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How to Perform the Gynecomastia Pinch Test

Sometimes called “man boobs”, gynecomastia is a medical condition in which males have excess breast tissue beneath and around their nipples. The condition is relatively common. However, many men don’t realize they have it or don’t know that it’s treatable

In this article, we’ll be discussing the “gynecomastia pinch test”, which is a simple test that you (or your doctor) can perform to help determine if you have gynecomastia.

How Do I Know if I Have Gyno or Fat?

The first question patients often ask in relation to gynecomastia is whether the excess breast tissue they have is really gynecomastia (“gyno”) or simply fat.

When a patient simply has fat on their chest and does not have firm glandular tissue beneath their nipples — an indicator of gynecomastia — this is often called pseudogynecomastia or fatty gynecomastia.

Pseudogynecomastia is simply the presence of excess adipose tissue (fat) on the chest. It may be caused by normal hormonal changes (in newborns or young men going through puberty, for example). Or, it is sometimes related to having excess body weight overall and a higher body mass index (BMI).

To know if you have glandular gynecomastia or fatty gynecomastia, we recommend performing the gynecomastia pinch test, which we will outline below. First, however, let’s briefly discuss what causes excess breast tissue in males.

What Causes Excess Breast Tissue in Males?

Gynecomastia in any form is generally caused by hormonal changes —  in particular, lower than average testosterone. 

This can occur in newborns or males going through puberty. It can also be caused by medical conditions related to the thyroid, liver, or kidneys. Certain patients who take medications for anxiety, depression, infertility, high blood pressure, or other issues may also develop gynecomastia.

Finally, drugs and substances such as anabolic steroids, opioids, marijuana, and alcohol may be related to the development of excess breast tissue.

How Can I Check Myself for Gynecomastia?

gynecomastia testThe best way to check yourself for gynecomastia is to perform a pinch test, but you can also start with a visual test by simply looking at yourself in the mirror without a shirt on. 

Gynecomastia causes the male breasts to get larger, sometimes uniformly and sometimes unevenly. If you notice that your breasts appear larger than usual, this is one indicator that you may have gynecomastia.

Keep in mind, however, that if you are currently a young man going through puberty, gynecomastia is usually a normal symptom of this stage of life. In fact, the buildup of excess adipose tissue in the chest is related to hormonal changes for many young men. 

In most cases, the excess fat will go away as the individual gets older, and treatment will not be required. At the same time, some teenage boys may decide to start eating cleaner and exercising more to improve their health and physique. This can be an effective way to reduce fat in the chest area as well.

What Is the Gynecomastia Pinch Test?

The gynecomastia pinch test is the term sometimes used for an at-home test that can help patients deduce whether they have gynecomastia. It involves lightly palpating the area surrounding and beneath the nipple.

How Does Gynecomastia Feel?

When palpating the breast with the pinch test for gynecomastia, the area may feel tender and uncomfortable, though not always. You will likely feel some squishy fat, but you may also feel a firm lump, usually located directly beneath the nipple. 

The lump may be present on one or both breasts. Often, it feels like a firm disc that radiates out in small concentric circles beneath the nipple. Each lump may be around the size of a button and is usually mobile to a degree.

Is Gynecomastia Painful to Touch?

It may be. Sometimes, patients with gynecomastia note tenderness or discomfort surrounding the nipples — especially when the area is touched.

How to Perform the Pinch Test for Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia Pinch Test Steps

Take these steps to perform the pinch test on your own at home. Your doctor may also perform this test in-office. 

Remember that only a certified medical professional can officially diagnose gynecomastia, but this test can give you a place to start. 

  1. Begin by standing in front of a mirror without a shirt on, and in good light.
  2. You’re next going to palpate the nipple area. Using your thumb and forefinger, gently pinch the nipple, lightly feeling your way around the entire areola. 
  3. Finally, feel for a firm lump or disc-shaped mass around the size of a button. Most likely, you’ll feel this directly below the nipple, though it may sometimes be located off-center. 

Rarely, gynecomastia patients may also experience itchiness around the nipple or the secretion of bloody discharge or fluid from the nipple. Some patients notice changes in sex drive and mood as well. 

These symptoms may primarily stem from an underlying medical condition, which if treated effectively, can often correct all symptoms. For this reason, it is important to investigate any possible underlying illnesses or medication-related problems after your initial diagnosis of gynecomastia. 

Set Up a Consultation Appointment With Dr. Sieber

If you think you may have pseudogynecomastia or gynecomastia, you have several plastic surgery treatment options available. Simple excess fat (adipose tissue), without the presence of a firm mass beneath the nipple, can be treated with diet and exercise if the patient is overweight or obese. Alternatively, liposuction can often be used to remove fat. 

When a patient presents with firm lumps indicating gynecomastia, gynecomastia surgery may be performed to excise the lumps. Sometimes, liposuction is also used. 

Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber can perform both of these procedures to help you get rid of gynecomastia and achieve a more attractive and comfortable physique.

To book a consultation with Dr. Sieber today, please give our San Francisco office a call.




Liposuction vs. Lipo HD: How Are They Different?

If you’ve delved into the world of liposuction even a little bit, chances are you’ve seen terms like lipo HD, HD Vaser liposuction, hi-def lipo, high-definition liposuction, lipo 360 HD, and similar.

But what do all of these terms mean?

You know that liposuction can produce outstanding results. But does it matter what type of lipo you get?

Well yes, actually.

In fact, for many patients, HD VASER lipo can produce superior results when compared to traditional liposuction. Each patient is different, however, which is why it’s important to educate yourself on each type of liposuction before making a final decision.

What Is Liposuction in the First Place?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that physically removes fat from the body — in particular, unwanted excess fat that tends to be resistant to diet and exercise. Whether because of aging, genetics, or lifestyle, many of us have fat in unwanted places.

Even with persistent and consistent dieting and routine exercise plans, it can be difficult to get this fat off naturally. Liposuction can be a solution.

Traditional Liposuction

Liposuction was developed in the 1970s, and traditional suction-assisted liposuction is basically performed by making a small incision near the treatment area, inserting a thin tube called a cannula, and suctioning the fat out. What’s key here is that, essentially, the fat is being “ripped” out of its natural place.

While this may sound a little dramatic, this is really what’s happening with traditional liposuction. It is an effective procedure and has helped many individuals lose unwanted fat. On the other hand, there are a few downsides to traditional liposuction.

Traditional Liposuction Drawbacks

First, because the fat is essentially being ripped from its place, the process can also end up removing blood vessels and tissue. This results in more bruising and swelling and a longer recovery. Ultimately, the procedure can also end up being imprecise, which may negatively affect the outcome for some patients — especially those who only need a very small amount of fat removed to achieve their goals.

Again, traditional liposuction does work for some patients. It’s just not for everyone, which is why we also have VASER-assisted hi-def liposuction, also known as Vaser high-definition liposuction or HD VASER liposuction (not to be confused with laser liposuction).

What Is VASER Lipo? What Is Lipo HD (Hi-Def Lipo)?


VASER liposuction (Lipo HD) is a new breakthrough technology that changes the way liposuction is performed. VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a different way of performing liposuction, and it requires a special instrument.

Essentially, when we use VASER liposuction, we are adding a step between numbing the areas to be treated and physically removing the fat. The step that we’re adding is the use of ultrasonic energy.

This energy resonates through the treatment area and dislodges the fat cells so that they are more easily removed. The process basically changes the fat to be removed so that it has a composition similar to soft butter.

In this way, we are able to suction out the excess fat more easily, and this leaves the surrounding blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue intact. During recovery, this will mean less swelling, bruising, and discomfort. You’ll be able to return to your normal activities more quickly and enjoy your results faster as well.

What Does HD Lipo Do?

When we use the term,“VASER High Definition Liposuction” or “VASER HD Lipo”, we’re actually referring to two different techniques. The first technique is the VASER technology, which allows for easier-to-remove fat and a faster, more comfortable recovery. The second technique is the hi-def liposuction technique.

HD lipo or high-definition liposuction is a way of liposculpting, which removes fat in problem areas while exposing and highlighting important muscle groups at the same time. This produces natural contours and really makes your results more attractive and unique to you and your goals.

Ultimately, when VASER and hi-def lipo are combined, you get less pain and swelling, more precise sculpting, an easier recovery, and outstanding results.

How Long Is Recovery From HD Lipo?

Everyone will have a different experience with liposuction recovery, and this includes with HD liposuction.

Most patients need to take at least one week off from school or work. During this time, you’ll need to refrain from exercise, wear a compression garment, sleep in a prescribed position, and attend all of your follow-up appointments.

Who Is HD VASER Lipo For?

This form of lipo is best for patients who only want to remove a small amount of fat. It’s great for athletic patients who lead an active lifestyle and who want to accentuate their muscle tone. And of course, anyone who wants precise results and an easier recovery would benefit from this procedure.

What Is 360 Lipo HD?

Lipo 360 HD is an advanced technique that can remove unwanted fat from all around the midsection. The “360” in lipo 360 refers to the entire circumference of the midsection.

If you have unwanted fat on your stomach, sides, flanks, and mid-back and you’re trying to choose between traditional lipo vs lipo 360, liposuction 360 may be right for you. The addition of the “HD” would mean that the fat would be taken off, and important muscle groups would be exposed and highlighted at the same time.

What Type of Lipo Is Right for Me?

If you have been oscillating between traditional liposuction, VASER-assisted liposuction, lipo HD, 360 liposuction, or any combination of these approaches to liposuction, you need to book a consultation appointment.

Plastic surgeons understand the intricacies of fat removal techniques based on various types of liposuction procedures. Whereas high definition body contouring can certainly benefit many patients, some patients would benefit more from traditional liposuction techniques using VASER (ultrasound energy) technology.

The best and only way to know which of these liposuction procedure approaches is best for your situation and goals is to discuss your options with Dr. Sieber. Body sculpting cosmetic procedures like liposuction are complicated, so it’s important to work with an experienced professional.

FAQ: HD Lipo

What does HD lipo cost?

Your HD lipo cost will vary based on the areas you have treated and the scope of your surgery. A consultation is needed for an accurate estimate.

Can HD lipo be combined with fat transfer procedures?

Yes, in most cases, if enough fat removal is achieved with HD liposuction, the fat can be processed and reinjected to other body parts. Ultimately, it depends on how much fat the patient has to relocate and the patient’s desired contours.

How long does HD lipo last?

HD lipo’s ability to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat is outstanding, but the longevity of your HD lipo results will depend largely on maintenance. A healthy lifestyle helps maintain results of removing fat via liposuction. Any weight gain or loss may change the contours of your natural curves.

The same goes for the effects of fat transfer procedures. When HD liposuction is combined with fat grafting (to add volume to the breasts instead of using breast implants, for example), it’s up to the patient to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, which will help maintain results and an attractive natural shape.

What are the side effects of high definition liposuction?

The most common HD lipo side effects are similar to the side effects of other body contouring procedures: swelling, bruising, and temporary discomfort. Complications are rare after liposuction, but if you have any alarming side effects, always consult your surgeon’s office immediately.

Is HD lipo the best type of fat removal?

While HD lipo does provide superior body contouring outcomes and can be more precise when used with ultrasound assisted liposuction or power assisted liposuction, it’s not for everyone. HD lipo offers precise sculpting for individuals who don’t have a lot of excess body fat.

To find the best body contouring procedure for you, speak with plastic surgeons who have experience performing various types of liposuction. A consultation should show you which procedure can benefit you most.

Schedule a Lipo HD Consultation Today!

Interested in learning more about Hi-Def lipo? Dr. David Sieber of Sieber Plastic Surgery would be happy to sit down with you to discuss your liposuction options, including VASER and HD lipo.

After learning about your goals, reviewing your medical history, and performing a short physical exam, Dr. Sieber can tell you what form of liposuction might be best for you.

Contact Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco today to schedule your initial consultation.



What Does a Breast Fat transfer cost?

Having some fat, after all, isn’t inherently negative. At the same time, most of us would agree that fat in certain areas is superior to fat in other areas.

Fat on the abdomen, for example, is generally less desirable than well-placed excess fat on the hips, buttocks … or breasts.

It’s this last area that many women are particularly interested in improving.

What if it were possible to take excess fat from the abdomen (or another “problem” area) and transfer it to the breasts?

Well, in simple terms, this is what a breast fat transfer procedure is. And it’s been one of the most impressive new trends in cosmetic surgery for the past few years.

Take a look here to read more about the fat transfer breast augmentation process.

What Does a fat transfer breast augmentation Cost?

Fat transfer breast augmentation costMost fat transfer breast augmentation costs start at $10,000. However, this is only an estimate and may change based on the specific goals of the patient and other factors.

Is a Fat Transfer Cheaper Than Implants?

According to most breast augmentation fat transfer procedure reviews, breast enhancement with fat transfer are actually more expensive than breast augmentations with implants.

Many patients are surprised by this as breast augmentation with implants requires the purchase of implants, which can be pricey. However, the fat transfer breast augmentation procedure is actually two procedures in one. First, your plastic surgeon will perform liposuction on the abdomen, flanks, upper arms, or elsewhere. This procedure will essentially harvest the unwanted fat.

The fat that is suctioned out will then be processed outside the body using a specific technique. And finally, the second procedure will take place, which is the actual reinjection of the harvested fat grafting into the breasts.

Could You Benefit From Liposuction?

One thing to keep in mind if you are trying to decide between breast augmentation with implants and a fat transfer breast augmentation is whether or not you might benefit from liposuction.

If you only want to improve the appearance of your breasts and you are happy with the rest of your body, then an augmentation with implants may be ideal for you. On the other hand, if you could benefit from liposuction (on your abdomen or elsewhere), the fat transfer procedure may be ideal. Even though you’ll be paying for the cost of two procedures, you’ll also be getting results from two procedures.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Let’s take a look at a few of the biggest factors influencing your cost.

1. Geographical location of the surgery

Breast Augmentation costs vary depending on your geographical location. In bigger cities, like San Francisco, you may run into higher prices.

2. Surgeon experience

The best plastic surgeons in the country are in high demand, and because anything in high demand is going to cost more, this means a higher price tag.

If your surgeon is especially well trained and has notable experience and credentials, the cost of hiring them will be higher. But don’t forget that hiring them will also mean superior results and a better overall experience.

3. Amount of size increase

If you’re looking to go up several breast implant cup sizes for your breast augmentation, you’ll first of all need to consider that the fat transfer process can only do so much to increase the size of your breasts.

So, how many cup sizes can you go up with fat transfer? Usually around one cup size.

Therefore, if you’re an A-cup now, you can go up to a B-cup with a fat transfer. Naturally, if you want to maximize the size of your breasts with this procedure, that will mean more extensive liposuction and a bigger challenge for your surgeon as they reinject the fat grafting into your breasts. As a result, the cost of a more significant size increase may be higher than it would be for a modest size increase.

4. Type of anesthetic used

General anesthesia is typically used for fat transfer breast augmentation procedures, so this will usually mean that the overall cost of surgery will be higher (general anesthesia costs more than local anesthesia).

In addition, your surgeon will order an anesthesiologist and their team to be in the surgery room during your procedure. Anesthesiologists charge their own fees for their services and equipment.

5. Operating facility costs

Your surgeon will decide where you’ll have surgery. Most plastic surgeons are associated with local hospitals while some have accredited operating rooms right in their own offices.

Regardless of the unique location, you will always be responsible for paying for the use of these facilities. Hospitals and professional surgical facilities, for example, will charge for the use of their space, equipment, materials, and staff. Also, the longer you are in the operating room and recovery room, the more expensive your breast augmentation procedure cost will be.

Fat transfer to breast costQuestions and Answers

If you’ve been considering breast fat transfer augmentation, you probably have lots of questions:

How much does a breast augmentation fat transfer cost?

The cost of a fat transfer breast augmentation procedure can vary based on several factors. These factors include the location of the clinic, the experience and reputation of the surgeon, the complexity of the procedure, the facilities used, and additional fees associated with the surgery. It’s recommended to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon for a personalized quote that takes all these factors into account.

How long does fat transfer to breast last?

The outcomes of a fat transfer breast augmentation are considered permanent, lasting a lifetime. The complete results may become evident after approximately six months, as the relocated fat cells establish themselves in their new positions, where they persist indefinitely.

What are the risks of fat transfer to breast?

Potential complications associated with fat transfer breast augmentation comprise:

  • Hemorrhaging and the development of bruises.
  • Fat cell demise (necrosis) or the migration of fat cells from the breasts to other areas of the body.
  • Infection.
  • Formation of noncancerous (benign) breast tissue cysts or breast calcifications.

What will a breast fat transfer after 5 years look like?

Around the breast fat transfer after 5 years mark, the volume of the treated region through a fat transfer procedure typically maintains stability, akin to the volume attained within the initial six months post-surgery. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the treated areas are still susceptible to the natural aging progression.

Does fat transfer breast augmentation look like a natural breast augmentation with breast implants?

Due to the utilization of a patient’s own fat cells to enhance breast volume, as opposed to synthetic implants, the outcome of fat transfer to the breast generally presents a remarkably natural breast augmentation appearance and texture in the majority of cases.

Is fat transfer breast augmentation safer than silicone breast implants?

Fat cells grafting employs your own body fat to enhance the breasts, making it the safest and most natural substance for augmentation. This eliminates the possibility of allergic reactions to silicone implants since your own tissue is utilized.

Can you get a breast lift with fat transfer breast augmentation?

Fat transfer breast augmentation can also be done in combination with breast implants, breast reduction, or lift procedures to achieve the desired breast shape outcomes.

Schedule a Consultation more about Breast Augmentation

If these and other questions about breast fat transfer recovery have been on your mind, it’s time to book a breast augmentation consultation appointment.

Dr. David Sieber a board certified plastic surgeon can help you figure out if a breast augmentation is right for you and will answer your questions and explain the costs involved as well.

Give Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco a call today, and book your breast augmentation fat transfer consultation appointment.

What to Know About Nonsurgical Face Lifts

Considering a nonsurgical face lift in the Bay Area? 

Although many men and women struggle with drooping cheeks and jowls, the idea of going under the knife for a facelift isn’t always welcome. Additionally, the cost for facelift procedures is often prohibitive.

As a result, an increasing number of people are getting nonsurgical facelifts. Up ahead, we’ll take a deep dive into what nonsurgical face lifts are and how getting one can give you the youthful, vibrant appearance you’ve always wanted. 

What Is a Nonsurgical Facelift?

Compared with a traditional facelift, a nonsurgical facelift is minimally invasive, which means it usually does not require surgery, incisions, or anesthesia. Generally speaking, a nonsurgical facelift involves products such as Botox and dermal fillers and techniques like fat injections and laser treatments. The goal of a nonsurgical facelift is to improve the youthfulness, smoothness, and overall glow of the face, without surgery. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Nonsurgical Facelift?

Most anyone who wants fewer lines and wrinkles, more facial volume and perkiness, and a smoother complexion would be a good candidate for a nonsurgical facelift. It’s an especially good procedure for those who don’t want a lot of downtime after their procedure. With a nonsurgical facelift, patients can go home and return to their normal activities relatively quickly.

Of course, patients must also meet certain health guidelines, which we will cover in a moment. First, here are some of the main focus areas that people who want nonsurgical facelifts in the Bay Area typically wish to improve:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Lack of facial volume
  • Sagging cheeks
  • Drooping jowls
  • Double chin
  • Loose neck skin

Medical Requirements for Nonsurgical Facelifts

The ideal nonsurgical facelift candidate should have adequate elasticity and flexibility in their skin. Supple skin will react better to dermal fillers, laser treatments, and even Botox. 

This doesn’t mean that you can’t have age-related concerns about your skin if you want a nonsurgical facelift. Actually, those with wrinkles, lines, drooping jowls and cheeks, and loss of volume are some of the best candidates for a San Francisco facial fat graft, Botox, and other treatments. 

Other requirements for a nonsurgical facelift are often based on the treatment itself. Dr. Sieber can discuss these with you at your consultation appointment. For any plastic surgery San Francisco residents may be interested in, it is always important to be in good overall health and to be a non-smoker. Finally, it is critical to have realistic expectations about your treatment outcomes. 

How Can I Get a Facelift Without Surgery? Nonsurgical Facelift Treatment Options

A traditional face lift usually involves being put to sleep and having several incisions made at the hair line and near the ears. The skin will be tightened, and excess skin may even be removed. But this isn’t the only way to perform a face lift. 

Contrary to popular belief, not all facelifts involve surgery. In fact, there are a number of nonsurgical facelift treatments for men and women to choose from. Furthermore, because of advancing technology, many of these options look just as good or even better than some invasive surgical techniques. 

Depending on what you’d like to improve, most nonsurgical facelifts will be catered to the individual. There are several options to choose from. At your facelift consultation appointment, Dr. Sieber will be able to tell you which treatments he recommends for your desired look. We recommend taking a look at nonsurgical face lift before and after photos to help you navigate your options. 

Essentially, most female and male non surgical treatments for the face will involve some combination of the following:

  • Facial fat grafting
  • Botox
  • Dermal fillers
  • Laser Treatments

Facial Fat Graft San Francisco

One of the fastest growing areas in the field of plastic surgery San Francisco involves fat grafting. The type of facial fat graft San Francisco residents would be interested in involves taking unwanted fat from the flanks, abdomen, or buttocks and administering it into the face (after the fat has been processed). The procedure is very similar to a Brazilian butt lift, or BBL. Once in the new location, the fat will redevelop a blood supply and will “survive” there for many years. 

Not only does facial fat grafting provide natural-looking results, but it also tends to last longer than traditional “off-the-shelf” dermal fillers.

What’s important to note here, however, is that facial fat grafting is slightly more of an involved procedure than the administration of typical dermal fillers. That’s because liposuction must be performed in order to obtain the “donor fat.” Liposuction for facial fat grafting is a procedure that involves making small incisions at the donor sites, so the administration of anesthesia may be necessary. 

San Francisco Injectables: Botox and Dermal Fillers

Injectables are chemical substances that are injected into various places on the skin with a needle. Only a trained San Francisco plastic surgery professional can administer injectables as the process necessitates a meticulous eye and extensive experience.

There are two main types of injectables: Botox and dermal fillers. Botox is actually a neurotoxin that is injected into the skin to help with issues involving deep lines and wrinkles. In particular, Botox targets dynamic wrinkles. These are the lines that show up around the mouth (frown lines), near the eyes (crow’s feet), and in other places on the face. Botox effectively disables the underlying muscles, which smooths the skin.

Dermal fillers — also known as soft tissue fillers or just fillers — primarily ameliorate loss of volume. So, if you’ve noticed your cheeks looking sunken and your lips looking deflated, dermal fillers might be able to help in these areas by pumping up the production of collagen. As a key connective tissue protein, collagen is necessary for smooth, young-looking skin.

Laser Treatments in the Bay Area

There are numerous types of laser treatments that can be performed on the face. In fact, laser treatments can improve a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Sun damage
  • Uneven pigmentation

Many patients who are interested in laser treatments are looking for a fix for old acne scars. Acne is a frustrating condition for many that can cause red, purple, or brown-colored marks on the face. A history of severe acne may also have resulted in uneven, bumpy skin or ice-pick, boxcar, or rolling scars. Acne laser treatments can often resurface these areas and provide a smoother, more even appearance.

Additionally, laser resurfacing can also improve signs of aging on the skin, including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, and sagging. Even with the best skincare routine, these effects are not uncommon as we age. Fortunately, patients often see improvements within just a few weeks after undergoing laser treatments for these issues.

Keep in mind that if you are looking for a fast nonsurgical face lift in the Bay Area, you may be better off going with facial fat grafting, dermal fillers, or Botox because laser treatments tend to take time.

Top Nonsurgical Cosmetic Treatments for 2022

In recent years, the demand for noninvasive San Francisco plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments has drastically increased. Let’s take a look at the most popular noninvasive treatment options for 2022. 

Facial Fat Grafting for Volume Loss

Facial fat grafting is one of the leading cosmetic treatments overall in 2022, and it certainly leads the pack in terms of noninvasive options. Most patients opt for fat transfers that help with volume loss. For example, fat grafting under eyes is extremely popular for taking care of bags and dark under eye areas. Dr. Sieber can also apply facial fat grafting to cheeks and jawlines. 

Perhaps one of the best things about facial fat grafting is how long it lasts. Look at any patient who’s had a facial fat transfer after 5 years, and you’ll immediately see that their results have lasted. This means that for the facial fat grafting cost, you’re getting more bang for your buck.

Chin Augmentation

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and been unhappy with the proportions of your fact, you might benefit from a noninvasive augmentation of certain areas using dermal fillers. More often than not, augmenting the chin can make the most drastic difference. 

But is chin augmentation worth it?

Most patients say yes. Look at any chin augmentation before and after photos, and you’ll immediately see the significant changes this procedure can make. Dr. Sieber can technically perform a chin augmentation with incisions and implants, but the noninvasive option would include the use of dermal fillers. 

Dermal Fillers for Lips

Are you after a pair of Khloe Kardashian lips? It’s certainly not the KKW lip liner that’s making them look so big. Instead, it’s more than likely lip filler. 

Lip fillers are injectables that increase the volume of the lips. There are several different lip filler brands, including Juvéderm, Belotero, and Vobella, and depending on your goals, Dr. Sieber can help you choose the best option for you. Having plumper lips can give you the perfect pout!

FAQ: Nonsurgical Facelift Bay Area

What does a facelift improve?

Facelifts are meant to improve signs of aging on the face and neck. Primarily, this procedure will reduce or eliminate the appearance of sagging cheeks, drooping jowls, and deep lines and wrinkles. The procedure can also boost volume, depending on what techniques are used.

How much does a nonsurgical face lift cost?

The cost of a nonsurgical facelift will vary, depending on which treatments you opt for. For example, Botox tends to be approximately $10-$15 per unit, and 30 to 40 units are typically used in one Botox treatment session. Dermal fillers generally cost anywhere from $500 to $1000 in order to achieve a patient’s desired results.

Where can I find a non surgical facelift near me? 

Dr. David Sieber specializes in noninvasive facial treatments to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve volume, firmness, and youthfulness. Treatments like Botox and dermal fillers can help you look younger and more vibrant without the need for surgery.

Are dermal fillers better than Botox?

Both dermal fillers and Botox are effective at smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. However, dermal fillers are more often used to add volume to places in the face that have become sunken and thin over time (the cheeks and lips, for example). 

Botox, on the other hand, tends to fix dynamic wrinkles — those wrinkles caused by repetitive facial movements and expressions (laughter, smiling, squinting, etc.).

What is the best non surgical treatment for jowls?

One of the best treatments for jowls is dermal fillers. Various types of fillers may be able to promote collagen in the sagging area and improve tightness. Alternatively, some patients may opt for a neck lift or surgical face lift to improve jowls. And occasionally, some patients are interested in a chin enhancement in San Francisco.

What is the best non-surgical treatment for men?

Male non surgical treatments range from dermal fillers and Botox to facial fat grafting and laser treatments. Like women, men can benefit from any of these techniques to treat wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and other discoloration, sagging skin, and scars.

Nonsurgical Face Lift Bay Area

The idea of getting a surgical face lift is daunting for many men and women. After all, going under the knife is a serious commitment. Then there’s the fact that you don’t always know how your results will turn out. 

Will you get your desired outcome? Will it look like you had plastic surgery? How long will your results last?

These are all valid questions. They’re also questions that lead many individuals down the path of researching nonsurgical face lifts. After all, if you can achieve your desired results without surgery, that’s often an optimal option.

Are you considering a nonsurgical facelift in the Bay Area? Known as one of the best cosmetic surgeons San Francisco has to offer, Dr. Sieber is double board certified and has extensive experience performing nonsurgical face lifts in the Bay Area. He offers both female and male non surgical treatments, which can help with a wide range of common issues. 

To learn more about our San Francisco plastic surgery options and to book a consultation, contact Sieber Plastic Surgery today.





Breastfeeding With Implants

Many women who either currently have breast implants or are considering them have the same question:

Will I still be able to breastfeed my baby with breast implants?

Below, we will attempt to answer this question and several other related concerns we often hear from new and soon-to-be mothers.

Can a Mother With Implants Breastfeed Her Baby?

Yes, breastfeeding is certainly possible when a mother has implants. There are some caveats, however. In some cases, for example, implants may limit a mother’s ability to produce milk. While some milk may be produced, she might have difficulty producing enough of a supply to adequately support her baby. Keep in mind this challenge (under-producing milk) can happen to any mother, no matter whether she has implants or not.

Factors Influencing Milk Supply in Mothers With Implants

There are three main factors that may contribute to a mother’s ability to produce a full milk supply for her baby when she has implants:

  • The amount of glandular tissue present. Glandular tissue is the tissue that actually produces milk in the breasts. It can sometimes be lost during breast implant surgery, or some women simply don’t have a lot of it to begin with.
  • The amount of scarring in and around the milk ducts.
  • The amount of overall breast tissue and nerve damage that occurred during surgery (often impacted most by the type of breast implant surgery performed).

We will discuss these and other factors in more depth below.

What’s important to note here is that most new mothers experience at least some challenges breastfeeding their baby — especially when it’s their first child. Things like how to best position the baby, what a good latch looks like, how often to feed the baby, and how to pump effectively all influence a mother’s ability to be successful at breastfeeding.

Key Concerns When Breastfeeding With Implants

1. Incision San Francisco Breast AugmentationLocation

It matters where on your body incisions were made for your breast implant surgery. Potentially, the most damaging location is around each areola. This area of the breast is crucial for the let-down reflex, which ultimately releases milk for the baby. When surgery occurs here, it is possible there will be a reduction in nipple stimulation, and nerves may be damaged.

2. Type of Surgery

Where your incisions are located largely depends on the surgical technique used by your doctor. Again, around the nipple surgical techniques tend to produce the biggest issues for breastfeeding mothers. In the armpit techniques and beneath the breast techniques often yield better results, with more nerves and glandular tissue left intact.

3. Implant Size and Positioning

In most cases, it is better to have implants placed under the layers of muscle in the breasts. Otherwise, when implants are placed over the muscle layers and between the muscle and glandular tissue, this can cause more issues. Similarly, larger implants often exert more pressure on the glandular tissue.

Both of these issues can cause milk-producing complications similar to engorgement.

4. Engorgement and Mastitis Issues

It’s important that a mother’s milk is able to drain well out of her breasts. However, breast implants may inhibit this process, which can lead to common breast-feeding issues such as engorgement and mastitis.

Engorgement occurs when the breasts are full or over full of milk, and draining is a problem. Engorgement usually happens during the first few months after a baby is born when the mother is still regulating how much milk she needs to produce. Engorgement makes it difficult to breastfeed, and it can be painful as well.

Mastitis occurs when the breast tissue is inflamed and results in an infection. This can also be painful and may lead to further medical complications.

5. Other Possible Complications

Finally, it’s important to remember that some women may experience complications during their breast implant surgery or complications after surgery that require revision or repair procedures. These can further complicate a woman’s breastfeeding success and may lead to additional damage of the glandular tissue, nerves, and milk ducts.

Are There Any Risks When Breastfeeding With Implants?

According to multiple resources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “There have been no recent reports of clinical problems in infants of mothers with silicone breast implants.” At the same time, the CDC and other medical agencies bring up the fact that little research has been conducted on the safety of breastfeeding with implants.

Silicone Safety

While it is never an intention to allow silicone to enter a baby’s milk supply, it’s also important to remember that silicone (the primary material used to make most breast implants) is, as the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan mentions, “widely present in the environment and silicone drops are commonly used to treat infants for stomach gas, or colic.”

What is of primary concern when it comes to breastfeeding newborns is that the baby is getting an adequate supply of milk. Even if a mother cannot produce enough milk to fully supply her baby with nourishment, she may still choose to provide what breastmilk she can and supplement with formula. Doing this is perfectly fine, and it is much better than attempting to supply your baby with entirely your own breastmilk when you’re having difficulty producing or latching your baby. This can cause serious health concerns for newborns who will not be getting the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

Do You Have Other Questions About Breastfeeding After Implants?

As stated above, we often get questions from mothers concerning breastfeeding and breast implants. If you are considering breast implants but aren’t sure if it’s right for you because you plan on becoming pregnant at some point after your surgery, we welcome you to book an appointment with Sieber Plastic Surgery today to discuss your options. Dr. Sieber would be happy to speak with you about any questions you may have and help clear up any concerns.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

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Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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