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HD Lipo Before and After: What to Expect

If you’re planning to undergo HD lipo before and after your surgery are two very crucial periods. In this article, we’ll help you plan for both the lead-up to your HD liposuction procedure itself and the aftermath — your recovery.

Preparing for HD Lipo: Simple Steps for Surgery & Recovery

Before and after lipo HD, the most prepared patients always do the best. With this in mind, we’ve outlined some simple steps to help guide you during these critical periods.

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Patients who lead healthy lives tend to fare better during and after their surgeries.

Plastic surgeons universally endorse eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and abstaining from smoking and drug use. This will not only help you during your procedure, but it will also ensure a smooth, efficient recovery.

2. Be at or very near your target weight.

Most Vaser hi def liposuction patients are already at (or very close to) their target weight. All they’re looking for is more definition.

Stubborn abdominal fat can sometimes obscure underlying muscles. So, a patient seeking hi def liposuction, for instance, will often want to reduce excess fat on their abdomen and reveal their six pack underneath.

But if, for some reason, you still have weight you want to lose, make sure you do this before undergoing plastic surgery. It’s best to be at your ideal weight prior to surgery because if you end up losing (or gaining) weight after surgery, it could entirely change your results.

3. Invest in comfortable, easy-to-wear clothes.

Both for the day of your surgery and during your recovery, patients should opt to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes. It’s best to choose items that can be buttoned or zipped down the front so that you don’t have to do any stretching of your chest or reaching over your head to put things on.

Remember that during your recovery, you may also need to wear compression garments. These may be included in your surgery package, or you may choose to purchase your own. Be sure to wear these as your surgeon instructs.

4. Don’t wait to start preparing for your recovery.

Before And After Lipo HDEven though high definition liposuction recovery is fairly smooth and easy for the majority of patients, it’s crucial to be prepared at home.

So, right now, while you are feeling good, set up a comfortable space in your living room where you can rest and relax during the day. Get books, magazines, movies, or podcasts prepared so you can have entertainment while you heal. Grab a basket of waters and snacks, and put your chargers nearby as well other essentials like tissues and lip balm.

In your bedroom, be sure your bed is comfortable and that you have the proper pillows to prop you in a comfortable sleeping position. Your surgeon may instruct you to sleep a certain way for optimal healing.

5. Arrange for someone to take you home after surgery.

Patients need to have a friend or family member take them home from surgery. It’s important that you do not drive after having anesthesia, and most patients benefit from some help getting in and out of the car and their home.

If you require more help to run errands, assist with your kids, pick up groceries, etc., try to arrange for this in advance as well. Most loved ones are willing to help, but it’s always most polite to give people a heads up before requesting their assistance.

6. Stay in touch with your surgeon.

You will have several follow-up appointments with Dr. Sieber after surgery. Be sure to attend all of these.

At the same time, if you require any answers to questions or concerns before these appointment dates, be sure to ask. Suctioning fat from the body will surely produce some symptoms you are not used to — changes in sensation, swelling, bruising, soreness, and more. If you need assistance or notice anything out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to contact us.

FAQ: High Definition Liposuction

How much does HD lipo cost?

HD lipo cost is affected by your surgeon’s fee, the location of your surgeon’s practice, the anesthesia required, the length of your surgery, facility fees, and whether you have other procedures (such as a Brazilian butt lift, tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck, for example) performed as well. Please make a consultation appointment for more detailed information pertaining to cost.

Will I have scars after HD lipo?

Yes, lipo HD (high definition liposuction) does result in small scars. These will be located wherever you desire liposuction. So, for example, if you want lipo HD around the tummy area and thighs, small incisions (which will later become small scars) will be located in these areas.

Dr. Sieber is highly skilled at putting these incisions in places that are hard to see — like the belly button and the natural creases and folds of the body. We encourage all patients to look up lipo HD before and after photos to see examples of what potential scars may look like.

How is HD liposuction different from traditional lipo?

Both HD lipo and traditional lipo aim to reduce stubborn excess fat by suctioning out fat cells from “problem areas” like the stomach, flanks, and thighs. The difference is that high definition liposuction results aim to also isolate and emphasize the underlying muscles. HD lipo is often performed on leaner individuals who want to achieve a fit, athletic look.

Call Us Today to Schedule a Consultation

Lipo HD Before And AfterDr. David Sieber is a board certified plastic surgeon specializing in Vaser high definition liposuction, also known as hi def liposuction or hi def lipo.

At your HD Vaser liposuction consultation with Dr. Sieber, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals, learn about your surgical options, go over the details of the procedure together, and look at additional before and after HD lipo photos.

Please contact our office today to set up your consultation appointment.



A Breakdown of Breast Lift Cost Factors

Breast lift cost can vary greatly from surgeon to surgeon. Moreover, the geographic location, technical approach, and anesthetic requirements of your surgery will all play a role in determining your final cost.

Let’s take a closer look at this cost breakdown and help you better prepare for the financial aspects of breast lift surgery.

How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?

In order to truly understand how much a breast lift will cost and what the cost breakdown will be, it is crucial to book consultation appointments with reputable board certified plastic surgeons in your area. Unfortunately, many patients fail to understand this and instead, go online to find price quotes, which can vary considerably.

While some websites do provide cost estimates for plastic surgery prices, these are often inaccurate. For example, some sources may offer an estimate that does not include the surgeon’s fee. Others may equate breast lift costs with the cost of another breast surgery like a breast augmentation procedure or breast reconstructive surgery.

Naturally, surgical procedures like these are related. But they are quite different as well. When you have a breast sag and need a breast lift, the surgical techniques, equipment, technology, and approaches required to correct the situation are very unique. A breast implant will do something entirely different.

This means that the cost of a breast lift can be entirely different from the cost of a breast augmentation — even at the same practice, with the same surgeon, and for the same patient.

Breast Lifts: A Cost Breakdown

These are the main factors that will determine how much you are charged for your breast lift.

1. Surgeon’s experience

The overall cost of your procedure will largely depend on the experience, expertise, and certifications of your surgeon. The more skilled and sought-after they are, the more they will likely charge to perform your procedure.

2. Surgical scope

While you can certainly look at the “average” cost of an “average” breast lift, very few patients actually fall into the “average” category.

In other words, chances are, your breast lift will be unique and will, therefore, require a unique surgical approach. Sometimes, this costs more than the “average” amount.

3. Additional surgeries

If your breast lift is part of a mommy makeover or combined with another surgery such as a tummy tuck, this increases the price as well.

Some patients, for example, will undergo a breast lift after weight loss and will want other procedures for body contouring as well. All of the additional costs and related expenses for these procedures increases the average price of surgery.

4. Operating room costs

Many providers have privileges with a local hospital where they perform surgery. Whether you go to a hospital or an area surgical facility, all of the costs associated with running that facility will be factored into your final bill.

5. Anesthesia fees

Lastly, anesthesia can be quite costly for major surgeries like mastopexy. This surgery typically requires general anesthesia, which tends to cost more than local anesthesia.

FAQ: Breast Lift Surgery

What’s the difference between a breast lift and breast reduction?

Breast Reduction And Lift CostWhen it comes to breast lift vs breast reduction, the specifics can easily become confusing. That’s because these two surgeries are actually quite alike.

Both remove excess skin and can follow the same incision pattern (lollipop lift pattern, anchor lift pattern, etc.). Furthermore, a breast reduction almost always includes a lift, and breast lift results can sometimes make the breasts appear smaller.

Basically, the distinguishing factor is that the main goal of a breast lift is to lift sagging breasts and create a more youthful, perkier silhouette. Conversely, the main goal of a breast reduction is the reduce the overall size of the breasts.

How much does a breast reduction and lift cost?

A breast lift is often combined with a breast reduction to reduce overall breast size while also creating an attractive desired shape. Your final breast lift and reduction cost will depend on surgeon fees, general vs local anesthesia fees, surgical facility fees, whether health insurance will help cover your procedure, and more.

How can I pay for the final price of breast lift surgery?

If you do not wish to pay out-of-pocket, most practices accept credit cards, or you may choose to set up a repayment plan with a medical credit company such as CareCredit.

Does a breast lift and augmentation cost more than a simple breast lift?

Yes, if you opt to undergo a breast augmentation mastopexy (breast lift combined with breast augmentation), this surgery will indeed cost more than a simple breast lift.

That’s because breast augmentations are entirely separate procedures from breast lifts. They require additional techniques and unique skills, in addition to the cost of breast implants.

Will I have scars after my breast lift?

Once your breast lift recovery time has passed, you will notice that you do have scars from surgery. The exact location of them will depend on what breast lift incision pattern your surgeon used. Fortunately, most breast lift scars can be hidden beneath most clothing and undergarments.

Furthermore, they will fade and flatten out with time. Talk to your surgeon about the use of silicone topical gels, massage, and other treatments, which can help reduce breast lift scar appearance.

Request Your Consultation Today

How Much Does A Breast Lift CostDouble board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber has extensive experience and expertise performing breast lift surgery, along with other related cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation surgery (saline or silicone implants) and breast reduction.

If a breast lift procedure is something you would like to learn more about, please do not hesitate to contact our office and set up a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber. Our team would be happy to break down the total cost of surgery for you in addition to answering any questions you may have about breast lift mastopexy techniques, breast lift risks, or cosmetic surgery in general.

We look forward to hearing from you!



Will I Have Breast Lift Scars After a Year?

One of the first questions patients ask when consulting about breast lift surgery is: “Will I have breast lift scars?”

Most patients understand that immediately after surgery, scars will develop. After all, once you understand the fundamental steps of a breast lift procedure, you see that incisions are required, and incisions inevitably lead to scars.

However, what patients then want to know is when these scars will start to fade and blend in with the surrounding skin so that they are less noticeable.

While this will take some time, rest assured that with nearly all breast lift procedures, scars do fade and flatten out over time.

Below, we’ll take a specific look at what you can expect your breast lift scars to look like one year after surgery. First, though, let’s talk a bit about breast lift recovery in general.

How Long Is Breast Lift Recovery?

Breast lift recovery time varies from patient to patient and operation to operation. Most patients need to take at least one week off from work and sometimes up to two weeks.

You must refrain from heavy lifting and strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks. This is to avoid too much blood flow to the treatment area.

After this, Dr. Sieber will help you reincorporate a light exercise routine. However, any exercises involving the chest and upper arm area should be avoided at this time.

Common side effects after breast lift surgery include soreness and some light discomfort, overall sensitivity, possible numbness, swelling, and bruising. Pain medication can be prescribed but usually isn’t needed for very long.

When Will I see My Results?

Ultimately, it may take up to six months or a year to see your complete results after breast lift surgery. However, most patients are able to see a decent representation of what their ultimate breast lift results will look like after two to four months. Just remember that some residual swelling may continue up until that one-year mark or even slightly after.

What Do Breast lift Scars Look Like?

Healed One Year Breast Lift ScarsThe location of your scars depends on the breast lift technique used and where each breast lift incision is located. There are typically three options when it comes to the location of breast lift incisions.

First, you may only require an incision to be made around each areola if you don’t require much of a lift. This incision blends nicely with the areola’s edge.

Second, a “lollipop” incision pattern is made when one incision is made around each areola and another is made down the bottom half of each breast.

Finally, an “anchor” incision pattern is basically a lollipop lift incision pattern with the addition of a third incision, which is made along the inframammary fold (also known as the breast crease where the breast meets the chest). These latter two incision patterns are for more significant sagging and will lead to more visible scarring.

Scars will appear red or pink right after they form. As time goes on, you’ll notice that this pigmentation lessons so that ultimately, many patients have scars that are lighter than their natural skin tone. Those with naturally darker skin may end up with scars that are slightly darker than their natural skin tone.

Breast Lift Scars After One Year

Breast lift scars after one year tend to be noticeable, but less so than when they first developed. Most patients with healed one year breast lift scars notice that they are pale pink, mauve, or purple in color.

As time goes on, these scars may fade even more. After three or four years, they should be even more difficult to discern.

Most breast lift scars also flatten out over time. While they may be slightly raised when they first close up, as the months pass, they should flatten nicely with the rest of your skin.

How to Get Rid of Breast Lift Scars

First, follow your breast lift recovery instructions throughout the healing process. Next, stay out of the sun as sun exposure can darken scar tissue and make breast lift scars worse over time.

If you want to get a head start on scar therapy, consider using scar gels as you heal as well. Some surgeons also recommend scar massage. Just remember that you cannot start these options until your incisions are completely healed, and you must get the “okay” from your surgeon as well.

FAQ: Breast Lift Scars

Is breast lift surgery safe?

There are certainly breast lift risks to be aware of, but for the most part, breast lift surgery has been established as a safe procedure. Your surgeon will go over potential complications with you at your consultation appointment.

What if my scars are raised after breast lift surgery?

If your breast lift scars healed with raised scars, it’s important to contact your surgeon as soon as possible. Ideally, healed breast lift scars should be flat and flush with the rest of your skin.

Hypertrophic scars and keloid scars result when there is too much scar tissue buildup — beyond the bounds of the wound. These can be treated with special steroid injections, cryotherapy, laser therapy, and other professional scar removal treatments.

How much is breast lift surgery?

Breast lift cost can really vary, so be sure to book a consultation appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon for an accurate quote.

What’s the difference between a breast lift and breast reduction?

When it comes to breast lift vs breast reduction, remember that a breast lift is meant to raise drooping breasts and make them appear more youthful and perkier. Incidentally, this can also make breasts appear smaller.

The goal of breast reduction is, of course, to reduce the overall size of the breasts. But, what you may not know is that a breast reduction will almost always include a lift as well, and this can help with breast sagging.

What’s the difference between a breast lift and breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is another related breast enhancement procedure that often confuses patients.

The difference with a breast augmentation is that the goal is to increase the size of the breasts by adding breast implants. A breast lift with implant surgery is another option that combines breast implants with a breast lift.

Set Up a Personal Consultation With Dr. Sieber

Breast Lift Scars HealedBreast lifts can make sagging breasts look perkier and more youthful. If you are interested in breast lift surgery, please contact our office today to set up a consultation appointment with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



What to Expect During Body Contouring Surgery Recovery

Body contouring surgery recovery can take several weeks of rest and recuperation at home. A large amount of skin may be removed during this surgical procedure — along with significant amounts of fat and tissue. So, after this, your body will need time to rest and heal properly.

Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect on your recovery journey after body contouring.

What Is Body Contouring?

Body contouring after weight loss involves a series of plastic surgeries, which aim to reduce excess skin and sagging skin on various parts of the body.

After significant weight loss, many individuals have a lot of extra skin, especially on the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks, and thighs. Sometimes, stubborn pockets of excess fat can also help create these folds of skin, which can hang over the tummy, create “bat wings” on the upper arms, and generally cause a lot of discomfort and frustration.

The body contouring that you need after your weight loss will depend on your anatomy, how quickly you lost weight, your goals, and other factors. Most body contouring surgeries include a combination of the following surgical procedures:

Lower Body Lift

Reduces excess skin and lifts the lower body (abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs).

Upper Body Lift

Reduces excess skin and lifts the upper body (upper back, chest, breasts, and arms).

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck gets rid of excess skin and fat on the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift adds volume to, and reshapes the buttocks and hips.

Breast Lift

A breast lift lifts and reduces skin on the breasts.

Arm Lift

Gets rid of excess skin and fat on the upper arms.

Face Lift

Lifts and contours the face for a more youthful appearance with less excess skin and fewer wrinkles.


Liposuction reduces unwanted body fat.

Body Contouring Recovery: What to Expect

Body contouring surgery (also called body sculpting) is major surgery. As such, you can expect an extensive recovery time. This is simply because body contouring procedures tend to involve large incisions and drastic changes to your body’s composition.

Pain and discomfort, swelling and bruising, and other side effects will occur during your recovery. Most patients endure the most discomfort over the first few days, but pain medication and resting will help.

You may need to wear compression garments, sleep in a specific way, and be trained in proper wound care. We’ll want you moving around slowly and gently when you can to prevent blood clots. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions for recovery very closely.

What Is the Recovery Time for Body Contouring?

Each patient’s recovery time after body contouring will naturally vary depending on the type of surgery they had. Most patients need to take at least two weeks off from work, but many will need to take up to four or more weeks off. It can take even longer to reincorporate physical activities.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery After Body Contouring Surgery

1. Start developing healthy habits now.

If you haven’t already, start working on healthy habits at home. Eat three to five meals a day, each of which should be loaded with lean protein, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Also, get that exercise in. Even taking a simple walk can go a long way, and adding strength training to the mix is even better.

2. Gain a strong understanding of your surgery.

Before undergoing plastic surgery, you want to be very knowledgeable about your procedure. This means learning everything you can about the individual surgeries you will be undergoing.

You can learn about your surgeries online, from literature provided by your surgeon, or directly from your surgeon themselves. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

3. Prepare your home and personal spaces.

Lastly, do all you can to prepare your home for surgery. We recommend having a designated space in your general living area where you can sit and rest during the day. Then, be sure to cultivate a warm and comfortable space with everything you need in your bedroom as well.

You may need some special pillows, compression garments, prescription medications, are other items that you’ll be better off purchasing now, rather than waiting until after your surgery when you won’t be able to easily go to the store for a time.

FAQ: Body Contouring Recovery

Will I have scars after body contouring?

Yes, body contouring scars are certainly an inevitable part of undergoing body contouring surgery. For an idea of what your scars may look like, we recommend browsing body contouring before and after photo galleries, which will show plenty of accurate examples.

How much is body contouring?

There’s really no way to give a general answer to the question of body contouring cost. The very nature of this surgery means that every patient is going to have a different price quote.

This is simply because every patient needs a different amount and type of surgery, a different type of anesthesia, a different length of time in the operating room, etc. Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Sieber if you’d like to learn more about the cost of your surgery

Contact Us to Request a Consultation Appointment

Body Contouring RecoveryIf you have achieved massive weight loss either through the use of medications, bariatric surgery, or diet and exercise, you may be considering body contouring to deal with the large amounts of excess skin you’re now facing. Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber performs a variety of body contouring procedures for patients at his San Francisco practice.

Let Dr. Sieber help you achieve your ultimate weight loss and body sculpting goals. It all starts with your consultation.

Call today to set up your appointment. It’s the next important step on your journey toward the new you!



Tips to Minimize Body Contouring Scars

Despite body contouring scars being an inevitable result of reshaping the body with plastic surgery, most body contouring patients agree it’s well worth it.

After significant weight loss, your body has difficulty reshaping your skin to match your new physical contours. Especially when patients are older and weight loss is rapid — as is often the case with Ozempic use, gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeve surgery, or similar — fat is dropped quickly, and the skin has little chance to catch up. This results in large amounts of unwanted excess skin and loose skin folds that can be both uncomfortable and irritating for individuals.

Body contouring surgery can improve these outcomes.

Unfortunately, many patients put off or never get the body contouring surgery they ultimately desire because of an unfavored outcome of body contouring surgery: scars.

Below, we’ll go over some of our best tips for minimizing body contouring scars. We want to help you achieve an excellent outcome after all the hard work you’ve put into both losing weight and undergoing loose skin surgery.

Top Tips for Minimizing Scars After Body Contouring Surgery

1. Choose an expert surgeon with experience.

As always, only go with a board certified and well-experienced plastic surgeon to remove excess skin after massive weight loss. Whether you’re opting for a lower body lift, upper body lift, thigh lift, Brazilian butt lift (buttock lift), arm lift, liposuction, breast lift, or otherwise, you need to work with a top-notch surgeon.

2. Always follow your specific aftercare instructions following surgery.

Following the removal of unwanted skin and fat on your abdomen, thighs, breasts, upper arms, and elsewhere, make sure you take it easy. Body contouring is major surgery. You need to rest, relax, and get plenty of sleep in order to fully heal.

No heavy lifting or physical exertion should be performed for several weeks — or even months. Talk to your surgeon about specific timing.

In addition, do not even stretch or physically strain near the areas where you’ve had incisions. This can stretch and distort your incisions, causing unwanted scar maturation (more visible scarring). In short, whatever body contouring surgery recovery directives you are given, follow them.

3. Use silicone scar treatments after wound healing has completed.

Once your surgeon has cleared the use of a topical scar treatment, try using one based in silicone. This ingredient has been clinically proven help reduce the appearance of scars over time.

4. Consider scar massage (if cleared by your surgeon).

Again, only if your surgeon has said it is okay, consider using massage to help break up scar tissue. Especially if you are concerned bout have raised scars or bumpiness where you had incisions, scar massage can help break up the tightly bound tissue beneath the skin in these areas.

5. Decide how much you’re willing to sacrifice for the procedure.

There’s no easy way to put this: After a surgery involving incisions, you’re going to have scars. Body contouring surgeries require incisions, so this means scars.

However, if you have finally achieved your hard-won weight loss goals and now you are struggling severely with sagging skin, you may be mentally ready to take on these scars so that you can benefit from the upper or lower body lift, tummy tuck, or whatever surgery you’re opting for.

Ultimately, you and your surgeon should do your best to minimize scars both before and after wound healing. However, in the end, you must be willing to have some visible scarring to get rid of that excess sagging skin that is bringing down the quality of your life.

FAQ: Scars After Body Contouring Surgery

Are body contouring scars different for men and women?

In most cases, body contouring after weight loss is the same for men and women. Most men and women struggle the most with excess skin on the abdomen (and around the trunk), buttocks, thighs, arms, and breasts. In this way, male body contouring surgery scars are quite similar to women body contouring scars.

With that said, every patient is different and has a unique body with unique concerns. Moreover, women may wish to have more focus put on contouring their abdomen and thighs/hips/buttocks to create an hourglass shape, in addition to reshaping their breasts. With body contouring for men, on the other hand, there may be more interest in reshaping the chest, getting rid of excess skin (gynecomastia surgery), and tightening the abdominal muscles.

Can you get tattoos to cover up body contouring scars?

Yes, some patients may opt to get tattoos to cover up body contouring scars on back, thighs, abdomen, arms, or elsewhere. In some cases, patients will choose a pattern, picture, word, or design to cover up their scars.

In other cases, tattoos may act as a “skin camouflage”, using natural skin tones to match the scars to the pigment of the surrounding skin. This isn’t always possible, however. For example, if scars are raised, tattoos should probably not be used.

As always, only go to a professional, licensed tattoo artist if you are interested in this option.

How much does it cost to have body contouring surgery?

Prices vary drastically when it comes to body contouring cost. This is not only because of the nature of the procedure (different individual surgeries for every patient), but also because different surgeons charge different prices for their services. Please call to book a consultation for an accurate quote on your surgery.

Call Today to Set Up a Consultation

Tattoos To Cover Up Body Contouring Scars On BackScheduling an in-office consultation appointment for body contouring surgery is as easy as giving our practice a call. Double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber is highly-trained and experienced in performing body lifts, tummy tucks, and other body contouring procedures for weight loss patients.

At your appointment, you’ll be able to discuss your main concerns with Dr. Sieber and look at body contouring before and after photos for inspiration. Please bring a brief history of any medical conditions, treatments, or prescriptions you’ve had or have, and also jot down any specific questions you’d like to ask.

Contact us to set up your consultation appointment and begin your journey toward the new you today!



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

Facing 50 Feeling Fabulous
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