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Understanding Teardrop vs Round Breast Implants

If you were to take a look at a natural breast on someone’s body, you’d notice right away that it’s not perfectly round. In fact, in many ways, when the individual is standing normally, it will take on a teardrop shape.

On the other hand, many women (and men) prefer a rounder boob shape, with a fuller upper pole.

Round … and teardrop shaped boobs. These are, in fact, the two options you have when it comes to choosing breast implants.

But don’t get the idea that choosing between teardrop vs round implants is easy!

Below, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of both silicone implants option, including how to determine what’s right for you when deciding between round and teardrop implants.

Teardrop Breast Implants vs Round

Round Breast Implants Vs Teardrop
Let’s start by discussing round implants.
A round implant is, as the name suggests, totally round when you lay it flat on the table. It has an evenly curved surface and a flat base. It is the same distance top to bottom as it is from side to side — perfectly round.

Now, let’s take a look at teardrop silicone gel implants. If you were to lay a teardrop breast implants on a table, you would notice that one side would be taller than its opposite side. Now, if you would lift the implant up by the thinner side, you would see that, when examined from a profile view, the teardrop implant takes on a teardrop shape.

Basically, a teardrop silicone implants is thicker on the bottom, which resembles a more natural breast shape.

Pros and Cons of Round Implants vs Teardrop Implants in Breast Augmentation

One benefit of round breast implants for breast enlargement is that you get more upper pole fullness. Plastic surgeons will talk about the “upper pole” and “lower pole” of the breast. Basically, the upper pole is the top half of the breast, and the lower pole is the bottom half of the breast.

Every individual is different, and everyone will have a different level of fullness on both poles. If you have more fullness on the bottom but are quite hollow on the top of your breast (the upper pole), a round implant may give you more volume there than a teardrop breast implants would.

Likewise, many people like round implants because they tend to be safer overall, and they also don’t cause any problems if they rotate. This is simply because a round silicone implant is perfectly symmetrical on all sides. So, if it rotates, it’s always going to look the same within the breast implant pocket.

The somewhat bad news about a round implant is that it doesn’t really lift the nipple. So, if you have nipples that tend to sag and point downward, a round implant is not going to help this issue as much as a teardrop breast implants would.

Teardrop silicone gel implants, likewise, are known for providing a more natural appearance by emphasizing the fullness on the lower pole of the breast. They are good for rather slim women who aren’t starting off with a lot of natural breast tissue and who especially don’t have much breast tissue on the lower pole.

Teardrop implants can help push out and stretch out this lower pole for a fuller, more natural shape.

One problem, however, as noted above, is that teardrop implants can sometimes rotate within the breast pocket. If this happens, it is noticeable at once and can look very odd. Unfortunately, it also sometimes requires surgery to correct.

What Is the Best Breast Implant Shape?

There really is no best breast implant shape for breast augmentation. Whether it’s a round breast implant or a teardrop (anatomical implants), it all comes down to the individual. More specifically, it comes down to two things:

  • The patient’s anatomy prior to surgery — their breast shape, the width of their chest and overall frame size, and the nature of their breast tissue
  • The patient’s goals — how they want their breasts to look after surgery

Because there are so many variables in regards to both of these points, it’s difficult to provide a prescriptive one-off answer here. Really, the only way to figure out the best breast shape for you and your goals is to schedule a plastic surgery consultation.

By booking a consultation, you can sit down one-on-one with your surgeon and go over how you want your breasts to look, what concerns you want to address, and how you want your lifestyle to be after surgery.

This is simply because some types breast of implants may require more maintenance and possible risks than others. This may be perfectly fine for some people who really want that specific type of implant, but for others, it’s a deal breaker, so they want to find something that is easier and more carefree.

Questions and Answers

What are smooth implants?

Smooth implants are the norm and are employed by most plastic surgeons. These implant shapes feature a sleek surface encompassing the implant.

In contrast, textured breast implants possess a delicate texture encircling them, as implied by their name.

What is better silicone or saline implants?

Both varieties of implants offer unique tactile sensations. Silicone implants are meticulously designed to closely resemble the texture of a real natural breast, offering a soft and lifelike touch. Conversely, saline implants typically have a firmer feel, yet in the event of rupture, the body can safely absorb the saline solution.

What are the most natural looking breast in?

Round implants exhibit a uniform texture and form, contributing to a brimming and uplifted appearance of the breasts. Conversely, teardrop implants possess a tapered contour at the upper portion and expand towards the lower part. This design emulates the natural shape of the breast, resulting in outcomes that are more authentic compared to those achieved with round breast implants.

Schedule a Consultation to Learn More

Teardrop Breast Implants Vs RoundAs stated, the best way to decide between round vs teardrop breast augmentation is to meet with your plastic surgeon one-on-one so that they can examine your frame and anatomy.

If you are wondering about teardrop breast implants before and after, want to learn more about breast augmentation, and what the best breast implant shape will be for you, call today and schedule your consultation with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



Tackling Common Hybrid Tummy Tuck Myths

If you’ve ever met someone who’s had a San Francisco tummy tuck before, you may have been surprised at first.

That’s because normally, people don’t talk much about their plastic surgery with others. But also, it’s extremely hard to notice when someone’s had a tummy tuck because the results are inevitably natural-looking, and any scarring is difficult to detect.

While this is great for tummy tuck patients, it also leads many people to assume that tummy tucks are rare and to believe the numerous tummy tuck myths that often circulate.

We’d like to debunk some of these myths and provide a more accurate representation of this truly life-changing surgery. So, below, we’ve exposed some of the top tummy tuck myths you may have heard.

Like most myths associated with medical procedures, these falsehoods often originate with people who have never had a tummy tuck and who certainly don’t know anything about the procedure.

Ready to begin? Let’s set the tummy tuck record straight once and for all!

Hybrid tummy tuck


Myth #1 – There’s just one type of tummy tuck.

There are actually several different types of tummy tucks. Dr. Sieber will go over each of these with you and recommend the one that will be best for your physique and the unique challenges you’re facing.

With that said, most patients end up opting for smaller procedure than a full Tummy Tuck procedure. This means that one lateral hip to hip incision is made along the pubic bone from one hip to the other. The stomach muscles are then tightened, the excess skin is cut off, and the incision is stitched up.

Other types of traditional tummy tuck include mini tummy tuck, mini abdominoplasty,, partial abdominoplasty procedures and extended abdominoplasty procedures.

Partial Tummy Tuck involves a smaller initial incision, so it’s often called a “mini tummy tuck.” Extended abdominoplasty involves an even smaller incision being made around the entire circumference of the abdomen. This more involved procedure essentially lifts up the entire musculature around the lower abdomen as well as the buttocks and thighs. It is often used for individuals who have recently gone through an extensive weight-loss journey and lost a significant amount of fat.

Myth #2 – Hybrid Tummy tuck will make you lose weight.

Tummy tuck don’t actually have anything to do with weight loss. They can certainly be combined with liposuction (and often are) to remove stubborn unwanted fat. But alone, the body, a tummy tuck is really focusing on excess skin and abdominal muscle suturing (tightening).

Dr. Sieber will essentially pull down the sagging skin on your lower abdomen like a window shade, cut off the excess at the bottom, and stitch the small incision up for an ultimately flatter, slimmer tummy.

Myth #3 – Everyone will be able to see your scars and know you had a Hybrid tummy tuck.

In fact, most people will never see your tummy tuck scars or know that you’ve had a tummy tuck unless you tell them.

That’s because expert plastic surgeons know exactly where to place the surgical incisions for the most discrete visibility. In both men and women, many scars will be below the underwear line. This means that even if you’re wearing a Speedo or very small bikini bottoms, the main incision shouldn’t be visible at all.

Furthermore, even in situations where the scar would be visible, it’s generally not very noticeable. Most people describe it as a faded white line that gets harder and harder to see over time. Especially if you follow essential scar care instructions post-surgery, your scar will likely lose its color gradually and slowly flatten out so that you’ll hardly know it’s there.

Myth #4 – Pregnancy is a no-go after a hybrid tummy tuck.

While most San Franicsco plastic surgeons recommend you wait to have a full tummy tuck done until you’re done having kids, there are no actual medical risks associated with getting pregnant after this procedure.

The main reason that this has become a myth is that the results from your tummy tuck may not last through a pregnancy. The skin on your abdominal muscles will naturally be stretched out with the growth of the baby, and you may end up with stretch marks and/or more loose skin after birth.

Myth #5 – Only young people can get Hybrid tummy tuck.

Certainly, the majority of tummy tuck patients are in their 30s and 40s (56.3% of Tummy Tuck patients in 2018 were between 35 and 50). However, this doesn’t mean that the procedure is only for those under 50.

In fact, many patients in their 50s and beyond have successfully undergone tummy tuck surgery and profit daily from the wonderful benefits. Generally speaking, you need only be a nonsmoker and in good overall physical health (at a healthy stable weight) in order to qualify for tummy tuck surgery.

Myth #6 – Hybrid Tummy tuck are for people who can’t lose weight on their own.

Again, tummy tucks are not for individuals who are looking for a weight-loss solution.

On its own, the tummy tuck procedure does not remove a considerable amount of abdominal fat. Instead, its primary role is to remove excess hanging skin and tighten separated ab muscles. Of course, both of these goals are nearly impossible to achieve on your own, even with the strictest diet and most vigorous exercise routine.

What is a hybrid tummy tuck

Schedule a consultation

Are you interested in gaining confidence and self-esteem with a tummy tuck? A tummy tuck can get rid of bothersome by removing excess skin, abdominal skin, muscle tightening, fix belly button issues and leave you feeling slim and svelte.

The procedure is ideal for those who have recently lost a significant amount of weight and mothers who are done having children. It’s also best if you’ve retained good muscle tone and skin elasticity in your upper abdomen.

You can discuss all of these factors with Dr. Sieber a board certified plastic surgeon at your initial consultation appointment.

To book yours today, give our San Francisco office a call at 415-915-9000.


How Often Is Breast Asymmetry Cancer?

The term breast asymmetry can be confusing because on one hand, it can mean a physical discrepancy in size between each of a woman’s breasts. In this case, the asymmetry would be visible — either without clothes on, or with clothes on, or both.

Alternatively, “breast asymmetry” is also a term used by doctors and radiologists to indicate the presence of a suspicious white area in a woman’s breast tissue — when viewed in a mammogram report. This area can show up on only one breast and not the other, thus revealing an asymmetry.

Many women worry about both types of breast asymmetry in regards to the possibility of developing breast cancer. Naturally, we worry when anything on our bodies becomes asymmetrical, and the feeling can be very uncomfortable and scary. Not uncommonly, women wonder: “How often is breast asymmetry cancer?”

In this article, we’ll explore what can cause a physical difference in the size or shape of your breasts — or a breast asymmetry on your mammogram report. We’ll also look at what you can do about noncancerous uneven breasts. Breast asymmetry surgery in San Francisco is one viable option.

How Often Is Breast Asymmetry Cancer?

Do Asymmetric Mammographic Findings Mean a Breast Cancer Diagnosis?

Breast asymmetry is certainly something radiologists examine in your mammogram results. However, only rarely does a breast asymmetry on a diagnostic mammogram report mean breast cancer. Usually, it’s an anomaly that’s simply caused the breast density to be different in one breast. This dense breast tissue shows up as white on a mammogram report.

At the same time, doctors like to be sure that any dense breast tissue (often labeled a focal asymmetry) is not worrisome, as it is potentially possible for a breast asymmetry to lead to a breast cancer diagnosss. According to the American Cancer Society, if asymmetric breast tissue is found, “more imaging tests will likely be needed to make sure there is no breast cancer in this area.”

Visibly Uneven Breasts

How Often Is Breast Asymmetry On Mammogram A CancerLikewise, breast asymmetry that is a visible difference in breast shape and/or size can cause some women to worry about developing breast cancer too. Fortunately, the response from doctors is overall positive. 

Typically, a physical breast size or shape difference is not a breast cancer risk. Of course, it’s good to check your risk of developing breast cancer (lifestyle risk factors, genetic risk factors, etc.). Some women are at increased risk for breast disease.

As long as any further testing or labs reveal no presence of breast cancer or underlying conditions that must be treated, some women who have size and shape discrepancies in their breasts may choose to undergo breast asymmetry surgery.

What Is Breast Asymmetry Surgery?

Breast asymmetry surgery is a personalized cosmetic procedure that can correct breast asymmetry in healthy women. As long as any breast cancer risk has been ruled out (if applicable), most women qualify for this surgery, which can alleviate discomfort associated with breast asymmetry. 

Keep in mind that physical breast asymmetry does not mean breast asymmetry on a mammogram. You can have unevenly shaped or sized breasts and not have an asymmetric mammographic finding (or vice versa).

Breast Asymmetry Surgery Options

If you are thinking about breast asymmetry surgery, your procedure will depend on your unique goals. Some women may opt to have their smaller breast enlarged with a breast augmentation (implants) or fat transfer, for example. If you want to take your larger breast down to a smaller size, we can also perform a breast reduction on one (or both) breasts. 

Finally, if the position of one or both breasts (how they sit on your chest wall and project outward) is what’s bothering you, a breast lift may help. This procedure can adjust the shape and positioning of your breasts while only using your own natural breast tissue.

FAQ: Breast Asymmetry and Breast Cancer

Does asymmetry mean mass in a mammogram report?

No, if breast imaging reporting indicates an asymmetry, this is referring to the density of your breast tissue, not an indication of a mass (or definite breast cancer risk). It’s not a referral to the size or shape of your breasts either.

How often is breast asymmetry on mammogram a cancer?

While asymmetric mammographic findings of breast tissue based on a mammographic breast density test may reveal an asymmetry, it is rare for such findings to automatically indicate developing breast cancer. 

What is the next step after finding asymmetry in a mammogram?

Your medical team will want to find out why there is a discrepancy in the scanned images of your breasts. This usually means performing additional tests — sometimes another mammogram report or sometimes an ultrasound, breast MRI, breast biopsy, or other type of breast cancer screening. It’s not uncommon that, once additional breast imaging reporting is performed on the dense breast tissue, the results end up showing as normal.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

The main symptoms of breast cancer include:

  • Redness of the breast tissue and skin
  • Changes to the nipple appearance
  • Puckering on the breast skin
  • Breast lumps
  • Nipple scaliness
  • Thicker skin (abnormal)
  • Breast or nipple ulcers
  • Nipple discharge

Additionally, it’s worth noting that some women are at slightly higher risk to develop breast cancer because of their family history. They may also be more predisposed for developing asymmetric breast tissue in general. These women should have mammogram screening and breast imaging performing regularly to ensure their breast cancer risk is low.

Book Your Consultation With Dr. Sieber

How Often Is Breast Asymmetry CancerMost patients with breast asymmetry will not develop breast cancer as a result. A real breast cancer diagnosis is generally preceded by other symptoms (sudden breast changes, breast lesions, lumps, etc.) and known risk factors, not only by a change in breast density. If you have concerns, however, please do not hesitate to contact your doctor and request additional breast cancer screening tests. 

If you have physically uneven breasts and you would like to learn more about your options for breast asymmetry surgery, contact Sieber Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation appointment with double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber.



Top Breast Asymmetry Reasons

Many women like the idea of having larger breasts while others are happy with modestly sized breasts or even small breasts. But it’s nearly unheard of for any woman to be happy with asymmetrical breasts.

Not only can this issue be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it can also be disconcerting. What are the causes of breast asymmetry? you wonder. Could it be a problem with my implants? A hormonal imbalance? Breast cancer?

Below, we’ll go over the top breast asymmetry reasons, then discuss some of the best ways we treat asymmetrical breasts if this issue has been bothering you.

Top Reasons for Uneven Breasts

#1 – Pregnancy

As a woman’s body goes through the stages of pregnancy, her breasts may change drastically — usually becoming larger. This is the body preparing itself for breast milk production with the secretion of prolactin and the growth of breast duct cells.

#2 – Breastfeeding

If a woman is breastfeeding her baby after childbirth, the size and shape of her breasts will vary significantly from week to week, day to day, and hour to hour — depending on how much milk she is carrying and needs to produce at any given time.

#3 – Puberty

Certain young women may develop breast asymmetries during puberty. These changes usually resolve quickly, and the breasts become evenly shaped and sized as the puberty stage ends.

#4 – Menstruation

During menstruation, changes in hormones may cause the size or shape of one or both breasts to change. Like puberty-related changes, these are usually short-lived, and the breasts will regulate in volume after a few days or weeks.

#5 – Injury or Trauma

Injury to a single breast is one of the main reasons for sudden asymmetry in breast growth in adult female individuals. Some injuries can cause cysts or swelling, for example. This may be after a car accident, a fall, or even during or after a significant illness.

#6 – Normal Changes Due to Aging

Certain women simply experience varied breast shape as they age. Gravity, posture, sleeping position, exercise routines, and other common daily activities can slowly alter the way the breasts sit on the chest wall.

#7 – Implant Issues

Finally, if a woman has breast implants, she may experience uneven breasts due to capsular contracture in one breast or a leaking or ruptured implant. This is more common with saline implants, as when a saline implant ruptures, the fluid may leak entirely out, leaving a noticeable difference in breast size.

Breast Asymmetry on Mammogram Reasons

Reasons For Sudden Asymmetry In Breast Growth In Adult FemaleOccasionally, women will go for their annual mammogram and receive results that indicate asymmetrical breasts. This is a cause of concern for many women, who obviously worry that a  mammogram results with breast asymmetry could mean breast cancer or another serious medical problem.

Often, mammogram results will indicate that asymmetries are related to density, breast tissue volume, or structure. In fact, any of these asymmetries are fairly normal and not a sign of developing breast cancer. Nearly all of the time, asymmetries in mammogram results are benign.

In fact, what an asymmetrical result is indicating is that a specific area on one breast is different in some way from the same area on the other breast. The difference may be calculated with a number indicating the relative breast volume asymmetry value. In these cases, radiologists will often order additional tests (a breast biopsy or breast ultrasound, for example) or follow-up mammograms to be sure that any asymmetries are benign.

Usually, the differences have to do with a change in size, volume, or form over time. More rarely, mammogram machinery and technology may be faulty. Again, it is uncommon for breast asymmetry to be a sign of breast cancer. Usually, other symptoms such as flaky red skin around the nipple, dimpling irritated breast skin, swollen breasts, or distinct breast lumps are the notable signs of possible breast cancer.

If you ever have questions about an asymmetrical mammogram or the possibility of breast cancer and your personal cancer risk, never be afraid to consult your doctor or radiologist about follow-up tests. Breast cancer research is constantly improving and evolving to save more lives.

How Is Breast Asymmetry Treated?

Breast Asymmetry ReasonsThe good news about most cases of uneven breasts is that the issue can be treated with reconstructive surgery. However, the first thing we always want to do when a patient comes in with uneven breasts is to make sure that there’s not a worrisome underlying cause. 

For this reason, we like to have a consultation appointment with you where we can discuss your medical history — and possibly schedule some additional medical tests for you to ensure that your breast asymmetry is not caused by an underlying condition that needs to be treated.

Once we’ve done that and the cause of asymmetry is benign and not requiring treatment, we can discuss the various ways to correct your asymmetry and give you breasts that look full, natural, attractive, and — most of all — symmetrical. With breast asymmetry surgery, it always depends on the patient and the particular situation each patient is in with her breasts. The following procedures are the options we usually turn to when correcting breast size asymmetry:

Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants)

A breast augmentation using breast implants is one of the most common procedures performed to correct breast asymmetry. In fact, it is often performed after a prior unsatisfactory breast augmentation as a breast augmentation revision surgery.

During this procedure, a small incision is made in the breast, and a saline or silicone implant is inserted to add volume. Breast implants run the gamut from large and voluminous to very small and natural-looking. You will have plenty of time to discuss your implant options with Dr. Sieber and his staff.

Breast Fat Transfer

Breast augmentation fat transfer surgery is a two-stage process that first involves using liposuction to take out unwanted fat from one (or multiple) areas of the body (usually the abdomen). The second step is the re-injection of that fat (after it has been processed outside the body) into one or both breasts.

Breast Lift

Sometimes, the position of a breast on the chest wall is thus that it sits lower than the other breast. This can be corrected with a lift to one or both breasts.

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, requires an incision to be made around the areola (the darker part of the skin that surrounds the nipple) and usually, an incision to be made from the lower part of the areola down to the crease beneath the breast. Sometimes, an additional incision is made along the crease. Then, excess skin, fat, and breast tissue is removed, and the incisions are closed up.

Breast Reduction

Finally, if the patient is interested in bringing the size of the larger breast down, a breast reduction can be performed.

Some patients with asymmetrical breasts may want to simply perform a breast reduction on one breast to make it the same size as the other, smaller breast. Other patients may want to reduce the overall size of both breasts and because of the asymmetry, this may involve removing more fat, breast tissue, and skin from one breast, in particular.

Uneven Breasts? Schedule a Consultation Today

Do you have uneven breasts that look and feel asymmetrical in volume, shape, or position? Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Sieber can help.

Contact us today to book a consultation to discuss breast asymmetry surgery with Dr. Sieber. We look forward to your call. 



How Long Will My Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

During a BBL consultation appointment, it is common for patients to inquire about the duration of a full Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. This is a valid concern as individuals undergoing such a significant surgery naturally desire long-lasting results. In the following sections, we will aim to provide a comprehensive answer to this question.

However, before delving into the details, let’s take a brief overview of what a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure entails.

Brazilian butt lift after 10 yearsWHAT IS A BBL?

A Brazilian butt lift — or BBL, for short — is a fat transfer procedure that involves removing excess fat from one or several areas of the body and re-injecting that fat into the buttock, thighs and hips. The first stage of the procedure is performed using liposuction.

Brazilian butt lift surgery has been increasing in popularity in recent years because of the general desire people have for larger bottoms and smaller, “snatched” waists. This is an especially desirable figure for women who naturally have “straight” or “apple-shaped” figures and who want more curves.


In brief, there’s no simple answer to the question, “How long does a BBL last?”.

Some plastic surgeons like to throw around the time period of five or six weeks to 10 years, and certainly, this is possible for many patients. We have seen a fat transfer BBL after 10 years do very well.

Still, it’s difficult to give a specific answer to the aforementioned question because there are so many variables involved. Below, we’ll go over a few of the most impactful variables and factors when it comes to determining the permanency of your Brazilian butt lift procedure based of the BBL technique used. Use this information to your advantage, to help maintain your BBL results for as long as possible.



First, we need to take a look at how well the fat “sticks” to its new location in the buttock area. 

When your surgeon uses liposuction to remove the unwanted fat from your abdomen or butt implants (or another place where you have pockets of undesirable fat), that fat needs to “survive” the transfer. In other words, it needs to become living fat in its new location, and it will do this when each fat cell achieves a new blood supply in the buttock.

Unfortunately, not all fat is going to survive this healing process. There is going to be a certain percentage of “fat loss” in every surgery, and the more fat that doesn’t make it, the fewer the number of cells that will remain to maintain your results.


Another factor that will impact how long your Brazilian Butt Lift will last is whether or not the “new fat” ends up migrating during your recovery period.

During the weeks and months directly after your surgery, it is important that you follow all of the aftercare instructions given to you by your surgeon. For example, you will be told to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks. You will be told not to lie down on your back so that you can keep the weight and pressure off of your buttocks.

When patients don’t follow these directions closely is when problems arise and long-term results are affected.

For example, if you were to sit directly on your buttocks or lean on one side of your buttocks for even an hour or so, this could actually cause the excess fat that were injected into your hips and buttocks to migrate to another area. That’s because the injected fat is still malleable and unstable at this point.

Think of it this way: Directly after BBL surgery, the fat in your buttocks and hips is acting a bit like toothpaste in a tube. That is, if you were to press on one end of a tube of toothpaste, the toothpaste would expand to the opposite end of the tube and cause that side of the tube to expand. There would also be a depression left where you pushed down.

You need to avoid putting any type of pressure on your buttocks for at least several weeks after surgery, or this could compromise your results.


One of the most important and impactful things you can do after Brazilian butt lift surgery in order to maintain your results is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and your body weight. Here’s why:

Every person is born with a certain amount of excess fat. If you have liposuction performed, a certain number of remove excess fat cells are permanently removed from your body (and they won’t grow back). But some fat cells will always remain — even where liposuction is performed.

On your buttocks and hip areas, you will naturally be receiving additional cells during your Brazilian Butt lift surgery. These cells are ultimately going to act like any other cells you’ve ever had in the fat tissue in your body. If you gain weight (i.e., if you consume more calories than your body needs), each of the fat cells is going to expand. And your buttocks will expand in size. Even areas where you had liposuction will expand in size.

On the other hand, if you consume fewer calories than your body needs and create a calorie deficit, the fat cells in your buttocks will shrink in size, and you will actually lose results because your overall butt size will shrink.

The sweet spot in terms of body weight after your Brazilian butt lift is simply to maintain the same body weight you had when you had surgery. This is best done through consuming a healthy diet of clean, whole foods and exercising regularly — performing both cardiovascular workouts and strength training exercises.

How long does a bbl lastQuestions and Answers

How permanent is a BBL?

The outcomes of your Brazilian butt lift procedure are considered semi-permanent. This is because fat cells in the body naturally undergo changes over time, making it unrealistic to expect a completely permanent outcome from the surgery.

Will I lose my BBL if I workout?

Engaging in exercise and experiencing weight loss after undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) will not accelerate the reduction of grafted fat any more than the fat on other areas of the body.

However, it is important to note that the individual fat cells, often referred to as “balloons,” may shrink in size.

Will you still have your fat transfer BBL after 10 years?

By diligently following the necessary measures to preserve your Brazilian Butt Lift procedure results, you can anticipate retaining a substantial portion of the fat transferred to your buttocks for numerous years.

Remarkably, certain individuals have successfully maintained their Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) outcomes even after a decade. It is entirely plausible for the results of a BBL to endure for several decades, eliminating the necessity for a secondary BBL procedure.


Want to find out more about Brazilian butt lift surgery and how long your personal results would be expected to last?

A consultation appointment is your chance to speak one-on-one with Dr. Sieber about your options, candidacy, and long-term outlook. Schedule your consultation by contacting our office today.



Dr. Dave Sieber and his staff are so awesome! Dr. Sieber is personable yet professional, his work is impeccable. He listens to his patient and works with them to achieve what they want. He’s like my hair dresser, a magician, you just want to do a happy dance with the results, only these results are lasting. Ok, but seriously, the procedure was very smooth, the staff and the doctors (Dr Sieber and the anesthesiologist) had great communication and made sure I was comfortable with very clear and concise pre op and post op directions. The healing process was very easy and the results are FABULOUS. Side note, Dr. Sieber has really awesome skin, I feel like this is impressive and important because really, would you trust a dentist with bad teeth? I am so elated and satisfied with the results, the size is perfect and they look and feel very natural. They are exactly what I wanted.*

SF Scientist

Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is a doctor who is not only extremely knowledgeable about the latest in cosmetic procedures, but a doctor who truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him!*


Dr. Sieber is attentive, responsive, and well trained. I had seen him for Botox and filler and he had done both without any pain or bruising and more importantly the results were fabulous. He has met with me on time at each appointment. He communicates what to expect, made sure I was comfortable throughout the procedure, checked on my healing every day post procedure. He couldn’t be more delightful not more talented. I had seen other plastic surgeons for in office treatments over the past decade and Dr. Sieber is at the top of the list in terms of delivering the desired outcome and high quality care.*

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