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Plastic Surgery Myths: 10 Common Misconceptions

Over the past 30 years, plastic surgery has become more common, but it’s still an area rife with misconceptions. Armchair experts in public conversations often make assertions about plastic surgery that simply aren’t true—and with no experts around to correct them or provide more information, these myths and bad perceptions often spread and grow worse.

At Sieber Plastic Surgery in San Francisco, one of our top priorities is keeping people as informed as possible with accurate, scientifically backed, and straightforward facts. That’s why we’ve assembled this list of common plastic surgery misconceptions that need to go away.

The Most Common Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery

Myths About Plastic SurgeryThese are some of the most pervasive plastic surgery myths and misconceptions:

  1. Plastic surgery is for rich people. It’s tempting to imagine plastic surgery as an option only for the wealthy elite; after all, some surgical procedures can cost tens of thousands of dollars. However, if all cosmetic and plastic surgery was unattainably expensive, the industry wouldn’t be thriving the way it is. In fact, the majority of people obtaining plastic surgery in the modern era are middle class, with a moderate amount of disposable income. This is partially because the costs of cosmetic and plastic surgery are coming down, and partially because more plastic surgeons are offering flexible financing options.
  2. Plastic surgery is for women. It’s true that the majority of cosmetic procedures are performed on women. However, cosmetic surgery isn’t for women alone; in 2017, there were more than 3 million cosmetic procedures performed on men. Increasingly, men are turning to cosmetic surgery to improve their confidence and self-perception.
  3. Plastic surgery is an exercise in vanity. This is another one of the common myths about cosmetic surgery. When you hear about someone getting a breast augmentation procedure or a nose reconstruction, you’ll be tempted to think of them as vain—as spending money only to improve how they look to other people. But patient satisfaction surveys reveal that aesthetic plastic surgery is often associated with a much higher quality of life; people are more confident in themselves, and better able to enjoy their lives. Many people don’t that there are many patients who undergo reconstructive surgery following breast cancer. After breast cancer a breast augmentation with breast implants can help patients feel more like their old self again. Helping breast cancer survivors feel like their old selves is an important reason for breast augmentation with breast implants, and plastic surgery more broadly.
  4. Botox is a dangerous substance. Botox gets a bad name because it’s technically a toxin secreted by a specific strain of bacteria. In high doses, Botox can cause a variety of complications. However, in the tiny doses used for mainstream cosmetic procedures, Botox injections are some of the lowest-risk procedures available. As long as your doctor is experienced and handles the substance correctly, there’s very little risk. In fact, Botox is used for a variety of non-cosmetic medical needs, including treating lazy eye, chronic migraines, and bladder disfunction.
  5. The recovery period is intense. Most people believe that recovering from plastic surgery is a veritable nightmare. But thanks to modern advances in surgical procedures, anesthesia, and pain control, patients of many plastic surgery procedures are able to get back to their daily routines in a few short weeks, and without much pain. Additionally, instances of nausea, vomiting, and related negative side effects are much lower than they used to be.
  6. All cosmetic surgeons are plastic surgeons. Plastic surgeons are, by definition, physicians who have gone through many years of focused training, and have become certified and recognized as plastic surgeons; they are usually a part of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) as well. Sometimes, doctors who are board certified in other specialties will venture into cosmetic surgery; they will often have fewer years of experience or less education than their formally trained counterparts.
  7. Plastic surgery leaves no scars. Modern plastic surgery procedures are designed to be as minimally invasive and refined as possible. However, it’s almost impossible to complete a surgical procedure with no visible scarring whatsoever. Plastic surgeons make efforts to make scarring as small, hidden, and unnoticeable as possible, but there will almost always be some kind of residual mark. This of course depends on what kind of plastic surgery one is undergoing. The scars for breast implants will be different than those for a tummy tuck or laser hair removal.
  8. Plastic surgery will last forever. This is one of the understandable myths about plastic surgery. Most plastic surgery procedures are designed and executed with longevity in mind; they can and will last you many years. However, they will not completely resist or prevent the effects of aging, and may decline in quality or effectiveness over time. Accordingly, there are some cosmetic procedures that will require you to get periodic “touch-ups.” Breast implants are an example of a procedure that requires periodic maintenance. Make sure to talk to your plastic surgeon about the possibilities here.
  9. Plastic surgery is dangerous. When it first emerged as an option, some plastic surgery procedures were noticeably risky. But over the years, we’ve collected an incredible amount of information. Our access to equipment, facilities, and resources have improved, and plastic surgeons are better trained and better capable. These days, most plastic surgery procedures are completed with zero complications. Many laser treatments, for example, are overwhelmingly safe with an easy recovery period.
  10. Plastic surgery is totally risk-free. That said, there’s an opposing misconception that all forms of plastic surgery are inherently safe and risk-free. Certain procedures are safer than others, but no matter what, any kind of surgical procedure is going to carry some risks. Your plastic surgeon will be able to educate you about the specific risks you face with a given procedure. You can also decrease your risks by doing your due diligence, and ensuring that your plastic surgeon is qualified to perform this procedure.

How to Challenge Your Assumptions

Myths About Cosmetic SurgeryThese aren’t the only misconceptions that continue to circulate in regard to plastic surgery, and if you’re considering having a procedure done, there are likely personal assumptions you hold that aren’t necessarily true. It’s your responsibility to challenge your assumptions and work to learn more about the topic.

You can start by acknowledging that plastic surgery has changed a lot over the years, and what was true even just a few years ago may not be true any longer. From there, you can start doing research with reputable surgeons and plastic surgery organizations to get the facts.

Questions and Answers

What are the arguments against plastic surgery?

Health hazards: Complications arising from surgery and adverse reactions to anesthesia or other drugs. Psychological risks: Possible discontentment with outcomes and susceptibility to developing mental health disorders. Financial strain: Encompasses upfront surgical expenses and potential future costs for corrective procedures.

Why avoid plastic surgery?

The primary concern associated with undergoing a plastic surgery procedure is the potential for medical complications that may occur post-operation. Other risks of plastic surgery may encompass unforeseen reactions to anesthesia and the development of infections.

What are the negatives of plastic surgery?

Plastic surgeries may also foster unrealistic ideals of beauty, resulting in feelings of letdown and discontentment with the cosmetic procedure’s results. This can have detrimental effects on self-esteem, potentially triggering feelings of depression and anxiety.

Book Your Consultation

If you’re interested in learning more about a specific plastic surgery procedure like Eyelid Surgery (blepharoplasty), or if you’re ready for your first consultation, contact us today! We’ll teach you everything you need to know about your chosen procedure, and make sure you feel comfortable before proceeding.


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/botox/about/pac-20384658
  3. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/press-releases/men-turn-to-plastic-surgeons-for-a-better-body-image-and-more-confidence-at-every-age

Hip Dip Surgery: Get a Butt Like Kim Kardashian

Wish you had Kim Kardashian’s sexy hourglass figure? Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco can help!

You’re not alone. Millions of women would give anything to have the curvy body shape of the famed reality star. It’s a silhouette that looks good in just about anything — from leggings and jeans, to tight dresses and bikinis.

Unfortunately, many women simply don’t have a natural hourglass figure, which essentially refers to a woman who has a small, defined waist and fuller, rounder hips and buttocks. In many cases, it’s not the waist or buttocks areas themselves that are the actually problem, however.

More often than not, it’s a physical feature called “hip dips” that prevent women from fitting into the hourglass figure category. The good news is, a relatively simple hip dips surgery is all you need to fix your hip dip and get those rounded hips that everyone loves.

What is Hip Dip Surgery?

Never heard of a hip dip before? That’s probably because hip dip a relatively new term.

Before we go any further, let’s define hip dip.

Essentially, hip dip refer to the slight indentations that can sometimes be seen right at the top of the hips, on the outsides. Another term for a hip dip is “violin hips,” and the scientific term is trochanteric depressions.

According to personal trainers and fitness gurus, a hip dip cannot be “fixed” by simply working out your glutes and trying to beef up your thighs or buttocks. Fat hip dips are either a hereditary thing that simply can’t be changed, or they may be due to unwanted fat. If the latter is the case, sometimes diet and light cardio exercise can help reduce the appearance of bad hip dips. Still, even if you lose weight in that area, the general shape that you have will usually remain, which means you’ll still have hip dips even after you lose a few pounds.

How Can Hip Dips Be Fixed?

If you have hip dips and you’d like to get rid of them, there’s good news. You can fix your hip dips with hip dips surgery, and the hip dips surgery is simple and straightforward.

In order to fix violin hips, you’ll need to have what’s called fat transfer surgery. Hip dips surgery actually involves two procedures: liposuction and fat grafting or fat injection. Liposuction harvests the fat from another area of your body — usually the abdomen or flanks (“love handles”) — and the fat grafting procedure puts the fat where it will look more attractive.

When fat is being grafted onto the hip and buttocks area, most surgeons refer to the procedure as a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) or a Mini Brazilian Butt Lift (Mini-BBL).

What Happens During a Brazilian Butt Lift?

If you opt for a Brazilian butt lift procedure, your plastic surgeon will remove excess fat from one area of your body and inject it in a fat transfer on or around the buttocks area in order to create an overall more attractive appearance. Some patients who want Brazilian butt lift surgery are looking to have a fuller, rounder buttocks, for example. They may want to improve their buttocks with added volume in order to create more projection toward the back.

This isn’t quite the same goal as a BBL or mini-BBL that’s meant to fix a hip dip. That’s because hip dips are most visible when you look at someone straight on — either from the front or the back. The goal is not for the buttocks to be fuller or protrude more, but rather to have a more smooth-edged and rounded silhouette.

For this reason, a good plastic surgeon will actually inject fat into both the indentations that are visible from the front and those that are visible from the back. This optimizes the patient’s form from every viewpoint.

Of course, if you’re looking to improve multiple features of your hips and buttocks (in addition to hip dips), this is something you can certainly speak with your plastic surgeon about. Some may wonder if a hip augmentation with hip implants is a possibility, but it has been found that a hip augmentation with implants is not natural as a hip augmentation surgery involving fat transfer.

Hip Flip Before and After

Hip Flip Before and After

Before and After Hip Dips


Does Fat Grafting Really Work for Hip Dips?

Yes, fat grafting via a Brazilian butt lift can work wonders for a hip dip. In recent years, fat transfer with BBL has become one of the most popular and well-received surgeries of its kind. The standard BBL fat transfer or mini-BBL fat transfer can also be combined with additional liposuction to remove even more fat from trouble areas such as the upper thighs, abdomen, flanks, and arms. A full workup of liposuction and fat grafting is often called body contouring, and it can be highly effective at producing the ideal hourglass figure — no matter what body shape you start with.

Keep in mind, however, that whenever fat is being grafted onto a new area of the body, surgeons expect that only about 70% of the fat made during a fat transfer will “survive” in the new location. The rest of the fat transfer will be reabsorbed by the body and will, therefore, not contribute to making the buttocks look fuller and rounder. In some rare cases, even less of the fat will survive. This scenario may necessitate coming back to have an additional fat grafting procedure performed.

What Is Recovery From a Brazilian Butt Lift Like?

Fat Hip DipsA mini Brazilian butt lift is usually all that is needed to correct a hip dip. Mini Brazilian butt lift surgery generally takes between three and four hours, and general anesthesia will be used.

Before planning surgery, patients should expect to take about one week off from school or work. Because the procedure is outpatient, you may go home relatively soon after your procedure is finished. Remember to have a trusted friend or family member available to take you home after surgery.

At home, some bruising, swelling, and pain is to be expected as your body heals. It’s important to closely follow the BBL recovery instructions given to you by Dr. Sieber. His precisely-prescribed treatment plan will help you care for the affected areas and avoid any undue stress that could contribute to less-than-ideal results.

Compression garments should be worn continuously for at least the first two days post-surgery to help with swelling. In most cases, Dr. Sieber will also prescribe lymphatic massage, which can expedite recovery and will also help with swelling.

Questions and Answers

How Did the Kardashians Look Before Surgery?

The appearances of the Kardashians before undergoing cosmetic procedures varied. Like many individuals, they’ve undergone transformations over time.

Are Hip Dips Attractive?

Perceptions vary; some find them attractive, while others feel insecure about indentations. Many seek clinical treatments to reduce their appearance.

Is Kim K BBL Real?

Kim Kardashian denied rumors of butt implants but admitted to injections in a 2016 livestream, clarifying they were for psoriasis symptoms only.


Read to Say Goodbye to Your Hip Dips?

Bad Hip DipsDr. Sieber is a double board-certified plastic surgeon, specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery of the breast, body, and face. Throughout his extensive experience, Dr. Sieber has performed many successful Brazilian butt lift surgeries, helping patients improve their overall appearance and their self-esteem and confidence as a result.

If you are interested in finally having the hourglass figure you’ve always wanted, a Brazilian butt lift fat transfer to fix a hip dip may be just what you’re looking for. Take the next step toward the body goals of your dreams today by booking a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber San Francisco Plastic Surgeon!


  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/hip-dips-surgery#safety

Complete Guide to Botox Results

With age, a certain amount of fine lines and wrinkles are inevitable. Blame it on gravity, the sun, smoking, or any number of other factors. Facial wrinkles happen to everyone. Fortunately, however, you have options when it comes to reducing their appearance.

One of the most tried-and-true solutions is Botox.

Below, we’ll outline everything you need to know about getting Botox — from what it is and how it works, to where you should get it and when you should start.

What Is Botox?

Botox is actually a brand name for a toxin (botulinum toxin) that comes from Clostridium botulinum — a type of bacteria. While botulinum toxin can be used in a number of health treatments, it is best known as an injectable for fine lines and wrinkles on the face coming in the form of Botox. It was the first drug of its kind to be approved by the FDA.

How Does Botox Work?

Botox is a neurotoxin that temporarily relaxes the muscles in the areas where it is injected. Essentially, it blocks nerves from sending messages to those muscles so that the muscles become weak and cannot contract. This makes them paralyzed for the duration that the Botox is in effect, and it ultimately reduces or eliminates the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Where on the Face and Body Should You Get Botox?

There are several locations where Botox treatment can be effective at reducing or eliminating the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You can use Botox to treat:

  • Forehead lines
  • Frown lines
  • Bunny lines
  • Dimpling in the chain
  • Neck and jawline lines
  • Lipstick lines (near the mouth)
  • Tear trough lines (under the eyes)
  • Hooded eyes and eyebrow lines
  • Crow’s feet (around the eyes)

Remember that everyone will have a different experience with Botox treatment. You may find that you like it to treat your forehead lines, but prefer a different method for treating your severe frown lines and lipstick lines. At your consultation appointment, be sure to bring up the specific areas you would like to improve so that your surgeon can recommend the best method of treatment.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Botox?

To be a good candidate for Botox, you should be physically healthy with no existing weakness or conditions relating to the muscles that will be targeted. Any skin conditions surrounding the areas where injections are planned may also prevent you from being a good candidate for Botox.

At your consultation appointment, you will be able to discuss your goals for Botox with your surgeon. At this time, you should also divulge your medical history and list any medications or dietary supplements you are taking.

Finally, remember that you should have reasonable expectations for your Botox results. Not everyone reacts the same to Botox treatments. Occasionally, you may need to supplement Botox with other treatments or procedures, in order to achieve the results you ultimately desire.

Do Botox Injections Hurt? What Do They Feel Like?

No, Botox cosmetic injections should not hurt. Your doctor will inject Botox into the muscles of your face, and most of the time, you actually won’t be able to feel it. In some cases, if you can feel it at all, it will simply feel like a bug bite.

What Should You Expect at Your First Botox Appointment?

At your appointment, you will begin by having your skin washed and prepped. Any makeup, oil, or bacteria needs to be removed. Next, ice packs are often used on the areas to be treated to mitigate pain (although the procedure itself should be not very painful, if at all). Finally, the injections are performed by your doctor. This step is relatively quick and, as stated, fairly painless.

What Is Recovery From Botox Like?

After receiving Botox injections, your doctor will have a list of care instructions to take home with you. Botox injections are an outpatient procedure, so you’ll be able to go directly home directly after your appointment. You will be able to resume regular activities right away as well, but you should refrain from exercise for at least a day (24 hours).

Sometimes, your doctor may prescribe performing some special facial exercises after your Botox injections. This will help your doctor ensure that the facial muscles are moving properly, in accordance with the areas that you wanted to target.

Generally speaking, when it comes to day 1 through day 3 botox results day by day, once patients are home, they don’t have many side effects. You may notice some minor red dots at the injection sites, which can be visible for several hours. You may also notice some minor bruising, but again, this should only last for a few hours. Sometimes, using a cold compress can mitigate these effects.

If you must go out, which is certainly permitted, even immediately after your procedure, any noticeable dots or bruising can usually be concealed with a bit of makeup.

When Will You Be Able to See Results?

At your first appointment, you may think to yourself that your skin looks the same. This is a totally normal experience, and don’t worry: in nearly every patient, the skin does change eventually. Sometimes, you won’t notice these changes for up to a week. Sometimes, it just takes a few days. Usually, after two weeks, you’ll be able to see the full effects of your Botox injections.

When Should You Start Botox Usually?

You’ll often hear that Botox has to be started early to be effective. While it is true that you can begin a more “seamless” aging process by starting subtle Botox in your 20s, there is no right or wrong time to get a Botox injection. In fact, many men and women don’t begin getting Botox until their 40s, 50s, or even 60s. It’s a treatment that can always provide subtle, natural-looking improvements to your skin.

If you’d like to discuss whether or not you’re a good candidate for this procedure, simply book a consultation and discuss your options with Dr. Sieber.

How Long Does a Botox Injection Usually Last?

Day 3 Botox Results Day By DayBotox usually lasts for about four to six months — sometimes less. For example, the first time you get Botox injections, you may notice that it doesn’t last quite so long, but subsequent treatments may last longer. Again, it’s important to note that everyone will have a different experience with Botox, and there are multiple factors involved when determining how long its effects will last.

Can Botox Help With Other Issues?

Yes! Botox is certainly an amazing cosmetic solution for everything from fine lines to deep wrinkles on the face and neck, but it can also help with other skin-related issues as well.

Here are a few of the other ways that you might benefit from a Botox injection:

  • Fixing a gummy smile
  • Helping with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  • Treating migraine headaches
  • Slimming your profile
  • Treating TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder)
  • Could Botox Work for You? Contact Sieber Plastic Surgery Today to Learn More

Questions and Answers

What are 3 common side effects of Botox?

Discomfort, inflammation, discoloration, or bruising in the treated area.

How can I maximize my Botox results?

1. Refrain from touching or rubbing the treated areas.
2. Remain upright and avoid vigorous exercise.
3. Steer clear of alcohol and medications that thin the blood.
4. Exercise patience and allow time for the results to manifest.
5. Adhere to any specific instructions provided.
6. Avoid extreme temperatures (hot or cold).
7. Ensure proper hydration.

What does it feel like when Botox starts to work?

You may begin to experience slight tightness in the skin. As you attempt exaggerated facial expressions, you’ll observe the impact in the treated areas. When it comes to evaluating Botox results day by day, within one to two weeks, you’ll notice the full effect of Botox, even on the most pronounced wrinkles.

Get Botox Today!

Botox Results Day By DayAs a double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sieber has extensive professional training and experience treating the face, breast, and body with a variety of highly sought-after procedures. He has performed Botox on countless clients and can certainly help you determine if this injectable could be right for you.

Contact our office today to learn more and to book your initial consultation appointment!


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/how-long-does-botox-last
  2. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/botulinum-toxin

Breast Implant Revision Cost & Surgery Guide

Breast implant revision cost can vary widely depending on the location of your cosmetic procedures, the anesthesia required, your surgeon choice, recovery expenses, and the scope of your surgery.

While financing options are often available, it’s never a bad idea to research cost ahead of time so you can plan your finances accordingly.

How Much Does Breast Revision Surgery Cost?

The cost of breast implant revision typically starts around $10,000. However, remember that a number of factors make up the overall cost of surgery.

There are variables particular to breast implants as well. For example, certain implants come with a warranty through the manufacturer. If the circumstances are appropriate, this means that the warranty may cover some of the cost of surgery. In some cases, health insurance, too, may cover a portion of the cost.Cost of Breast Implant Revision

Overall, you can expect the following fees to go into the overall price of your breast revision surgery:

  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Pre-surgery exams, including imaging scans and labs
  • Medical supplies, equipment, and technology costs
  • Operating room, recovery room, and staffing costs
  • Other surgical facility or hospital costs
  • General anesthesia or local anesthesia costs
  • The cost of implants (if being replaced)
  • Post-surgery costs, including the price of medications, bandages, compression garments, meal services, in-home care, and other medical supplies and assistance

Signs Implant Revision May Be for You

Breast implant revision surgery is performed for a number of reasons. It all depends on the patient and their experience. Certain patients seek breast revision surgery only for breast implant removal.

After removal, these patients may decide to get a breast lift, a breast augmentation fat transfer, breast reduction, or do nothing.

Most patients who want a breast implant exchange will get new implants with their breast revision (breast augmentation revision). Good candidates for a breast implant revision procedure will have certain indicators that lead them to a change. Here are some signs that breast implant revision may be for you:

You’re simply ready for different breast implants.

First, it’s a common occurrence that patients are simply ready for a change.

They may have been happy with their plastic surgery results after their initial breast augmentation surgery for a long time. But as the years have passed, they may decide that they want to change implant size either bigger or smaller, a different implant shape, or a new material.

You’ve developed capsular contracture.

Capsular contracture develops as your body forms a “capsule” of scar tissue around each implant during the initial surgery healing process.

Sometimes, this capsule can contract too much and become misshapen and uncomfortably hard. It may even show through the natural breast tissue as excessive protrusion of the breasts and sometimes, unevenness. If this happens, you’ll need a capsulectomy (removal of the hardened scar tissue) during revision surgery.

You’ve been experiencing pain and discomfort with your implants.

Naturally, we hope that patients never encounter pain or discomfort from their implants, but it can happen. Sometimes, this is because the implants were improperly placed during the initial breast surgery. Other times, it’s due to fluid buildup, capsular contracture, a pinched nerve or damage to the lymph nodes.

Either way, it’s important to take care of pain right away with a breast implant replacement or removal so that you can regain your comfort.

Your breast implants have rotated or moved into the wrong position.

Implant displacement is not very common, but it can happen. A teardrop shaped implant, which is bigger on the bottom than it is on the top, could ostensibly rotate so that the bigger side is on the top.

This would naturally cause an uneven, odd-looking appearance that would need to be taken care of with surgery.

Similarly, the breasts may start to actually merge to the center of the chest, and this also would need to be taken care of with surgery as well.

Breast Implant Revision Surgery CostOne or both implants have ruptured.

An implant rupture occurs sometimes after an accident or simply over time as the outer shell breaks down. Whenever there are ruptured implants, this will require revision surgery.

Silicone implants can be hard to spot ruptures in, which is why regular image scans are necessary. If a saline implants rupture, the breast shape will immediately change so that you know right away.

Fortunately, breast revisions for ruptures are fairly straightforward. Furthermore, when you replace breast implants after an implant rupture, it’s a good time to change the shape or size if you’ve been considering this.

Your implants have “bottomed out”.

Lastly, the “bottoming out” issue usually happens with women who have extra large breasts or women as they age and lose breast elasticity. When it occurs, the breast skin and tissue has trouble supporting the breast implant, and it falls below the breast crease as a result.

FAQ: Breast Revision Surgery

Does a breast revision cost more than initial surgery?

When you’re getting a breast revision, it’s possible the complexity of the cosmetic procedure may demand a higher level of skill and time. Therefore, it’s not uncommon that a breast implant revisions cost more than initial breast augmentation surgery.

Furthermore, sometimes multiple surgeries are required to correct the patient’s comfort or accommodate their desired breast appearance.

Does insurance cover breast reconstruction revision?

If  breast implant revisions are deemed medically necessary by the insurance company, it is possible that all or part of the procedure may be covered by health insurance. More about breast revision costs can be discussed at your consultation appointment.

How long will my breast implant removal recovery last?

Recovery post-breast implant removal varies per patient. Typically, bruising and tenderness ease in a week, allowing a return to work and driving within one to two weeks.

What are the after breast implant removal side effects?

Common side effects after breast implant removal may include temporary discomfort, swelling, bruising, changes in breast shape or sensation, scarring, and emotional adjustments.

Arrange a Consultation Appointment With Dr. David Sieber

If you are considering a breast revision surgery for your implants, you’ll need a qualified surgeon and an experienced surgeon to perform your surgery. You can find both in board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber. Call today to set up your consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.



5 Signs Breast Implant Revision Is Right for You

Breast implant revision typically involves the removal and replacement of old implants from a previous breast surgery. While some patients may opt to have their old implants removed and not replaced, most patients simply want a change in implant shape and/or size, and revision surgery takes care of this process.

With that said, the core reasons why patients seek breast implant revision can vary. For some, the motivation is purely cosmetic. For others, medical issues are the primary concern.

In this article, we’ll explore five main reasons why women seek breast implant revision.

5 Reasons to Seek a Breast Implant Revision

#1 – You’re unhappy with your initial results.

All breast augmentation procedures come with certain risks. Some risks and potential complications are safety related, such as the risk of infection, excessive bleeding, or wound separation.

However, there is also a risk of not liking your results. Naturally, by choosing a board certified plastic surgeons who have extensive breast augmentation surgery experience, you’re less likely to have an outcome you don’t like.

In addition, it’s important to be completely honest and straightforward about your desired results when discussing your surgery with your surgeon at your consultation appointment and any preoperative appointments thereafter. Provide details about exactly what you’re looking for, and don’t hesitate to bring in celebrity pictures or your own photographs if you think it will be beneficial.

Taking these steps can help avoid the need for an immediate revision after your initial breast augmentation. If you do need breast revision surgery, however, it may be a good idea to speak with new plastic surgeons, rather than the surgeon who performed your previous breast augmentation.

#2 – You desire a size change.Breast Implant Replacement

Quite often, patients seeking breast augmentation revision are doing so because they want to change the breast implant size. There are plenty of patients who want to go up a size or two with larger implants. But there are also numerous patients who decide that as they mature, they want a more modest breast size, so they want to come down a size or two.

Frequently, in addition to altering the size of a patient’s breast implants, we might also change the shape. More youthful new breast implants tend to be fuller on the top of the breasts in the upper pole. So, more mature patients may desire less volume here and a more natural teardrop appearance.

#3 – You’re experiencing the effects of aging.

Drooping and sagging breasts or overlying breast tissue can also be a reason for seeking revision breast surgery. Yes, even if you have breast implants, your breasts may still droop over time.  You may even want to consider a breast lift with augmentation.

This can also occur if the patient loses a significant amount of weight after getting their initial breast implants. Weight gain can change your breasts too as can pregnancy and the breast size fluctuations that often occur with breastfeeding.

#4 – Capsular contracture has developed.

It is possible for breast implants to develop a tightened scar tissue structure over time. This is commonly called capsular contracture, and this constitutes one of the most common reasons for revision surgery.

Capsular contracture is a complication that occurs when the scar tissue that forms around the implants (in the breast implant pocket) hardens to an uncomfortable degree. The patient may experience pain and tenderness in their breasts because of this condition, and it can also cause visual problems where the breasts look and feel uneven and hard.

Most commonly, capsular contracture occurs in the first six months after initial breast augmentation. But you may also notice it after a few years.

If you are experiencing capsular contracture from your primary breast augmentation but you would like to keep your breast implants or get new ones, you need to have a capsulectomy performed with your revision breast augmentation. This will remove both the breast implants and the scarred breast tissue adhering to the breast implants, and then your plastic surgeon can re-insert with a new implant placement if you want to keep them.

#5 – There’s been a leak or rupture in your breast implant.

Lastly, breast implant leaks and ruptures can occur because of an accident, injury, or an unknown reason. It can be difficult to detect a silicone implant rupture because the silicone implants are stable and will not change drastically in appearance after an implant rupture occurs.

On the other hand, when a saline implants rupture, it is noticeable right away. This is because the saline solution located within the implant will drain out of the implant capsule and be absorbed by the body. This is not inherently dangerous, but it will need to be addressed right away.

Breast Implant Revision SurgeryFAQ: Breast Implant Revision Surgery

How painful is breast implant revision?

Pain and discomfort following implant removal will vary depending on the situation. Most patients will experience a similar amount of pain as they experienced with their first breast augmentation.

Although this is not a standard or routine procedure, it will not be painful, but after the surgery, there may be some initial soreness and discomfort. This can usually be reduced with pain medication.

Is breast implant revision more expensive?

Yes, often the breast implant revision cost is higher than the initial breast implant surgery cost. This is generally because revision surgery is more complex and complicated than initial breast augmentation surgery.

How long does it take to recover from breast revision surgery?

After breast implant revision, expect 5-7 days of rest before work and 6+ weeks for full breast implant recovery. Be sure to attend all of your follow up visits to insure proper healing.

What are the restrictions after breast implant revision surgery?

For the initial 3-4 weeks, avoid lifting objects heavier than a gallon of milk (~10 pounds). After 6 weeks, gradually resume aerobic and lifting activities. Abdominal exercises should be postponed for at least 8 weeks.

Where can I find breast implant revision near me?

If you are looking for a plastic surgeon who can perform a breast implant revision procedure in the San Francisco Bay area, look no further than Dr. David Sieber, a double board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgery.

Schedule a Consultation With Dr. David Sieber

The breast augmentation revision procedure is a delicate surgery requiring a skilled hand and extensive experience. We advise that you only choose a board certified plastic surgeon to perform this complex procedure.

Dr. David Sieber specializes in aesthetic plastic surgery procedures like breast implant revision. He is double board certified and highly sought after for his skill and expertise. To book a consultation for breast implant revision surgery with Dr. Sieber, please call our San Francisco practice today.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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