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Natural Looking Breast Augmentation: What are your Options?

Have you been thinking about breast augmentation San Francisco surgery but really want to focus on having totally natural looking breasts?

Many women with natural breast (who are simply unhappy with the size and shape of their current breasts) would like a new silhouette that doesn’t look out of place in proportion to their body. In other words, they’re looking for breast augmentation.

This is also a common goal of women who have recently undergone a mastectomy and would like to reconstruct their breasts in a way that reminds them of their former breasts — or those that at least don’t look unnatural.

In the following article, we’ll be going over what breast augmentation options you have if your core goal is natural-looking breasts. But first, let’s go over the totality of your options when it comes to breast augmentation plastic surgery procedures.


There are two main ways to have natural looking breasts: you can either get breast implants (saline breast implants, silicone breast implants , or gummy bear shaped breast implants .), or you can get what’s called fat transfer breast augmentation.

Let’s discuss your breast implant options first.

There are three main types of breast implants:

  • Saline Implants: Those formed with sterile salt water inside a silicone shell.
  • Silicone Implants: Those formed with silicone gel inside a silicone shell.
  • Gummy Bear Implants: Those formed of a form-stable silicone gel (thicker and firmer than other types of implants) inside a silicone shell.

Your other natural looking breast implants option is fat transfer breast augmentation. This is a procedure in which your surgeon will remove fat (via liposuction) from an area of your body where you have more fat than you actually want — for example, from your buttocks, abdomen, or thighs. This fat will then be processed and ultimately transferred back into the body in the breast area, in order to augment the overall size natural shape of your breasts.


In order to achieve natural looking breasts, there is an argument to be made for both most natural looking breast implant and the breast augmentation fat transfer process. Both procedures can result in totally natural looking breasts that most patients end up very happy with.

Still, these days, the fat transfer process often wins out, and this probably makes sense to most people. After all, you’re using a natural part of the body that was already part of extremely natural part of you (fat) and using it to simply augment a different part of your body.

If the fat transfer process goes well, the fat that was once on your thighs or abdomen will adhere to the breast tissue and become a permanent, living part of your body there. It’s a great solution that many patients like. No follow-up MRIs are necessary, and no leaks can occur because no foreign substances are present.

With that being said, there are some situations in which patients are not good candidates for the fat transfer process.


In some cases, patients will not be good candidates for fat transfer, and in that situation, if the goal is natural-looking breasts, implants are still the only solution.

The first barrier to entry when it comes to fat transfer breast augmentation is the amount of excess fat that the patient has. For example, a rather trim patient who doesn’t have much excess fat on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, or elsewhere won’t be a good candidate for fat transfer because there simply won’t be enough fat to harvest.

In this vein, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not a one-to-one ratio from harvesting to re-injection with fat transfer. In other words, most plastic surgeons often will inject more fat than is actually needed in the breasts because not all of the transferred fat will survive.

A second barrier to entry with this procedure is the desired end result of the breast augmentation surgery. If the patient desires natural looking breasts but still wants them to be on the larger size, and if they are starting from having no breasts (for example, after a mastectomy) or from having quite small breasts, fat transfer won’t be the best solution. This is simply because fat transfer works best for small changes in the overall size and shape of the breasts.


If you are not a good candidate for breast implants and want a natural result breast implants still a great option. The key is to go with implants that look and feel natural, and this means staying on the smaller side in most cases.

Here are some other features of natural looking results:

  • Silicone over saline: In most cases, silicone implants tend to look more natural than saline implants. That’s because silicone gel flows in a way that better mimics real fat when inside its silicone shell. Saline, by contrast, tends to look more liquid and can cause rippling in the skin, which looks unnatural. Gummy bear implants may be a viable option as well.
  • Implants that are placed beneath the muscle: Breast augmentation procedure can place the breast implants above or beneath the pectoral muscle. In general, when breast implants are below the muscle, it looks like natural breasts.
  • The right amount of space between the breasts: Breasts that are spaced too far apart can look unnatural. Likewise, too little space can cause unnatural-looking cleavage. It’s important to go with the spacing that matches your natural anatomy.

Questions and Answers

What is the difference between Round implants and Anatomical Breast Implants?

Anatomical shaped implants exhibit distinct behavior within your body compared to round implants. When upright, round implants may take on a somewhat anatomical appearance, but the fullness they maintain in the upper breast region is contingent on factors such as your skin surface area, skin elasticity, volume of your natural breast, and the distribution of your breast tissue. In contrast, anatomical implants are designed to retain their natural shape, following the contour of your breasts more closely.


The absolute best way to know what breast augmentation option is right for you to achieve natural looking is to meet with Dr. Sieber. Not only will Dr. Sieber be able to tell you whether fat transfer breast enhancement or natural look implants will look more natural on you, but he’ll also be able to examine your anatomy and help you choose the best placement, implant size amount, and shape for your resulting breasts.

To schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber board certified plastic surgeon in San Francisco, contact us today.

How Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation Can Benefit You

Breast augmentation surgery in San Francisco is the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the U.S., which is no surprise given the natural results it can produce. According to recent data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation has one of the highest degrees of patient satisfaction out of any cosmetic surgery.

One of the only downsides to breast augmentation, however, is that many patients end up having a lengthy recovery period with a lot of required downtime. They aren’t able to return to work or school for an extended period. It can be difficult to care for children and pets. And most importantly, patients feel stuck at home and uncomfortable for weeks on end.

But an advancement of traditional breast augmentation has changed all that. Rapid recovery breast augmentation differs from traditional breast augmentation surgery in that it allows patients to bounce back far more quickly. Let’s take a look at how this recovery technique works and how you can find out if you’re a good candidate.


Rapid Recovery Breast AugmentationRapid recovery breast augmentation is a breast augmentation method that aims to create little to no pain and require only a very short downtime period after surgery.

Typically, breast augmentation patients undergo their procedure with the knowledge that a lengthy period of downtime will be required after surgery — normally one to two weeks. During this period, they are encouraged to rest, relax, and avoid upper arm movement and exertion. They are told that there will be lots of swelling and bruising and that narcotic pain medication will likely need to be taken to relieve discomfort — sometimes, for an extended period.

Naturally, many women are okay with this bargain as they truly desire the results of their procedure. But what if there was a better way?

Dr. Sieber was able to employ a unique surgical technique for breast augmentation that reduces all of the negative side effects listed above. Instead of the breast tissue being swollen, painful, and severely bruised for one or more weeks, with rapid recovery breast augmentation (sometimes called flash recovery breast augmentation), patients experience few if any of these extreme side effects. They are often able to return to work within days, and some are even shopping and going out for lunch with friends the very next day after surgery.

If this sounds like a breast augmentation procedure you’d be interested in, read on — you may be an ideal candidate!


Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation Vs ConventionalWhen it comes to rapid recovery breast augmentation vs conventional breast augmentation, the “rapid recovery” method is not just one single technique. It’s several different techniques used in tandem to produce optimal results.

This involves a specific operative and post-operative protocol. For instance, we focus on precise placement of breast implants plus an exact aftercare routine. The system works synergistically to help patients recover from surgery much more quickly.

In particular, the rapid recovery technique allows for patients to be able to perform basic daily activities within 24 hours after surgery! This is far different than traditional breast augmentation recovery instructions. 

However, it must be noted that in order to achieve this quick recovery, patients absolutely must be sure to follow San Francisco plastic surgeon Dr. Sieber’s specific post-op instructions.



If you’re interested in learning more about rapid recovery breast augmentation, we’d love to help you find out if you’re a good candidate. Women who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts, are overall healthy, and understand the importance of closely following the post-operative instructions can often benefit from this program and make good candidates.

To know for sure if you qualify, however, we welcome you to give our office a call to schedule a consultation. Keep in mind that some patients who come in wanting information about breast augmentation would actually benefit more from a breast lift. We can help you understand how breast lift vs Breast Augmentation differ and which would be best for you.


This breast augmentation technique offers many benefits over traditional breast augmentations surgery, including:

  • Quicker Recovery / Shorter Downtime
  • Less Discomfort
  • Fewer Activity Restrictions
  • Same Cost as Traditional Breast Augmentation


What Is Rapid Recovery Breast AugmentationThe best way to determine if a rapid recovery breast augmentation is right for you is through a consultation with Dr. Sieber. During this time, he will perform an examination, discuss your medical history, and answer any questions that you may have. 

He will also create a 3D image of your breasts with the Vectra 3D imaging breast augmentation system. This will create an image of what your breast augmentation results will look like, giving you a clearer idea of your outcome.

Get started today on your rapid recovery San Francisco Bay Area breast augmentation journey by giving our office a call at 415-326-8330.

Breast Lift with Implants: What You Need to Know

Throughout your life, breast tissue in your breasts will inevitably change size and shape. Weight loss and gain, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and the simple process of aging all take their toll on this particularly visible part of your body.

If you are unhappy with the size or shape of your breasts, you may have considered a breast lift with implants in San Francisco. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about this procedure and what to expect along the journey.


Breast lift with implantsCombining a full breast lift surgery with implants means undergoing two procedures that are often performed separately.

A breast lift is a procedure that involves lifting the breasts to a higher position. This means relocating the areolas and nipples as well as removing excess skin for breast enhancement and a perkier overall look.

Breast augmentation is slightly different. This procedure involves plastic surgeons adding volume to the breasts by inserting implants beneath the pectoral or chest tissue. Silicone, saline, or gummy bear implants are available — all with different characteristics.

Another option for breast augmentation is fat transfer breast augmentation. This process first uses liposuction to remove fat from areas like the abdomen or buttocks. The fat is then inserted into the breast area to add volume. Breast augmentation with fat transfer is an excellent option for women who only want to add a little bit of breast volume and who could benefit from the liposuction fat removal on other areas of their body.

Fortunately most patients, when a breast lift with implants is performed (implants or fat transfer), you’ll generally benefit from reduced overall surgery time, reduced recovery time, fewer incisions, and a reduced cost of surgery.


Most women are good candidates for breast lift with implants surgery. However, here are some specific ways to know if you qualify silicone breast implants:


Some women have been unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts ever since puberty. However, the majority of breast lift with implants patients end up becoming unhappy with their breasts over time.

No matter how you came to the conclusion that you’d like to improve the appearance of breast skin on your breasts and overall silhouette, you deserve to feel confident when you look in the mirror.


Just like having one foot or hand slightly bigger than the other, breasts can be unevenly-sized too. This is often noticeable in adolescence and continues through adulthood. Significant unevenness without breast implant can make women feel uncomfortable and self-conscious, but a breast lift with implants can generally amend the issue so that it’s completely unnoticeable.


Many life events can cause breasts to lose their once youthful appearance.

For example, weight loss (especially a significant loss of 50 pounds or more) often reveals breasts that lack of volume and droop or sag. Likewise, pregnancy and breastfeeding can take their toll on breasts as well.

Finally, time and the aging process are probably the biggest culprits for breasts that lack perk and volume. Over time, gravity tends to pull breasts down, and they may lose that bounce and youthful look.


As with any type of major surgery, you need to be in good physical and mental health before moving forward. Significant health conditions such as a history of breast cancer, being obese, or having a bleeding disorder can put you at a higher risk for complications such as deep vein thrombosis, poor healing, and more. You need to be healthy so that you can fully recover from your surgery and be able to enjoy your new breasts and life.


Those who smoke have a higher rate of complications when it comes to surgery. Blood clots may form, there is a higher risk of infection, and there may even be a loss of skin after the procedure. Scars may also be wider and thicker, and there may be a delay in wound healing altogether.


Before surgery, you’ll need to be approved for the procedure with Dr. Sieber. This means booking a consultation appointment where you can discuss your options, and Dr. Sieber can carry out a short physical examination.

Once approved, you’ll move forward by deciding on the type of breast implants you want. Dr. Sieber can help you decide between silicone, full saline implants, gummy bear, and fat transfer augmentation.

You’ll then be able to book your surgical appointment and make the necessary arrangements for post-surgical recovery. You’ll need to have someone take you home from surgery and ideally provide you with some initial at-home care. Also make sure to take time off from work or school so that you can focus on healing.


Once you arrive at the surgical facility, you’ll be taken to a pre-surgery room and prepped for the procedure. You’ll have a chance to speak with Dr. Sieber, and this is a good time to ask any remaining questions you may have.

You’ll then be taken into breast lift surgery where the augmentation mastopexy procedure will last approximately four or more hours. Initial recovery will take place at the surgical facility, but you should be able to go home on the same day as your procedure in most cases.

Total recovery will last about six weeks with some pain, discomfort, swelling, and fatigue during the first few weeks. It’s important to rest, not lift heavy things, and avoid exercise and physical exertion until you get the “okay” from your surgeon.

Questions and Answers

Can breasts be lifted with implants?

Breast lift with implants is a transformative procedure that combines lifting, rounding, and enlarging the breasts. This surgery is ideal for individuals seeking higher, rounder, and more voluminous breasts. It is an excellent option for those looking to address breast asymmetry or restore lost volume caused by factors such as aging or breastfeeding.

With the skillful artistry of our expert plastic surgeons, you can achieve beautifully contoured and proportionate breasts, tailored to your unique aesthetic goals and preferences.

What is breast lift with implants cost?

Breast lift with implants prices vary on city you live in, if you are having other breast enhancement surgery and several other factors. Visit a board certified plastic surgeons to find out prices.

How painful is breast lift with implants?

The breast lift with implants is gentle and has very minimal bruising, swelling, or discomfort during the healing process.


If you’re considering breast lift with implants surgery, are wondering about breast lift with implants before and after photos, or have questions about which cosmetic or breast lift with augmentation procedure might be right for you, call our office to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber today.


Augmentation Mastopexy: https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/combining-a-breast-lift-with-breast-implants




What to Expect With a Teardrop Implant Before and After

Teardrop breast implants are perfect for many women seeking breast augmentation. These implants have been increasing in popularity because of the way teardrop boobs emphasize a woman’s own natural shape while providing a modest to significant increase in size.

If you’re planning to undergo breast augmentation surgery and are thinking about getting teardrop implants, this article is for you. We will go over what makes teardrop breast implants special, how they differ from round implants, and what you can expect from your experience with the teardrop breast implant before and after.

Choosing a Shape for Your Breast Implants

The 2 Breast Implant Shapes

Breast augmentation patients have two basic breast implant shape options: teardrop and round. Both types of implants offer pros and cons, but today, we’re mostly going to be examining teardrop implants. 

What Are Teardrop Breast Implants?

Teardrop shapes are larger on the bottom than they are on the top, and that’s exactly what the implant profile of a teardrop breast implant looks like. The extra volume on the bottom of teardrop breast implants helps achieve a more natural looking result while also boosting the patient’s breast size.

As opposed to a round implant, teardrop implants also do a great job of pushing out the lower pole of the breasts (the bottom half). Often, when a woman has a petite body type and small breasts with little natural breast tissue, she’ll also have a tighter lower pole. If we want to give this area more volume, which will help the chest look more shapely and feminine, teardrop implants are ideal.

What’s the Difference Between Teardrop Implants and Round Implants?

Teardrop Implant Before And After PicturesWhen it comes to teardrop vs round implants, the basic difference is always going to be shape. Both teardrop and round implants can be filled with saline or silicone (however, mostly, teardrop implants are filled with a silicone gel and are sometimes called gummy bear implants).

In terms of breast implant shapes, round breast implants, as the name implies, are perfectly round and the same diameter from side to side and top to bottom. Teardrop shaped implants have a thicker bottom and a thinner top. 

Teardrop implants offer the appearance of a more natural breast to many patients who also want a bit of volume. Traditional round implants can be used to provide a natural look as well, but they’re also used for patients who want high profile implants or implants that give a lot of extra volume — especially on the upper pole of the breast (the tops of the breasts).

Another difference is that a teardrop shaped implant has a textured surface. This is to keep them in place and prevent implant rotation. Because teardrop implants have such a specific shape, if they were to rotate, they would look quite odd and must be fixed. 

Round breast implants can have a smooth shell without texturing because if they rotate, it’s usually not noticeable.

Whether you decide to get round breast implants or teardrop breast implants, a skilled and experienced surgeon can help you achieve the breast shape you’re after and your overall desired outcome.

What to Expect With a Teardrop Implant Before and After

Before Your New Teardrop Breast Implants

Prior to your breast augmentation, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with a surgeon. Your surgeon will examine your anatomy and breast tissue. Bring a list of your top concerns to discuss and a recap of your medical history. 

Remember that while you may come into your consultation appointment thinking teardrop implants are right for you, sometimes, round implants may be the better fit. Your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of teardrop implants vs round implants as they pertain to your unique body shape and situation.

From here, if you decide to move forward with breast augmentation surgery — whether you get round or teardrop implants — you’ll find a time to schedule the procedure. As you prepare for surgery, remember to do the following:

  • Ask for ample time off work for your breast augmentation recovery. Your surgeon will give you an estimate of the time you should take off.
  • Enlist the help of family and friends. You won’t be able to do some things yourself during your initial recovery period.
  • Prepare healthy, easy-to-cook meals ahead of time or arrange for a meal service.
  • Set up a clean, neat recovery area in your home. 
  • Arrange for child care or pet care if necessary.

After Your New Teardrop Breast Implants

After your breast augmentation, take it easy for a while. Follow your surgeon’s instructions to the letter, and do not deviate or you may cause issues to your teardrop implants as they heal or even put your health in jeopardy. 

Recovery from any type of invasive plastic surgery requires plenty of sleep, avoidance of physical exertion, lots of water and healthy meals, and a peaceful environment. Your surgeon will have you wearing a compression garment also.

Book a Private Consultation With Dr. Sieber

Teardrop Breast Implant Before And AfterOnly a consultation appointment can tell you whether teardrop implants are right for you. 

When you sit down with Dr. Sieber, he will discuss your surgical goals, medical history, and what your breast implant shape options are. He will also examine your anatomy and obtain your personal measurements in order to find the best fit for your teardrop implants. Plus, you’ll get a chance to look at some teardrop implant before and after pictures so that you can get an idea of what your results will be like.

Call today to schedule your consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



Mini Tummy Tuck vs Full Tummy Tuck: Which one is best for you?

Excess tissue on the upper or lower abdomen isn’t always caused by unwanted fat. In fact, in many cases, it is stretched out skin that’s causing a flabby, sagging appearance. When this is the case, your plastic surgeon will likely recommend a tummy tuck procedure.

But what kind of tummy tuck?

You actually have multiple options here. By far, the most common type of tummy tuck is the full tummy tuck. However, there is also another type of tummy tuck that is especially intriguing to many patients because it requires fewer and smaller tummy tuck scars. This is the mini tummy tuck.

If you are considering getting a tummy tuck but are unsure whether to get a mini tummy tuck vs full tummy tuck, this article is for you. Below, we’ll go over what each type of surgery entails and how to determine what the best surgery is for you.


Ultimately, the choice between a mini tummy tuck vs full tummy tuck comes down to what your specific goals and needs are. Every patient is different, so we always want to cater the procedure to the patient.

With that said, there are some clear indications that a mini tummy tuck patients vs a full tummy tuck procedure. For example, the most common reason a patient may need to get a full tummy tuck is if they have loose skin all over the abdomen. And to be sure, this is the most common situation we encounter with tummy tuck patients.

The reason for this is that most patients who are interested in tummy tucks are coming to see a plastic surgeon because they have excess skin due to having children or losing a significant amount of weight. In both of these situations, the patient is going to experience excess, droopy, and sagging skin all over their abdomen.

A situation like this necessitates a full tummy tuck, which can address extra skin above the belly button, below the belly button, and even on the sides of the abdomen. Sometimes, with an extended tummy tuck, for example, the procedure can even address more skin around the back of the abdomen on the flanks — also known as the “love handles”.

Naturally, the reason that patients have excess skin all over their abdomens is because of the way they got the extra skin in the first place. That is, women who get pregnant don’t just see stretching of their bellies on one isolated part of their abdomen. They see stretching all over the belly — from directly below the breasts to right over the pubis.

The same situation can be applied to patients who have lost a significant amount of body fat. Body fat isn’t gained in one isolated place on the middle or upper abdomen. It’s gained all over the abdomen in almost all cases. This means that stretching happens all over the abdomen. And again, when this is the situation, you need a full tummy tuck to address all of that loose skin.

With a mini tummy tuck, on the other hand, we can address an isolated area of excess skin. Usually, this means that the mini tummy tuck is reserved for a patient who comes in with just a little bit of flab on their lower abdomen — below the belly button. Perhaps they lost 10 or 20 pounds and the skin simply didn’t bounce back. This may be common in older patients, for example.

In other cases, aging has simply caused an excess accumulation of skin on the lower portion of the upper abdomen.

When all is said, however, this isolation of excess skin on the lower abdomen is fairly rare. Most of the time excess skin occurs all over. And for this reason, we don’t perform many mini tummy tucks.


Mini tummy tuck vs fullWe’ve discussed who is a good candidate for a full tummy tuck and who is a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck. Now, let’s take a look at the actual surgeries themselves.

First, let’s discuss full tummy tucks. In nearly all cases, full tummy tucks necessitate two incisions. The first incision is going to be the one that most people associate with tummy tuck surgery. It is a lower abdominal transverse incision that runs from one hip to the other.

This will result in a scar. After recovery, however, the scar will not be noticeable because it is so low on the abdomen that it will actually be covered by the patient’s underwear and/or swimsuit bottoms in nearly all cases.

The other incision will be made inside the belly button. This is necessary to cut the abdominal skin away from the naval, and that is done so that we can actually pull down the abdominal skin, stretching it tauter so that it is smoother and flatter.

Doing this is going to change the position of the belly button, so we actually have to make a new hole for the belly button that will be placed over where the naval remains attached to the underlying muscles.

This incision does not leave a noticeable scar either because it is hidden within the belly button.

A mini tummy tuck necessitates only one incision — the same as the first incision we discussed above. It is a lower abdominal transverse incision that may run from hip to hip. However, when it’s a mini tummy tuck, it will usually be shorter — perhaps five or six inches long.

With mini tummy tucks, the belly button incision is not necessary because this surgery does not address excess skin above the naval.


While the above information will certainly help you discern between a mini tummy tuck vs full tummy tuck, you may still have questions. And by far, the best way to get information and know what type of tummy tuck is right for you is to speak directly with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon who’s performed both of these surgeries before.

Dr. David Sieber a board certified plastic surgeon is the best at fixing abdominal muscles issues in the San Francisco Bay area. If you would like more information about different Tummy Tummy surgery, contact our office today to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Sieber.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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