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How Does Vaser Liposuction 360 Work?

 Unlike traditional liposuction, which focuses on removing fat from the front of the abdomen, Vaser lipo 360 removes fat from all around the abdomen — 360 degrees. For this reason, the procedure is often called circumferential liposuction as well.

In this article, we’ll explain how 360 Vaser lipo works, how it differs from standard liposuction, what “Vaser” technology is and its benefits, and how to know if you’d be a good candidate for this innovative procedure.

What Is Vaser Liposuction 360?

This is a type of liposuction that uses a specific technology and a specific strategy for removing fat. Let’s first discuss the fat removal strategy — the “360” part.

What is Lipo 360?

360 Vaser LiposuctionUnlike other types of lipo, lipo 360 takes fat from all around the abdomen. Traditionally, if a patient wanted abdominal liposuction, fat would be removed from the entire front of the trunk — from beneath the breasts down to the pubic bone — or from select areas within that zone. The procedure might add the area slightly beyond the patient’s sides (the flanks), but that would generally be the extent of the area treated.

Liposuction 360 extends this treatment area even further. So, in addition to removing fat and sculpting the patient’s contours from beneath the breasts, down to the pubic bone and around to the flanks, the entire back and sides of the patient would also be fat-reduced.

What Does Vaser Mean?

Vaser stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This is a fancy way of saying ultrasound technology.

Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy to liquefy treatment area fat before it is suctioned out of the body. This provides numerous benefits — from less irritation to surrounding tissue in the treatment area to an easier recovery and better overall results.

Vaser Lipo 360 vs. Traditional Liposuction

What Is Vaser Liposuction 360Let’s first talk about how Vaser liposuction 360 is different from standard targeted liposuction in respect to the 360 degree circumferential treatment zone.

If, for example, you were to go to a plastic surgeon and say you wanted just a little bit of liposuction because of some extra fat you’ve been carrying around on your lower abdomen, you wouldn’t need lipo 360. Small pockets of unwanted fat can be effectively treated with traditional Vaser lipo. This procedure would use Vaser technology (ultrasound energy), but you wouldn’t get results on the entire circumference of your trunk because you wouldn’t need them.

On the other hand, certain patients do require circumferential liposuction because they have unwanted fat around their entire trunk. This is often the case with individuals who have upper back rolls they are uncomfortable with, excess fat on their flanks (“love handles”), as well as excess fat on the front of the abdomen.

Now, let’s move on to how Vaser liposuction is different from traditional liposuction.

The most important thing to look at here is how the fat is actually detached from the body and then suctioned out. With traditional lipo, your plastic surgeon is basically making a small incision, inserting their cannula, and using force to literally rip the fat out of your body. This sounds extreme, but it is the way that traditional lipo, which was originally developed in the 70s, operates.

When we contrast this technique with the ultrasound technique (Vaser), you will immediately see how the latter is so much easier on the body — and easier on the plastic surgeon as well, which translates into better results for you.

With Vaser, ultrasound energy is used in between the numbing and aspiration (fat withdrawal) phases. This energy permeates the treatment area and effectively loosens the fat, liquefying it to basically a smoothie consistency. This means that when the fat is aspirated, all your plastic surgeon has to do is gently move their cannula around, which, in turn, allows them to be more precise.

There are numerous benefits to this. First, it allows your surgeon to take more fat out. With traditional liposuction, there are limits on the amount of fat that can be withdrawn from the body. Vaser allows for more fat to be withdrawn. 

Likewise, the entire process is far gentler. Surrounding blood vessels and tissue are not damaged as they so often are with traditional liposuction. This means less bruising and bleeding, less risk for deformities, a shorter and more pleasant recovery time, and superior results overall.

Are You a Good Candidate for Vaser Lipo 360?

There are pros and cons to Vaser liposuction and HD liposuction, so it is not for everyone. You may be a good candidate for high definition liposuction if you:

Have excess fat on your front, sides, and back that you’d like to have removed.

Vaser liposuction can usually be used on any patient who is seeking to remove deposits of unwanted fat and who qualifies for this form of liposuction. However, lipo 360 — as the circumferential removal of fat from all the way around the abdomen — should only be performed on individuals who actually need fat removal for their front, sides, and back. 

The procedure is more expensive because the treatment area is larger, so if you don’t need this procedure, you should simply reduce unwanted fat with targeted Vaser lipo.

Are in good overall health with no major health issues.

Patients should be in good physical health without major health issues or ongoing health treatments. It’s best if patients do not smoke at all or are able to stop several weeks before and after the procedure.

All plastic surgeons have different guidelines when it comes to maximum BMI or body mass index numbers. With that said, Vaser lipo 360 is not an appropriate treatment for individuals who are significantly overweight or obese.

Have good skin elasticity.

The best candidates for liposuction have good skin elasticity. This usually means that younger patients make better candidates, but it does not preclude older patients from getting lipo either. Your plastic surgeon will examine your skin and how lax it is at your consultation appointment.

Note that if you have too much excess skin, a body contouring procedure, skin tightening, or a tummy tuck may be for you.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you have stubborn fat around your entire midsection and are considering liposuction, 360 Vaser liposuction could be for you. Contact our San Francisco office today to schedule a consultation appointment with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



Will I Have Tummy Tuck Scars After 5 Years?

Will I Have Tummy Tuck Scars After 5 Years?

Tummy tucks are ideal for any individual with loose bothersome skin around their abdomen. The procedure is highly effective, commonly performed, and can do outstanding things for your figure. Needless to say, it can also boost your confidence by a large margin.

Still, many patients are hesitant about moving forward with abdominoplasty because they are concerned about the potential for visible scars after tummy tuck procedures. They want to know:

  • What do tummy tuck scars look like?
  • Where are they located?
  • When will a tummy tuck scar heal?
  • What about tummy tuck scars after 5 years?

Below, we’ll discuss and answer each of these questions, focusing on what you can expect from your abdominoplasty scars down the line and in the future — as many as five or ten years after surgery.

Scarring After Tummy Tucks

Tummy Tuck Scars

Most Tummy Tuck Scars are an inevitable outcome after any type of surgery that requires incisions. In this way, because abdominoplasty does require incisions, you’re going to have scarring.

Here, however, we like to emphasize the good news. And that is that your scars after tummy tuck surgery won’t be noticeable in most cases.

This is because your surgeon is going to do their best to create your incisions in inconspicuous places. Additionally, some of your incisions will be hidden naturally within your anatomy. For example, a belly button incision can be hidden within the belly button, so that you don’t notice it after it’s healed.

Finally, many treatments now exist to help diminish the appearance of scars during recovery.


The location of tummy tuck incisions varies from patient to patient. That is, some patients will only require two incisions: one around the belly button and one stretched laterally from hip to hip (below the bikini line). And other patients will require additional incisions on top of these. In rare cases, a mini tummy tuck scar only requires a lower lateral tummy tuck incision.


When a large amount of skin and tissue must be removed, a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck may be performed. This variation requires another incision to be may vertically from the lower lateral incision to the belly button.


Alternatively, when excess loose skin must be removed from the sides and back of the abdomen, an extended tummy tuck may be performed. This procedure requires the lateral incision on the lower abdomen to be extended around to the sides and back of the trunk.


Furthermore, if you opt for liposuction on top of your tummy tuck, which is common, this may require additional small incisions, depending on where you’d like fat removed.

What Do Tummy Tuck Scars Look Like Right After Surgery?

Mommy Makeover Tummy Tuck Scars After 5 Years

Naturally, tummy tuck patients will have bandages and dressings over their incision sites directly after surgery. Therefore, you may have little opportunity to examine your Tummy Tuck scar.

At this time, you can expect the area to be swollen, red, and covered with steri-strips. You will be tired and sore from surgery, so it’s important not to strain to examine the area. Allow your surgeon to perform their own followup examinations to ensure the area is healing well.

After approximately ten days to two weeks, your incisions should be healed together, and the scar will appear pink or red and slightly raised. Already by this time, the area should feel and look much better. As your recovery progresses, the scar will flatten and fade in color.


Whether you choose to undergo abdominoplasty as a standalone procedure or as part of a mommy makeover, you’ll naturally want to know what your scar is going to look like in a few years’ time.

Let’s look at five years down the line from surgery.

In five years, you can expect your tummy tuck scar to be at its best (as long as it’s been well taken care of and you are in good physical health). In fact, after one year or at the most, two years, your scar should maximally fade and flatten out.

After ten years, your scars should also look well-faded and flat. Most patients report that their scars become increasingly unobtrusive with each passing year.


Follow these tips to achieve hardly noticeable surgical scars after your tummy tuck.


Your incision site must properly heal in order for it to fade as time goes on. The first few days and weeks of your recovery are crucial.

Be sure to give your body time to heal, and get adequate rest. Do not strain the areas where you’ve had surgery (your entire trunk and upper body). Properly clean and care for your incisions according to your surgeon’s instructions.

Additionally, do not smoke, avoid alcohol and high-sodium foods (to reduce swelling), get plenty of fluids, and eat a healthy diet. When you get the “okay”, start walking and moving to promote circulation.


Your surgeon will provide you with scar therapy options after surgery. Depending on the way you typically develop scars and how your incisions are healing, they may recommend scar creams, silicone patches, or even laser treatments.


Exposure to ultraviolet rays (like those from the sun) can worsen the appearance of scars. In some cases, it can actually create darker scars, especially during the first few months after surgery.

If your treatment area will be exposed to sunlight (at the beach, for example), be sure to use adequate sunscreen and/or cover the area with a UV protective bathing suit or clothing.


Not only can gaining significant weight after abdominoplasty diminish your overall results, but it may also distort the appearance of your tummy tuck scars. For this reason, try to stay within five pounds of your post-surgery weight.


The idea of a lower abdominal scar is concerning for most patients. However, it’s also worth noting that tummy tuck surgery offers immense benefits for patients with sagging skin on their abdomens.

In fact, there is no other solution to sagging, drooping skin on the stomach. Surgery is the only option if you want to permanently get rid of this chronic problem.

It is for this reason that we like to emphasize the fact that patients who undergo abdominoplasty are overwhelmingly satisfied with their results. These patients know going into surgery that scars are going to be part of the equation, and they decide to go through with it anyway. After they’ve healed, they can move easier, it’s more fun to wear the clothes they like, and they feel more confident overall.


Whether you have recently lost a significant amount of weight or you’re done having children and have excess skin from pregnancies, a tummy tuck is the plastic surgery that can help.

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery and scars after abdominoplasty, contact Sieber Plastic Surgery today and schedule a consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.






Who’s a Good Candidate for High Definition Liposuction?

If you’re looking to get rid of stubborn fat and bring attention to the muscles you’ve worked so hard for, high definition liposuction may be for you.

Unlike traditional liposuction, HD lipo uses ultrasound energy to liquify fat before it’s removed. This offers numerous benefits, including less trauma to the treated area, an easier recovery, and better results.

HD liposuction does amazing things to emphasize a patient’s own anatomy. We can use it to cinch your waist and sculpt your abs, then use the removed fat to add volume elsewhere — to the breasts or buttocks, for example. Below, we’ll discuss how to know if you’re a good candidate for this innovative body sculpting procedure. But first, let’s take a look at how high definition liposuction differs from traditional liposuction.

What Is High Definition Liposuction?

Sometimes called “liposculpture”, high definition liposuction (or HD lipo) is a strategic form of liposuction that removes fat in order to accentuate the patient’s own musculature. Ultrasonic energy is used to break down the fat before it is removed.

In this way, patients are able to put more emphasis on their pecs, abs, shoulders, back, and waist. Of course, the main goal with any liposuction procedure is removing fat, and HD lipo certainly does that. However, high definition liposuction differs from traditional liposuction in that it aims to create a more sculpted or athletic appearance in the patient.

Most patients opt to have this procedure performed on their abs or flanks. But it can also be performed elsewhere and is popular for taking care of excess fat on the back and chest (for men) as well.

What Is VASER Liposuction?

High Definition Liposuction Near MeVASER stands for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. This is a term that is used to denote the specific type of technology used with high definition liposuction. Essentially, this form of liposuction uses ultrasound energy to liquefy the fat cells before they are removed with a liposuction cannula.

There are numerous benefits of VASER liposuction over other types of liposuction. For one thing, your plastic surgeon won’t have to work so hard to physically agitate the fat cells before they are removed. The ultrasound energy will do that. 

This not only means that it will be easier for your plastic surgeon to perform this procedure, but it will also do less harm to the surrounding tissue in your treatment areas. That means you’ll have less swelling, and your recovery will be easier.

Finally, using VASER liposuction allows your surgeon to remove fat more specifically from certain areas. This allows for more detail work and an overall better outcome.

What Makes an Ideal High Def Liposuction Candidate?

Many people will qualify for liposuction, but not everyone qualifies for high definition liposuction. In order to qualify for this procedure, we usually look for the following:

Good overall health

Patients should be in good health and free from serious medical conditions or ongoing medical treatments.

Stable, healthy body weight

We like to see patients at a stable, healthy body weight. This means within around 5 to 10 pounds of their goal weight or with a BMI of 28 or below. It’s important that they are able to maintain this weight before and after their procedure.

Remember that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. It is a body sculpting procedure that helps to carve out a more attractive silhouette, and it can help remove stubborn fat that you haven’t been able to get rid of with exercise and diet changes.

Low overall percentage of body fat

Certainly, high definition liposuction patients will have isolated pockets of unwanted fat. But they should have a low percentage of body fat overall. Ideally, candidates for this procedure are more athletic and more interested in accentuating their abs, pecs, and other muscle groups.

What Is High Definition LiposuctionAthletic build

In order to accentuate muscle groups, patients need to have muscles to accentuate. This means that most patients who qualify for this procedure have an overall athletic build and are looking to emphasize that musculature.


Of course, plastic surgeons like to emphasize that smoking is not good for anyone at any time. But when it comes to invasive surgery, it is especially important for patients not to be smokers because smoking can put patients at risk during surgery and also make it harder for them to recover after surgery.

Realistic expectations

Lastly, as with all high definition body contouring procedures and other plastic surgeries, patients should have hopeful but realistic expectations. 

Liposuction can achieve great things for patients who want to look and feel their best, but it’s still important to understand the risks of surgery, the fact that scarring is inevitable after surgery, and other important realities.

FAQ: High Definition Liposuction

What does HD lipo cost?

High definition liposuction is typically more expensive than traditional liposuction. With that said, it’s truly difficult to give a detailed quote for this procedure without meeting one-on-one with a plastic surgeon who can give you an estimate.

To be quoted for this or other body contouring procedures, contact Sieber Plastic Surgery today and book a consultation. 

Can hi def liposuction be combined with fat grafting?

Yes, many high definition liposuction patients will opt for additional fat grafting. This means that fatty tissue that is removed with liposuction can be reinjected into the body to help accentuate certain muscles and other areas like the breasts.

Can fat return after HD Liposuction?

It is critical to maintain a healthy, steady body weight after HD liposuction. While fat will not “grow back” with minimal weight gain (around 5 pounds), if significant weight is gained after liposuction, fat cells may return. 

Of course, you should still maintain some semblance of the overall contouring achieved through HD liposuction (even with weight gain), but your results will be diminished.

Where can I find high definition liposuction near me?

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. David Sieber performs high definition liposuction with VASER technology for both male and female patients.

Schedule an HD Lipo Consultation With Dr. Sieber

Not all plastic surgeons in the San Francisco area perform HD liposuction. Dr. David Sieber is well-trained and experienced with this procedure. In fact, he even trains other surgeons in it. He has helped many men and women achieve their dream silhouette through HD lipo.

If you would like to lose excess fatty tissue and sculpt your figure with the most effective body contouring procedure available, high definition liposuction could be for you. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sieber today to see if you’re a candidate.



Will I have Tummy Tuck Scars?

The short answer to this question is yes. Any and all surgeries requiring incisions will result in some scarring. Because San Francisco tummy tuck surgery (also known as abdominoplasty) is an invasive procedure that requires at least one significant incision, you will have at least one scar after surgery.

However, there’s also a longer answer to this question: Yes, you will have scars after a tummy tuck … but they should not be tremendously noticeable.

Below, we’ll outline why this is the case and help you understand why tummy tuck scars should not hold you back from this life-changing surgery.

What Do Tummy Tuck Scars Look Like?

Tummy tuck incisions are made on the abdomen. Essentially all tummy tucks will involve a lateral hip-to-hip incision on the lower abdomen and a incision within the belly button.

In addition, some tummy tucks will involve a vertical incision from the belly button to the lower abdomen. Sometimes, the scar on the lower abdomen will extend around to the patient’s back (as in an extended tummy tuck).

Tummy tuck scars are typically thin and will appear raised and pink or red at first. Over time, they will fade and flatten out.

6 Things to Know About a Tummy Tuck Scar

#1 – Your surgeon will make your incisions in discreet locations on your abdomen.

Right off the bat, we can help put your fear of a tummy tuck scar aside by letting you know that your tummy tuck incision likely won’t be made in ultra-noticeable locations.

Only in the case of the fleur-de-lis tuck is a vertical scar necessary on the lower abdomen. Otherwise, the belly button incision and lower abdominal incisions are both well-hidden — even in a bathing suit.

#2 – A Tummy tuck scar will fade with time.

Most tummy tuck scars end up barely noticeable after two or more years because they fade. If you’ve ever had a scar from a cut, for example, you know that with time, the wound simply turns into a lightly colored spot on your skin. The same thing happens with a tummy tuck scar.

#3 – If you are attentive during your recovery, you can reduce the appearance of your scars even further.

Tummy tuck patients need to know how important it is to pay attention to their plastic surgeon’s tummy tuck recovery instructions. By following their guidelines (keeping their incisions clean and dry, staying out of the sun, avoiding physical activity, etc.), you can reduce the appearance of your tummy tuck scar by a large margin.

#4 – Tummy tuck scars will be more noticeable if you spend time in the sun.

Sunlight and light from tanning beds will make your scars look darker and more noticeable. Use sunscreen and protective clothing when outside, and do not tan after a tummy tuck.

#5 – Your belly button scar won’t be noticeable.

Most tummy tucks require an incision made within the belly button. Fortunately, because of the way the navel looks, your belly button incision won’t be noticeable. Rather, it will blend in with the skin creases in this area.

#6 – Tummy tuck Surgery scars are almost always worth it.

Plastic surgeons know how impactful this surgery is for their patients. Nearly all patients report complete satisfaction with their results and are entirely pleased they got this surgery. Even though scars are inevitable with the procedure, it’s also important to look at the wonderful benefits you’ll be getting.

Tummy tuck scarHow to Help A Tummy Tuck Scar Fade

If you already have a tummy tuck scar that you would like to lessen the appearance of, here are some tummy tuck scar treatment steps you can take to do this.

Protect your tummy tuck incision from the sun.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure in this case. If you want your tummy tuck scar to be less noticeable, don’t exacerbate its appearance by exposing it to UV rays by putting scar cream on it.

Try silicone scar sheets.

Silicone scar sheets have been proven effective as a tummy tuck scar treatment in reducing the appearance of visible scars over time. Use them regularly when allowed to do so by your plastic surgery. Scar creams with silicone can also be helpful.

Don’t stress your incisions while they’re healing.

Your plastic surgeon will tell you not to stretch your abdomen while in recovery (to reach for something, for example). Heed this instruction closely. An unfortunately common reason for tummy tuck scar healing issues is stress or strain on the incision site.

When this happens, it’s far more likely that the sutures or sterile strips will break or be stressed so much that they can’t keep your incision together well for optimal healing.

What Happens During Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Abdominoplasty is a surgical technique that involves removing excess skin from the abdomen. In addition, your surgeon may tighten your abdominal muscles and use liposuction to remove stubborn unwanted fat.

There are several types of tummy tucks. Below, we’ll go over four of the most common types of this surgery.

Full Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck requires a lower waistline incision and a belly button incision. Excess skin is removed, and the ab muscles are tightened.

Mini Tummy Tuck

This type of tummy tuck only requires a lower waistline incision and just removes extra skin from the lower abdomen. A mini tummy tuck is rare.

Extended Tummy Tuck

Extended tummy tuck remove skin from the front of the trunk and around to the sides of the trunk and flanks. The lower waistline incision is, therefore, longer horizontally.

Fleur-de-Lis Tummy Tuck

Lastly, a fleur-de-lis tummy tuck tuck is used when the patient has a lot of loose skin side-to-side. This surgical technique requires a lower waistline incision, a navel incision, and a vertical incision from the navel to the waistline.

Questions and Answers About Tummy Tuck Procedure

How do you know if you have scar tissue after a tummy tuck?

Initially, scar tissue may be red and raised, but it gradually fades and flattens over weeks to years. While some tummy tuck scar may take several years to become nearly invisible, most start fading within months.

Do scars from tummy tuck go away?

Over the course of six months to a year following surgery, a tummy tuck scar will progressively diminish and become flatter. While there are measures to minimize scarring, it’s important to acknowledge that complete disappearance of scars may not be achievable.

What does a tummy tuck incision look like?

A ‘conventional’ or standard tummy tuck entails an incision from one hip to the other, positioned below the navel and above the pubic region. This scar can typically be discreetly concealed along the underwear line. Additionally, a standard tummy tuck incision includes the creation of a new navel, which leaves a small circular scar.

Schedule a Tummy Tuck Consultation

Does Tummy Tuck Leave Scars?While tummy tucks after 5 years do leave scars, keep in mind that the benefits of this procedure far outweigh the drawback of scars for most tummy tuck patients. Overwhelmingly, those who’ve undergone tummy tuck surgery are extremely content with their results. Most report wishing they’d gone for a tummy tuck sooner.

If you are interested in a tummy tuck and would like to learn more about the procedure and your candidacy for surgery, contact Sieber Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



What Does High Definition Liposuction Cost?

If you’ve been thinking about liposuction surgery, you may have considered an HD lipo procedure, which is meant to reduce fat on already well-contoured individuals.

One key factor when considering high definition liposuction is cost. Because this is a specialized type of liposuction procedure, it is possible the overall lipo HD cost may be higher than with traditional liposuction.

Below, we’ll outline the key factors that may influence the cost of hi def lipo and how much you may expect to pay. First, however, let’s briefly discuss what high definition liposuction is in comparison with traditional liposuction techniques.

What Is High Definition Liposuction?

High definition liposuction (also known as hi def lipo) is a liposuction procedure that helps contour certain areas of the body containing stubborn fat. Most patients who opt for high definition liposuction are already relatively lean but have been unable to remove certain areas of fat, even with extensive exercise and dieting.

Our high definition liposuction procedure is among the most popular fat removal surgeries available. It is often used in lieu of traditional liposuction for individuals who don’t have a lot of fat to lose and want to accentuate their musculature.

High Definition Liposuction vs. Traditional Liposuction

Both high definition liposuction and traditional liposuction are cosmetic procedures meant to suck out excess fat. However, while traditional liposuction may remove more fat overall, hi def lipo is focused more on detail work and, therefore, may remove fewer fat cells. 

You can think of high definition liposuction as a precision procedure for removing unwanted fat.

What is VASER Liposuction?

VASER liposuction (VASER lipo) is a liposuction technique that actually liquifies the fat cells as it breaks them up and makes them easier to suction out during lipo. VASER stands for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance.

As many plastic surgeons do, Dr. Sieber often turns to VASER assisted liposuction in order to remove fat cells with high definition liposuction. VASER lipo is the best technique for this type of liposuction.

How Much Does High Definition Liposuction Cost?

4d High Definition Liposuction CostAs a rule, regular fat removal with basic liposuction techniques is less expensive than high definition liposuction. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates the average cost of a regular lipo procedure to be around $3,637.

What must be noted is that this price does not include your surgeon’s fee, the cost of anesthesia, hospital or surgical facility fees, and out-of-pocket expenses. With these costs factored in, the average cost of traditional fat removal via liposuction may cost $6,000 or more.

Fat removal with high definition liposuction is typically more expensive than with a traditional liposuction procedure. Therefore, the average HD lipo cost may be around $8,000 or more. Of course, this cost will vary depending on many factors.

High Definition Liposuction Cost Factors to Consider

Because high definition liposuction requires more precision work, the overall cost is higher. However, the factors influencing cost typically remain the same as with traditional liposuction.

Surgeon’s Fee

All plastic surgeons charge a unique fee for their services. The surgeon’s fee typically includes payment for pre- and post-op visits, the surgery itself, and the use of your surgeon’s facilities, equipment, and staff. 

General Anesthesia and Sedation

Anesthesiologists will charge their own fees for their services. Tools, equipment, anesthesia, and staff utilized by your anesthesiologist will also be included in this sum. 

Hospital Fees

Whether you undergo high definition liposuction at a hospital or another type of surgical facility, you must pay for the use of their location, equipment, tools, and staff.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

After surgery, you may need to pay for other items and services. For example, some patients like to purchase additional compression garments. You may also need to pay for medications, massage, scar therapy, or other optional items or services. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for HD Liposuction?

High Definition Liposuction CostNot everyone will benefit from HD liposuction. While the procedure can definitely sculpt a beautiful body through liposuction, there are some candidates who simply will not benefit the most from this type of lipo.

Here are the qualities of optimal HD liposuction candidates.

They want to highlight muscle definition.

HD liposuction is a precision procedure, so it’s geared toward patients who want to show off their muscle tone but a layer of excess fat is preventing that.

They lead an overall healthy lifestyle.

Optimal high definition liposuction patients eat a healthy diet, get plenty of exercise, and do not smoke. They are at a healthy body weight.

They don’t have much fat to lose.

Patients should be at or near their goal body weight but also have a bit of unwanted fat to lose. 

The excess fat they do have is stubborn fat that won’t budge with diet or exercise.

Some excess fat simply will not budge, even with diet and exercise. But it’s good for patients to have tried to lose their unwanted fat on their own. If it’s too difficult to lose with lifestyle changes, this is when HD lipo can help.

They don’t have excess skin.

Excess skin can complicate high definition liposuction because removing the unwanted fat will simply result in less fat with sagging skin. 

They have good skin elasticity.

Optimal patients for high definition liposuction have good skin elasticity. Some skin tightening can be done during this procedure. But generally, it’s ideal if the patient does not have stretched-out skin already before their procedure. 

FAQ: Lipo HD Price and Other Considerations

What Does 360 HD Lipo Cost?

The cost of 360 HD lipo is typically higher than basic HD lipo. It is difficult to make an accurate estimate for the cost of any liposuction procedure, including 360 HD lipo, as it depends on multiple factors. Schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon if you would like an estimate.

Can fat cells grow back after high definition liposuction?

No, typically the fat removed via high definition liposuction will not grow back because the fat cells will have been permanently removed. However, if you do gain weight or your natural shape changes drastically, you may certainly regain unwanted fat in the areas you originally treated with high definition liposuction.

What should I eat after high definition liposuction?

There is no set diet for recovery after high definition lipo. However, after any type of cosmetic surgery, including high definition liposuction, it’s important to get plenty of rest, eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids, and follow your surgeon’s directions. Once you’ve fully recovered, continue leading a healthy and active lifestyle in order to maintain your results.

What type of anesthesia is used for HD liposuction?

General anesthesia is typically used for this type of surgical procedure.

Will I need to wear a compression garment after surgery?

Yes. You will be put into a compression garment directly after high definition liposuction. Most patients will need to wear this garment 24 hours a day for at least four weeks. 

Book your Consultation Today

Cost Of High Definition LiposuctionCould high definition liposuction be right for you? If you have unwanted fat that you’ve been thinking about removing with liposuction, schedule a consultation with Dr. David Sieber today to find out if HD lipo could work for you. The level of precision body sculpting and detail work you can achieve with this type of plastic surgery is outstanding, and Dr. Sieber is among the best in his field.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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