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Sieber Plastic Surgery San Francisco

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser


Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

skin resurfacing san franciscoSan Francisco Hybrid Fractional Laser

Due to lifestyle choices such as sun exposure and your body’s natural aging process, you might be feeling as if your skin is losing some of its youthful glow with each passing birthday. Brown spots, fine lines, redness, and an overall dull complexion can all make you look and feel older than your age. In the past, addressing these issues with a laser meant that patients basically had to choose between a treatment that offered really great results, but required a lengthy recovery, or one with a fast recovery, but that only offered marginal results. Now with the Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser, you get the best of both worlds: great results with minimal downtime.* It works by combining two laser wavelengths that can specifically target both a surface issue like a sunspot or a deeper issue like a wrinkle.

Since everyone’s skin is different, every patient’s needs are unique. Dr. David Sieber will work with you to customize a treatment plan that best fits your lifestyle. If you need to be back at work tomorrow, he’ll make the Halo laser depth light to deliver smooth, vibrant skin that’s ready for makeup the next day.* However, if you really want a “wow” result, then he’ll set the Halo laser to a more intense depth that will give your skin that luminous, youthful glow, but with a few days of downtime.*

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser Improvements

The Halo laser can treat a wide range of skin issues including:*

  • Discoloration
  • Sun damage
  • Visible signs of aging
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Enlarged pores
  • Poor texture
  • Fine lines
  • Acne scars

Quick Facts

  • Length: 30-60 minutes
  • Anesthesia: Topical
  • Inpt/Outpt: In office
  • Side effects: redness, swelling, peeling
  • Recovery: 1-7 days

To find out more about the Halo hybrid fractional laser with San Francisco Cosmetic Surgery expert Dr. Sieber, call us today at: 415-915-9000 or schedule a consultation here.

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser Technique

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Sieber will apply a numbing cream to your skin. He will then use a hand-held device to perform multiple “passes” over your face. During the 30-minute procedure, it will feel like multiple light shocks on your skin. There will be a slight burning sensation like a bad sunburn immediately after the treatment, but this will improve within 1-2 days.

Preparing for the Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

If you are having a BBL laser treatment performed at the same time then you must refrain from any excessive sun exposure as well as any sunless tanning product for at least 7-10 days prior to your Halo procedure. If you are using a topical vitamin A product such as Retin-A, Tretinoin, or Tazorac, these need be stopped 7 days prior to your laser procedure.

Recovery from the Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

Immediately after your Halo laser procedure, your skin will feel as if you’ve been out in the sun for too long. It may even burn slightly. This sensation typically lasts for 1-2 days. You may also experience swelling for the first 1-2 days after the procedure.

Depending on the depth and intensity of the Halo laser treatment you receive, your recovery time will vary. Light treatments will leave you red for about 24 hours, but this can be easily concealed with makeup on the morning following your treatment.* More intense treatments will cause your skin to bronze and peel over the course of 3-5 days. Almost all patients will be able to conceal any after affects such as peeling skin or redness with makeup at 7 days post treatment.* Once your skin has peeled, the treatment area will be pink for another 7-10 days as it heals.


Q: What results can I expect?

A: The Halo laser is a complete skin rejuvenation treatment system. You will likely see improvements in overall tone and texture in addition to a significant removal of discoloration, a reduction in fine lines and pore size, and an increased glow or skin reflectivity.*

Q: How many treatments will I need?

A: The number of treatments needed depends on the condition of your skin as well as your goals for treatment. Many patients notice a significant improvement in their skin quality with a single treatment.* Patients with deep acne scars and very poor skin quality may require 2 or more treatments for ideal results.

Q: What does the Halo laser treatment feel like?

A: With a topical anesthetic and the Halo laser’s built in integrated cooling technology, most patients experience very little discomfort.* If you’re having a more intense treatment, Dr. Sieber may prescribe you a narcotic pain medication to take prior to the procedure. Many describe the treatment as a feeling of heat with the occasional prickling sensation. In general, patients are comfortable. After the treatment, you may continue to feel warm for an additional 15 to 30 minutes, or a bit longer with deeper treatment levels.

Q: How soon after my treatment can I return to normal activities?

A: During the healing process, you need to keep your skin protected with a moisturizer and a sunscreen such as EltaMD or Cetaphil, but otherwise, you should be able to go about your normal activities. After the treatment, you will see very little change on the first day. After two to three days, you will develop a light bronzing appearance. By day three or four, your skin will peel, revealing new skin beneath.*

Q: When will I see results?

A: You will see initial results between 2-5 days following your Halo laser treatment, but your skin will continue to improve with time.* Most patients see the greatest pigmentary improvement in the first two to three weeks. New collagen formation and final results may take anywhere from 8-12 weeks.

Q: How long will my results last?

A: Halo laser results can last for years, but you must continue to keep your skin protected at all times with a UV sunscreen.* Each additional Halo laser treatment will only improve on your results, giving you even better looking skin.*

*Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Editorial content, before and after images, and patient testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of specific results.

Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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