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How Much Does a Mini BBL Cost?

Achieving the look you desire with a mini Brazilian butt lift can be an enchanting prospect. Still, concerns about financing can sometimes hold patients back from realizing their dreams.

At Sieber Plastic Surgery, we not only prioritize the aesthetic goals of our patients, but we work with them to help them feel financial comfort throughout the planning, surgery, and recovery process.

Your desire for enhanced confidence and beauty is essential to us, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Don’t let financial worries hinder your aspirations. The remarkable results of your mini Brazilian butt lift procedure will make it all worthwhile.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the details of your anticipated mini BBL cost, how expenses are calculated, whether insurance covers this procedure, and how you can determine if a mini BBL is the right choice for you.

First, though, let’s take a look at BBL surgery in general, including its variations, which includes the mini BBL procedure.

Types of BBL Surgeries

Skinny Mini BBL CostBrazilian butt lifts (BBL) are popular fat grafting surgeries that aim to enhance the shape and size of the buttocks for a more youthful and attractive appearance. All fat transfer surgeries use liposuction. But there are several different techniques used in BBL surgeries, each tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.

The main types include the traditional BBL, where fat cells are harvested from areas with excess fat through liposuction and then injected into the hips and buttocks to change the shape and add volume.

Another approach is the “360 BBL,” which uses liposuction around the circumference of the waist to create a more contoured figure and enhance the hips and butt with the transferred fat.

Finally, we have the mini Brazilian butt lift surgery. This procedure is for individuals who want a more contoured, hourglass figure but who don’t have much excess fat to work with in regards to liposuction.

How much fat you have is really key here. As long as you have sufficient body fat to perform at least a modest fat tissue transfer, you can usually qualify for a mini BBL surgical procedure.

You’ll work with Dr. Sieber to figure out which variation is right for you. Do keep in mind, however, that all variations come with a different price tag. The unique techniques and processes used in each procedure will ultimately influence your BBL cost.

How Much Does a Mini BBL Cost?

The cost of a mini BBL can vary significantly in regards to several factors. This makes it somewhat of a challenge to provide a definitive answer regarding what your cost will be. With that said, we can discuss how your mini BBL cost will be calculated.

How Is the Cost of BBL Surgery Calculated?

Mini BBL CostYour mini Brazilian butt lift cost will be influenced by several factors, each of which will contribute to the overall expense of surgery.

Geographic Location: Rural areas tend to have lower costs of living, which translates to lower cosmetic procedure costs. Geographic areas with higher living costs tend to have higher surgical fees.

Extent of Enhancement: The intricacies of your situation and the effort required to attain your envisioned transformation can influence cost too. Procedures demanding more intense work may be associated with higher fees.

Anesthesia and Facility Costs: Anesthesia and surgical facility expenses are integrated into the total cost. The anesthesia type used and the surgical facility’s own cost breakdown will contribute to the final pricing.

Additional Enhancements: Opting to combine your mini BBL with complementary procedures, like a tummy tuck or breast augmentation, will naturally elevate the overall cost.

Pre- and Post-operative Support: Pre-surgery consultations, follow-up appointments, specialized garments, and other essential items crucial to your recovery will also need to be paid for out-of-pocket.

Your Surgeon’s Experience and Proficiency: Finally, the skill, experience, and reputation of your selected plastic surgeon can impact pricing. Surgeons with remarkable expertise may charge a higher fee, though of course, this will be of great benefit to you.

Will Insurance Cover the Mini BBL Surgery Cost?

In most cases, plastic surgery procedures like the mini BBL are not covered by insurance. Insurance companies cover most or all of medically necessary procedures, but elective surgeries like the mini BBL are considered personal choices and therefore fall outside the scope of insurance coverage.

Is a Mini BBL Right for You?

A mini BBL is a less invasive alternative to a traditional BBL, with the primary focus on enhancing the shape and size of the buttocks using fat transfer. If you’re unsure which procedure is right for you, scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is an essential step. During this appointment, you can discuss your goals, ask questions, and receive personalized recommendations based on your unique needs.

FAQ: Skinny Mini BBL Cost

Are financing options available for mini BBL surgery?

Some plastic surgery practices offer financing options to make the cost of a mini BBL surgery more manageable. Sieber Plastic Surgery works with both CareCredit and PatientFi and accepts all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Discovery, and American Express.

Does health insurance cover the cost of a mini BBL surgery?

No, health insurance typically does not cover elective cosmetic surgery (like mini BBL surgeries). These surgeries are considered elective and are usually paid for out-of-pocket.

Will there be added costs during my mini BBL recovery time?

During your mini BBL recovery time, the main costs you might encounter could be related to post-operative care, such as medications, specialized garments, and follow-up appointments. These additional expenses are typically anticipated and discussed during your initial consultation.

Are there any other hidden mini BBL costs I should be aware of?

While most reputable surgeons provide transparent pricing, it’s crucial to clarify with your chosen surgeon if there are any potential hidden costs. Ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of what the quoted price includes.

Get in Touch to Schedule a Consultation

Considering a mini BBL? It all starts with a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take your first exciting step toward the new you!



Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation vs Breast Implants

Discover the innovative realm of cosmetic enhancements with Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation. This groundbreaking procedure offers a natural approach, utilizing your body’s own resources for a fuller, more confident you. Dive into the details of this transformative technique and uncover the possibilities breast fat transfer holds.

Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation or Breast Implants

Women across the globe aspire to attain and embrace their optimal appearance and self-assurance, while feeling comfortable in their own skin. Among the most frequently requested cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation stands out. Often time referred as a “Boob Job,” this procedure involves either the insertion of breast implants or the transfer of adipose tissue from one body area to enhance the bust.

A multitude of women opt for breast augmentation to bolster their self-esteem and aesthetic appeal, to attain breast symmetry in cases of unevenness, or to restore a natural breast appearance following a mastectomy. Regardless of the motivation behind considering breast augmentation, it is vital to engage in a discussion with a board certified plastic surgeon.

This step ensures that all inquiries are addressed and that an informed decision is made regarding the most suitable approach to breast augmentation plastic surgery procedures for your unique circumstances.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation with fat transferFat transfer for breast augmentation, also referred to as fat grafting, involves the extraction of fat from one part of the body through liposuction. This harvested fat is then purified and subsequently introduced into the breast tissue via injection.

The fat can be sourced from various body regions, with common areas transferred fat from being the thighs, arms, flanks, abdomen, knees, buttocks, or a combination of these, based on the patient’s preferences for targeted fat removal.

Following the manual extraction of fat cells using liposuction, the collected fat undergoes a processing stage. This entails the removal of oil, blood, and saline from the fat cells, resulting in refined fat tissue.

The purified fat is then meticulously injected into the breast, with each injection thoughtfully placed to sculpt the breast according to the desired shape and size. The duration of a fat transfer breast augmentation surgery typically falls within the range of three to five hours.

Using Breast Implants for Augmentation

Breast implant surgery or breast reconstruction and involves the insertion of artificial devices known as implants into the breast to alter its size and appearance. These breast implants consist of silicone shells that are filled with either silicone gel or saline breast implants that are filled with saline solution.

In the course of the breast implant surgery, the plastic surgeon will make an incision either around the areola or at the lower part of the breast. Alternatively, incisions in the armpit or belly button can be utilized as alternative methods for implant placement. During the consultation and pre-surgery discussions with your certified plastic surgeon, the appropriate surgical procedure used for your needs will be thoroughly reviewed.

Subsequently, the chosen breast implant is introduced through the incision and positioned either between or beneath the breast tissue and chest muscles. The entire breast implant surgery typically spans from one to two hours.

Can Fat Transfer Replace Breast Implants Effectively?

The persistent popularity of breast implants stems from their reliability in realizing the desired physique. They offer a diverse array of sizes and options for increasing cup size. In contrast, fat transfer is constrained to augmentations of half a breast size up to one full cup size. Breast implants are quantified in cubic centimeters (cc) of volume, commencing around 125 cc for approximately half a cup size and extending up to 1200 cc.

Beyond size choices, breast implants grant the opportunity to select a desired shape. Round implants yield a uniform roundness that maintains symmetry and a fullness encircling the nipple. Teardrop-shaped implants provide volume and contour beneath the nipple, delivering a more natural appearance.

In contrast, while fat transfer augmentation enlarges the breasts, it does not reshape them to the same extent as breast implants.

Fat Transfer to Breast Pros and Cons

Pros Of Fat Transfer

  • Some advantages include:
  • Fat transfer results are long-lasting, natural and safe
  • Fatty tissue (from your own body fat) instead of “dermal fillers” reduces the chance of allergic reactions to foreign matter by replacing “like with like”
  • Fat transfer achieves facial rejuvenation through a non-invasive technique

Cons Of Fat Transfer

Some potential drawbacks include:

  • While it lasts longer than dermal fillers, it does cost more
  • Preparing natural fat and tissue before it’s transferred is time-consuming compared to prepackaged dermal fillers
  • For augmentation, you might need several sessions to achieve your desired goal

While fat transfer breast augmentation is a quick-growing technique that produces beautiful and appealing results and works well for many individuals, it’s not the best option for everyone. Ideal candidates for fat transfer are those who are looking to add natural, subtle volume to one or more areas of their body or those looking to rejuvenate the aging face.

To be a candidate, you must be in generally good health. You must have enough fat for the desired form of transfer. You must also have realistic expectations of how much fat is for this technique.

Fat transfer breast augmentation does offer several advantages for suitable candidates:

  • An natural selection that avoids introducing foreign objects into the body and uses your own fat.
  • Given that it employs the patient’s own tissue, once the graft successfully integrates, it matures along with the patient.
  • Utilizing liposuction from problematic areas on your body translates to enhanced results for your physique.
  • The breasts will exhibit a gentler, more natural aesthetic because of the injected fat used.

Fat grafting breast augmentationFat Transfer Breast Augmentation vs Breast Implants

Size and Shape: Implants offer the freedom to select both size and breast shape for your breasts, whereas fat transfer augmentation is constrained by the amount of fat that can be collected and injected, along with the inherent shape of your breasts.

Eligibility: While breast implants are an option for anyone, not all patients are suitable candidates for fat transfer breast augmentations. The most optimal recipients of fat transfer breast augmentation are those with smaller breasts or individuals seeking breast lift enhancements.

Results: When women consult plastic surgeons, they often have a vision of their ideal breast appearance. Breast implants offer a more straightforward route to achieving that vision, whereas results with fat transfer augmentation tend to be less predictable.

Cost: Due to the involved process of harvesting, refining, and grafting the breast fat transfer itself, fat transfer augmentation tends to be more costly. Moreover, achieving desired outcomes might necessitate additional sessions, contributing to increased expenses.

Due to these considerations, fat transfer augmentation for the breasts cannot serve as a substitute for implants. Nevertheless, it does present a viable alternative in certain scenarios where patients seek a modest size increase or a subtle enhancement of breast fullness through a more natural approach.

Additionally, fat transfer augmentation can complement breast implants, breast reduction, or breast lift procedures to achieve the intended outcomes.

Questions and Answers

How much does fat transfer breast augmentation cost?

Typically, this fat transfer breast augmentation falls within a really large price range. The average breast fat transfer cost can hover slightly above $8,000, similar to traditional breast implant surgery. However, this technique offers the advantages of minimized scarring, zero risk of rejection, and a more authentic final outcome.

Can I go up 2 cup sizes with fat transfer?

Typically, fat grafting results in an increase of at least 1 cup size in breast volume. In some cases, an increase of 2 cup sizes or even more is achievable, contingent on the available fat quantity and the potential for weight gain post-procedure.

Are fat transfer procedure safer than implants?

In contrast to fat grafting, implants come with the potential for rupture and leakage, necessitating replacements during the patient’s lifetime. Implants also carry the risk of becoming visible and developing rippling, particularly if their size exceeds the capacity of your breast tissue.

Schedule your consult for Breast Augmentation

If you’re prepared for a breast augmentation procedure, Sieber Plastic Surgery is dedicated to assisting you in achieving your aspirations and enhancing your self-assurance.

In your initial breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Sieber will assess whether breast implants or fat transfer is a more suitable option for you and address any inquiries you might have.



Managing Breast Augmentation Scars

Scarring is an inevitable result of any surgical procedure, including breast augmentation surgery. Still, with the right approach and diligent aftercare, the impact of breast implant scarring can be minimized.

Below, we will delve into various aspects of scarring related to breast augmentation surgery, including typical breast implant scars location areas, overall scar appearance, a general healing timeline, and available treatments.

Varieties of Scars from Breast Implants

Scars from Breast AugmentationThe scars left behind after breast augmentation surgery are influenced by the procedure type, the chosen breast augmentation incisions approach, and the surgical technique employed by your surgeon. While every patient’s post-surgical scarring is unique, there are common scar types associated with specific types of incision placements.

Inframammary Incision

The inframammary fold, located right beneath the breast where the breast meets the chest wall, is a commonly used location for breast implant surgery incisions due to the discreet scar placement.

Inframammary incisions are popular in breast augmentation procedures due to their inconspicuous location. Moreover, these incisions typically have a minimal impact on nipple sensation and breastfeeding ducts, making them a preferred choice among breast implant surgeons.

Periareolar Incision

A periareolar incision encircles the nipple’s perimeter, blending into the surrounding tissue. While this is a common breast implant incision technique, it may affect some milk ducts, potentially leading to breastfeeding issues. Additionally, there could be some loss of nipple sensation.

The benefit of a periareolar incision lies in its suitability for straightforward removal or replacement surgery using the same incision site. Additionally, it provides optimal access for precise breast implant placement.

Lollipop or Anchor Incisions

When combining breast lift with implant surgery or breast reduction, the incision placement can involve either the lollipop or anchor techniques. Both of these incisions can impact milk ducts and lead to reduced nipple and breast sensation.

The lollipop incision is made around the areola and extends down the center of the breast’s front, below the nipple. This approach allows reshaping of the breast and proper nipple positioning. The anchor incision is similar to the lollipop incision, but at the base of the incision, it extends to resemble an anchor as it branches to the left and right along the inframammary fold.

Transaxillary Incision

A transaxillary incision, placed within the armpit crease, results in a hidden scar in the armpit region. While this incision type effectively conceals scars, it doesn’t provide the highest level of precision access for breast implant placement.

Scar Appearance and Healing Timeline

Immediately after surgery, the breast implant scars left by the incisions may appear raised and have a red hue. However, as time progresses, these scars undergo a remarkable transformation. They gradually flatten and fade, taking on a color slightly paler than your natural skin tone.

The visibility of scars varies based on skin tone. Those with paler skin might have scars that look more pronounced initially, and this will subsequently diminish. Individuals with darker skin may have less noticeable initial scars that become more prominent once healed.

As a general guideline, scars tend to flatten and change color from red to pink within 2–3 months. Full healing is expected between 6 to 12 months, leaving you with thin, faint scars.

Scar Management: Do’s and Don’ts:

Breast Implants Scars Do’s

Effective breast augmentation scars management plays a pivotal role in promoting optimal healing. Silicone sheets and bandages have the potential to minimize scar thickness.

For optimal outcomes, it’s recommended to apply silicone bandages, sheets, gel, or cream to the affected area on a daily basis. Another option to consider is cortisone cream, which can potentially soften scars, leading to a reduction in their overall size. Regular application maintains scar moisture and pliability, facilitating the scar healing process.

Another beneficial step is to treat scars is scar massage using circular motions several times a day, each session lasting about 10 minutes. This massage technique aids in breaking down excess collagen accumulation, leading to flatter scar positioning on the skin. As always, consult with your board certified plastic surgeon for specifics related to your procedure.

Breast Implant Scars Don’ts

Avoiding certain practices is equally crucial to ensuring your implant scars heal optimally. Sun exposure should be minimized, and if unavoidable, sunscreen application is essential.

Aggressive scrubbing around the surgical site, raising your arms above shoulder level for the initial weeks post-surgery, lifting heavy objects exceeding 5 pounds for the first 4 weeks, and scratching at healing surgical incisions are all to be avoided.

Surprisingly, applying vitamin E cream can worsen scar appearance, so it’s best to steer clear of it. Moreover, refraining from smoking a month prior to the procedure and until complete scar healing is advised due to its potential to impede the healing process. As always, consult with your surgeon for specifics related to your procedure.

Healing process breast augmentation scarsBreast Augmentation Scars Treatment Options

Although it’s rare, there might be instances where patients express dissatisfaction with scar appearance a year after their surgery. In such cases, scar revision is an option. This procedure involves creating an incision over the scar, removing excess scar tissue, and carefully suturing the wound for a less noticeable outcome.

For cases involving irregular scar contours, scar revision may not be feasible, and that’s where laser resurfacing comes into play. Laser treatments are also effective in addressing hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation around the scar area.

Questions and Answers

Do all breast augmentation procedures leave scars?

Just like any surgical procedure, the presence of boob job scars is unavoidable. Plastic surgeons must create minor incisions to place the saline implants or silicone implants within the breast pocket.

However, the options for incision placement vary by surgeon and are based on factors like the types of breast implants, breast implant size, and material.

Do breast implant scars go away?

The process of scarring is a natural part of healing and may require some patience to observe enhancements. It can take six months to a year for breast augmentation scars to reach their ultimate appearance.

Despite adhering to all these suggestions, it’s important to recognize that a degree of scar tissue is inevitable even after complete breast augmentation procedure recovery.

How long can breast implants last?

The majority of silicone and saline implants hold FDA approval for a span of 10-20 years. However, it’s essential to understand that this time frame doesn’t mandate replacement every 10-20 years.

It’s safe to extend beyond these limits, as many patients typically undergo only 1-2 replacements throughout their lifetime.

Where does breast implant surgery leave scars?

The most common inframammary incision occurs in the fold or breast crease.

What causes breast implant scars to occur?

Breast augmentation scars occur due to the process of making an incision on the skin. An incision involves cutting with a surgical knife, and it’s inevitable to leave some form of mark when surgically incising the body.

Are breast implant scars still red?

Every individual and situation is unique, but generally, the breast implant scars resulting from breast augmentation tend to exhibit a redness and raised texture for about 12 months.

These scars will gradually diminish and enhance over this duration, with a useful guideline being the 12-month mark.

Book your Breast Augmentation Surgery Consultation

The journey to minimized scarring after breast augmentation surgery involves various considerations. The location of scars and the healing timeline are important factors.

Equally vital is proper scar management, which encompasses the use of specialized creams and massage techniques, along with avoiding detrimental practices. In cases of dissatisfaction, the availability of scar revision and laser treatments ensures that optimal results are achievable.

Sieber Plastic Surgery is dedicated to providing beautiful results while ensuring your comfort throughout both the implant surgery and recovery time for breast implants.

If you have further questions about your surgical procedure or need personalized aftercare guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your journey to enhanced confidence is our priority.

7 Things to Know About Your Mini BBL Recovery Time

It’s completely normal to have concerns about the mini Brazilian butt lift recovery process — the possible discomfort, boredom, and worry over potential complications. 

But while your apprehensions are valid, we’re here to walk you through every step of this transformative experience. For most, Brazilian butt lift recovery is simple and straightforward. You certainly must follow all guidance and mini BBL recovery tips provided by Dr. Sieber. But don’t allow yourself to get too worried.

In this blog post, we’ll address your concerns head-on, sharing insights, tips, and strategies to help you navigate your mini BBL recovery time with confidence and ease.

The Basics: Mini BBL Surgery

All BBLs are fat transfer procedures. A mini BBL involves both liposuction to remove fat cells and the re-injection of those fat cells to add volume, fix hip dips, or change your overall shape. Mini BBL patients should be at a stable weight and in good overall health before undergoing any plastic surgery procedure, including fat transfer surgeries like the mini BBL. 

Each patient must also have sufficient body fat to perform the fat transfer. How much fat the person has on their body will dictate how much of an augmentation we can achieve.

With mini Brazilian butt lift surgery patients, we remove excess fat from places like the abdomen, arms, and back via small incisions and the use of a small liposuction cannula. Once Dr. Sieber finishes the fat removal and transfer and closes up your incisions, it’s important to follow his recovery process instructions: Don’t put too much pressure on your hips and butt to allow the fat cells to adhere, don’t sit or lay down for long periods, take short easy walks to improve blood circulation, and allow yourself to rest and get adequate sleep.

What to Expect During the Mini BBL Healing Process

Mini BBL Near MeAs you begin your mini BBL recovery journey, it’s important to remember that this is a transformative process that involves allowing your body time to heal and adjust. You may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising initially, but these effects are normal, temporary, and part of the body’s natural response to the procedure.

During the first week of recovery, you’ll likely need to take it easy and avoid activities that could strain the newly treated areas. Following your surgeon’s instructions, staying hydrated, and maintaining a balanced diet will significantly contribute to your healing process. As the weeks progress, you’ll gradually regain your strength and mobility, with visible improvements emerging over time.

Is a Mini BBL Recovery Different Than a Traditional BBL Recovery?

A mini BBL, also known as a mini Brazilian butt lift, is somewhat of a less invasive version of the traditional BBL. While both procedures involve fat transfer to the buttocks to enhance shape and size, the key difference lies in the extent of liposuction and fat grafting performed. A mini BBL focuses on smaller areas, and this can sometimes result in a shorter recovery time compared to a traditional BBL.

BBL Recovery Tips: Top 7 Things to Know About Mini BBL Recovery

1. It’s a gradual healing process.

Skinny mini BBL recovery is a gradual process that requires patience. Your body will undergo various stages of healing, and while initial results may be noticeable, the final outcome will become more apparent as the swelling subsides. Be prepared to give your body the time it needs to fully reveal your enhanced contours.

2. Swelling and bruising are normal.

Expect some swelling and bruising in the treated areas, including the buttocks and liposuction sites. This is a normal part of the healing process and should gradually diminish over the first few weeks. Wearing your compression garment as recommended by your surgeon can help minimize swelling and support your body’s healing.

3. You’ll have activity restrictions.

During the first week or two, it’s crucial to avoid strenuous activities, including heavy lifting and intense exercise. This allows your body to heal without unnecessary strain. Gradually reintroduce light activities as advised by Dr. Sieber, and avoid sitting directly on your buttocks to protect the newly transferred fat.

4. Pain management is key.

While discomfort is expected during the initial stages of recovery, your surgeon will provide you with pain management strategies to ensure your comfort. Follow Dr. Sieber’s instructions for taking prescribed medications, and use any recommended topical treatments to alleviate discomfort and manage pain effectively.

5. Diet and hydration play an important role.

Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated are essential components of a successful mini BBL recovery. Proper nutrition supports your body’s healing processes while staying hydrated helps prevent complications and supports healthy skin regeneration.

6. You must follow all post-operative instructions.

Dr. Sieber will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions. Following these guidelines diligently is crucial for achieving optimal results and avoiding complications. This may include wearing compression garments, attending follow-up appointments, and adhering to activity restrictions.

7. Long-term attention and care will yield optimal results.

After your initial recovery period, it’s important to continue caring for your enhanced buttocks. Adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper skincare. While the results of your mini BBL are long-lasting, maintaining a healthy routine will ensure you enjoy your enhanced contours for years to come.

Where Can I Get a Mini BBL Near Me?

Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure: Considering Your Next Steps

If you are intrigued by the potential benefits of a mini BBL and excited about the prospect of enhancing your curves, now is the time to take the next step. Schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber and our experienced team to discuss your goals, address any questions or concerns you may have, and create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your aspirations.

Call Today to Schedule

Mini BBL Before And AfterYour journey toward a more confident and alluring you begins with a simple call. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber and explore how a mini BBL can help you achieve your desired look. At your appointment, you’ll look at mini BBL before and after photos and discuss and ask questions about your candidacy for the procedure, what the average mini BBL cost involves, and more.

Your dream results are within reach. We look forward to working with you.



The Top 4 Sexiest Plastic Surgery Procedures

Despite there being many non-surgical things we can do as humans to improve our appearances, there are limits. No matter how much we exercise, diet, and use specialized creams and serums on our skin, often, nature is still able to do what it wants.

Unfortunately, that often means sagging breasts, excess abdominal fat, and love handles for women and belly fat, excess chest fat, and other problems for men.

Of course, having plastic surgery in San Francisco is the only remedy that can fix these problems.

There are many popular procedures such as eyelid surgery, breast reduction that we are not going to focus on today. In this article we have limited ourselves to 4 surgeries. Below, we’ve created a list of the top 4 plastic surgery procedures to mend and improve your body’s “problem areas” and make you feel more sexy.

If you’ve been considering plastic surgery for yourself, check out these cosmetic procedures below to see if they may be just what you’ve been looking for.

 4 Top Surgeries

  1. Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are not meant to help with weight loss, and they won’t get rid of your fat cells (you need liposuction for that). For this reason, before you consider a tummy tuck, always make sure that you are at your ideal weight.

What a tummy tuck will do is get rid of excess skin and help tighten the abdomen for a smoother, more becoming look. It’s ideal for mothers who have stretched skin and stretch marks from pregnancy, and it’s also perfect for those who have lost large amounts of weight and want to have the smooth, tight abdomen they’ve worked hard for.

The benefits of a tummy tuck are manifold. First, you’ll feel more confident in your appearance. If excess skin has been bothering you, this is the best way to get rid of it. Next, you’re going to find that a lot of your clothes fit much better. Lastly, everyday things like walking, bending, and exercising are going to be much easier without all that excess skin around your waist.


  1. Liposuction

Liposuction can be two plastic surgery procedures performed, in conjunction with tummy tucks if the patient is interested. The goal of liposuction is to remove excess fat that won’t come off, even with regular and vigorous diet and exercise. This fat can be removed from the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, upper arms, or elsewhere.

The liposuction procedure is fairly straightforward. First, the patient is put under general anesthesia. Next, several small incisions are made near the area where fat is to be removed. Through these incisions, your surgeon will then insert a small metal tube attached to a vacuum extractor.

This tube (called a canula) will be jostled beneath the skin to dislocate the fat. A solution may be flooded into the internal area removing excess skin as well to prevent blood loss. Finally, the fat will be sucked out through the tube and all incisions will be safely secured.

  1. Breast Augmentation

Sexiest Plastic SurgeryBreast augmentation is likely the most popular plastic surgery procedure offered at our office. Breast augmentation are cosmetic procedures performed adds volume to the breasts with the insertion of silicone or saline inserts.

Many women find that their breasts are not the size they would like them to be. This may have been true since their youth. Or, some women find that as they age, they become unhappy with their cup size and want to change things up.

Often, in fact, the problem is that they think their breasts are too big, and in this case, they need a breast reduction. On the other hand, many women opt for breast augmentation because their breasts are too small.

The breast augmentation procedure is simple and straightforward, but it does require the patient to be put under general anesthesia. During the procedure, your surgeon will use local anesthetic to numb the area. This provides more comfort when you wake up later.

To add the silicone or saline inserts to the breasts, your surgeon will make insertions around the edge of the areolas and insert them there. Long before the surgical procedure itself, at your consultation appointment, you will have decided upon the exact implants for your ideal breasts.

  1. Breast Lift

Unlike breast augmentation, a cosmetic surgery which adds volume with a saline or silicone insert, a breast lift uses your own tissue and the keen skill of a surgeon to lift the breasts and readjust their position. The results are perkier, more youthful looking breasts.

Many women who are done having kids and/or breastfeeding find that a breast lift is just what they need to feel like themselves again.

That’s because both pregnancy and breastfeeding can make the breasts droop and sag, resulting in a loss of bounciness and vivacity. Still, these women may have enough volume of their own and not want breast implants.

Again, a breast lift is the perfect remedy because it simply lifts, separates, and tightens. Excess skin is removed, and the breasts are reshaped for an ideal appearance.

Table of Contents


Plastic surgery requires extensive planning, so it’s important to book your consultation appointment far in advance of when you’d like to have the procedure performed. At this appointment, plan to speak with your surgeon about what you’re looking for in plastic surgeons in terms of outcomes.

From there, your surgeon will present you with some options, and you can discuss the pros and cons of each procedure/step.

If you have a particular look in mind, bring some photographs with you — printed or on your phone or tablet. These photos may be of you at a previous stage in your life or they may be of celebrities whom you admire.

You should also bring with you any specific questions or concerns you may have. Finally, it’s recommended that you wear a comfortable button down shirt so that your surgeon has no trouble conducting his examination.

Hottest Plastic Surgery


What is the most wanted plastic surgery?

The most frequently performed plastic surgery procedures globally, including breast augmentation are reshaping of the nasal lining (rhinoplasty), eyelash surgery (blepharoplasty), liposuction, tummy tucks, facelifts (rhytidectomy), breast lifts (mastopexy), and dermabrasion.

Are breast implants still popular 2023?

Minimally invasive methods remain prevalent within the United States. The year 2023 signifies a pivotal moment in the resurgence of natural aesthetics, characterized by subtle breast and Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) implants.
Alongside the continued popularity of cosmetic liposuction, the practice maintains its favor, and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures have become customary as well.

Are tummy tucks popular in 2023?

Abdominoplasty, colloquially known as Tummy Tucks, remains among the most commonly undertaken cosmetic plastic surgeries. This type of plastic surgery involves altering the abdomen and is aptly named Abdominoplasty, signifying a literal transformation of the abdomen.

What surgery changes your face the most?

The cosmetic surgery that often has the most profound impact on your face is the facelift. In the year 2020, more than 234,000 facelift procedures were conducted by plastic surgeons. Notably, a growing proportion of these facelift recipients are men.
The rising prevalence of facelifts among men can be attributed to diverse factors, with the procedure offering immediate and enduring outcomes as one of its key advantages.

Is a breast lift a common surgical procedure?

Yes. A breast lift is a frequently performed within a mommy makeover. On occasion, this lifting procedure is combined with breast augmentation to not only raise the breasts but also amplify their size.


Dr. David A. Sieber is one of the most well-respected and sought-after plastic surgeons in the San Francisco area. He treats both men and women of all ages and can certainly help you achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of through plastic surgery.

Your first step is to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber. At this appointment, you’ll discuss your goals, options, and next steps. To make your appointment, contact us today!



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

Facing 50 Feeling Fabulous
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