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Are You a Candidate for Male Liposuction?

In 2019, over 265,000 liposuction procedures were performed in America, and roughly 30,000 of those procedures were performed on men. While facial procedures like neck lifts and eyelid rejuvenations are still the most popular cosmetic surgeries for men, male liposuction consistently comes in at a close third and is slowly making its way toward the top.

With its near-instant ability to reshape the abdomen and other “problem areas” to its subtle, almost invisible scars, a liposuction procedure is an excellent procedure for men who just need one extra boost to top off their attractive physique.

If you’ve tried everything from a strict healthy diet to rigorous exercise regimens, and you still can’t seem to get rid of small pockets of stubborn fat, then liposuction for men may be just what you’re looking for. Use the following guide to find out if you might be a good candidate for male liposuction.

First, however, let’s define what the liposuction procedure is and what the procedure aims to do.

What Is Male Liposuction?

Liposuction surgery (also called “lipo”) is a cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted pockets of excess fat by using a cannula (thin hollow tube) to agitate the excess fat beneath the skin and suck it out. The procedure is safe, effective, and long-lasting as long as the patient maintains a healthy weight after their plastic surgery.

Male liposuction can be performed on many different areas of the body, including the:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Flanks (“love handles”)
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Calves
  • Ankles
  • Upper arms
  • Chin/neck area

If you are interested in male liposuction, you can expect an outpatient procedure and a recovery period that will last several months. While most patients are able to return to work within several days, it may take one to two weeks before you can return to a regular exercise routine and up to three months to see all of the swelling go down. The majority of patients achieve their final results within three to six months after plastic surgery.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Male Liposuction?

This is the first question most people ask, and it’s a good one.

Most of us, at one time or another, have struggled with excess fat on our bodies. But does that mean that anyone with a few pounds to lose should get liposuction?

Not necessarily.

In fact, it’s important to keep in mind that male liposuction is not a “weight loss solution.” The core purpose of liposuction for men is to get rid of stubborn fat deposits — that is, fat that doesn’t seem to budge despite your most concerted efforts to drop it with diet and exercise. Sometimes, our bodies simply retain fat cells in undesirable areas (usually, the abdomen, hips and thighs, upper arms, etc.). Liposuction for men is a body contouring procedure that targets subcutaneous fat resulting in a more pleasing figure.

A board certified plastic surgeon will tell you if you have this type of fat lurking around, lipo could be a good option for you. Generally speaking, we say that if you are within 10 lbs. of your goal weight, a liposuction procedure can help get rid of those last few pounds of stubborn fat deposits. Liposuction for men is an effective body contouring procedure that is growing in popularity year after year. Otherwise, if you have more to lose, we recommend continuing with your exercise and diet regimen in order to get to that 10-lbs.-to-goal-weight mark. At that point, we can book your consultation appointment and go from there.

Of course, there are additional requirements you’ll need to meet as well. In order to be a candidate for male liposuction, you also must:

  • Be in good overall physical health: No ongoing infections, serious medical conditions or treatments
  • Have realistic expectations: Be balanced — not a perfectionist — about what you expect from liposuction for men
  • Be a non-smoker: Smoking can exacerbate the potential risks of surgery and your recovery; if you do smoke, talk to Dr. Sieber about your options
  • Have relatively good muscle tone and elastic, firm skin

Know if You Qualify

Male LiposuctionUltimately, the best way to know if you qualify for male liposuction is to book a consultation.

During this appointment, you should be prepared to discuss a range of things, from your medical history to what your surgical goals are. Liposuction for men has been growing in popularity, your surgeon will be able to answer any of the questions you have.  Coming prepared for and knowledgeable about the procedure is always helpful. Dr. Sieber will ask you a range of questions, from what medications you are currently on to whether you take any supplements or vitamins and how often you exercise.

You should be ready to talk about any medical conditions you have or have had in the past, and be sure to mention any previous surgeries you’ve undergone. Don’t leave anything out, and be completely honest so that he can ensure that this procedure will be safe and effective for you.

At the same appointment, he will give you a short physical evaluation, assessing your overall health and physique. Most of the time, photographs will be taken so that you can see the effects of the procedure in a liposuction before and after side-by-side photos.

Lastly, Dr. David Sieber will explain your options and make a recommendation on the best course of action for you. He’ll also discuss the risks and rare, but potential complications of liposuction for men.

Questions and Answers

You started this journey by entering “what’s the best San Francisco liposuction near me?” into Google. But now you’ve got more questions to ask.

In fact, asking the right questions is the best thing you can do as a potential candidate for male liposuction. You should ask questions at your consultation appointment, before your surgery, after your surgery, and during your recovery.

Here are some to keep in mind as you prepare for your consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber. We recommend bringing a notepad with you, and writing these questions inside, following each one with some space where you can take notes when the doctor’s talking.

Where’s the best place for me to get liposuction?

Liposuction frequently targets the waist and flanks, commonly referred to as “love handles.” Many individuals find it exceptionally challenging to eliminate these areas and achieve their desired contours solely through diet and exercise.

Where will my surgery be performed?

Liposuction is a versatile procedure that can be performed on nearly any body part. The neck, arms, abdomen, love handles, and thighs are the most frequently requested areas. These regions often accumulate weight easily and harbor stubborn fat resistant to exercise.

What should I expect from recovery?

Following liposuction, the treated area will be wrapped to minimize swelling, bruising, and discomfort. This wrap could be a compression garment or elastic bandages. Typically, you might need to wear it for 3 to 4 weeks. In cases where fat was removed from your calves or ankles, wearing support hose for approximately 6 weeks might be necessary.

For how long will I need to take off from work or school?

Most individuals can resume work after a two-week recovery period. However, if your job is physically demanding, it might be wise to take extra time off for a more complete recovery. It’s important to note that you’ll still need to wear your compression garments during this extended recovery period.

Will I have pain or discomfort after surgery?

After effects of the local anesthetic subside following surgery, you might experience moderate pain and soreness. Approximately 3 to 5 days after the surgical procedure, your garments will be taken off, and a physician will examine your incision. Following this, we encourage patients to gently massage the area as the swelling gradually reduces in the coming months.

What type of scarring should I expect?

Should you develop scarring after liposuction surgery, it will typically manifest as a tiny mark resembling a freckle. In the majority of instances, a scar of this size will gradually diminish over the next six months until it becomes barely perceptible. Occasionally, there might be hyperpigmentation at the site of the incision.

Are there things I can do to reduce the appearance of scars?

Once the incisions have completely healed, consider applying silicone gel sheets. Even after the skin has healed, liposuction scars might remain noticeable. Silicone gel sheets offer a highly effective solution to enhance the appearance of these scars. They work by optimizing skin hydration, significantly improving the overall outcome.

When will I start to see my results?

You can expect to see your final results results between 4 – 12 weeks after surgery.

Does liposuction for men cost the same as liposuction for women?

There is no comparative difference between male liposuction cost and the cost of lipo for women.

How is liposuction different than a tummy tuck?

Liposuction for men is a cosmetic surgery that targets fat deposits while a tummy tuck is a surgery that focuses on excess skin around the abdomen.

 Book Your Appointment Today

Dr. Sieber is one of the only double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons in the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to his many degrees, honors, and accolades, he is an extremely skilled board certified plastic surgeon with vast experience and a wonderful bedside manner.

By performing thousands of procedures for his many patients, Dr. Sieber has helped countless individuals improve their appearance and feel better about themselves.

Are you ready to find out if you’re a good candidate for male liposuction in San Francisco? Contact us today to book your consultation appointment.



Where Are Breast Implant Incisions Located?

Breast implant incisions are the openings plastic surgeons make for the insertion of saline or silicone implants during breast augmentation surgery. However, one thing that not a lot of people know is that there are different types of breast implant incisions.

As you approach your breast augmentation procedure, deciding on the best incision location for you will be something you’ll need to discuss with your plastic surgeon. Naturally, some of the decision will lie with you and your personal preferences and aesthetic goals. But plastic surgeons also have the skill and experience required to judge what the best incision placement will be for your anatomy and the types of breast implants you choose.

What Is the Best Breast Implant Incision Location?

Every plastic surgeon is different, every patient is different, and every breast enhancement surgery is different. Therefore, we cannot recommend “the best” breast augmentation incisions for everyone.

Instead, we can go over the four incision locations available so that you can get a strong understanding of the options available to you.

Option #1 – Inframammary Incision

The inframammary incision, often referred to as the breast fold incision, is a popular choice among patients and surgeons. Positioned discreetly beneath the breast along the breast crease (inframammary fold), inframammary incisions provide surgeons with precise access for implant placement.

Let’s look at the pros and cons.

Inframammary Incision Pros

  • Good access and visibility for accurate implant placement.
  • Concealment beneath the breast, bras, and swimwear for minimal visibility.
  • Possibility of reopening the incision for future procedures without additional scarring.
  • Enhanced surgical precision due to proximity to the operating area.
  • No added risk of nipple nerve damage or interference with milk ducts for breastfeeding.

Inframammary Incision Cons

  • Scar migration potential, leading to stretching.
  • Challenging incision placement for those with no natural breast crease.
  • May limit flexibility for future breast size changes.

Option #2 – Periareolar Incision

The periareolar incision, made between the areola and surrounding skin (along the outer edge of the areola), offers a scar that can be skillfully hidden. Still, like any option, it comes with its own set of disadvantages as well.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.

Perioareolar Incision Pros

  • Close to implant location for precise insertion.
  • Scar healing often surpasses other incision types.
  • Potential for reopening the incision for future breast procedures.
  • Possibility of nearly invisible scarring if meticulously placed along the edge of the areola.

Perioareolar Incision Cons

  • Potential for altered nipple sensation, though rare.
  • Slight risk of hindering breastfeeding, though rare.
  • May be increased risk of capsular contracture.
  • Possibility of noticeable or raised scarring, though rare.

Option #3 – Transaxillary Incision

The transaxillary incision, also known as the under the armpit incision, is a modern approach. It leaves the breasts untouched, which many patients desire. But, of course, it comes with its own drawbacks as well.

Here are the pros and cons.

Transaxillary Incision Pros

  • Minimal interference with mammary glands, making it ideal for future mothers.
  • No visible scarring on the breasts, enabling various clothing choices.

Transaxillary Incision Cons

  • Though typically hard-to-see, there is potential for noticeable scars in the armpit area.
  • Challenges with implant placement in the optimal “dual plane location.”
  • Reduced control over implant position.

Option #4 – Trans-Umbilical Incisions

Types Of Breast Implant IncisionsThe trans-umbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) incision is a unique technique that is rarely used. In fact, it can only be used with a saline implant.

During a TUBA procedure, a surgeon creates an incision in the belly button for the insertion of the implant. The breast implant must then be guided up the abdomen for placement. This option presents specific advantages and drawbacks.

Let’s examine the pros and cons of the TUBA incision location.

Trans-Umbilical Incision Pros

  • Minimal interference with breasts and nipple sensation.
  • Nearly undetectable scarring within the naval folds.
  • May have shorter recovery time compared to other incision types.

Trans-Umbilical Incision Cons

  • Inability to reopen the scar for future revisions.
  • Higher risk of implant distortion because of limited ability to be precise in placement.
  • Only an option for saline implants.
  • Incompatibility with combined procedures like a breast lift.
  • Requires unique skill and training, which many plastic surgeons don’t have.

FAQ: Breast Implant Incisions and Healing

What is the most common incision for breast implants?

The most common incision for breast implants is the inframammary incision, which is discreetly located beneath the breast along the inframammary fold. It leaves the surrounding breast skin scarless, and the crease and breast conceal the scars.

How big is the incision for breast augmentation?

The size of the incision for breast augmentation varies but can range from one to four inches depending on the size, material, and shape of the implant and which implant insertion location is chosen.

Can you put Neosporin on breast implant incisions?

It’s generally not recommended to use Neosporin or similar ointments on breast implant incisions without consulting your surgeon. They will provide specific aftercare instructions to promote proper healing.

How long do breast implant incisions take to heal

Breast implant incisions typically take several weeks to heal externally. However, if you want to know how long for breast implant incisions to heal internally, the complete healing process (including breast tissue scar maturation) can take several months.

What is a lollipop incision for breast implants?

A lollipop incision is a surgical technique used in breast augmentation where the breast implant incision is made around the areola and extends vertically down from the areola to the breast crease. The resulting pattern resembles a lollipop shape.

This is often an incision pattern required for breast lift surgery. Therefore, if a patient desires breast enhancement surgery that includes both a breast lift and breast implants, this approach is frequently used.

Call to Set Up a Consultation With Dr. Sieber

Can You Put Neosporin On Breast Implant IncisionsWith each breast augmentation surgery, many decisions must be made. What types of breast implants are right for you? Silicone vs saline implants? Round or teardrop implants? Low or high profile? What breast implant size?

Breast augmentation incision location is just one more decision you’ll need to make — but it’s a crucial one. In order to make the best choice for you and avoid revision surgery, it’s important to work with an experienced plastic surgeon who is also board certified.

Dr. Sieber is a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing breast augmentation surgery for patients in San Francisco and the surrounding areas. Call today to schedule your personal appointment with Dr. Sieber.



Gynecomastia Surgery, Men and Plastic Surgery

Like women, men also have breast tissue. While men don’t develop breasts in the same way as women do, they’re still born with breast tissue, but it’s a small amount. However, men don’t usually want larger breasts, like women.

Gynecomastia surgery  isn’t always a severe issue, but if you’re dealing with this condition, it can be difficult to cope with it. You’re likely embarrassed or may be experiencing pain in your breasts.

Men with gynecomastia are often self-conscious about how they look and seek treatment options to help reduce the size of their man boobs. Fortunately, there are effective plastic surgery treatments for men with gynecomastia that produce great results.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes mens’ and boys’ breast tissue to swell. Gynecomastia comes from the Greek words “gynec”, which means feminine, and “mastos”, which means breast. Gynecomastia can occur when two of your body’s hormones become unbalanced or thrown off.

Boys’ bodies mostly produce testosterone. During puberty, this hormone guides their sexual growth. However, they also make the same hormone that guides girls’ sexual growth — estrogen. The balance of testosterone and estrogen change during puberty as a boy or when there’s less testosterone being produced in an older man’s body. In certain cases when this occurs, there’s a greater amount of estrogen, which leads to enlarged male breast tissue.

Two common signs of gynecomastia are:

  1. Breast tenderness
  2. Enlarged breast tissue

Usually, when you develop gynecomastia, you might notice a fatty tissue lump under your nipple which can be sore or tender. You may worry it’s breast cancer. However, when you have gynecomastia, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have cancer, though you’ll still want your doctor to do some testing to be sure.

Only a small number develop male breast cancer, though. In fact, the American Cancer Society reports that in their lifetime, men have about 1 in 833 risk of developing breast cancer.

You may experience uneven breast swelling where one breast is bigger than the other. The condition could go away without treatment, but if not, your doctor will sit down with you to discuss treatment options.

Prevalence of Gynecomastia

Adult men struggle with gynecomastia the most. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), between 50% to 60% of gynecomastia cases are in adolescent males. And, around 65% of men ages 27 through 92 have developed some degree of gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia doesn’t have to take away your confidence. A qualified and skilled plastic and reconstructive surgeon can help you get back a more natural and masculine looking chest. The advanced techniques today mean:

  • Shorter surgeries
  • Quicker recovery
  • Nearly invisible scars

Below you’ll learn more about male breast reduction surgery.

Gynecomastia SurgeryPlastic Surgery for Men With Gynecomastia

A male breast reduction, or also called reduction mammaplasty, is the most effective gynecomastia surgery treatment option. With this cosmetic procedure, the surgeon eliminates excess breast tissue and fat tissue, helping to restore a firmer, flatter and more masculine chest contour.

If you have a more serious case of gynecomastia, the excess breast tissue weight could cause breast sagging and areola (dark skin that surrounds your nipples) stretching. In these cases, the surgeon can surgically improve the size and position of your areola and reduce the excess skin.

What are the Types of Gynecomastia Surgery

Two effective types of Gynecomastia procedures are:

  1. Liposuction — for Minor to Moderate Gynecomastia Cases. If your gynecomastia is mostly due to excess fatty tissue, your surgeon might use liposuction techniques where they insert a cannula (hollow, thin tube), through a few small incisions they make. In a controlled motion, they move the cannula back and forth to loosen the excess fat and then use a vacuum suction to remove it from your body. There are a number of liposuction techniques your surgeon will pick from, depending on your individual case.
  2. Surgical Excision — for More Moderate to Severe Cases. Excision techniques are the go-to procedure when you need excess skin or glandular breast tissue removed to correct gynecomastia. It’s also necessary if your surgeon needs to reduce the areola or reposition your nipple to a more natural male contour. The patterns of the incision will depend on your surgical preference and specific condition.

In some cases, the surgeon may use both excision and liposuction to treat gynecomastia.

Are You a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

You’re a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery if you’re a boy or man and:

  • Your gynecomastia isn’t treatable through alternative medical treatments
  • You’re a non-drug user and nonsmoker
  • You’re healthy and don’t have a life-threatening medical condition or illness that could impair healing
  • The development of your breasts has stabilized
  • You have specific goals for improving your physical gynecomastia symptoms and have a positive outlook
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You’re of fairly normal weight and are physically healthy
  • You’re troubled with the feeling of having too enlarged breast

Surgery may be beneficial for adolescents, but they might require secondary procedures in the future if their breast development continues.

What is the Gynecomastia Procedure Like?

Chances are if you’re scheduled for gynecomastia plastic surgery, you’ll have some questions and may not know what to expect.

What Should I Expect During Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery?

During your recovery period from gynecomastia surgery, the surgeon will apply bandages or dressings to your incisions and may use a support garment or elastic bandage to reduce swelling and support the new contour of your chest while it heals from surgery. They’ll provide you with specific instructions on:

  • How to care for the drains and surgical site
  • What medicines to take orally or apply topically to help reduce possible infection and promote healing
  • What potential concerns to keep an eye out in your general health or at your surgical site
  • When you should follow up with the surgeon

The surgeon may temporarily place a thin, small tube underneath your skin to drain any extra fluid or blood that might collect.

What Results Can I Expect From Gynecomastia Surgery?

Mens Gynecomastia SurgeryYou should notice immediate results from your gynecomastia surgery. Over time, incision lines will fade and post-surgical swelling will go away. You should become more satisfied with the results as you recover from the procedure.

Your final gynecomastia surgery results might take three to six months to achieve. While you will have permanent incision lines, they’ll continue fading over time.

Any surgical procedure for correcting gynecomastia will require incisions. And, although your natural contours will conceal most incision lines, you may still see some since they’re a necessary result of gynecomastia surgery. You’ll likely experience enhanced confidence and self-image from your improved upper body results, whether you wear a t-shirt, shirt and tie or a bare chest at the beach.

While there’s no guarantee, you should expect good results from your procedure. You might require more than one procedure to treat gynecomastia to:

  • Treat any complications you might experience.
  • Perform additional repositioning or tightening of your excess breast tissue.

Presently, male breast reduction procedure or gynecomastia surgery is the only consistently effective gynecomastia treatment option that’s long-lasting, with potentially permanent results.

Questions and Answers

What is the surgery to removes excess breast tissue in males?

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty), addresses enlarged male breasts. In severe cases, it may involve a breast lift for a more comprehensive correction.

Is male breast reduction surgery worth it?

Male breast reduction surgery can potentially enhance your self-image and boost your confidence. While the outcomes are often enduring, it’s essential to be aware that factors like weight gain, hormonal fluctuations, or the usage of specific medications, such as anabolic steroids, can lead to a re-enlargement of the breasts in some instances.

How painful is male breast reduction surgery?

Male breast reduction procedures are conducted using either general or local anesthesia, chosen based on specific considerations relevant to the procedure. You’ll be completely numb during the surgery, so you won’t experience any sensations. It’s common to experience some soreness, discomfort, tenderness, and swelling in the days that follow the surgery.

Does insurance cover male breast reduction surgery?

Insurance typically covers male breast reduction surgery when it’s considered “medically necessary.” This typically implies that for adult males, either there’s suspicion of malignancy, or all of the following conditions are met: The patient has been suffering from gynecomastia symptoms for at least one year.

Book Your Male Breast Reduction Surgery Today

Consult with Dr. David Sieber, our double-board certified plastic surgeon to learn about the different types of cosmetic procedures he performs, including male breast reduction for gynecomastia. Call 415-915-9000 or schedule a consultation here.



Mommy Makeover Meaning: Questions Answered

Mommy makeover procedures have become popular with women who are unhappy with their post-pregnancy bodies. Pregnancy and childbearing can take a transformative toll on a woman’s body, and sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough. You might have heard from mommies who have undergone a makeover and have questions of your own. Here are some common questions to know about mommy makeover surgery.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is just that— a makeover. It’s a catch-all term for a set of surgical procedures that have the goal of restoring a woman’s post-pregnancy body and are often done all at once or within a couple sessions. This makeover is customized to fit the needs of your post-pregnancy body, which can vary since pregnancy and childbearing affect every woman’s body differently.

What can be fixed with a Mommy Makeover?

The mommy makeover procedure includes some of the the most common surgical procedures that can correct issues that have the hardest impact a woman’s body during pregnancy. This includes the excess skin on the stomach, breast surgery, and lower body. The procedures typically performed:

  • A tummy tuck, which can tighten the underlying abdominal muscles and remove excess fat, excess skin, and stretch marks.
  • A breast augmentation, breast reduction, or breast lift, which can restore sagging breasts to their pre-pregnancy shape and size.
  • Liposuction procedures, which can remove excess fat from various areas that is stored during childbearing and can be resistant to diet and exercise.

These various procedures can often be completed within one session by a skilled surgeon, meaning your downtime and recovery will be reduced. Many mommies also undergo nonsurgical procedures as part of their makeover process if they are beginning to feel the effects of aging or stress.

What should I consider before I undergo a Mommy Makeover?

Your overall health is the most important thing to consider before you commit to your procedures. It’s very important that you’re able to undergo invasive surgery and successfully heal from it, as this will have the most impact on your results. You should also consider your reasons for pursuing a mommy makeover, and be ready to discuss them during your consultation with Dr. Sieber.

To make sure you get the best out of your results, you should make sure you have no further plans for pregnancy, as this means you might require another procedure.

What is the recovery from a Mommy Makeover like?

Your mommy makeover recovery time will depend on how extensive your makeover is. Healing your incisions might require maintenance of any drains that are placed to help collect fluid that builds up, and wearing compression garments to aid blood flow.

You’ll need to refrain from certain activities that might agitate the surgical sites, and any pain can be managed with prescribed medications. Be sure to follow any instructions given by Dr. Sieber after your procedure.

Mommy makeover meaningQuestions and Answers

What is the difference between a tummy tuck and a mommy makeover surgery?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, primarily focuses on enhancing the appearance of the abdominal area. In contrast, a “mommy makeover” typically involves rejuvenating both the abdominal region and the breasts. This comprehensive approach may encompass breast lift, breast augmentation, or liposuction. To determine the most suitable procedure for your specific needs, a personal consultation is required for the doctor to assess your body.

How effective is a mommy makeover?

Based on RealSelf’s regularly updated reviews from real patients, a striking 95% of individuals stated that undergoing a mommy makeover surgery is a valuable decision. The primary driver of their contentment is the remarkable increase in self-assurance it affords, empowering them to excel in their roles as mothers while experiencing both an improved look and enhanced well-being.

Does mommy makeover include thighs?

Frequently, a mommy makeover procedure includes the combination of a tummy tuck with a breast lift or augmentation. However, the components can encompass a variety of options, such as liposuction, tummy tuck, breast lift, arm lift, thigh lift, and various other forms of breast enhancement, tailored to the patient’s specific needs and desires.

Contact Us

The meaning of a Mommy Makeover can encompass a comprehensive list of surgical procedure within the realm of plastic surgery procedures. It typically combines breast augmentation with abdominal enhancements to help women regain their confidence and body shape post-pregnancy. This transformative procedure has become a popular choice, offering a solution for those seeking to rejuvenate their appearance.

If you have any further questions and would like to discuss them, contact our office for a consultation with plastic surgeons Dr. Sieber.

Fat Transfer Procedure: For Face and Body

Fat transfer, also called fat injection or fat grafting, is a surgical procedure where a doctor transfers fat from one area of your body to the other. The surgical goal is to augment, or improve, the area where the doctor injects the fat. The procedure involves using liposuction to extract adipose fat, processing the fat, and then turning around and reinjecting purified fat into the desired area.

Fat transfer is a fairly new procedure that’s growing each year in popularity, due to the natural, beautiful results it produces as well as the various benefits it offers. You have fat cells located everywhere on your body, but it’s not always where you want it for beautiful contours and curves.

Individuals who are not happy with the contour and volume of their face, breasts, buttocks, hips or abdomen can have the doctor transfer their own fat to these areas and improve the appearance of both areas.

Fat transfer is appealing to a wide audience, since the procedure itself is minimally invasive and versatile. The doctor can use fat transfer to:

  • Fill in lost face volume
  • Smooth out depressions in the breasts or stomach caused by previous surgery or trauma
  • Enhance the shape and size of the buttocks to use in Brazilian butt lift

Areas Fat Transfer Are Commonly Used

Common areas used for harvesting fat include the hips, abdomen and thighs. These are considered “problem areas” for many individuals and frequently have plentiful fat pockets. By having these areas harvested, problem areas are reduced and contour is improved.

Patients also have fat injections on other areas, such as the hands, face, breast and buttocks. For instance, facial fat grafting can improve lost volume in your lips, cheeks, eye area, jawline, and temples. Facial fat graphing can be performed in two hours in an outpatient setting.    Hand rejuvenation through fat grafting involves removing some of fat from a part of your body where it is in excess to transfer it to the back of the hand to replace lost volume.

Fat transfer has also become an emerging breast reconstruction technique. The technique uses your own adipose tissue as opposed to an implant to reconstruct the breast.

Since the 1990’s, plastic surgeons have been using fat grafting reliably to enhance and improve the cosmetic appearance of the:

But, more recently, doctors have documented fat grafting’s therapeutic benefits in the healing of scars and wounds and fat’s ability to repair damage to breast tissue after radiation therapy.

History of Fat Grafting

The first fat transfer surgery dates back to1893 when Gustav Neuber, a German plastic surgeon transferred fat to the eye region from the arm to correct scars that were formed from bone infection (osteomyelitis).

Despite a long clinical use history and the evolution of fat grafts method, no consensus exists on the best method and longevity of results, however, the principles of fat grafts are formed on optimum recipient-site vascularity for enhanced fat survival.

How the Fat Transfer Is Performed

The doctor harvests fat from one area of your body, washes and purifies it and then reinjects it carefully with specially made needles into the areas needing augmentation. It might be necessary to have the procedure repeated a few times to achieve your desired result. Fat transfer is basically explained in a 3-stage process:

  1. Harvest: You’ll work with your surgeon to choose a site for fat removal, and they’ll inject a local anesthetic into it. Then they’ll create a small incision in the area the unwanted fat will be removed and insert a cannula attached to a syringe, using a sterile technique, to a syringe to extract fat carefully.
  2. Purification and Transfer: Once the doctor obtains enough fat from the donor area, they’ll process it in order to prepare the fat cells for the transfer to little syringes they’ll use for fat injection. They may require a centrifuge during purification to spin the fat or as a filtration process for removing impurities before the injection.
  3. Placement: They’ll then prepare the designated area for receiving the graft. They’ll insert a cannula or needle into the site’s incision point being augmented. This needle is typically passed in and out several times of the areas to be augmented. Each time they withdraw the cannula or needle, they carefully deposit a line of adipose tissue parcels in natural tissue planes. They then repeat this process until the desired correction is achieved, producing a grid of grafted fat. Certain surgeons suggest massaging the grafted areas to produce a good contour. Others rely on placement technique for creating the right contour. The surgeon will then likely place a bandage or dressing over the grafted area.

The goal of the surgeon is to help you achieve the most natural-looking and beautiful results and to make your procedure experience as comfortable and easy as possible.

When to Consider Fat Transfer

You might be interested in fat graphing:

  • If you want more long-lasting correction than temporary fillers provide
  • If you have facial areas that look sunken and creased
  • If you want to revise scars, improve your body contour, rejuvenate your face and hands and fill bodily depressions
  • For breast reconstruction use, to hide noticeable signs of breast implants or to fill in contour abnormalities
  • If you want the fat removed from your cheekbones
  • If you have deep grooves that run from your nose to the corners of your mouth
  • If you have lines between your cheek and lower eyelids

Fat Transfer ProcedureIt’s also a common technique used for lip enhancement. Also, fat transfer can help smooth out all types of abnormalities like those that result from injuries or poorly performed liposuction.

The doctor obtains the necessary fat graft by a limited liposculpture through one or a few small incisions. It’s typically taken from your inner thigh or abdomen. They process the aspirated fat by centrifuging, rinsing or filtering. The result is pure liquid fatty tissue that is ready for injection.

They inject the fat graft where needed. They evenly distribute the injected fat into the area by injecting very small amounts in your tissues so healthy tissue surrounds the injected fat tissue. This ensures the transplanted fat tissue stays in contact with these neighboring tissues that must supply it with nutrients and oxygen.

Pros of Fat Transfer

Some advantages include:

  • Fat transfer results are long-lasting, natural and safe
  • Autologous fat cells (from your body) instead of “dermal fillers” reduces the chance of allergic reactions to foreign matter by replacing “like with like”
  • Fat transfer achieves facial rejuvenation through a non-invasive technique

Cons of Fat Transfer

Some potential drawbacks include:

  • While it lasts longer than dermal fillers, fat transfer cost more
  • Preparing fat tissue before it’s transferred is time-consuming compared to prepackaged dermal fillers
  • For fat transfer breast augmentation, you might need several sessions to achieve your desired goal

While fat transfer is a quick-growing technique that produces beautiful and appealing results and works well for many individuals, it’s not the best option for everyone. Ideal candidates for fat transfer are those who are looking to add natural, subtle volume to one or more areas of their body or those looking to rejuvenate the aging face.

To be a candidate, you must be in generally good health. You must have enough fat for the desired form of transfer. You must also have realistic expectations for this technique.

Schedule Your Fat Transfer Consultation Today

To learn more about cosmetic surgery like face and body fat grafting with Bay Area Plastic Surgery expert Dr. Sieber,  schedule a consultation or call 415-915-9000 today.





Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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