggling with your self-esteem, working on your confidence with self-care and therapy may be able to help you. If these options fail, or if your concerns are associated with a specific part of your body you can’t change on your own, plastic surgery may be a way to complement your other efforts—but these other efforts are worth exploring first.
  • Do you know the risks? Better equipment, better knowledge, and better standards of care have made plastic surgery incredibly safe. But any surgical procedure is still going to have risks and potential complications. Before pursuing any procedure, it’s important that you understand the potential risks involved. What’s the worst that could happen with this type of procedure? How long is it going to last? Will it need touch-ups in the future? What will you need to do before and after the cosmetic surgery to maximize your safety?
  • What can you afford? Finally, consider what you can afford. Few plastic surgery procedures are fully covered by health insurance, and some surgical procedures can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Fortunately, most plastic surgeons are willing to work with you to develop a flexible financing plan; but you’ll still need to be prepared with a budget before you have that conversation.

If you can confidently answer all these questions and you still feel like plastic surgery is right for you, it’s a good idea to begin the consulting process.

Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon

When To Get Plastic SurgeryThere are many different kinds of plastic surgery procedures. Plastic surgeons will tell you that not all plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery options are equally safe or effective. If you want to maximize your chances of desirable results and minimize your chances of complications or risks, you need to do your research and work with someone you trust. It is important to seek out a board certified plastic surgeon for any surgical procedures you are pursuing

For starters, make sure you’re working with a board certified plastic surgeon; not everyone offering cosmetic procedures is formally trained or certified as a plastic surgeon. Make sure you read up on your surgeon’s past cosmetic procedures, education, and experience, and look at online reviews so you know what you’re getting into.

From there, make sure you have a frank and open conversation with your plastic surgeon. Talk to them about your needs, your desires, and why you’re looking for plastic surgery. You want to know how to make sure your plastic surgery is safe. Your surgeon should help you understand the procedures and options available to you, including the risks and potential complications of those procedures.

Questions and Answers

Is it a good idea to get plastic surgery?

Plastic surgeries offer medical and psychological benefits, enhancing confidence and self-esteem. Yet, they entail physical risks and may impact mental health if outcomes disappoint or if underlying mental health issues remain untreated.

Am I wrong for wanting plastic surgery?

Desiring plastic surgery for enhanced appearance and quality of life is natural and common. No need for shame.

Who should not get plastic surgery?

Ultimately, unhealthy habits such as smoking, drug use, or high BMI may disqualify you from surgery. Before undergoing plastic surgery, cessation of smoking or drug use and achieving a BMI below 30 is advised.

Book Your Plastic Surgery Consultation Today

If you’re ready to learn more about a specific procedure, or if you just want to talk to a San Francisco plastic surgeon to learn more, contact us today! We’ll schedule you for an initial consultation, and discuss your future options.



What to Expect During Brow Lift Recovery

One of the most unfortunate effects of aging is the progressive sagging and drooping of the forehead and brow area. It’s a common phenomenon that happens to nearly everyone starting in their 40s and 50s. But for some unlucky individuals, it may even start in their 20s or 30s.

While aggressively marketed serums and creams purport to fix the issue of a drooping brow, it’s really only brow lift surgery that can create improvement and lead to a youthful appearance. Brow lift surgery effectively lifts and brightens the brow and forehead to diminish the appearance of sagging. This gives patients a more youthful and less tired and angry look.

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at one particular aspect of brow surgery: recovery. But first, let’s take a brief look at what a typical brow lift entails.

As a side note, if you are seriously considering brow lift surgery, stop now, and head here where you’ll find some things about brow lifts that may surprise you.

How Is a Brow Lift Performed?

There are actually several different ways to perform a brow lift (sometimes known as a forehead lift). Dr. Sieber will help you decide which method is best for you based on your unique situation.

No matter which lift method you choose, the brow lift procedure itself usually takes around two hours to perform. Most brow lifts are outpatient, and general anesthesia is almost always used.

In addition to a temporal brow lift, the three main types of lifts are:

Coronal Brow Lift:

An incision is made behind the hairline. This method requires that the forehead be lengthened slightly, so if you already have a large forehead, this may not be the brow lift method for you.

Hairline Brow Lift:

Best for those with long foreheads. An incision is made along the hairline, and the brow is repositioned from this point.

Endoscopic Brow Lift:

With an endoscopic brow lift small individual incisions are made along the hairline, and a camera is inserted to guide your surgeon as they reposition your brow.

Brow Lift Recovery Day By Day

Brow Lift Recovery Day By DayDr. Sieber will use staples on your incisions, which will be located on the forehead tissues within your hairline. These will remain until Dr. Sieber removes them after approximately two weeks.

After surgery, during recovery it’s important to minimize bruising and swelling, though both of these symptoms are normal directly following your procedure. In some cases, a drain may be used as well.

Always follow the postoperative directions provided by your surgeon. Your facial plastic surgeon will tell you that it is important to keep your head elevated. On your first day after brow lift surgery, you will experience swelling and some pain. Medications may assist with discomfort. You may also experience numbness on your forehead and along your hairline, which should subside after a few weeks or months. Your surgeon will also instruct you regarding pain relief and medications.

After about one week in recovery, you will be able to go back to work and start returning to some of your normal daily activities. Talk with Dr. Sieber throughout the following weeks to know when it’s safe to return to your regular exercise routine and other activities.

Recovery From a Brow Lift

You will be able to start returning to some of your normal activities (usually including work) around one week after your surgery. After two weeks of recovery, you’ll be able to have your incision staples (positioned within the hairline) removed.

Brow Lift Results

You’ll see improvements from your brow lift procedure right away after surgery. However, swelling from the procedure may hinder you from seeing your complete results until after a few months.

FAQ: Recovering From a Brow Lift

How long does swelling last after eyebrow lift surgery?

Swelling may persist for several months. However, the majority of swelling will be gone within one to two weeks.

How painful is eyebrow lift surgery?

Anesthesia is used during eyebrow lift surgery, so the procedure itself is not painful. Post-surgery, you may experience some pain and discomfort for several weeks, but this will subside with time.

What do you look like after brow lift surgery?

You will have staples in your hairline after surgery, along with some bandages. Some swelling and bruising will be present. These symptoms will subside with time, and the staples will be removed after two weeks.

Is there such a thing as a brow lift recovery headache?

Yes, you may experience a headache after your brow lift. This may persist for around a week, but it should subside after that.

How is mini lift recovery different?

The recovery time after a mini brow lift may be shorter and less intense than the recovery period after a standard brow lift. However, this depends on many factors, including which method of surgery was used for the mini lift.

Can you get an eyelid surgery with brow lift surgery?

Yes, and in fact, many patients opt to undergo eyelid surgery (also known as blepharoplasty) along with their brow lift. The two cosmetic procedures can quite effectively lift the browline and forehead for a more awake and youthful look that is still natural.

Will I have Brow Lift Scars?

Typically, brow lift scars are minimal. Consider a brow lift procedure if you’re concerned about loose skin or wrinkles on the upper face.

Book Your Brow Lift Consultation Today

Could a brow lift help you look more like yourself? Don’t continue to struggle with a furrowed brow and an angry or tired look that doesn’t represent your true self.

Schedule a brow lift consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber today to learn more about the ins and outs of this cosmetic procedure and to see if you are a good candidate for surgery. Call today!



Body Goals: Weight Loss, Exercise, and Healthy Diet

In the busyness of everyday life, it’s easy to neglect your fitness level – until you painfully admit you simply HAVE to do something.

Using a three-part strategy is the best method to achieve the healthiest body you can have. Losing weight, exercise, and a healthy diet are equally significant to reach optimal fitness.

What is weight loss?

It’s quite simply reducing the overall mass of your body to help your reach your body goal. Losing weight is usually pursued to improve one’s appearance or promote fitness and health. Ideally, you want to lose fat, not muscle or water weight.

What are the reasons to consider losing weight?

Healthy weight is a crucial part of good health. When you’re overweight, everything feels harder. Excess weight puts added stress on joints and organs.

Need some motivation, other than your appearance, to pursue losing weight and a fresh body goal?

Even losing a small amount, 5 to 10 percent of your weight, can dramatically improve health. Consider the areas VeryWellFit.com says weight loss will improve:

  • Decreased risk of diabetes
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Decreased risk of heart disease
  • Decreased risk of certain cancers
  • Improved mobility
  • Decreased joint pain
  • Improved blood sugar levels
  • Decreased risk of stroke
  • Reduced back pain
  • Decreased risk or improvement in symptoms of osteoarthritis
  • Decreased risk or improvement in symptoms of sleep apnea

What are the ways to lose weight?

Losing weight isn’t simple. If you hope to lose weight, and more importantly keep it off, you need to stop relying on short term solutions. You need to have reasonable weight loss goals. It’s going to require a lifestyle change with reasonable modifications you can keep in place. Making a body goal, eating healthy plus activity of various kinds is the best approach.

Starving yourself for a while to lose a few pounds is not only unhealthy, it practically guarantees you’ll put that weight back on, and probably some extra, and lose muscle tissue along the way. Then your body’s calorie needs are even lower, and you’ll gain weight more easily. It’s a vicious cycle that leads to yo-yo dieting.

“Yo-yo dieting is a cycle of short-term changes in eating and activity… it leads to only short-term benefits. After losing weight, appetite increases and your body hangs on to fat. This leads to weight gain, and many dieters end up back where they started or worse.”

What are the best ways to fight body fat?

Fad diets don’t work. They can even create health problems later. Pills that “magically” burn fat are ridiculous. Intense calorie restriction fails because you feel miserable.

A combination of nutritious foods along with regular exercise is the most effective way to attain physical fitness.

What is physical fitness and its connection to losing weight?

MedicalNewsToday.com explains that physical fitness is defined as a set of attributes that people have, or achieve, that relates to their ability to perform physical activity. This goes beyond being able to run fast or lift heavy weights.

Physical fitness is beneficial in five areas.

  1. Maintaining physical fitness to help prevent some diseases.
  2. Body composition (and thus better appearance) can change without changing weight.
  3. Athletes’ hearts show different changes dependent on their chosen sport.
  4. Muscle strength increases by fiber hypertrophy and neural changes.
  5. Stretching to increase flexibility eases a number of medical complaints.

Since muscle strength increases with fitness, along with the percentage of muscle tissue, your body naturally burns more calories.

What are some regular exercises you can do to help with weight loss?

Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals Fast And NaturallyExercise is an important component because it not only helps you burn calories while you’re doing it, but exercise increases muscle mass, and people who have more muscle burn more calories, even at rest.

Make it your aim to exercise in three key ways:

Regular aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, bicycling or swimming. Thirty minutes or more most days is a great goal to have, but start out slowly if you’ve been inactive. If you can’t do it all at once, break it into manageable chunks of time. Try new forms of exercise to find one you like.

Strength training, i.e. weightlifting, offsets muscle loss that tends to happen as we age. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat, so it factors heavily into weight loss. Strength training makes you feel stronger in general. Aim for two times a week, and start with small to moderate increases in weight and repetitions.

Lifestyle activities and enjoyable pursuits. Moving around more burns up extra calories. What can you add to your daily life, or do differently? Park further away from stores or the office. Use the stairs instead of elevators, do your own housecleaning and other chores rather than paying someone.

Take a walk instead of sitting down after dinner, or take a stroll during your lunch break. Extra walking anytime helps burn calories and get you in better shape. Your heart and lungs will thank you, too!

There’s an emotional component to losing weight and improving physical fitness. This is something you’re doing for yourself, to live your best life – not for anyone else. Compile a list of reasons that you can review regularly.

Allow time each week for stretching and/or yoga to help you relax, relieve stress, and increase your flexibility and balance. The two are not synonymous. Stretching should be approached carefully and with guidance, so you don’t hurt your joints, tendons and ligaments.

Yoga exercise involves some stretching too, but it focuses on breathing, helps to improve posture and overall appearance, and may help you sleep better at night. There are even yoga exercises for slimming your face!

What is a healthy diet?

Body Goals

Aside from weight loss, a healthy diet promotes “good” cholesterol and decreases triglycerides. This lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure.

It may appear complicated to determine what a healthy diet looks like. Nearly every week there’s a new controversy over what foods are healthy and which are harmful. Are fats good or bad? Should I eliminate carbs from my diet? Is fruit a good choice, or is it too high in natural sugars?

It helps to hear the opinions almost every top nutritionist and doctor do agree on. Prevention magazine explains:

  1. A diet that’s high in fruits and veggies, whole grains, low- or fat-free dairy, seafood, legumes, and nuts, with moderate consumption of alcohol and lower intake of red/processed meat, refined grains, and sugary foods and beverages, with the focus on foods, rather than just fats, carbs, and protein in isolation.
  2. Eating without regard for the environment is a recipe for disaster.
  3. Paleo, vegan, low-carb, low-fat, and Mediterranean all seem very different on the surface. But there’s one similarity: They all recommend eating whole, unprocessed foods, with a primary focus on plants.
  4. Don’t radically shift your way of eating every time a flashy new study comes out. It takes years of cumulative evidence before scientists can make a solid nutritional recommendation about certain food.
  5. Instead of simply saying, ‘drink less soda,’ say, ‘drink water instead of soda.’ What we consume and what we don’t consume both contribute to health. When you eliminate a certain food from your diet, what you put in its place matters a lot.
  6. Individuals benefit from becoming knowledgeable about the origins of their food, the conditions under which it is produced, and its impact on the health of the planet. Learn where your food comes from and you’ll be motivated to choose more healthy options.

Everyone agrees that sugar and overly-processed foods are bad news. Cut back and eliminate these wherever possible. Unprocessed food that’s close to its natural state is the best.

It can be hard at first to break bad habits, but your body (and your emotions) will make the adjustment over time. You need to accept the fact that you just can’t eat anything you feel like, and remain healthy and trim.

Choose a time in the evening which is the latest you allow yourself to eat in order to break nighttime snacking. Consider asking a friend to keep you accountable – and maybe work together to establish healthy eating and exercise as a team effort!

Are there any healthy diets you can follow to lose weight?

No matter your body goals, the healthiest diets are ones that emphasize lifestyle changes, not overnight fixes. The goal is a lifetime habit of healthy eating, so even the idea of “going on a diet” isn’t ideal. Learning which foods are good for your body, and which ones are not, should be the biggest determining factor in what you consume.

What about a “detox” diet?

Reasonable Weight Loss Goals

Detox diets are generally short-term and are supposed to eliminate toxins from your body. Typically a detox diet involves some fasting, then a restricted diet like fruit, vegetables, fruit juice, and water, but may include teas, supplements, and colon cleanses or enemas.

The idea is that your organs get a break by fasting and that various toxins will be eliminated through the feces, urine, and sweat. There’s controversy over these diets though, because research is lacking and studies are sketchy.

If for some reason you feel the need to detox, it’s probably better to undergo a period of “clean eating” instead, where you only consume real food (not processed foods) and make much of the food you choose plant-based.

Is a low carb diet a good idea?

The Mayo Clinic suggests that some low-carb diets may have health benefits beyond weight loss, such as reducing risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

It limits carbohydrates — grains, starchy vegetables and fruit — and emphasizes foods high in protein and fat. You should check with your doctor before starting any weight-loss diet, especially if you have health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease.

What about the wildly popular keto diet?

The ketogenic, or keto diet is a high-fat, very low carbohydrate diet. Changing your eating habits for keto is supposed to force your body to use different energy pathways so that the body burns fat, entering a state called ketosis.

On the positive side, ketosis is thought to have brain-protecting benefits for those with epilepsy, and it may have benefits for blood sugar control among those with diabetes. But there’s little evidence that it’s effective or safe over the long term.

Very low carbohydrate diets tend to have higher rates of side effects, and may cut out many nutrient-rich fruits, veggies and grains. That’s a concern for long-term heart health regardless of your body goals.

By now it should be clear that achieving body goals is far more than getting thin. When you have a broad, well-rounded approach that combines exercise with healthy nutrition, you’ll increase your ability to fight fat, feel better, and enjoy a more satisfying quality of life.

Contact Sieber Plastic Surgery

Call today at 415-915-9000 or  schedule a plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Sieber San Francisco Plastic Surgeon and learn more the plastic surgery procedure your are interested.

Plastic surgery patients come from all over to seek the advise and expertise of Dr. Sieber. 




Mini BBL vs BBL: 4 Key Differences

Mini BBL vs BBL: What’s the difference?

This a common question and, fortunately, one that is easily answered! In this article, we’ll go over the four main differences between mini BBL surgery and BBL surgery. Let’s start by defining each procedure in turn.

What Is a BBL?

BBL stands for Brazilian butt lift. The main goal of this fat transfer procedure is to widen the hips and/or add volume and create projection in the buttocks. But the overall goal is to redistribute fat on the body to create an entirely more attractive silhouette.

This is achieved by reducing excess fat on the abdomen (and sometimes elsewhere depending on the patient’s anatomy) and increasing the size of the hips and buttocks. Fat is literally taken out of the abdomen via liposuction and reinjected into the butt and hips.

Sometimes with a Brazilian butt lift procedure, the hips and buttocks are simply reshaped with the transferred fat. For example, the transferred fat may be used to fill in hip dips or correct asymmetries. In other cases, considerably more fat will be used to add noticeable volume to the buttocks. The buttocks can be reshaped to project outwardly more (creating a more athletic result) or to widen the hips (a curvier “hourglass” result).

What Is a Mini BBL?

A mini BBL or mini Brazilian butt lift (also called a skinny mini BBL, petite BBL, or skinny BBL) is a BBL as described above, but for patients who are thinner and have less overall body fat.

Essentially, a mini BBL surgery reshapes a patient’s body with a smaller amount of fat. Mini BBL patients don’t have a lot of excess fat to begin with, yet they are typically unhappy with the way that fat is distributed. So, a mini BBL can correct this problem.

More specifically, there are four main differences between a mini BBL and a BBL:

BBL vs Mini BBL: 4 Key Differences

#1 – Patients are naturally thinner.

Any BBL patient should be at a stable weight. But the difference with mini BBL patients is that they are thinner to begin with, so they don’t have as much fat to work with.

Of course, patients must be within the proper weight range for any type of fat transfer surgeries. Goal weights and goal BMIs for this surgery vary depending on the specific anatomy of the patient and their goals, so you’ll want to book a consultation to know if you are a good candidate.

#2 – The goal is a change in fat distribution and more curves.

When compared with typical BBL results, mini BBL results tend to be less dramatic overall. But this isn’t usually a problem because the real goal with this surgery is not to “gain weight” around the buttocks and hips, but to reshape the way the patient’s entire midsection appears.

Often, even if a patient is thin with a lower BMI, they may have extra fat around their midsection and not as much fat as they would like on their hips and thighs. A mini BBL is a minimally invasive procedure that can shift this fat.

As with a standard Brazilian butt lift, we will remove fat from the waist and back area (and other areas if needed) and transfer that harvested fat to the buttocks and hips. If you look at mini BBL before and after photos, you’ll see that the fat is simply “shifted”.

#3 – Patients must still have enough fat to “harvest”.

While thin patients can certainly undergo a BBL fat transfer procedure with a mini BBL, they still must have adequate excess fat deposits on their body so that this fat can be removed with liposuction and shifted to the hip and buttocks area.

Sometimes, this knowledge can lead thin patients who desire a BBL to think that they must gain weight before they can undergo fat transfer procedures. But this isn’t the case for most patients. You do need some amount of extra fat, but most patients do have an adequate amount without needing to gain weight.

#4 – Fat is taken from several areas of the body, not just the abdomen.

To make up for the fact that many mini BBL patients don’t have a lot of excess fat around their abdomens — as is the case with many traditional BBL patients — your surgeon may use liposuction on other areas of the body to harvest fat. For example, fat harvesting can be performed on the arms, back, thighs, or elsewhere.

FAQs: Mini BBL and BBL Surgeries

How long does it take to recover from a mini BBL procedure?

Two weeks is the average initial recovery time after a mini BBL. During your mini BBL recovery time, bruising, swelling, and some discomfort are to be expected. You will not be able to sit on your buttocks directly for two weeks, and you also must typically wait this long before you can return to light exercise.

How much is a BBL compared to a mini BBL?

Generally speaking, because both procedures aim to achieve the same goals, mini BBL cost and traditional BBL cost will be comparable. This applies to most cases, but all plastic surgeries are different. To get an accurate BBL price quote, please book a consultation

How much fat do I need for a mini BBL?

Patients must be examined in person by a board certified plastic surgeon to know for sure if they have sufficient body fat to undergo a mini Brazilian butt lift BBL. Please schedule a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this surgical procedure.

Request Your Consultation Today

What Is A BBLOften, if you are unhappy with your body shape, you don’t need to gain or lose weight to look and feel your best! Mini Brazilian butt lift surgery is an excellent plastic surgery for patients who are at or near their goal weight but who want to change their body fat composition.

To learn more about fat grafting and mini BBL surgery, please schedule a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber today.



What Does Liposuction Cost?

Liposuction cost is often a deterrent to patients who are considering this procedure. They may be the perfect candidate: in good physical health, a non-smoker, at or near their ideal body weight, with just a small bit of stubborn fat they’d like to remove.

But when cost is considered, patients may forgo liposuction as a pipe dream and never think about it again.

The truth is, however, that liposuction is a wonderful procedure with a high success rate and low risk of complications. Moreover, it can make you look and feel so much better, and as long as you maintain healthy lifestyle habits, your results can last for years. In other words, it’s definitely worth it.

So, why let cost hold you back?

Below, we’ll take a look at the factors that typically affect liposuction cost, and we’ll talk about financing options and budgeting tips to help you achieve your liposuction goal. Often, making a procedure like liposuction happen within your budget is all about prioritizing what you really want.

And if you really want liposuction, you can certainly figure out a way for it to be an attainable goal for you!

How Much does Liposuction Cost? Top Factors to Consider

#1 – Type of Liposuction

One of the reasons it’s so difficult to quote the “average liposuction cost” is that numerous liposuction techniques exist, and every one costs a different amount.

For one thing, lipo can be performed almost anywhere on the body — from the outer thighs or abdomen to the arms or chin. And it makes a big difference in terms of pricing. Chin liposuction cost will be different than stomach liposuction cost, for example.

Likewise, the various lipo techniques are charged differently. Overall, lipo is always a minimally invasive procedure that follows similar procedural steps. But laser assisted liposuction or laser liposuction cost is different than the cost of tumescent liposuction and so forth.

#2 – Surgeon’s Fee

Surgical fees charged directly by your surgeon will usually make up the bulk of your liposuction price. After all, it’s plastic surgeons who do the bulk of the work and have the necessary experience and expertise to actually perform your surgery and followup with the required assessments.

Many surgeon’s charge based on their skill level and proficiency with a specific cosmetic procedure. If they are especially gifted at liposuction, for instance, they will be more in demand and may, therefore, charge more for this procedure.

#3 – Anesthesia

Anesthesia is priced based on what type is used (general vs local anesthesia) and how long your surgery is. When surgeries are long, for example, the anesthesia team needs to work more, and the risk of complications goes up.

#4 – Surgical Facility Fees

Whether your fat reduction surgery takes place in a hospital or at an outpatient procedure facility, your final bill will be affected by the prices they charge. Surgical facilities need to account for the use of their location, utilities, staff, operating rooms, intake and recovery rooms, and equipment and technology. All of these expenses are, in part, passed onto you in your bill.

#5 – Additional Expenses

Lastly, you may also need to factor in charges for additional items needed during the pre-surgery period and liposuction recovery. Required medical screening tests, pain medication, and recovery garments usually need to be paid for out-of-pocket.

After the incisions have healed, if patients wish to treat their liposuction scars with special post-surgical topical ointments or silicone scar sheets, these will need to be purchased by the patient as well.

Financing Options and Budgeting Tips as You Approach Liposuction Surgery

Use these tips to reduce financial stress as you plan for cosmetic surgery:

Plan far in advance.

Liposuction procedures will always be around, so even if you’re passionate about getting this procedure now, often, waiting a few months or even a year can be beneficial long-term. Give yourself as much time as you need to gain financial footing before you book your surgery.

Break your goal into smaller steps.

Once you have a price estimate on the total cost of liposuction, it’s time to break your ultimate financial goal into steps. Perhaps you decide to save X amount of dollars every week or every month for a year. Whatever your goal, breaking it down into more manageable pieces will help you achieve it.

Weigh your priorities and adjust your budget accordingly.

If liposuction could be a truly meaningful surgery for you, chances are, it’s more important than smaller things like clothes, takeout meals, or daily coffee runs. For some, this might not be true.

But if it’s true for you, prioritize. Dropping the amount of times you get takeout, grab a coffee, or impulse buy at your favorite clothing shop can drastically increase your budget for cosmetic procedures.

Talk to Your Surgeon About Financing

Lastly, discuss financing options with your surgeon. Many plastic surgery practices offer financing plans through companies like PatientFi or CareCredit. These companies cover your surgery and allow you to make manageable monthly payments to take care of your debt. Of course, most practices also accept major credit cards.

Liposuction Procedure FAQs

What’s the difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction?

In regards to tummy tuck vs liposuction surgery, plastic surgeons usually describe the differences this way: Tummy tuck surgery gets rid of excess skin on the abdomen, and liposuction gets rid of excess fat cells on the abdomen.

Of course, liposuction can be performed almost anywhere on the body. Furthermore, tummy tuck surgery also provides the added benefit of tightened abdominal muscles. Many mommy makeover procedures include both a tummy tuck and liposuction, in addition to other procedures like breast augmentation or breast lift surgery.

What are the side effects of liposuction recovery?

During recovery, common liposuction side effects include swelling, bruising, changes in sensation, and soreness. These will dissipate with time.

How long do liposuction results last?

As long as patients make healthy lifestyle choices (regular exercise, a healthy diet, etc.), lipo results should last for many years. The real goal is to stay within a healthy weight range. If patients gain weight in significant amounts, their body composition may change, and this can diminish past results from liposuction treatment.

Set Up a Consultation With Dr. Sieber

How Much Does Liposuction CostYour liposuction journey starts by scheduling a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.

This visit will include an introduction to liposuction, a brief physical exam, and a review of your medical history. You will get the chance to discuss your goals with Dr. Sieber and look at some liposuction before and after images to get an idea of what this surgery can achieve. Of course, liposuction prices will also be discussed.

You deserve to feel great about the way you look. If you have stubborn excess fat, just one liposuction procedure can help you achieve a leaner, more attractive profile. Call today to schedule your liposuction consultation with Dr. Sieber.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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