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Breast Lift With Implants Before and After

For women looking to reinvent the appearance of deflated, sagging breasts, the combination of a breast lift with implants presents a remarkable opportunity.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of getting a breast lift with implants before and after. Beyond aesthetics alone, this procedure can rejuvenate your silhouette while also boosting your self-confidence and enhancing your journey toward radiance.

Before and After Breast Lift With Implants

What Is a Breast Lift With Implants?

A breast lift with implants, also known as augmentation mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to uplift and enhance the breasts. This sophisticated combination addresses two key concerns: sagging breasts and a loss of volume.

Whether due to aging, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or genetic factors, breasts can undergo changes that affect both your appearance and your self-esteem, especially as you get older. Augmentation mastopexy offers a comprehensive solution to breasts you are unhappy with. It can restore youthful contours while also enhancing volume and shape.

Candidacy and Consultation

Before And After Breast Lift With ImplantsAre you an ideal candidate for a breast lift with implants? The answer lies in a personalized consultation with a skilled board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. David Sieber. Factors such as breast shape, skin elasticity, and desired outcome play a crucial role in determining candidacy. Of course, you will also need to undergo a medical examination, and we will review your medical history, before clearing you for the procedure.

During the consultation, Dr. Sieber will carefully assess your unique attributes, discuss your goals, and tailor a surgical plan that aligns with your aspirations. It’s a collaborative journey toward your ideal self. One of the biggest elements will be reviewing the various types of breast implants that are available.

Breast Implant Types

Basically, breast implants fall into two categories based on material: silicone and saline. There are also gummy bear implants. A silicone implant is made of a silicone gel both on the outside and inside, and a saline implant is made of silicone gel on the outside while it contains sterile saltwater inside.

In terms of sizing, breast implants come in all different sizes. Volume varies, but also the “footprint” or base width of each implant varies. Likewise, different implants have different projections (how far they go out from the chest). Finally, there are both teardrop shaped implants and round implants. Dr. Sieber will go over all breast implant information with you at your consultation.

The Surgical Process

The artistry of a breast lift with implants lies in the surgical process itself. This procedure is a combination of two transformative elements: a breast lift and breast augmentation (breast implant placement)t. The breast lift corrects sagging by repositioning the nipple and removing excess skin, while the implants enhance volume and shape.

Your surgeon will collaborate with you to select the most suitable implant type and size. Techniques such as incision placement, implant positioning (above or below the muscle), and the removal of excess skin are all meticulously customized to achieve your desired outcome.

Recovery and Results

Before And After Photos Of Breast Lift With ImplantsThe breast lift with implants recovery period varies based on individual healing, age, skin laxity, and extent of surgery. While you may experience temporary discomfort, most pain will be mitigated with pain medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon. Your body does need time to heal, though, so take it easy.
To be safe after any type of plastic surgery, your ability to perform exercises or to lift anything heavy will need to be limited. Patients must take safety very seriously to limit risk. Fortunately, you will be able to continue your normal activities relatively quickly.

Gradually, post-operative swelling and bruising will subside, revealing the beautiful results that await. Patient safety and comfort is important to us. If you have any questions at all about the healing process, please contact us by phone and you will receive the care and assistance you need. As you heal, you’ll witness your newfound silhouette taking shape, complete with perkier breasts, enhanced curves, and elevated self-confidence.

Before and After Showcase

For a glimpse of the possibilities, our gallery of before and after photos of breast lift with implants showcases real-life pictures of individuals who have undergone this surgery.

From subtle enhancements to more pronounced transformations, these images illustrate the diverse range of outcomes achievable through surgery. We invite you to look for photos that show women similar to your size, proportions, and age, when possible. This should allow you to visualize what your results could look like. Although each patient’s story is unique, the underlying theme remains consistent: renewed confidence and a restored sense of beauty.

Contact Us to Book a Consultation

Breast Lift With Implants Before And After PhotosPatients who undergo breast augmentation with breast lift surgery are able to embrace a newfound sense of self once they’ve healed. Implants allow for upper fullness to increase while the lift corrects sagging and excess skin. Improvements can be modest or dramatic, depending on what you’re looking for.
To explore the possibilities of a breast lift with breast implants before and after, please contact us today and schedule a consultation with our surgeon. Take some time to peruse our website and have a look at our breast lift with implants before and after photos as well.

We are dedicated to crafting a personalized breast implant and lift procedure that honors your unique beauty and aspirations. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



What to Expect: Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before and After

Fat transfers are a long-lasting, safe and well-tolerated procedure for women that produces natural-looking results. Each year, many individuals undergo breast fat transfers with success and are pleasantly satisfied with their results.


A fat transfer, also called fat grafting, is a procedure where the plastic surgeon makes a fat transfer from one area of your body to another. The goal of this surgical procedure is to augment or improve the location by fat grafting. The procedure involves:

  • Using liposuction to extract adipose fat
  • Process the fat
  • Reinject purified fat into the improvement-needed area

Plastic surgeons have been reliably using fat transfers since the 1990’s as a way to enhance and improve the cosmetic appearance of the:

  • Hands
  • Breast
  • Buttocks
  • Face
  • Hips
  • Feet

However, today, doctors have documented the therapeutic benefits and advantages of fat transfers in the healing of scars and wounds, along with fat’s ability to repair breast tissue damage due to radiation treatment.

Fat transfers are a procedure growing in popularity. The natural results, and long lasting impacts are reasons many patients are opting for autologous fat transfer procedures more and more.


The fat transfer procedures that showed the most substantial increases in 2016 according to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery are:

  • Breast fat transfer (up 41% with over 25,000 performed)
  • Face fat transfer (up 17% with 56,093 procedures performed)
  • Buttocks fat transfer (19,019 procedures performed)


The reason behind fat transfer to breast, is to fill in or augment volume-deficient spots. Other commonly injected or grafted areas include:

  • Skin Depressions (after liposuction and scarring)
  • Hands
  • Buttocks and breast (for augmentation)
  • Face (including lips)

You need to have donor areas for where the surgeon can take fat from. It’s essential you don’t have any circulation issues, either from smoking or a medical condition. For those who are looking for a place to search out breast augmentation before and after realself is a resource that many reportedly use.

Some common reasons for having fat transfer are:


Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before And AfterIf you would like a modest increase in the size of your breasts, you’d be a good candidate for fat transfer of the breast, however, your breasts need to already have good skin tone and a nice shape. Breast fat grafting is a procedure that works outstandingly well for many patients with the right patient profile.

If you have sagging breasts, poor skin or want a substantial increase in the size of your breasts, a breast augmentation procedure with fat transfer isn’t a good option for you. The issue with only using fat to enhance the breasts lies in obtaining large fat volumes to “take.” For these patients a different breast augmentation procedure would be better. A breast implant procedure or a breast lift would more likely be the right procedure for them.

Still, if you look at fat transfer breast augmentation before and after, you can see that the results are natural and stunning. The result is a very natural breast augmentation. When done on the right patient a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure results in natural looking breasts.


For facial fat transfer, the surgeon can remove fat from your thighs, abdomen transfer breast or other areas and inject it into facial creases like:

  • Smile lines
  • Laugh lines
  • Crow’s feet

The surgeon can also fill in sunken areas of your lips, face and cheeks and acne scars. They can even use grafted fat to:

  • Reduce lines between your mouth and nose
  • Minimize forehead wrinkles
  • Correct skin indentations or depressions


If the surgeon needs to optimize your breast shape during breast implant surgery, fat transfer could be useful. If you’ve just had breast augmentation with implants and you have residual breast abnormalities, the surgeon can fill in the abnormalities with fat to produce an optimal shape and smooth contour during breast procedure.


If you have breast defects after a breast cancer lumpectomy, fat transfer is an efficient technique for filling in these defects.

Fat transfer is also an option following mastectomy for total breast reconstruction, but to achieve enough breast volume, this is typically a multistage process requiring sequential, fat transfer breast part procedures.


Fat transfer into your hands is good for:

  • Plumping up wrinkled areas
  • Adding volume
  • Improving skin quality over time
  • Covering underlying tendons and vessels


Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before And After RedditMany individuals looking for a more rounded, fuller buttock will choose a “Brazilian butt lift” that uses fat transfer for providing patients a more curvaceous buttock but without any implant use. Liposuction is often used for collecting the autologous fat the surgeon injects and then sculpts in the surrounding area.

If you’re in decent general health, have realistic expectations and a positive attitude, you’d likely be a great candidate for these procedures.


You’ll likely want to know what to expect as far as recovery and results of your fat transfer procedure.


Fat transfer requires a shorter recovery period, it’s likely you’ll be able to resume your normal activity immediately following your procedure. You should expect some redness, bruising and swelling in both the recipient and donor sites. Your symptom severity will depend on the location and size of your treated area.

The only scarring you could have would be from liposuction, which the surgeon uses for removing excess fat, from the donor site. Since liposuction incisions are small, your scars would also be small and placed in hidden areas.

In some cases, however, the incisions can’t be hidden, but this depends on the location of the fat cells and deposits on your body. Also, the degree or amount of scarring will depend on the surgeon’s skills and technique and your genetic makeup.

Most scars from liposuction fade and are hardly noticeable over time. If you have any questions about scarring, make sure to ask your surgeon for advice and further information that can help you in the recovery process. If you are looking for a good photo of a fat transfer breast augmentation before and after reddit is a good place to ask.


You can expect the fat transfer areas to appear fuller and softer, providing you with a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance.

  • The longevity of the results and survival of the fat depend on the skills of the surgeon, how they harvested and purified the fat and where and how they injected it. Fat transfer needs a surgeon who has highly developed skills based on knowledge of the technique and experience for them to perform it successfully.
  • A microfat grafting process, while labor intensive, is the best way of ensuring a high percentage of grafted fat “takes.”
  • When performed successfully, the injected fat establishes a new supply of blood from your body and obtains it’s required nourishment for survival. Results can and are usually permanent when this occurs, but there could still be a percentage of fat that doesn’t take and you’d require touchup procedures.

For the most healthy and beautiful outcome and safety, it’s essential you follow up with your plastic surgeon for evaluation at certain times as instructed, and whenever you’re concerned with or have questions about fat transfer healing and results.

Plastic surgeons are there to help and are always more than willing to assist with any questions you may have during your recovery process. Whether undergoing a breast enhancement, a fat grafting procedure for your face or any other autologous fat grafting procedure, you surgeon will be more than happy to help with any questions


How many people get facial fat transfer surgery each year?

As per statistics provided by I.S.A.P.S., over 500,000 facial fat grafting procedures are conducted globally on an annual basis. This trend is on a swift upward trajectory, accompanied by a notable level of contentment from both patients (91.1%) and surgeons (88.6%)

What is the rate of success for fat transfer to breast?

Regarding the effectiveness of fat grafting, around 55 to 80 percent of the fat obtained from other body areas and relocated to the breast region endures successfully. Essentially, this results in a success rate of 55 to 80 percent for breast augmentation through fat transfer.

How long does a fat transfer to your hands last?

Following a hand rejuvenation treatment that employs the patient’s own fat cells, individuals experience hands that appear smoother and more youthful. The outcomes of this autologous fat-based hand rejuvenation technique typically endure for a span of five to ten years, with the possibility of indefinite results in some cases.

How many buttock augmentation with fat transfer are performed each year?

Data from the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Databank illustrates a significant rise in the count of BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) surgeries, escalating from 3,762 instances in 2011 to 61,387 cases in 2021.

Dr. Su commented, “Undoubtedly, the annual frequency of BBLs has been experiencing a rapid surge.” He further noted that South Florida holds the record for the highest number of BBL surgeries performed anywhere in the United States.


Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before And After RealselfTo find out more about a fat transfer with San Francisco Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Sieber, call us today at: 415-915-9000 or schedule a consultation here.

How to Plan for Breast Fat Transfer Recovery

Women who would like to modestly enhance the size of their breasts but are generally happy with their overall shape may be ideal patients for natural breast augmentation.

Find out if you’re a good candidate for a fat transfer augmentation.

In this article, we’ll delve into what you can expect during the recovery period — and specifically, how you can plan ahead to make your recovery as fast and comfortable as possible.


Breast augmentation fat transfer recovery typically lasts around three to five weeks, after which time all major swelling will be significantly reduced. At this time, patients should be able to see the majority of their results.

People can usually return to work and light activity about three to five days after their procedure, but swelling and other light side effects may still be present.

During the initial period of recovery from a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure, it’s important to avoid lifting heavy objects (anything over 10 pounds) or performing any type of vigorous activity (sports, running, cycling, etc.).

Those in recovery should, however, get up and walk around for brief, frequent periods throughout the day. They should also eat a healthy diet and get plenty of hydration and sleep.

A special compression garment must be worn for approximately two weeks after surgery. After this, for the next 10 weeks, compression clothing must be worn. Dr. Sieber will provide you with a comprehensive list of the garments you’ll need to wear during your breast fat transfer recovery.


Breast Augmentation Fat Transfer RecoveryThe best way to have a successful outcome after a breast augmentation that uses the fat transfer method is to plan ahead. As soon as you have met with Dr. Sieber for your consultation appointment and been cleared for surgery, you’ll book your procedure date.

Once you know this date, you can start planning around it. For example, you can ask for time off at your job, and arrange for someone you trust to take you home after the procedure is finished.

In regards to home preparations, make sure you have healthy snacks and pre-made meals on-hand. Freezer meals such as soups, stews, casseroles, and other quick dishes can be very useful when your mobility is limited during the recovery period.

Sometimes, those in recovery may even prearrange to pick up their prescription medications before their surgery so that they don’t have to rush to do this right after their procedure.


The best way to have a successful recovery from any cosmetic surgery is to make sure you are abiding by your surgeon’s post operative instructions. Dr. Sieber will give you a packet with information that details how to care for yourself during your recovery.

This will include things like how to sleep, how to care for your incision sites, what compression garments to wear and for how long, what you should be eating, what activities and/or positions or movements you should avoid, etc.

The patients who follow these instructions closely are the most successful after fat transfer surgery. This means that they have the fewest complications and the best results.

Unfortunately, some patients rush things after cosmetic surgery. For example, they may try to return to exercise too quickly or push themselves in other ways.

These patients are putting their health at risk. In addition, they may be prolonging their recovery times and compromising their results.

Strain and tension (too much reaching, stretching, and exertion, for example) can cause incisions to heal poorly. Thick, raised, darkened scars may result instead of smooth, flat, light-colored scars that are hardly noticeable.

It is of the utmost importance that you follow your post-operative instructions after breast augmentation. You can look up breast fat augmentation recovery pictures before your surgery to get an idea of what to expect.


Breast Fat Transfer RecoveryLastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help after surgery. You will, of course, need someone there at the surgical facility directly after your procedure to take you home. You won’t be able to drive yourself.

But this won’t be the only time you’ll need assistance. Most patients will benefit from having someone reliable who can stay with them or come to their home frequently after surgery to assist with other daily activities.

For example, you may need help caring for children — especially if you have little ones at home. You may need help with cooking and cleaning also. It can be beneficial to have someone who can run out and get groceries and pick up prescriptions as well.

As is the case whenever you need help from friends, family, or hired assistance, it’s important to arrange things as soon as possible.

Planning ahead in this way will ensure that you aren’t rushing to take care of these tasks right before your surgery or trying to get help when you are in those challenging first days of recovery.



After the fat transfer procedure, your breasts will feel tender, swollen, and somewhat uncomfortable. During the recovery process you may feel some numbness or hypersensitivity as well.

Your breasts may be slightly sore. You may also have some discomfort where you had liposuction (where the fat was harvested for the transfer procedure).


During the first 7 days you may feel bruising and swelling, but some discomfort is expected. Almost anything can be treated quickly by using meds like acetaminophen for pain or nausea-causing symptoms. Usually a patient reports a complete relaxation after about a week of treatment.


No. Avoid massages after fat transfer procedures. You need to give the fat time to adhere in its new location. Pressure and agitation may discourage the adherence process.


During the first week don’t lift more than 10lbs. You must avoid intense activity for at least three days after your surgery.


After any surgery, it’s important to eat a well-balanced diet of lean meat, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats.


Everyone is different. Most people will still have great results after five years as long as they maintain their weight and stay healthy.

You can also check fat transfer procedure reviews and before and after photos to see what it will be like to have a fat transfer breast augmentation 1 year later, 5 years later, and beyond.


Dimensions and Form: Breast Implants grant you the option to select both the dimensions and contour of your breasts. Breast size and breast shape are a bit more flexible with implants.

On the other hand, fat transfer augmentation restricts you to the quantity of fat that can be preserved and infused, along with the inherent shape of your breasts. A fat transfer results in extremely natural looking results as the augmentation is done by way of fat cells transferred directly into the breast tissue.


Breast Fat Transfer Recovery PicturesDr. David Sieber is one of the few double board-certified plastic surgeons in the San Francisco Bay Area. His training and expertise make him the ideal choice for your breast augmentation.

If you’ve been considering breast augmentation and you think a fat transfer may work for you, contact our office today to book a consultation with Dr. Sieber. We look forward to hearing from you!

3 Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Risks

Fat transfer is an overall safe procedure that can have fantastic results for women looking to increase their breast size.

When compared with breast augmentation, the fat transfer breast augmentation procedure doesn’t require implants, which means no foreign body-related risks such as leaking or capsular contracture.

And because large incisions aren’t necessary for the fat transfer process, there’s no significant scarring as is sometimes the case with breast lift surgery.

With that said, it’s important to emphasize that all surgeries come with at least some potential risks. Breast augmentation through fat transfer risks exist, although they are not terribly common. So, what are the risks of fat transfer to breast surgery?

Let’s take a look at three to know about before moving forward with this surgical procedure.



Breast Augmentation Through Fat Transfer RisksOne of the fat transfer risks that come with breast augmentation is fat reabsorption. This occurs when your surgeon transfers fat cells from other parts of your body to your breasts, but they don’t adhere to the new location.

Surgeons who are highly skilled at fat transfer breast augmentations know that a large percentage of the fat cells that are transferred are automatically going to be absorbed by the patient’s own body.

This is normal and to be expected. For this reason, surgeons generally transfer a surplus of fat cells to the breasts so that any that are absorbed won’t affect the final outcome.

If your surgeon does not take into account fat reabsorption or if too much of the relocated fat cells are absorbed into the body, your results may be diminished. When it comes to breast augmentation with transfer risks, this is one that many patients wonder about.


If you opt for breast augmentation using fat transfer, fat necrosis is another one of the risks that come with a fat transfer breast augmentation.

Fat necrosis is basically when breast tissue becomes damaged or dies. This results in hardened lumps (or sometimes, oil cysts) that may appear on the breasts after the fat transfer procedure.

While the issue here is not necessarily dangerous, it can certainly cause cosmetic problems for the patient as it will result in unevenly contoured breasts. The lumps or cysts may also end up being uncomfortable and even painful as well.

Other symptoms related to fat necrosis include calcified lumps mixed with oil cysts, bruising and redness around the lumps, pain surrounding the lumps or cysts, discoloration of the skin, and an overall change in the shape and size of the breasts.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to contact your surgeon right away.


Any surgery comes with a risk of infection. Fortunately, it is rare for a fat transfer augmentation to result in infection.

With that said, if you are a smoker, have a weakened immune system, or have other risk factors for developing infections, it’s important to speak with your surgeon about these possible complications before scheduling your surgery.

An infection after surgery can become a potentially life-threatening situation. It is important to contact your plastic surgeon right away if you have any concerns.


Risks Of Fat Transfer Breast AugmentationMost patients opt for a fat transfer procedure because they want a natural outcome instead of very noticeably bigger breasts — as may occur with implants.

Achieving a beautiful fat transfer breast augmentation is relatively easy because you will be using your body’s own fat to adjust the size of your breasts. No foreign bodies (implants) are necessary and recovery can be quicker.

If you undergo this procedure and end up with an outcome you are unhappy with — for example, if you have lumps or cysts due to fat necrosis or the size of your breasts isn’t as large as you had wanted — you should speak with your surgeon as soon as possible.

One thing to remember, however, is that the final size and overall appearance of your breasts is not going to be completely settled until full healing has taken place.

For this reason, you will want to wait until you are completely healed from the procedure before determining whether you are truly unhappy with your outcome.


Which is better, breast implants, augmentation or fat transfer?

There are pros and cons of a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure and traditional (implant) breast augmentation. The procedure that will work best for you will largely depend on how large you want your breasts.

If you’re looking for a big change in breast shape and a significant increase in the size of your breasts, you may want to opt for augmentation with implants. Fat transfer breast augmentation is often better for moderate size increases and a more natural look.

How many cup sizes can you go up with a body fat transfer?

The fat transfer breast augmentation technique cannot drastically increase the size of your breasts. Most patients are able to go up about one cup size with this procedure.

Is a fat transfer breast augmentation worth it?

For the majority of breast augmentation patients, absolutely. Most patients who opt for fat transfer breast augmentation are extremely happy with their results after 5 years.

Does fat transfer to breasts last?

Yes. fat transfer to breasts lasts for a very long time with very little need for concern once healing has finished.

What are the complications of fat grafting breast implants?

The primary issues frequently mentioned in relation to autologous fat grafting were enduring pain and hematoma, which could not be reversed.

What are the safest breast implants to get?

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has deemed both saline and silicone implants to be safe and authorized. These implants have a similar lifespan of approximately 10-15 years and are capable of delivering outcomes that appear natural.

Is breast cancer a risk I should worry about?

Undergoing a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure does not elevate the risk of breast cancer. Furthermore, for the majority of individuals, mammograms remain effective even post this procedure. This is due to the presence of both fatty tissue and breast tissue within the breasts themselves.


Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation RisksOverall, the fat transfer breast augmentation procedure is very safe. Moreover, it’s an excellent option for women who want a modest increase to their breast size and natural-looking results.

Dr. David Sieber is always happy to answer any questions related to breast procedures, whether it be augmentation, fat transfer, breast reduction surgery, breast reconstruction or other cosmetic procedures. Whether you have more inquiries related to breast fat transfer risks or questions about another procedure, a consultation is the best way to get your answers.

Call today to book your consultation with Dr. Sieber. We look forward to hearing from you.

How Much Does a Mini BBL Cost?

Achieving the look you desire with a mini Brazilian butt lift can be an enchanting prospect. Still, concerns about financing can sometimes hold patients back from realizing their dreams.

At Sieber Plastic Surgery, we not only prioritize the aesthetic goals of our patients, but we work with them to help them feel financial comfort throughout the planning, surgery, and recovery process.

Your desire for enhanced confidence and beauty is essential to us, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Don’t let financial worries hinder your aspirations. The remarkable results of your mini Brazilian butt lift procedure will make it all worthwhile.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the details of your anticipated mini BBL cost, how expenses are calculated, whether insurance covers this procedure, and how you can determine if a mini BBL is the right choice for you.

First, though, let’s take a look at BBL surgery in general, including its variations, which includes the mini BBL procedure.

Types of BBL Surgeries

Skinny Mini BBL CostBrazilian butt lifts (BBL) are popular fat grafting surgeries that aim to enhance the shape and size of the buttocks for a more youthful and attractive appearance. All fat transfer surgeries use liposuction. But there are several different techniques used in BBL surgeries, each tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.

The main types include the traditional BBL, where fat cells are harvested from areas with excess fat through liposuction and then injected into the hips and buttocks to change the shape and add volume.

Another approach is the “360 BBL,” which uses liposuction around the circumference of the waist to create a more contoured figure and enhance the hips and butt with the transferred fat.

Finally, we have the mini Brazilian butt lift surgery. This procedure is for individuals who want a more contoured, hourglass figure but who don’t have much excess fat to work with in regards to liposuction.

How much fat you have is really key here. As long as you have sufficient body fat to perform at least a modest fat tissue transfer, you can usually qualify for a mini BBL surgical procedure.

You’ll work with Dr. Sieber to figure out which variation is right for you. Do keep in mind, however, that all variations come with a different price tag. The unique techniques and processes used in each procedure will ultimately influence your BBL cost.

How Much Does a Mini BBL Cost?

The cost of a mini BBL can vary significantly in regards to several factors. This makes it somewhat of a challenge to provide a definitive answer regarding what your cost will be. With that said, we can discuss how your mini BBL cost will be calculated.

How Is the Cost of BBL Surgery Calculated?

Mini BBL CostYour mini Brazilian butt lift cost will be influenced by several factors, each of which will contribute to the overall expense of surgery.

Geographic Location: Rural areas tend to have lower costs of living, which translates to lower cosmetic procedure costs. Geographic areas with higher living costs tend to have higher surgical fees.

Extent of Enhancement: The intricacies of your situation and the effort required to attain your envisioned transformation can influence cost too. Procedures demanding more intense work may be associated with higher fees.

Anesthesia and Facility Costs: Anesthesia and surgical facility expenses are integrated into the total cost. The anesthesia type used and the surgical facility’s own cost breakdown will contribute to the final pricing.

Additional Enhancements: Opting to combine your mini BBL with complementary procedures, like a tummy tuck or breast augmentation, will naturally elevate the overall cost.

Pre- and Post-operative Support: Pre-surgery consultations, follow-up appointments, specialized garments, and other essential items crucial to your recovery will also need to be paid for out-of-pocket.

Your Surgeon’s Experience and Proficiency: Finally, the skill, experience, and reputation of your selected plastic surgeon can impact pricing. Surgeons with remarkable expertise may charge a higher fee, though of course, this will be of great benefit to you.

Will Insurance Cover the Mini BBL Surgery Cost?

In most cases, plastic surgery procedures like the mini BBL are not covered by insurance. Insurance companies cover most or all of medically necessary procedures, but elective surgeries like the mini BBL are considered personal choices and therefore fall outside the scope of insurance coverage.

Is a Mini BBL Right for You?

A mini BBL is a less invasive alternative to a traditional BBL, with the primary focus on enhancing the shape and size of the buttocks using fat transfer. If you’re unsure which procedure is right for you, scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is an essential step. During this appointment, you can discuss your goals, ask questions, and receive personalized recommendations based on your unique needs.

FAQ: Skinny Mini BBL Cost

Are financing options available for mini BBL surgery?

Some plastic surgery practices offer financing options to make the cost of a mini BBL surgery more manageable. Sieber Plastic Surgery works with both CareCredit and PatientFi and accepts all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, and American Express.

Does health insurance cover the cost of a mini BBL surgery?

No, health insurance typically does not cover elective cosmetic surgery (like mini BBL surgeries). These surgeries are considered elective and are usually paid for out-of-pocket.

Will there be added costs during my mini BBL recovery time?

During your mini BBL recovery time, the main costs you might encounter could be related to post-operative care, such as medications, specialized garments, and follow-up appointments. These additional expenses are typically anticipated and discussed during your initial consultation.

Are there any other hidden mini BBL costs I should be aware of?

While most reputable surgeons provide transparent pricing, it’s crucial to clarify with your chosen surgeon if there are any potential hidden costs. Ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of what the quoted price includes.

Get in Touch to Schedule a Consultation

Considering a mini BBL? It all starts with a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take your first exciting step toward the new you!



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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