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Understanding Liposuction Before and After

Numerous individuals face the challenge of excess fat on their bodies. Despite efforts with exercise and a healthy diet, these stubborn fat bulges may persist. In such cases, liposuction, often referred to as “lipo,” becomes an excellent choice to attain the desired body contour.

This procedure effectively targets and removes excess fat deposits from specific areas, leading to a slimmer and more refined body shape, ultimately enhancing proportions and contours.

Lipo can target numerous body areas, including your:

  • Hips
  • Lower Abdomen and flanks
  • Neck and Jaw
  • Arms
  • Upper back

Liposuction is the most common plastic surgery procedure in the United States for women and men, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, with over 400,000 lipo procedures done annually.

Knowing exactly what you can expect before and after liposuction and following your doctor’s post-care instructions can help you achieve those amazing results you’re looking for.


Before deciding on liposuction, you should understand what liposuction does and doesn’t do.

Generally speaking,  liposuction helps you shape a combination of areas and you become “a smaller version of you” by removing excess fat in areas like your waist (love handles) and chin. It provides shaping and contouring. Most individuals having lipo are highly satisfied with their liposuction results, and if given the chance, would do it again.

An important concept to understand thought is what liposuction doesn’t do. For instance, liposuction doesn’t tighten loose muscles or skin. If your tummy jiggles, it will likely jiggle after your procedure. If your muscles are loose, they’ll be loose after lipo. If you have stretch marks or cellulite on your thighs or stomach, you’ll have them after your procedure.

While liposuction may help you to lose some weight (generally one to ten pounds), that’s not the primary goal of liposuction. Lipo is intended to help you better shape and contour your body in the areas you’re concerned about. You should also know that like with any surgery, there are risks, which you should discuss with your plastic surgeon.


Before setting up your San Francisco Bay Area liposuction appointment, you’ll first want to know if you’re even a good candidate for this procedure. Again, realistic expectations are important. Lipo is a surgical procedure and it does come with its own risks. So, you’ll need to be healthy before you undergo it. This means you need to at least:

  • Have elastic, firm skin
  • Be within 30 percent of your ideal weight
  • Have a positive and realistic outlook for your liposuction results
  • Are bothered by excess fat deposit, but haven’t been successful in losing them through diet and exercise.

Good candidates for liposuction:

  • Don’t smoke
  • Don’t have blood flow issues
  • Don’t have diabetes
  • Don’t have heart disease
  • Don’t a weak immune system

Additionally, if you have an abundant amount of excess skin, liposuction may not be right for you, but speak to your plastic surgeon about Tummy Tuck vs Liposuction.


Your first step will be to consult with the plastic surgeon. Discuss your goals, the benefits and risks, the options and costs. Make sure you ask them all your questions. If you do decide to have lipo, your plastic surgeon will provide you with instructions on how you should prepare for it properly.

These may include:

  • Telling you about alcohol and diet restrictions.
  • Asking you for information on any allergies you have or if you’re taking any medications, including herbal and over-the-counter supplements or drugs. They’ll likely ask you to stop taking specific medications like certain painkillers or blood thinners a few weeks before your procedure.
  • Telling you to have someone to take you home after your procedure.
  • Being prepared that you may need to stay overnight if you’re having a great deal of fat removed and you need to have the surgery performed in the hospital.

Before your procedure begins, the surgeon may mark up the body areas you’ll receive treatment. They might also take photos to use for “before and after” pictures.

Your surgeon may give you general anesthesia, meaning you will be asleep during the procedure. In some cases, you might only need local anesthesia, meaning you’ll be awake, but won’t feel any pain.


After your surgery, you can expect to experience some:

  • Mild discomfort
  • Redness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling

Your doctor may prescribe you medication to ease this discomfort. You’ll likely need to wear a compression garment to promote healing and reduce swelling. Swelling typically starts reducing after your first week, but you’ll still need to wear the compression garments until week four or as your surgeon directs. You may experience swelling that lasts longer than six weeks, however, usually within a few days, you’re comfortable enough to go back to work.

During the procedure, the surgeon will make small incisions to your abdomen to remove the extra fat cells. They’re made in inconspicuous places where they’re less noticeable. The surgeon will provide you with post-care instructions for these incisions after your surgery. The instructions will help ensure they heal with minimal scarring.

It’s likely you won’t see immediate results. If anything, you may even feel like you’ve gained weight or appear larger in the treated area for a short time. This is normal. Although lipo can eliminate up to 10 pounds of fat cells, swelling and fluid retention can make you appear bloated. Once the swelling begins going down, you’ll start seeing results.

You might also notice some of your skin in the treated area appears loose. This skin should firm up over time. But, depending on various factors like how much fat was removed and your age, you might require surgical intervention to tighten up the skin. Each individual patient is different and your surgeon will talk about skin tightening with you as part of your body contour procedure if needed.

Depending on the amount of fat removed, you should expect to see your final results within one to three months following your liposuction procedure. With just one procedure, you can expect noticeable changes and improvements to your body’s contours. Remember, results may vary for each individual, and before and after photos and content do not guarantee specific results.


Now that you know what to expect about liposuction before and after, it’s time to contact  Dr. Sieber.  Dr. David A. Sieber is a Bay Area board-certified plastic urgeon who welcomes patients not only in the San Francisco Bay Area, but also embraces traveling patients who live “out of town”.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient and age provider testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

The Pros and Cons of Breast Implant Removal

Have you been contemplating the idea of altering or completely removing your breast implants?

Whether you’re seeking a change in size or shape, or considering complete removal, breast implant removal surgery is a commonly performed procedure.

Before delving into the specific pros and cons of breast implants, let’s first explore the procedure itself and understand why some women opt to undergo it.


Breast implant removal surgery involves the removal of saline, silicone gel, or gummy bear implants from patients who have had breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery in the past. The implants may be removed completely or simply so that they can be swapped out for differently sized or shaped implants. Often, leaked fluid and scar tissue will be removed at the same time as the implants themselves.



There are a number of reasons why some women consider breast implant removal. First and foremost, many patients simply want to change the size and/or shape of their breasts. They may have changed their mind about their desired silhouette, and this surgery is a first step in making those adjustments.

Alternatively, some women experience pain or discomfort with their implants over time. This may be due to a hardening effect that can sometimes happen with the scar tissue surrounding breast implants.

Finally, in rare cases a woman with saline implants may have a medical problem in the implant area — perhaps an infection or in a worst-case scenario, a detection of breast cancer. In these situations, it’s important to remove the implants to make treatment easier and safer.


Below, we’ve outlined the major pros and cons of breast implant removal surgery.


  • Reduced costs with no need to get MRIs

Having breast implants requires occasional MRIs to ensure the silicone implants themselves have not ruptured. Without the implants, the MRIs are no longer necessary.

  • Reduced pain (in some cases)

In some cases, the scar tissue that builds up around breast implants can cause pain and discomfort. This is in large part due to something called capsular contractures. Furthermore, if the implants a patient has are rather large, this capsular contracture can cause back, neck, and check chest pain due to the excess weight as well.

  • Smoother mammogram experience

In some cases, mammograms are a challenge for those with breast implants. This usually happens when silicone breast implants are above the pectoral muscle, making it difficult for imaging devices like mammogram machines to see through the area.

Although mammograms can still generally be completed even when the patient has breast implants, there is a slim possibility that the results may be skewed.


  • The need for additional surgery

In general, both breast augmentation surgery and breast implant removal surgery are safe and common surgeries that produce positive results patients are happy with. Still, as with any cosmetic procedure or any type of surgery, there are always risks and the possibility of complications.

Most notably, major surgeries that require anesthesia have the potential to be associated with risks. Of course, surgery in general requires a lot of downtime, including time away from work or school and time that can’t be spent exercising, lifting anything heavy, etc.

Lastly, there is the added cost of breast implant surgery and removal surgery.

  • Smaller breasts

If one of the reasons you wanted to get breast implants in the first place was to change the size and/or shape of your breasts, whatever features of saline breast implants you initially disliked will, of course, come back. For this reason, many women who choose to move forward with breast implant removal simply change the size and/or shape of their implants and don’t get them removed completely.

  • Loose skin and sagging

By taking out your implants, the skin on your breasts that had formed itself tightly around the shapes of the implants have become slightly stretched into position. Unfortunately, in most cases, that stretched skin will hold the same shape after your implant removal surgery. This will cause your breasts to appear loose and sagging because nothing will be there to fill them and make them tight and taught.

  • Reduced self-confidence

One of the most amazing things about breast augmentation surgery is how it can boost a woman’s confidence overnight. For women who choose to have their breast implants completely removed and not replaced with anything else, there can be an abrupt loss of confidence. Unfortunately, this can seep into other areas of the woman’s life, including her personal relationships, career, and overall self-esteem.

  • Possible loss of feeling in some areas of the breast

Most notably, you may end up losing feeling in your nipples and around the nipple area. This is due to the fact that the areola area is a common place for incisions during both breast tissue augmentation surgery (during the insertion of the implants) and breast implant removal surgery. Loss of feeling and overall sensation can be a symptom of consistent incisions in this area as the extremely small nerves are sometimes cut.

  • Additional scarring

Although most breast augmentation surgeries result in only slightly noticeable, generally discrete scars, it is true that if you get breast augmentation procedure also choose to get breast implant removal surgery, you’ll need additional incisions, which will result in additional scars.

 Questions and Answers

What are the disadvantages of breast implant?

  • Scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture)
  • Breast pain.
  • Infection.
  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation.
  • Implant position changes.
  • Implant leakage or rupture.

Pros and cons of breast implantAre breast implants worth the risk?

Breast implant surgery has never been safer, because the implant technology has improved and leak rates are lower than ever.

Are breast implants good for life?

While most silicone and saline implants hold FDA approval for 10-20 years, but this does not mean that you have to get them replaced every 10-20 years.

What happens when breast implant rupture?

In the event of a silicone breast implant rupture, the thick gel leaks slowly, and the body does not absorb it. Indications of a rupture may involve alterations in breast shape and size, accompanied by escalating pain, firmness, and swelling over several weeks.

When a saline implants rupture, it leads to the release of a harmless isotonic saline solution, which the body can naturally reabsorb over time.


As you can see, the surgical procedure of breast implant removal may not be for everyone, but it can certainly help some patients. If you are interested in breast implant removal or breast reconstruction surgery,  can help.

Dr. Sieber a board certified plastic surgeon is a specialist in the areas of cosmetic surgery of the breast. He is one of the only double board-certified plastic surgeons in the San Francisco Bay area with unique specialized training in his areas of expertise.

For more information about your breast implant surgery, removal surgery or breast implants surgery, contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.

Can Fat Return After Liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the most popular and frequently-performed cosmetic procedures available today. In fact, over 200,000 liposuction procedures were performed throughout the U.S. in just one year: 2015 (the most recent year for which we have data).

Really, it’s no surprise. Liposuction is highly-effective, offers immediate results, and works on even the most stubborn pockets of fat. Men and women turn to it even when they’re healthy and fit because sometimes, it’s the only solution to those last few “vanity” pounds.

Still, one question often lingers in the minds of soon-to-be liposuction patients and those considering the surgical procedure: “What if new fat cells return afterward?”

Is it possible?


First, it’s important to establish that liposuction does permanently remove unwanted fat from from the body. Remaining fat cells are literally suctioned away from the target area and discarded. In this way, patients see immediate results after their liposuction results, which become increasingly apparent as procedure-related swelling decreases.

Can the number of fat cells really return over time? That’s another question, and the answer is: Technically, yes the fat cells can return over time. But the good news is that you can usually prevent the fat cells from returning.

Does fat come back after liposuctionCAN FAT RETURN AFTER LIPOSUCTION?

Generally speaking, fat will not return after liposuction if you are able to maintain the same weight you were right after liposuction or only have a slight weight gain,  unless you get pregnant. Here’s an example:

Let’s say you weighed 150 pounds before liposuction and had 7 pounds of fat removed during your surgery. This would have resulted in a net weight of 143 lbs. after surgery. If you’re able to maintain this same weight after liposuction (143 lbs.), you shouldn’t have to worry about regaining fat.

On the other hand, more fat cells also will return the more weight you gain. Even gaining four or five pounds can make fat return overall to the body. Keep in mind that this doesn’t necessarily mean fat will directly reappear in the concentrated areas where you had liposuction body contouring procedure. Rather, you’ll experience a general weight gain throughout your whole body as fat cell sizes increase.

If your weight gain weight after liposuction is more significant (say, 10-15 lbs. of regained fat), you may see fat come back to the areas where you your undergoing liposuction.

Basically, you want to remember that when fat gain happens, it’s usually even throughout the whole body. Therefore, to a certain extent, you can maintain the overall shape results that you achieved with your liposuction even if you gain a few pounds. But the more you gain weight, the more fat will return to those stubborn trouble areas.


As you can see, it is critical to maintain your post-surgery weight if you want to enjoy the results of your liposuction procedure for a long time. Here are some tips for leading a healthy lifestyle that will facilitate good weight gain after liposuction maintenance.


A healthy, fit body starts in the kitchen. We are going to go over the importance of physical activity later on, but first and foremost, it’s important to know that what you eat most directly affects your body shape, size, and overall weight.

A healthy diet with smaller meals that is one that full of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. Try to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. Get rid of as many processed foods as you can, including chips, donuts, frozen dinners, candies, etc.

When it comes to liquids, drink more water! Sometimes, when you think you’re hungry and craving a snack, you’re really just thirsty. Always have a water bottle with you, and follow this general rule for water intake: Drink half your weight in ounces of water every day.


While your body weight is most directly related to the foods you eat and how much you eat, your body shape and overall tone are more related to your physical activity. So exercise regularly!

You should get at least 15 minutes of physical activity into your schedule every day. This might be walking, jogging, riding your bike, swimming, or playing a sport. You can join a gym or an exercise class or even do some calisthenics or weight training in your garage or basement. More or less, it doesn’t matter how you move; it just matters that you move!


There’s really only one way to know if you’re gaining weight: you have to weigh yourself. Every day, make it a rule that you get up and weigh yourself first thing.

We recommend weighing yourself first thing in the morning before breakfast and even your first cup of coffee because it’s consistent. You’ll probably be wearing the same type of clothes (or you can weigh yourself nude), and you won’t have eaten anything yet. Therefore, you will get an accurate reading for your daily weight.

Keep track of your weight on a calendar or in a notebook. This way, you’ll be able to see if you’re slowly inching up and can take action sooner rather than later.


Lastly, keep in mind that a few pounds of weight gain may occur. It’s possible you’ll wake up one morning, weigh yourself, and see a higher digit than you’re used to. When this happens (and it probably will at one point or another), have a plan.

Your plan should simply be to get back on track. Renew your efforts with diet and exercise and start leading the healthy lifestyle you know you want.  Don’t go on a crash diet. Don’t start a vigorous exercise routine that you won’t be able to maintain. Don’t compromise your health with diet pills or other unproven methods of weight loss. Simply go back to the basics.


When San Francisco residents consider liposuction, they turn to Dr. David Sieber for first-class attention and care. Dr. Sieber is one of the only double board-certified plastic surgeons in the San Francisco area and comes highly recommended by numerous satisfied patients.

If you have been thinking about undergoing liposuction, book your first consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber today to discuss your candidacy and options for this weight loss procedure.


How to pick the right breast implant size for your shape and body size

Once you’ve decided to undergo breast augmentation in San Francisco, your next step is to choose the right breast implant shape and size for your shape and body size.

For many women, this can be a particularly challenging issue, and you’ll have many questions to ask yourself and discuss with Dr. Sieber. The guide below can help you get started making this important decision — one that will be integral to the success of your breast augmentation surgery.

How to pick the right size breast implantsDECIDING ON THE RIGHT BREAST IMPLANT Size FOR YOUR BODY

Take a look at the following list of questions and considerations. These are the most important factors that will determine if silicone vs saline implants are better for you or what the ideal sized implants will be for your unique body.


Often, it’s a good idea to start out with what you don’t like. What do you find yourself being most dissatisfied with when you look in the mirror or get dressed in the morning?

For many women, they dislike that their breasts are flat and deflated as well as small. Their goal is to have fuller, rounder breasts. For others, they’ve always been flat-chested, and their goal is to have more breast size to fill out tops and dresses.


Now, think about the positive outcomes you’ll enjoy with your new silicone breast implants. What are those for you?

Have you recently lost weight and are giving yourself a full makeover? Do you simply want a brand-new look for yourself? Are you going through a significant life change and want to boost your self-esteem and confidence? Perhaps sex appeal is your goal. Are you hoping to meet someone new or rekindle a relationship?

All of these are valid reasons to get breast implants, but it’s still important to know what your specific goals are as this may alter what breast implant size you go with.


This is where Dr. Sieber can be of unique help. Matching your breast implant size to your body shape is something that can be a bit difficult to do. Dr. David Sieber does this on a regular basis, so he has unique experience matching ideal breast shape, body proportions and breast implant size to varying body frame.

The major areas you want to focus on are the width of your shoulders and chest wall how broad your chest is, bra cup size the symmetry of your breasts, the current distance between each of your breasts, and how wide your breasts are at their base (where they meet your chest). You’ll also need to consider how much breast tissue you have. Certain individuals with not as much tissue may be slightly limited to a smaller range of implant sizes.

Remember that body shapes vary significantly. There is no perfect body shape. A new pair of breasts that look great on one body type may not look as good on another body type. Rather, that second body type may look much better with something totally different.

Again, gauging this can be hard if you’ve never done it before, so don’t be afraid to ask for guidance. At your initial consultation appointment, Dr. Sieber will carry out a short physical exam and give you some notes and ideas to start thinking about.


All breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (cc). Sizes of implants go from 120 cc to 850 cc. Of course, these are the extremes. Most women opt for breast implants that are somewhere between 300 to 500 cc.

When meeting with Dr. Sieber, he will show you examples of implants of various cup sizes with different volumes. You’ll quickly learn that the difference between even 100 cc is relatively small. However, on the chest, these slight variations in volume can make a significant difference in appearance.


Next, think about your wardrobe, career, daily activities, and whatever exercise and physical activities you participate in regularly. All of these will be affected by your implants.

For example, if you are an avid runner, you may not want to get implants that are too big for your frame as they may end up interfering with your comfort level while running. The same goes for other sports and activities like soccer, basketball, swimming, biking, weight lifting, and more. Naturally, breast implants will not restrict you from physical activity, but the larger sizes may not be quite as conducive to comfortable exercise.

Think about your wardrobe as well. Many women are looking to fill out low-cut dresses and tops, yet they don’t want to attract unwanted attention. This can certainly be achieved, but in this case you’ll be going for a more natural looking look, and this is definitely something you’ll want to convey to Dr. Sieber.


This is often the best way to know what sized breast implants are right for you. Dr. Sieber will have various sizes of implants available for you to examine and feel. Sometimes, with breast implant sizes just holding them in your hands can give you a good idea of what having those implants would be like.

To take things a step further, you can actually put the implants into your bra and experience what they would feel like on your chest as well. You’ll get a chance to do this and to look larger breast implants in the mirror and walk around a bit. It’s an excellent way to “test out” your new breasts before surgery.


Lastly, use others as a guide. If you’ve seen pictures of women whose breasts you admire and want to emulate, bring these pictures in to show Dr. Sieber. Doing so can be extremely helpful to him as you navigate this initial step of your surgery together.

Take a look at Dr. Sieber’s before and after gallery as well. You’ll see pictures of past patients who’ve successfully undergone breast augmentation surgery and get a sense of how your own breasts may look after the procedure. It is important to consider what breast implant placement you are thinking. Look for body types that roughly match your own to see what implants look best.

Breast implant sizeWhat is typical breast implant size?

The typical breast implant size varies and can fall within a range of 200cc to 850cc. Given the vast array of available implant size and shapes, the sizing process holds significant importance. It should thoroughly consider individual proportions, encompassing factors such as shoulder width, rib cage shape, hip width, breast width, and the waist-to-hip ratio circumference.

Is C cup a good size?

A C cup size breast implant size is considered a favorable size by a majority of women, with over 60.4% stating it as their ideal breast size. Interestingly, just over 53.6% of men also find this mid-sized cup size appealing. Across both Europe and the US, the C cup garners popularity among both genders.


Whether you’ve made up your mind that breast implants are in your future or you’re just looking for some more information on the procedure, booking a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber is your next step.

As a double board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing breast augmentation surgery, Dr. David Sieber can help you find the perfect implant size for your body type. Contact our office to book your appointment today.


What Are My Breast Implant Shape Options?

While most breast augmentation patients go directly to saline vs silicone when they think about breast implant options, an often overlooked option is breast implant shape. 

There are two basic breast implant shapes to choose from: round and teardrop breast implants. In this article, we’ll be discussing both options, including the pros and cons of each and how to know which shape will work best for you.

Breast Implant Shape Options

Breast Implant Shape OptionsAs stated above, there are two basic options when it comes to breast implants: round and teardrop. 

Round breast implants, as their name implies, are perfectly round or spherical. When you lay them flat on the table, they are slightly curved on the top and flat on the bottom. If you measure a round implant from edge-to-edge at any point, you’ll get the same diameter.

Teardrop breast implants (also sometimes known as anatomical implants, shaped implants, or textured implants), on the other hand, are not symmetrical. Instead they have a distinct shape. They are fuller or thicker on one side. Many say this provides a more natural shape to the breast, though this really depends on the individual and her anatomy.

These different breast implant options each have their benefits and drawbacks. To be sure, there are certain people who would only look great with one or the other. It’s your surgeon’s job to help determine what implant is best for you based on your anatomy and desired outcome.

To get a better understanding of what each shape option looks like on a real person, take a look at our round and teardrop implant before and after photos.

Pros and Cons of Round Breast Implants

PRO – Round implants can be great for women who want more fullness on the upper poles of their breasts.

CON – Round implants are commonly made of saline, which some patients and surgeons say is not as natural-looking. It is not infrequently said that silicone gel looks more like natural breast tissue than saline.

PRO – If round implants rotate within the breast pockets, you’ll never know. This is because these implants are symmetrical on all sides, so it makes no difference what direction they are oriented. This goes for during the breast augmentation surgery itself and afterward in your everyday life.

CON – Round breast implants are not ideal if you have drooping nipples that point downward because sometimes, the nipple will end up lower than the fullest center point of a round implant. This gives an odd appearance and doesn’t do much to “lift” the nipples higher, which would ideally make them look perkier and more youthful.

PRO – Most round implants are less expensive than teardrop implants.

CON – Round implants tend to ripple more than teardrop shaped implants, and in some patients, this can mean the implants will be overall more visible beneath the skin.

Pros and Cons of Teardrop Breast Implants

Different Breast Implant Shape OptionsPRO – Teardrop breast implants tend to work really well for women who are very small chested and don’t have a lot of natural breast tissue, especially on the lower poles of their breasts (the bottom halves). The teardrop shape of teardrop breast implants means that the lower poles will be pushed out further with the extra silicone located there.

CON – Teardrop implants tend to be more expensive than round implants

PRO – Teardrop implants are known for giving a quite natural shape and look to a woman’s breasts. With the fullness they have toward the base, the overall shape mimics a woman’s natural contours.

CON – Teardrop shaped implants are designed with a special outer texture so that they do not rotate within the breast implant pockets. However, from time to time, teardrop implants may rotate. When this happens, surgery is sometimes necessary because you certainly don’t want upside down teardrop implants — it is highly noticeable and uncomfortable.

PRO – Teardrop implants are ideal for women who have some drooping and sagging. The special teardrop shape can “lift” nipples that have a tendency to point downward.

CON – Silicone teardrop implants pose more of an issue if a rupture occurs. If this happens, they need to be removed quickly as the rupture may have a negative interaction with surrounding tissue. Unfortunately, it can be harder to tell if a rupture has occurred with teardrop silicone implants. With round saline breast implants, on the other hand, a rupture is immediately obvious as the saline will simply drain from the implant shell (and be absorbed safely by the body).

Gummy Bear Breast Implant Shape Options

Gummy Bear Breast Implant Shape OptionsGummy bear implants are made of silicone gel, but the gel is slightly different from typical silicone gel because it is more cohesive. The term “gummy bear” is really just a nickname for this special cohesive type of silicone gel, which is more form stable than traditional silicone gel. 

Being more cohesive or form stable means that, if you cut into a gummy bear implant, the gel will not “melt” out or lose its shape very easily — very much like cutting into a real gummy bear. The interior is certainly soft and “gel-like”, but it’s not thin like saline or as “gooey” as traditional silicone gel. 

This is sometimes good for individuals who don’t have a lot of breast tissue and skin that will be going over their implants because typical silicone gel implants and saline implants tend to slightly wrinkle more and may show through the skin if there’s not a lot of breast tissue to cover them up.

Gummy bear implants are available in both round shapes and teardrop shapes — though they are usually seen as textured implants with a teardrop shape.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Consultation

Find out more about different breast implant shape options when you schedule a private breast augmentation consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber. We look forward to hearing from you!



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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