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The Secrets to Celebrity Brow Lift Surgery

Celebrity brow lift surgery is an enigma to most people. Of course, the first question that springs to mind is:

Do celebrities get eyebrow brow lifts? Yes celebrity endoscopic brow lift exist!

And if so, which celebs?

But perhaps the real question we should be asking is related more to the secrets behind these celebrities’ obviously successful eyebrow lifts. After all, if we’re not sure who is getting brow lift surgery (yet we know that someone is getting it), then they must know exactly what they’re doing.

In this article, we’ll be talking all things celebrity brow lift surgery, including how to use celeb secrets to get your own natural-looking endoscopic brow lift for a fresher, brighter, more youthful profile.

Before we begin surgical procedure, please review this highly important information about brow lift surgery in San Francisco.


Want to know how celebs always seem to look amazing (no matter their age) but you still never know for sure who had what procedure when and where? The answers may surprise you.

While it’s well-known that plastic surgeons to the stars rarely, if ever, reveal who they’ve “worked on”, it’s perfectly fine for these surgeons to divulge some of the highly-successful “secrets to success” their celeb clients employ to make their procedures look seamless, timeless, and absolutely gorgeous no matter what.

Today, we’re going to divulge some of these secrets for you — especially as they’re related to endoscopic brow lift surgery. So, if you’re in the market for a brow or neck lift of your own, grab a pen and get ready to take notes!

Celebrity endoscopic brow lift4 CELEBRITY BROW LIFT SURGERY SECRETS

Secret #1 – Celebs don’t wait until their brow and forehead is drooping terribly before getting surgery.

Ideal laypeople candidates for botox brow lift surgery have a drooping brow and/or forehead area and may struggle with sagging eyelid skin (upper lids) as well.

But ideal celebrity candidates for brow lift surgery have foreheads and eyelids that are hardly drooping at all. In other words, celebs catch these issues before they start. They don’t wait until the effects of aging are already showing to get surgery.

Secret #2 – Celebs are sure to tell their surgeons they want a natural look.

Don’t just tell your surgeon that you want your wrinkles and sagging excess skin raised and fixed. If you only do this, your results may very well fit the bill … but they might not be natural looking.

Put an emphasis on natural-looking results if you’re hoping that no one will notice drastic changes in your appearance — that’s what celebrities do.

Secret #3 – Celebs let their brow lifts heal completely before being seen publicly. 

Again, if you’re hoping to simply show up one day with a slightly more attractive brow and face, be sure to weave your surgery seamlessly into your life instead of making it obvious you’ve had a brow lift.

Celebrities do this by randomly disappearing for months on end. Of course, it’s easy for them because no one really questions when a celebrity steps out of the spotlight for a while. If you’re not a celeb, it can be harder to randomly take off several weeks (or months) of work or school.

If you can, though, try to at least get your brow lift while you’re on vacation or taking a sabbatical from your work or studies. Coming back fully recovered will help your brow improvements stand out less.

Secret #4 – Celebs admit nothing and deny everything. 

Lastly, if you really want to go celebrity-style with a natural-looking brow lift, never admit you’ve had work done — even if someone brings it up.

After all, tabloids and gossip magazines can publish all they want about this or that celeb getting surgery, but even if it’s fairly obvious they did get the procedure, if they never admit to it … did it really happen?


If you are unhappy with how your drooping brow and forehead look, if you feel like you constantly have an unhappy or tired expression on your face, or if you struggle with your vision due to sagging skin over your eyes, a brow and forehead lift may be well worth the cost of the procedure and the recovery phase.


How long does brow lift surgery last?

This depends on how old you are when you have the surgery, how extensive your surgery is (and what type of surgery you had), and other factors. Most surgical brow lifts will last for at least 10 years.

Eyebrow liftHow much does a brow lift cost?

The average brow lift costs around $4,000, but this price can vary widely around the country.

What is an endoscopic brow lift?

An endoscopic brow lift gently lifts the brow tissue through small incisions in the hairline. With this procedure, a small light and camera are used so the surgeon can see how the eye area underlying tissue and muscle are being manipulated.

What are Botox brow lifts and hair lifts?

Botox brow lifts tend to focus most on fixing the deep creases that often form on the forehead and between the brows. The Botox relaxes the muscles beneath these areas and smooths the wrinkles.

What if I have brow lift regrets?

Once your brow lift recovery is complete and you’ve seen your full results, if you are not happy with your surgery, you can always speak with your surgeon (or see a new surgeon) about making improvements. Dr. Sieber can help patients revise brow lifts they are unhappy with after going to another surgeon.

What celebrities have had an eyebrow lift?

As per information shared by @exposingcelebsurgery, Bella Hadid and Lily Aldridge, both models, are reported to have undergone celebrity endoscopic brow lift.

This cosmetic procedure has also been attributed to pop sensations Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello, and Madison Beer. It’s notable that every member of the Kardashian-Jenner family appears to have undergone brow lifts as well.

How do they do a celebrity brow lift?

In the process of an endoscopic brow lift, the patient is administered general anesthesia. Dr. Sieber explains that this technique involves making three to five small incisions, each about one centimeter in size, positioned behind the hairline. These incisions serve to lift both the forehead and the brows as a unit. The entire procedure typically lasts a few hours, and once completed, you can be discharged to go home, with someone picking you up after the surgery.

What is a coronal brow lift?

This technique requires creating an incision that runs behind the hairline, either spanning from ear to ear across the top of the head or mainly positioned on the top of the head. Subsequently, the forehead is elevated to its revised position, wherein the frontal scalp over the incision is carefully overlapped with the scalp situated behind it.


No matter your questions regarding brow lift surgery in San Francisco, Dr. David Sieber board certified plastic surgeon is always happy to answer them and address your concerns. Brow lift surgery can be a truly transformative procedure that can boost your confidence and help you feel renewed and fresh, like yourself again.

To schedule a one-on-one appointment to discuss brow lift surgery with Dr. Sieber, give our office a call today.


Breast Augmentation Recovery: All You Need to Know

While breast augmentation is both an exciting and thrilling experience, many people are still unsure about it — especially when it comes to recovery. Patients often express worry and reticence about how they’ll feel after surgery and how long they’ll have to take off from work while refraining from doing the things they love.

In the following post, we’ll go over the most important things you need to know about recovery from breast augmentation, including breast augmentation recovery process tips, a timeline for healing process, picking your breast augmentation surgeon and frequently asked questions.


Let’s start with the basics. Breast augmentation (also known as mammoplasty) is a plastic surgery procedure that changes the shape and volume of your breasts. Unlike a simple breast lift, which only lifts and changes the position of the breasts using your own breast tissue, breast augmentation surgery places implants beneath the chest muscle or in back of the breast tissue on the breast. This adds overall volume and will ultimately increase your bra size.

How the procedure is performed will largely depend on your current breasts, overall physique, and what you hope to achieve. One of the most important elements of planning for breast augmentation is selecting the most natural looking option

There are many implant options to choose from, including different materials, shapes, and sizes. This is something your plastic surgeon can help you decide before your surgery.


Breast Augmentation RecoveryThe majority of women take three to five days off work in order to recover from breast surgery. During this time, it’s important to take it easy and relax, especially at the beginning. Everyone heals at a different rate.

After a few days, many patients can return to driving and the majority of their routine activities. After approximately two weeks, you should be able to return to exercise. Ultimately, it may take up to one year or longer for all swelling to disappear, at which time you will be able to see the full results from your surgery.


After surgery, it’s simply time to rest, recover, and look forward to your new results. Be patient. With each day that passes, your breasts will drop into their intended positions and become less sore. This will also help you see more of the results you’ve longed for.

Again, make sure that directly after your surgery you have someone to take you home. This person should stay with you and help you get around the house, get dressed, make meals, etc. — especially for the first few days when you experience the most pain.

Naturally, you will need to take time off from work and/or school. If you have children, it’s best to have them looked after by a trusted friend or relative while you recover for the first few days. This is because you’ll be very tired, but also because you won’t be able to lift anything over 10 lbs. during the initial stage of your recovery process.


In the first 24 hours recovery is where your breasts will look very different during the first few weeks of your recovery than they will after several months. At first, they may appear high, squarish, and tight. This is normal.

To see, for yourself, the various breast augmentation procedure recovery stages pictures are indispensable. Do a quick search of “swelling day by day breast augmentation recovery” or “pictures of breast augmentation recovery week by week,” and this will help give you an idea of what to expect.

Briefly, here is a breakdown of the weekly progress you can expect from this surgery.

Week 1

The first week will be the hardest. Because of Dr. Sieber’s Rapid Recovery Technique, however, it should not be too difficult.

Some patients are even able to return to activities of daily living within 24 hours. You’ll feel some soreness, hypersensitivity, and numbness over the first few days. Swelling, bruising, and tightness are also expected symptoms.

Weeks 2-3

Throughout weeks two and three, you should see daily improvements. Random shooting pains and possible itchiness are quite normal. Although you should not exercise yet, you may start to notice more range of motion in your arms and torso.

Weeks 3-4

You should be feeling relatively normal at weeks three and four. Throughout your recovery, you will meet with Dr. Sieber for followup appointments. He will check your scars and help you with scar management to ideally improve their appearance with silicone. Continue wearing your compression garments as directed, and look into a supportive transitional bra and you can return to strenuous physical activity.


All swelling should be gone after six months to a year. But some patients may need to wait longer (up to two years at most) for scars to optimally fade and flatten.


When undergoing breast augmentation surgery (also known as getting a boob job), planning ahead is critical. This means assessing the time period you expect to be recuperating, buying groceries and planning meals ahead of time, preparing an area in your home for your recovery, and purchasing some items that will make your recovery more helpful.

Below is a list of breast augmentation procedure recovery essentials:

  • Comfortable clothes: 

    Make sure you have comfortable, loose-fitting clothing available. Your outfits should be easy to put on and take off.

  • Special recovery garments: 

    We will send you home with a recovery garment that you’ll need to wear consistently. However, some patients like to purchase additional garments as well.

  • A comfortable place to sleep: 

    You will be required to sleep on your back with your upper body slightly elevated during the initial period of your recovery. Some patients decide to purchase wedge pillows to help accommodate this position.

  • Meals and snacks: 

    Spend time before your surgery doing meal prep of healthy foods and assembling healthy snacks. Other than avoiding alcohol and too much caffeine and sodium during your recovery, you should not have any diet restrictions. Still, consuming healthy meals is always a good idea.

  • Pain Medication: 

    If possible, talk to your surgeon about picking up any necessary prescriptions for pain medication ahead of time.

  • Entertainment: 

    Plan to watch some movies or TV, read books or magazines, or perhaps do some easy crafts while in recovery. You’ll need to avoid strenuous activity, so now is the time to prepare some simple and fun entertainment.

  • Recovery essentials: 

    Lastly, don’t forget to prepare a recovery area that is complete with tissues, wet wipes, hair ties, lip balm, phone and/or computer chargers, bottled water, recovery bras, surgical tape and other essentials.



The procedure itself is not painful as you will have anesthesia. After the surgery and when the numbness wears off, you will experience some slight tightness and soreness. This should be most intense over the first few days.


You should be able to perform light daily activities after a few days to a week post-surgery. Light exercise can begin around two weeks after surgery.

Many patients want to know how to speed up breast augmentation procedure recovery. In reality, every patient is different, and everyone recovers from surgery at a different pace.


Swelling, soreness, tightness, and bruising are to be expected over the first few days of your recovery. Day by day breast augmentation recovery should become easier and easier.

After the first few days of soreness, you should see your swelling, bruising, and soreness decrease with each passing week.


This depends on the patient’s age and fitness level, the extent of surgery, and whether other procedures were performed. Most patients can return to light physical activity around two to three weeks after surgery.


The majority of patients will have a breast lift and augmentation recovery period of around two or more weeks. After two to three weeks, many patients can return to light physical activity, and this activity can be increased around week four.

Can I return to work 3 days after breast augmentation?

It is generally recommended that you take at least one week off from work after breast augmentation surgery to allow your body to rest and recover before you resume normal activities . However, the exact amount of time needed may vary depending on several factors such as the type of work you do, your overall health, and the specific surgical technique used.

If your work is physically demanding or involves heavy lifting, you may need to take more time off before returning to work. On the other hand, if your job is primarily sedentary, you may be able to return to work sooner.

It is important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully and to listen to your body. If you experience significant pain, discomfort, or swelling, you may need to take additional time off before returning to work.

In summary, it is best to discuss your specific situation with your surgeon and follow their recommendations for when to return to work after breast augmentation surgery.

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation Consultation Today

Dr. David Sieber is a board certified plastic surgeon in San Francisco. Dr. Sieber’s reputation speaks for itself. With a long list of happy cosmetic surgery clients, he is one of the best and most sought-after plastic surgeon working in San Francisco today.

If you have been considering breast augmentation to fix asymmetry, change shape, increase breast size, or alter something else about your chest, Dr. Sieber can help you achieve the results you desire. The first step is to book a consultation to learn about breast implant recovery . Simply contact us today, and we’ll be happy to set up your appointment!


Cost of Plastic Surgery: 10 Factors That Influence Price

Historically, plastic surgery has been viewed as a cosmetic procedure that’s only available for the ultra-wealthy. And in some ways, this reputation has been earned; many plastic surgery procedures in the bay area aren’t covered by basic health insurance policies, so patients must pay their providers directly and in full. Additionally, plastic surgeries are complicated and demanding procedures that can only be performed by trained, experienced professionals, with high-quality equipment.

That said, in recent years, even the highest-end, best-executed cosmetic surgery procedures have become less expensive and more accessible to the average person. In some cases, for just a few thousand dollars, you can have access to a fully accredited plastic surgeon in San Francisco  and a relatively short experience that can change your life for the better.

So what exactly influences the cost of cosmetic surgery, and how can you budget for your cosmetic surgery needs?


These are some of the most notable variables that could influence the total cost of your plastic surgery:

  1. The general perception is that plastic surgery is never covered by health insurance, but this isn’t always the case. If the surgical procedure is purely cosmetic, and not needed for any justifiable health issue, you’ll probably have to pay out of pocket. However, if the surgery is reconstructive (i.e., it’s designed to help you recover from an injury you sustained), your insurance may kick in. If the cosmetic surgery procedure also stands to preserve an essential body function or improve your quality of life, insurance may also cover or mitigate your costs. You’ll need to speak with your health insurance provider directly to learn more.
  2. The type of procedure. Different types of surgical procedures are more expensive than others. For example, the national average for a lip implant procedure is just $2,500, but the national average for a full facelift is more than $12,000. That’s because different procedures offer different types of challenges for surgeons; some are more resource-intensive and trickier to complete. The more complex the procedure is, the more you’re going to pay.
  3. The intensity of the procedure. Even within a single type of procedure, there are a number of variables that can influence its level of demand. For example, a rhinoplasty (a nose procedure) could be done with minimal effort, slightly reshaping the skin and cartilage. It could also be an intensive procedure, requiring the full reconstruction of bone, cartilage, and skin at once. The former will be less expensive than the latter.
  4. Cost of materials. In many cases, you’ll be able to choose what types of materials are used in your procedure (though your surgeon may have some to recommend). For example, you may be able to choose between saline and silicone breast implants; while many women believe silicone breast implants have a more realistic feel, they also pose a higher risk if they leak. Within both silicone and saline implants, you’ll also have a wide range of options in terms of size and texture, which can also affect cost.
  5. The experience of the surgeon. As you might suspect, the training and background of your surgeon will also play a role. Education and training for a plastic surgeon is expensive, so qualified plastic surgeons are both skilled and rare. Additionally, as a plastic surgeon gains more experience, they can justify charging more for their work; it tends to produce much better results and be inherently less risky. Generally speaking, the “better” your plastic surgeon is, the more expensive the average surgeon fees for the procedure will be.
  6. Access to facilities. In most cases, you’ll be responsible for paying a fee to access a surgical facility, separate from your surgeon’s fee. The rate you pay will depend on the quality and prestige of that facility.
  7. Anesthesia-related fees. Anesthesiologist fees are typically treated as a separate charge, though your surgeon or facility will likely have authority in determining your anesthesiologist.
  8. Physical location. As you can probably guess, plastic surgery procedures vary in cost depending on your geographic area. Prices in densely populated urban areas tend to be higher than those in sparsely populated rural areas, though plastic surgeons also tend to be more common in the former. You may be able to find a better price by shopping around, and looking at options in different areas.
  9. Medications and follow-up needs. Keep in mind that the total costs associated with the plastic surgery extend beyond the initial operation. You may need to pay for follow-up care in several ways. For example, you might need to pay for specific pain medications, or other medications that help you recover. You may need to pay for other bandages, or for follow-up appointments (though most plastic surgeons will consult with you after your procedure for free, to evaluate the results and ensure your recovery).
  10. Future appointments. While many plastic surgery procedures provide patients with lifelong satisfaction, some results may prove unsatisfying, or may slowly change over time. If these require correction, a future appointment and/or revision plastic surgery may be necessary. Your plastic surgeon will speak with you about the likelihood of seeing the results you want, and should be frank with you about the possibility of needing another procedure to make revisions in the future


Why is plastic surgery so expensiveIf you’re working with a tight budget, you might be tempted to try and find the best possible deal on a cosmetic surgery pricing. However, this isn’t the best approach; remember, part of your average costs will be tied to the overall quality and experience of your surgeon, and this isn’t something you should skimp on. If you’re struggling financially, consider setting up a separate savings account to collect money for your procedure, or talk to your plastic surgeon or insurer directly to see what other financial options may be available.


Why is plastic surgery so expensive?

Licensing, accreditation, medication, office supplies, management, insurance, utilities, and facility expenses affect surgical centers, medical offices, surgeon’s fees setting the baseline cost for quality care and are out of pocket costs..

Why is cosmetic surgery so expensive?

Surgery centers, medical offices, and all healthcare facilities incur additional costs for licensing, accreditation, drugs, supplies, administration, insurance, utilities, real estate, and more. These expenses collectively determine the essential cost of delivering surgical services.

Why do plastic surgeons make so much?

As the patient desire for cosmetic or plastic surgery continues to rise, cosmetic surgeons have emerged as prominent earners within the surgical field.

What plastic surgery procedures are most worth it?

Thinking of Having a Cosmetic Procedures? Here Are the Ones Patients Say are Most “Worth It”

  • Gynecomastia Treatment – 99% – RealSelf
  • Breast augmentation – 97% – RealSelf
  • Mommy makeover – 96% – RealSelf
  • Tummy tuck – 96% – RealSelf

How do normal people pay for plastic surgery?

Given the limited coverage by health insurance for elective procedures, patients often cover expenses through personal payments or plastic surgery financing. A prevalent option is a personal loan—an installment-based payment choice applicable to cosmetic surgery and various legal needs.

David Sieber, M.D. Plastic Surgeon in San FranciscoBOOK YOUR COSMETIC PROCEDURES WITH DR. SIEBER

If you’re interested in learning more about your potential plastic surgery procedure, contact us today!

We’ll set you up with a consultation and discuss your pricing information options. We are always taking new patients and are ready to discuss your specific procedure.

Plastic Surgery for Men: 7 Most Popular Procedures

Top surgery procedures for men: In recent years, men have taken to the stage, the blogosphere, the medical journals and indeed, to the clinics, to proclaim their right to look and feel their best. For decades, plastic surgery has been the purview of women (and those who identify as women), but no longer.

Top San Francisco plastic surgeons such as Sieber Plastic Surgery are making the effort to serve men more effectively. Surgeries for the aging male body are now common enough that we have statistics about what surgeries men favor and how many men elect to undergo them every year.

If you’re a man considering surgery, you’re far from alone. Plastic surgery for men is growing year after year. Here are seven of the top male surgery procedures for men according to male plastic surgeons, as well as descriptions of what they are.

Table of Contents



Perhaps surprisingly, men most frequently undergo plastic surgery to treat their noses. “Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as nose surgery, a ‘nose job’ or ‘nose reshaping’ by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose,” explains the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

“It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose.” In a different report, they add that 52,660 men underwent nose surgery in 2018, more than a quarter of the number of women who did it. (All figures following are also from this report.) This makes rhinoplasty the most common plastic surgery for men


Also surprisingly, upper eyelid surgery is next on the list. 31,494 men opted for surgery, the goal of which is “Removing excess tissue from your upper eyelids,” which “can improve your vision.” Plus, “Upper and lower lid blepharoplasty can make your eyes appear younger and more alert.”

Blepharoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery for males. Whether you want eyelid surgery because you are having trouble seeing, aging or it will give you more confidence from family holidays to the boardroom, this could be a good choice.


In 2021, 30,806 liposuction for men were performed. This is more than 10 percent of the number performed on women, demonstrating the rising popularity of this procedure among the male set. The removal of unwanted excess fat is a key benefit of liposuction.

Many men are unhappy with unwanted excess fatty deposits they can’t help but notice and seek liposuction to remove excess fat. This procedure involves general anesthesia, during which the physician inserts a thin tube called a cannula through an incision in the body.

The cannula sucks out the excess fat. After this comes the removal of any loose skin (or excess skin) that may be present. Plastic surgeons remove excess skin and muscle as well for an overall body tightening effect known as an abdominoplasty.


Top Plastic Surgery Procedures For Men

The Mayo Clinic defines gynecomastia as “swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly.” Male breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure, aimed at reducing man boobs (enlarged breasts) by removing tissue.

The surgeon may also tighten the skin and reposition the nipples, or combine the surgery with pec implants meant to define the contours of the chest better. The removal of enlarged breast tissue makes men feel more confident, and may also address the pain that sometimes accompanies the condition. 24,753 opted for this in 2018.


It’s probably no surprise that hair transplantation is a popular surgery, given how common it is. Many men are unhappy with the state of their hair and a hair transplant is very appealing. It should be no surprise that hair is one of the most common concerns among men. Hair loss is incredibly common among men.

As the American Hair Loss Association explains, “By the age of thirty-five two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss, and by the age of fifty approximately 85% of men have significantly thinning hair.”

16,840 men had hair replacement surgery performed in 2018, inserting new hair into follicles to replace missing hair and rejuvenate those dead skin follicles.


Another surgery typically associated with women, facelift is becoming more common among men, with 12,017 men getting it done in 2018. Men are becoming equally unhappy with unwanted sagging skin on their face.

This surgical procedure involves making incisions in hard-to-see areas around the entire face itself, such as under the chin, behind the ear and in the hairline. Physicians then pull the skin to tighten it, sometimes removing excess, before suturing it back in place for a firmer effect.

As the ASPS points out, “By removing excess, sagging skin, smoothing deep folds, and lifting and tightening the deep facial tissues, a facelift surgery can help a patient look not just younger, but simply ‘better.’”


“Dermabrasion is an exfoliating technique that uses a rotating instrument to remove the outer layers of skin, usually on the face,” explains Healthline. “This treatment is popular with people who wish to improve the appearance of their skin. Some of the conditions it can treat include fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars, and uneven texture.” 10,486 elected this surgery in 2018.


A neck lift, medically referred to as lower rhytidectomy or platysmaplasty, is a surgical intervention designed to eliminate surplus skin and fat from the neck area. This procedure addresses the effects of aging, such as wrinkles and lines in the neck and jawline region.

The surgical process entails an incision typically beginning in the hairline at the sideburn level, extending downward and around the ear, and concluding in the back of the head. During the procedure, excess fat might be sculpted or relocated from the neck and jowls, while the underlying tissue of the neck skin is repositioned. Additionally, it’s common to tighten the platysma muscle.

Male plastic surgery proceduresQUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

What plastic surgery do most men get?

The surgery most men get is commonly referred to as a nose job, medically known as rhinoplasty. This procedure serves both functional and cosmetic purposes, encompassing the reconstruction of the nose. Frequently, the process entails carefully reconfiguring the nasal structure, sometimes even requiring the controlled fracturing of bones to achieve the desired reshaping.

What surgery can men have?

The prevalence of cosmetic procedures among men has grown significantly, encompassing a diverse range of ages and backgrounds. Among the sought-after enhancements are facial fillers, neck lifts, rhinoplasty, and mentoplasty.

The objectives often revolve around achieving facial harmony, a revitalized appearance, and a more defined waistline. Additionally, procedures like liposuction, facelifts, hair transplants, and microdermabrasion have also gained popularity among men.

What plastic surgery makes men look better?

A recent research report shared through the JAMA Network suggests that men undergoing plastic surgery are commonly viewed as more amiable, dependable, and masculine among their associates. The study examined the impacts of various cosmetic facial interventions such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), rhinoplasty (nasal enhancement), face-lifts, brow-lifts, neck-lifts, and chin implants.

What is male masculine face surgery?

Facial masculinization surgery, alternatively known as masculinizing facial surgery, aims to shift the feminine attributes of the face toward a more masculine appearance. This type of surgery can be carried out as a singular comprehensive procedure or as a series of staged interventions.

Why are more men getting cosmetic procedures?

Some have suggested that due to the increase in availably and affordability, these surgeries for men are becoming more common. There is also a greater amount of acceptance, which helps encourage some to pursue surgery for men in order to their appearance.

What about loose skin?

Certain procedures offer a solution for eliminating sagging skin, enhancing the texture and firmness of tissues in multiple regions including the arms, thighs, breasts, buttocks, face, and abdomen. An example is the panniculectomy, a surgical technique aimed at removing hanging skin and excess fat.

This procedure is often categorized as reconstructive surgery due to its focus on functional improvement, rather than being solely cosmetic in nature.


Plastic Surgery For MenMen also choose to receive many minimally invasive cosmetic procedures each year. These include Botox injections, cellulite treatment, chemical peels, laser hair removal, skin resurfacing, sclerotherapy, tissue fillers and more.

Overall, these procedures account for 1,092,103 of the 1,306,844 procedures that men undergo each year. The more invasive surgical procedures, listed above, account for 214,741 – but that number is growing all the time.


Do you think you might be a good candidate for male plastic surgery? If so, it’s time to get a consultation with an expert. We invite you to get in touch with our team today to learn more and create the body you dream. Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia

While every man possesses a certain degree of breast tissue, in the context of gynecomastia, a significantly higher amount of glandular tissue is present, often accompanied by surplus fat. Although a prevalent condition among males spanning all age groups, this can pose challenges for men, both on an emotional and physical level.

If you have been diagnosed with this condition and would like to know how to get rid of gynecomastia, you’re in the right place. Below, we’ll outline everything you need to know about getting rid of excess male breast tissue and returning your chest to a sleeker, more masculine appearance.


Gynecomastia, sometimes colloquially called “man boobs”, is the presence of excess breast tissue in males. Some affected men may be overweight and have excess body fat located in the chest area. But in addition to having extra fat cells, this condition is also associated with the presence of glandular tissue, which usually manifests as a small hard lump in each breast, directly below the nipple.

Some men may mistake this for breast cancer. In actuality, gynecomastia is generally a benign breast growth that may have been triggered by an underlying hormonal imbalance.


According to recent statistics, between 50 and 65 percent of males worldwide (including both boys and older adults) have been affected by this condition at at least one point in their lives.

What we must note here is that while this condition is often abnormal, it can also be a normal part of male breast development. At birth, during puberty, and later in life, male sex hormones may cause a natural phase of gynecomastia, which does not typically need to be treated.

Get rid of gynecomastiaHOW TO GET RID OF Excess breast tissue

When men struggle with gynecomastia, they are often looking for quick ways to reduce chest fat. They know that excess fat tissue can accumulate anywhere on the body, including the chest. Working out, eating a healthy diet, and leading an overall healthy lifestyle can often be the optimal solution.

However, for many men, a diet plan is not the answer. Sometimes, in order to properly get rid of gynecomastia, excess breast tissue must be removed, and this requires surgery.

Let’s go over some lifestyle changes that may help with gynecomastia, however, and then discuss when surgery may be the best solution.


If you’re hoping to avoid surgery for gynecomastia, here are several things you can try to get rid of gynecomastia naturally:

  • Change your diet, and aim for weight loss. If you have excess fat on your body overall, you may also have excess fat tissue on your breasts. In this case, losing weight can help reduce the size of your breasts.
  • Lift weights and exercise. Running, playing sports, lifting weights, swimming, and other physical activities will not only help with weight loss (if that’s your goal), but they can also increase muscle mass. More muscles means less gynecomastia and a sleeker, harder chest.
  • Reduce your intake of alcohol and other drugs, including some medications, if cleared by your doctor. If this is a challenge for you, various treatments and support groups are available.
  • Talk to your doctor about hormone treatments. Some men with underlying medical issues, such as lowered testosterone levels or raised estrogen levels, may benefit from hormone treatments.
  • Give it time. Natural male breast development can sometimes cause gynecomastia. For example, male breasts tend to grow at birth, during puberty, and sometimes, later in life. Typically, you should not need to remove excess breast tissue during these times.


Gynecomastia surgery (also known as male breast reduction surgery) is a plastic surgery that restores men’s breasts to a flatter, more natural appearance. This procedure can get rid of hardened breast tissue beneath the nipples and reduce excess chest fat.


Chest fat will be removed via liposuction. Excess skin and excess glandular breast tissue will be removed with an excision technique. This requires making an incision (usually around the areola) and physically removing the excess breast tissue.



If your enlarged breast was caused by a change in hormone levels because of puberty or another underlying condition that is being otherwise treated, gynecomastia may go away on its own.

For many men, however, waiting and seeing will not work, nor will other nonsurgical approaches. In this way, a surgical technique known as excision will be necessary for removing the lumps caused by this condition.


For some men, losing weight can help with gynecomastia. Overall weight loss will reduce overall body fat, which can make the size of the chest go down.

For others, however, even if they lose weight, gynecomastia will still be present because of underlying hormonal imbalances. Various treatments, including hormone treatments can help in this case. But sometimes, surgical gynecomastia treatment is necessary.


Because weight gain often leads to gynecomastia, eating a proper diet and exercising may lead to weight loss, which is often helpful at reducing male breast tissue. If underlying hormonal imbalances caused your gynecomastia, however, losing weight may not be a viable solution.


If natural hormonal changes (puberty, for example) caused your excess breast tissue, time is the only thing that will help. If you have an underlying medical condition, the underlying cause will need to be addressed and treated. Otherwise, a specialized gynecomastia treatment is necessary — usually gynecomastia surgery.


To treat gynecomastia with surgery, you will typically require an invasive procedure and general anesthesia, but it is an outpatient procedure. This means you can go home on the same day.


If you require surgical gynecomastia treatment to get rid of gynecomastia, you will have some scarring. Fortunately, your doctor can use a surgical technique to make scars close to imperceptible.

How to get rid of gynecomastia naturally?

Natural Remedies that might help in the treatment of Gynecomastia

  • Turmeric. Men with higher testosterone have slimmer chances of developing manboobs. …
  • Cold Compress
  • Fish Oil
  • Exercises
  • Vitamin E Foods
  • Losing weight
  • Stopping the use of drugs or steroids
  • Alcoholic Beverages

Can gynecomastia go away naturally?

Pubertal gynecomastia commonly resolves spontaneously, but it can persist into adulthood for around 20 percent of individuals. In more severe or uncomfortable instances, a short-term regimen of tamoxifen could be advised. Gynecomastia occurring in adult males might stem from an underlying health issue or the usage of certain medications.


While some non surgical approaches to getting rid of man boobs may be viable for certain patients, there is no non surgical way to treat the breast lumps that often cause this chronic condition. In this way, male breast reduction surgery can help.

Contact Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco today to learn more about surgery for enlarged breasts for males and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sieber.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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